"Emma you look beautiful." I stood in front of a tall mirror looking at myself in an elegant white ball gown. It had feathered detail near the shoulders and beaded on the torso. The bottom was big and poofy. I was so uncomfortable. My parents were throwing me a special ball for my 18th birthday and I've never felt more out of place. I was royalty by birth but it wasn't who I was.
"Thank you mother." Snow stood behind me and gazed into the mirror. So did my father.
"Tonight is your night Emma. You can find you a nice prince and live happily ever after." My father's words sickened me. I didn't want a prince. I wanted a princess or a queen. I've never found men attractive but I couldn't tell them that. If they ever knew I liked women they would probably disown me and a riot would break out in the kingdom.
"May I have some time to myself before I'm announced?" My parents smiled and walked out of the room. When I knew they were gone I sat on my bed. I was never the ball type. I didn't know how to dance. I didn't even like dresses. My hair was pulled back which was fine but the tiara was poking me. It itched but I knew if I tried to scratch or take it out I'd surely mess up my hair. I jumped slightly when there was a knock at my door. "Yes?"
"Emma, you're about to be announced." I shrugged and bowed my head.
"Thank you. I'll be out in a moment." Our butler, Jacob, was the only one who knew I was attracted to women. We had the conversation when I saw him and the stable boy kissing in the barn. The fact we were both gay was our secret. Taking a deep breath, I stood and fixed myself before walking out of my room.
As I stood at the top of the grand staircase, everyone's eyes were on me. "Announcing Princess Emma." I smiled at Jacob before descending the stairs. As I walked my eyes fell upon a beautiful brunette woman. She was in a light blue ball gown with a beaded torso with off the shoulder sleeves. The bottom of her gown wasn't nearly as poofy as mine and I suddenly envied her. I wanted to know who she was. Her eyes met mine and I couldn't help but think how enchanting they were.
My parents waited for me at the bottom and my father took my hand to help me down the last step. "Thank you." They introduced me to people left and right; all were men. I kept an eye out for the brunette.
"May I steal a dance from the princess?" I chuckled when Jacob asked for a dance. He took me to the outskirts of the room. "You look like you're having lots of fun." I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm.
"Oh so much fun." As we turned I saw the brunette again. "Who is she? The brunette in the blue gown." We turned so he could get a look without seeming obvious.
"That is Princess Regina; daughter of Cora and Henry. She's very pretty. I'm guessing you find her attractive? She is your type." I glared playfully at Jacob who just gave me his cheesy grin. We turned again and luckily she didn't move. Regina was dancing with an older gentleman who was starting to lose his hair. "The man she's dancing with is her father. As far as royal gossip goes she's to be wed soon." My heart sank. "Though I think her tastes run like yours." I looked to Jacob. "I believe she's attracted to women as well. And I believe she's been watching you all night."
"She has?" Jacob smiled with a nod. I could feel a slight blush cross my cheeks. "She's gorgeous." He chuckled.
"Go to the balcony or your tree and I'm sure she will fallow. I'll keep your parents from looking for you as long as I can." I thanked Jacob and kissed him on the cheek. He scrunched his nose jokingly. As I passed Regina and her father I made sure to make eye contact and give a soft smile. I went to my apple tree. It was the one place in the kingdom, besides the stables, where I felt normal and free.
"You seem rather uncomfortable in a gown." Jacob was right. I turned and smiled as she walked towards me.
"Very much so." Regina came and stood near the tree. She smiled at it when she realized it was an apple tree. "I've taken care of this since I was young. I used to climb it all the time. Still do if I want to get away from everyone if I can't ride my horse."
"I have an apple tree as well." I reached up and picked two apples. Regina took the apple I offered. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." I took a bite and leaned against the tree. "I can't wait until this ball is over and I can get back into pants." Regina chuckled between bites.
"Yes, I enjoy dresses but I'm more comfortable in pants." We fell into a comfortable silence. "If you don't mind me saying, you don't look very comfortable dancing."
"I'm not. I don't know how to ballroom dance. I could never pick it up." I bit my lip nervously and looked away.
"I could teach you." Regina took a step towards me; gaining my attention. Regina gave me a soft smile that put me at ease. Come on Emma, this is what you wanted. You wanted to know her or get to know her.
"Thank you." I was nervous. Not just because I didn't want to look like an idiot in front of Regina but also because I got nervous around women I found attractive.
"Since you're not sure what to do, I'll be the lead. Is that alright?" I gave her a soft but nervous smile. "Okay, take my hands." Regina held both of her hands towards me about waist high. I took them and was amazed at how soft they were. "Don't be nervous Emma." I loved hearing her say my name. Regina pulled me close and spun me slowly with one hand. "Step closer and take my hand. Keep your eyes on mine and let your body feel the motions." I did as she instructed and gazed into her chocolate eyes. We stepped in a circle but each step was light and airy. Regina spun me slightly and guided me by placing her hand on my hip. She must have noticed the sharp breath I took when her hand touched me. "No worries. You're doing fine." We spun slowly again and she pulled me close. I could feel the heat from her body behind me and her breath on my neck. "You move like a swan Emma."
"Thank you. Only because I have a good teacher." We went through the motions a few more times before I felt comfortable. I loved when she drew me close. The next dance she taught was simple enough but I didn't care. Regina took my right hand in her left and let me rest my left on her shoulder. When she placed her right hand on my hip I smiled slightly. We stepped in sync and got lost in the light music from the ballroom. Our eyes never left each other's and we fell into a comfortable silence. Regina started to hum in rhythm with our movements.
"So why are your parents really throwing you this grand ball?" Why did she have to bring that up? I almost forgot about the ball and just got lost in her.
"They want me to meet a prince and live happily ever after." Regina spun me under her arm and then placed her hand on my hip again.
"And you don't want that? To be happy I mean." I tried letting her spin and she did, gracefully. It was like she was gliding not dancing.
"I do want to be happy. It's just…" My voice trailed off. I'm sure if I told her I liked women, she would leave and never speak to me again.
"You want something else. You want a different kind of happiness?" Does she know? How could she? "To be honest, I'm the same way." Anxiety was lifted from me instantly. Was she gay as well?
"Really?" Regina gave me a soft smile and a nod. I bit my lip again. "Come with me? I have two sets of clothes at the stables and we can ride my horses or something." I could see Regina contemplating my request.
"What if we're missed?" I thought a moment. She wants to get away from this.
"My friend is keeping my parents at bay." I held out my hand and she took it.