"I bet you...I bet you I can eat these both."


"I'll bet you... five dollars."

"Jack, don't."


"Jack, I'm not giving you five dollars to eat both yours and my popcorn!" Hiccup said, moving so the food was out of his boyfriend's reach.

"Oh! Oh!" Jack said, bouncing up and down in his seat, his eyes brightening with excitement at his new idea. "I bet you five dollars that I can eat them both before the show starts! Okay? Okay, now had it over!"

Hiccup leaned back as Jack tried to reach over him. Damn his boyfriend for being taller. "No, it's my food, Jack! You already had cotton candy!"

"But I need five dollars!"

"Then ask your parents!" He ended up leaning away so far that he fell back into the lady sitting next to them. Hiccup shot forward with a squeak and looked back at her. "I-I'm so sorry ma'am!" In that moment, Jack took the opportunity to swipe the popcorn bag out of Hiccup's hands.

The woman just sniffled and scooted away from Hiccup in response. He couldn't really blame her for that. At the moment though, he wasn't paying attention anymore, instead turning to his boyfriend with a glare. "Give. It. Back." He held out a hand for the bag.

"You know what, I think I could do three bags by the time the show starts." Jack muttered, then turned his head to look around. "Do you think they're selling any more bags-?"

"Jack! Give it!" Hiccup pouted, reaching out and gripping the edge of it. He started to pull it away. "You're such a jerk!"

Said jerk turned his attention back to Hiccup with a smirk. "A jerk that you love." He teased, giving back the bag. "Fine, if you want the food so much, here you go."

"Don't know why I love you. Can't believe I chose you..." Hiccup grumbled to himself, turning away. Jack chuckled and leaned forward to kiss Hiccup's cheek, but Hiccup leaned away.

"Oh, come on. You don't say then when I'm kissing you." Jack chuckled.

"That's cause when you're kissing me you're mouth is shut and you aren't talking." Hiccup glanced over at him, a small grin gracing his face. He shook his head. "You're a dork."

"But I'm your dork." Jack playfully pushed him.

Hiccup was about to reply when the show cut him off, it was starting. Hiccup scooted closer to his boyfriend and they both turned his attention to the show. The ended up cuddling as it went on, and it was surprisingly enjoyable for them both.

Once the show was over they got up to file out of the tent. "... I wanna sneak to the back to see all the animals." Jack whispered after a pause between them.

"Gods, Jack." Hiccup sighed. "You can't do that."

"I'm going to do it."

"I can't take you anywhere, can I?"