Amu's POV

It was weird.

In Elysium, there were people, like real, flesh-living people.

However, Ikuto told me they were still dead.

"They were rewarded with a body as a vessel; however, their bodies don't function. For example, their hearts aren't beating," he explained.

"Then why do they have them?" I asked. We were at a cafe, eating sandwiches. People sat around us, but they couldn't hear what we were saying because of all the noise from people's chatters. Everybody looks normal; things looked normal. It felt like I was back at Earth.

"They...prefer it this way. It was what they were used to and they wish to keep it."

He took a big bite of the sandwich and looked around nonchalantly.

"How long are we going to stay here?"

"Hm, maybe a day. We'll need to stock up and relax while we can."

I nodded and quickly finished my sandwich. Staring at the window, I rested my chin on the palm of my hand. People walked by, the small sun gleamed down at us, and the lush grass swayed slightly.

I miss my mom, miss Earth.

Ikuto may have noticed my home sickness, because he got up and held a hand out to me.

"Since we won't stay here that long, there's something I would like to show you. It's a very beautiful place." He flashed a mischievous smile.

Wary, I took his warm hand, and he led the way after paying for our food. We walked through the urban and into the rural parts of the city. More vegetation and less human modification appeared.

Then, we entered a forest. Birds chirped their songs and the trees bowed down at us, swaying. I felt the grass tickling my ankles, and the wind beckoned me to keep walking.

We stopped at a little tunnel.

"Ready?"he asked, slipping his hand away from mine.

I nodded and we entered.

The scenery was breathtaking.

There were a lot of bright colors.

A field of flowers greeted me.

The sun shined brightly on the lush grass, reflecting their light green color.

It's so beautiful.

Mother would have liked it.

She would have talked to the flowers.

She would have said how beautiful they are.

She would have asked me to join her.

But she's not here.

Tears streamed down my face, but I quickly wiped them away.

Ikuto eyes widen and he began to panic.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to...We could leave," he blabbered.

I shook my head. "No, it's not that. This place is really beautiful. Thank you."

He didn't look convinced, but he stayed quiet.

We spent hours here. Ikuto took a nap while I went to the field. I picked some pretty white flowers and weaved them into a crown.

I glanced back at Ikuto. His black clothes stood out among the light green grass.

Is he really sleeping?

I walked over to him. Stretched out, he had his hands under his head with his eyes closed.

I bend on my knees to take a closer look him. His skin was as white as snow compared to my sun kissed tan, and his navy blue hair was covering his eyes. I reached out to brush his hair away but then he spoke.

"Trying to be sneaky, pervert?" He asked, smirking with his eyes still closed.

I felt my cheeks flush and put my hand back down.

"No way. There was just something I wanted to give you."

Ikuto sat up and looked at me with his dark blue eyes with curiosity.

I held out the flower crown.

"For you," I said bashfully, offering a small smile.

He returned the smile, except it was sad and wistful.

"I don't deserve such a pretty, delicate thing. Death God, remember?"

"But that's not how I see you. Even though your heart is heavy, it is kind." I placed the crown on his head and took a few steps back to examine my handiwork.

"Looks good! With the crown, your handsomeness has enhanced." I gave him a double thumbs up, and he laughed.

His laugh was more beautiful than the flowers.

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QOD: Your favorite greek god(ess)?