June. 2266 - South London.

There was nowhere on Earth quite like England when the sun shone. Nyota had confessed to not knowing the country on much of a personal level at all. She had visited a few times; for work with Starfleet, and once on a small holiday with her Academy friends, and both times it had rained. A lot. Her memories of the place were gloomy and dull, yet busy and teeming with life and activity. To behold the country when it was bathed in sunshine was a treat and a sight to enjoy.

Now, England was her home with Khan and Nirvanah, and had been happily for over a year. Khan had wanted to return to London, to build his new life with Nyota on the ashes of his old one; his life that had consisted of manipulation and prejudice hatred, where so much had been suffered through and lost. He wanted to atone with his mother country, to create happiness where only sadness had once been before, and he could only do that with the woman he loved most in this world, and the child he so adored.

Admiral Wells had used his British connections to help Khan and Nyota find work within Starfleet in London. They wanted to continue working for the Federation, so he ensured they were working in fields he knew they could still excel in, whilst balancing a home life for their daughter. His input also helped them find their home; a modern, South London suburban town house, ideal for a little family, and just out of the way of the bustle of Central London.

Nyota emerged from the house into their small garden, - they had a garden! Something she had not had herself since she was a little girl living with her parents. - Khan was laying on his back on the grass, with a nineteen month old Nirvanah held up over his head. The little girl was squealing with glee, laughs pouring from her and limbs waving in the air as Khan pretended she was flying. Khan watched her with delight, laughing as she did.

He noticed Nyota standing on the patio and gasped up at Nirvanah, "Look!" He told her, the girl's giggles quelled as Khan turned her slightly to see Nyota.

"Mama!" She exclaimed as Nyota grinned at her.

Khan sat up, bringing the child down from the skies and carefully setting her on her feet. Once she was steady, he released her and Nirvanah toddled over to greet her mother as fast as her little legs could carry her. Nyota stepped onto the grass and crouched down, extending her arms out to the child. Nirvanah reached her and giggled, flopping into her embrace.

"Hello my angel!" Nyota kissed her, scooping her up as she got to her feet. "Have you been having fun with Daddy?"

Nirvanah beamed at her, flashing her baby teeth, before turning in Nyota's arms and looking over her shoulder to find her daddy. Khan was still sat on the grass watching them, and pulled a face at the toddler who erupted into laughter again. Balancing the child on her hip, Nyota walked over to him. Nirvanah squirmed in her mothers hold to be released as they got nearer to him.

"Okay, okay!" Nyota laughed as the child wriggled. She put her down and let her run to him. Nirvanah was strong and had learnt to walk with ease, so running was the natural progression, and like all toddlers, she loved to run.

"I'll race you!" Khan said as she neared him. He got to his feet, keeping his posture small and Nirvanah squeaked, delighted, and began running up the garden.

Nyota sat in Khan's spot on the grass and watched him slowly race their daughter, letting her win as she reached the back fence before he did. Nyota cheered loudly and Khan acted exhausted, flopping to the ground, puffed out.

"Daddy, Daddy!" Nirvanah ran to him and he sat up suddenly, pulling her into his lap and tickling her relentlessly. She laughed wildly.

Nyota smiled, she adored their lazy summer afternoons.


"Mummy, up!"

Nyota lifted the wide awake child from her crib. Sunday was her favourite day, their lazy day where both Khan and herself were at home. She carried Nirvanah downstairs to the rest of the house, setting her down as she heard her PADD signal from the little study to her right. Nirvanah had already wandered off, following the noises coming from the kitchen, so she went to inspect her device.

Khan was wandering around the sun soaked kitchen preparing breakfast. He idly listened to the news reporter on the screen on the far wall as he dropped several pieces of bread in the toaster and yawned. He felt a small tug on one of his trouser legs and looked down to see the little person in her bumble-bee print pyjamas trying to get his attention.

"Good morning, my treasure." He smiled and she returned it, eyes sparkling. "Do you want some breakfast?"

Nirvanah reached her arms out to him and he picked her up, holding her easily with one arm and taking her over to the fridge.

"Juice pleese." She pointed to the orange carton. Khan smiled and got it from the fridge, placing it on the counter.

"Now, strawberry or apricot yoghurt?" He asked her.


The toast pinged from the toaster, surprising Nirvanah, yet as she ogled the machine, it slowly set her into a fit of giggles. Khan didn't understand her delayed amusement but the fact that she found it funny at all was amusing in itself. He poured orange juice into her sippy-cup and handed it to her. She took a drink, still laughing and spluttered, laughing again.

"You cannot drink and laugh." He told her, taking the cup from her as she caught her breath, "You also cannot drink and drive, or pilot." He let her take the juice again and sighed. "But I'll remind you of that when you're older."

Nyota entered the kitchen and breezed past them, over to the coffee machine. "Guess who's coming to visit today, Nirvanah?"

The child looked over her father's shoulder with big eyes and a face full of juice, watching as her mother turned to her.

"Uncle Jim!" Nyota said, Nirvanah's eyes widened as she smiled around her sippy-cup. "He says he has a present for you."

She wriggled her legs with excitement, softly kicking Khan in the ribs as he walked over to the kitchen table with her and some food.

"Aren't you a lucky girl." He said, letting her sit on his lap, "But first; food please." He gave her a spoon so she could eat her yoghurt, but she picked up his piece of toast with her free hand and began eating that instead.


Kirk poked his head around the living room door and spotted Nirvanah on the floor playing a matching game on her interactive holo-sim. The projection showed her shapes in various colours in front of a simulated box, her mission was to match the correct colours and shapes to fit into the box. Nyota was sat comfortably on the sofa, reading whilst keeping a eye open for any trouble. She smiled at Jim and he waved, staying quiet so he could surprise the child who hadn't yet noticed his arrival.

"Nirvanah…" He sang. Her attention immediately snapped away from the holo-sim at the familiar voice.


"How's my favourite little monster?" He got to the floor and cuddled her. "You been practicing being bad like I told you?"

"Fortunately for us, she seems to understand that your encouragements are ridiculous." Khan had stepped into the room, smiling slowly, "Oh, but she is learning to associate you with presents, and expects to be spoilt whenever you visit."

Nirvanah was beaming at him, eyes twinkling.

"Well I'm not one to disappoint." Jim told her as he sat cross legged on the floor next to her holo-sim. "Khan, can I borrow your PADD?" He gestured to the device under his arm, and Khan handed it to him, before taking a seat next to Nyota who had put her book down and was watching with interest.

"Remember last time I was here and we were talking about the spaceships?" Kirk reminded the child as he programmed the PADD with the holo-sim, she nodded as she watched him. He set the device down, "Lights, shutters." He asked the room, and darkness slowly fell around them.

Nirvanah grabbed Khan's leg, nervous of the dark. He gently ran a hand through her hair in reassurance as Kirk touched the holo-sim and showed her her newest present. Space was projected up into the room, blanketing the ceiling in stars and nebulas. Nirvanah let go of her father's leg, too mesmerised to be afraid. Gradually, one by one, different space crafts began to appear in space from different angles and views, each moving slowly over their heads.

"Now you can see all the ships in motion." Kirk said, laying on the floor. Nirvanah joined him, lying next to him and giggling as she gazed up at the ceiling with him. "It's like stargazing, only better, because you can see all the different kinds of starships from every corner of the galaxy, and decide which one you want to be in command of one day."

"This is amazing, Jim!" Nyota said, tucking herself into Khan's embrace as they sat together, also gazing at the projected galaxy. "Where did you get this from?"

"A buddy of mine developed it for use in the Academy; a way of speed testing the students on their ability to identify ships with the naked eye, not relying on scanners. This is a version of it; the one in the Academy runs much faster, so I had him slow it down." He explained, "I was so mesmerised by how beautiful it was, and I knew it would be perfect for Nirvanah."

"Well she has certainly never been this silent in an activity before." Nyota commented, smiling at her daughter who lay on the floor, transfixed.

"Enterpies!" She exclaimed and pointed upwards. A Federation ship rolled over their heads.

"Really?" Jim said, Nyota and Khan laughed at Nirvanah's mispronunciation. "Enterprise." Kirk said slowly, "Prize. Like prizes, winning things."

"Pies." Nirvanah repeated confidently.

"What was Daddy's ship called, Nirvanah?" Khan asked her.

"Vengeance!" She replied immediately. Jim sighed and looked to her.

"Oh, so you can say 'Vengeance' but you can't say 'Enterprise'?" The girl giggled wickedly, she already knew exactly how to play him. Kirk laughed and shrugged it off, looking back to search the galaxy with her.


Khan and Nirvanah had both fallen asleep in their pyjamas, sprawled out on the sofa. The book he had been reading to her lay open over his leg, and Nirvanah's little body was safely curled up into him, her head resting on his chest. It was late now, but Nyota didn't have the heart to wake them and move them to their proper beds, they looked so comfortable together. She smiled, watching them peacefully and reflected upon her life. So much had changed in the six years, since she had first met Khan; herself and Khan especially.

Now here she stood, in love with a man who once caused her to wince at even the thought of him, with a child and a home, and a feeling of wholeness that she once only believed existed in literature. Her love for Khan still grew everyday, he was more than anything she could have ever imagined. He was a man who had endured and changed, but never faltered or been untrue in his adorations. He had let Nyota into his life and allowed her love to shape him, help him, and in return he had taught her things about herself and brought out feelings she never knew existed.

Nirvanah was the cherry atop the cake, the centre of their world. A little piece of the two of them who would be strong and brave, intelligent, capable of anything, and loved more than she would ever know. She was their peace, their long sought after tranquility from years of unjust cruelty. She was perfection, and she would be brilliant.

Nyota could never have imagined this life for herself, not in a million years. She was happy, loved, and giving love to the most important people in her life, and she wouldn't change any of it for the world.


Thank you so much for sharing Khan and Nyota's adventure with me. I hope you have enjoyed the trilogy! :) Love VanillaJasmine.