Trunks stepped out of the time capsule. Looking around the surrounding area only succeeded to confirm the obvious, the androids were still reeking havoc. The burnt vegetation and littered buildings of a deserted city asserted the severe predicament that Earth was under. He entertained thoughts of moments prior to the current - where he ascended his original Saiyan status, assisted in stopping the androids of the past in order to rewrite the future, falling victim to Cell and his games. A lot of things had been done, a lot of lives had been at stake in that period.

Although he had endeavored to change his future, he realized, too late in his opinion, of how time travel and dimension specifically worked. He could change a future but not his, his future had already been written and it had been too late to bring about change. However, that did not stop him from pursuing the destruction of the then androids, and subsequently Cell as well.

He had learned a lot from Goku; from the young Gohan; from his father. They influenced him in ways more than this bleak time period ever could. He would have loved to live among them, in peace, but this was his home and he certainly knew that.

He raised a hand and balled it into a fist. He could feel the power radiating within, imploring for swift release. This was not just his Saiyan heritage screaming for freedom, it was the addition of the power of justice, of righteous spite - all aimed at the androids.

Trunks slowly paused as he felt the wind caress his cheek - so gently, but could easily turn dangerous. Feeling the air brush past his form, he closed his eyes, silently connecting to the phenomenon. He felt a relation to the wind, so soft, but forced to follow a predetermined route, forced to change intensity at the whim of fate. He was a kind man who was forced into a world that held despair, a harsh reality that was filled with loss and sorrow. He will never forget when he found Gohan's battered corpse.

For so long all the future could hold on to was hope, hope for a brighter tomorrow, and that would finally be realized.

"I'm stronger than them now." The androids he faced in the past were noticeably stronger than the androids of his present, something he was going to take full advantage of.

Trunks looked at the horizon. It did not matter what level he was on in power, he still held a somewhat disadvantage, he could not hope to sense the androids. Thanks to their design by the deranged Dr Gero, the androids were untraceable...

"For now." It would not be long before they made themselves known. Unfortunately, it would be at the cost of the innocent. Trunks furrowed his brows, significantly tightening his grim determination. He could not waste time waiting in just one place, discovery would only be made with effort.

He sealed his time capsule and swiftly blasted into the air, heading in search for his mortal enemies.

"God, 17! Will you ever leave it be?" Android 18 spat bitterly, right in her twin brother's face.

"What? The fact that you think this guys is cute?" Android 17 said indifferently as he held a human boy by the scruff of his shirt.

The boy had not uttered a word and continued to tremble in fear.

The androids were in Yellow Reaf City, a place they had already laid waste to. However, they had not been as thorough to ridding the place of humans. Upon passing over the past conquest, they had noticed that a few people were indeed alive and trying to thrive, as much as they could. Now, they could not just let them go free, it would give the wrong impression on their endeavour for destruction.

"Yes, just let the boy down, will ya? I mean look at him, he's close to pissing himself," 18 said evenly.

17's nose scrunched in disgust. "Ew, don't think you're gonna pee on me, buddy. I just got these pants."

17 levelled a half-hearted glare at the captive, subsequently making the situation worse.

"Oh, give me that," 18 said as she took the boy from her brother's grasp. "Get out of here, kid."

"Yeah, since my sister finds you cute, then I'm feeling kind of lenient today, so scram," 17 ordered.

The boy did as told and started to run for dear life.

17 looked on in amusement as he raised a hand and pointed a finger in the boy's direction. "I love the part when they think they got a chance."

"Just get it over with. I saw a mall a few blocks from here," 18 said.

"Still interested in that, sis? I swear, you're becoming more annoying everyday with all your shopping."

"Bite me," 18 retorted.

"No way, that's gross," 17 jabbed with a smirk. He returned his gaze to the racing child and powered up a minuscule amount of ki, creating an azure orb around his finger. The shot was fast and unstoppable. The boy's body fell to the ground in a dull thud, lifeless to the world.

17 harumphed with a scowl. "This is just getting too easy. What ever happened to that guy, what's his name, Tronks?"

"Who, Trunks? Beats me, maybe he finally got it into his head that he can't beat us, and now he's crying himself to death."

"Poor, baby," 17 mocked, "we should really pay him a visit one of these days, you know, for all times sake."

"You can do that if you want- "18 looked to her side- "I'm going shopping."

Before 17 could say anything more, he spotted a human from the corner of his eye. He smirked complacently as he realized that there was one more target for fun. He quickly put a hand up in order to get 18's attention, intentionally gaining the assiduity of the prospective victim as well.

"18," 17 called dramatically, "I think we missed one." He made sure not to look too obvious for both his sister and mark.

"Where?" 18 asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm not sure, but maybe if we looked closely, we can find them."

18 knew from prior knowledge that 17 was a horrible actor, from his dramatic speeches, to his easily construe signals. She looked to the intended direction and immediately spotted the culprit, or at least a mop of hair. She stomped to the location and yanked the person by the hair.

"Do you have any idea how much of my time you're wasting?" 18 demanded of a woman.

"Please, don't hurt me. I'll do anything you ask, just please let me live!"

"They always do that. Come on, have some backbone. If you're gonna die, don't you want it to be with your head held high?" 17 said.

The woman only squirmed, a look of agony plainly written on her face.

18 turned her attention away from the woman and spotted something behind her.

"Eh...17? This woman has a baby," 18 said with a frown, looking at an infant enclosed by a blue blanket.

"Oh, so that's your desperate reason for living, to take care of your child, right? Well don't you worry, where you're going there won't be a need to take care of anyone. No useless responsibility like that," 17 informed.

"No, please! I beg you, spare us!"

"That's what we're doing lady," 17 said as he raised a hand and aimed a ki blast at both the woman and the baby.

"Hey, at least give 'em a chance to get outta here. She's gotta a baby, 17," 18 stated.

"Don't matter to me," 17 said, putting even more power into his attack. "I'd move if I were you, 18."

18 huffed and glared at her brother. "You idiot."

"Only for you, sis," 17 replied.

"Someone please help me! Someone please help!" the woman screeched in fear.

"Oh, great, now look what you did." 18 said, rolling her eyes.

"She'll be quiet soon enough," 17 said and fixed the woman with a wicked grin. "Who could possibly help you? There's no conceivable match for us in this universe."

"I wouldn't go that far."

The androids whirled to the voice, seeing a man with lavender hair and a sword on his back. For a moment they did not recognize him, but upon noticing his attire they soon pieced the puzzle together.

"Huh... Tronks? Something's different about you - is it your hair?" 17 carelessly questioned.

"Yeah, I kinda got it extended, I heard girls like that."

"Really? What do you think, sis? Do you like Tronks' new hair do?"

"You gotta be kidding me. The last time we faced you you were just a shrimp. What kind of growth spurts do Saiyans go through anyway?" 18 asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Growth spurts? Remember Vegeta, that guy was short to the end," 17 said.

"Enough of these games! Get away from her," Trunks ordered.

"Ho, ho, ho, what do we have here?" 17 looked at the woman that Trunk's demanded release. "Does she mean something to you?" 17 asked.

"Yes, among every other person on this planet. Now, get away from her. I won't say it again." Trunks had made sure not to sway his vision from the monsters for even a split second, that would be all that it meant between life and death for the woman.

Both 17 and 18 laughed in unison.

"Is this guy for real?" 18 laughed out and continued, "When did you get the balls? Just because you have a nice body doesn't make you any less a shrimp."

"Oh no, my sis just complimented a kid. I didn't know you were that desperate, 18," 17 playfully said.

18's jaw tightened and she glared at him. "You prick!"

"What, I ca-" 17's statement was cut off with a powerful punch that sent him flying into nearby debris.

18 looked on in amusement as her brother hit a telephone pole.

Trunks relaxed the hand that had delivered the blow and focused his attention back on the woman in need.

"Now, the woman."

"Tch. If you thi-" before 18 could finish her statement, Trunks disappeared, and 18 looked to her side. She - shockingly - realized that the woman and the baby were also gone. She hurriedly tried to pinpoint their whereabouts, but upon trying to locate them she was surprised with the lack of ki. It was either Trunks was too weak to locate - which by now was highly unlikely - or he could conceal his ki well.

It did not take long for 17 to return. Plastering an annoyed frown, he made sure to ignore the complacent smirk his sister was sporting. "What a lucky shot. I'll let him get away with that one."

"I don't know, looked pretty convincing to me," 18 said.

"Whatever... Where is he?"

"Right here." Both androids looked up, above them was the cold azure eyes of Trunks Briefs.

"Be lucky I gave you that punch for free."

"Really? I'm so flattered," Trunks said in mock glee.

"Yep, but no more Mr Nice Guy. Time to teach you another lesson," 17 said.

"Actually," Trunks looked at his watch before continuing, "I haven't seen my mom in a while and I was hoping to make this quick."

"Oh, I'll give you quick," 17 growled and flew to Trunks at high speed. He cocked his fist back and socked the Demi-saiyan square in the jaw, however, instead of reeling, Trunks did not move an inch.

"My turn," Trunks said and delivered a devastating fist to 17's abdomen, causing the android to hit the ground and create a crater.

18's mouth dropped. Something seemed so...wrong. If 17 was indeed playing around then he was doing a good job of acting like a wounded puppy.

17 shot from the crater and fired a large quantity of ki blasts at Trunks. Mouth set into a snarl, the android roared as he attacked.

Trunks had seemingly not moved from his position in the sky. The energy balls hit him fully and smoke accumulated from 17's assault. Once 17 was sure he finished the pest he let up on his attack and waited for the inevitable revelation of Trunk's destruction.

"Really? That's the best you've got? After so many years of making me suffer, I'm disappointed," Trunks said from above the android.

"How?" 17 breathed, shocked to the core.

"Oh well. I gave you a chance, now it's my turn." And with that he disappeared again.

17 didn't see the punch that caused him to fly into the air. He did see Trunks below him, looking up with contempt.

Trunks raised a hand and pointed a finger at 17. "One finger," he said, "I'm going to give you the best insult to end your life."

18 had moved for her brother, but Trunks was faster, swiftly changing into an Ascended Saiyan, he made quick work of 17 with a strong ki blast.

"Aaaaahhh!" was the agonizing cries of 17 as he was destroyed.

"17!" 18 screamed in shock and sorrow. Never in a lifetime would she ever have thought Trunks, of all people, was capable of destroying any one of them, but the facts were evident. 17 was gone - just like that - all because of a monkey.

Trunks' golden hair relaxed and changed into the familiar lavender. He breathed in a sigh and then focused his penetrating gaze on the last nuisance. He un-sheathed his sword. "I'm starting to get hungry, so can we get this over with now?"

18 stared in horror at the man in front of her. He could kill her; he could actually kill her, that revelation alone bought something that she had never felt in years: fear.

Trunks started advancing on the android, expression grim and determined. 18 could do nothing but take involuntary steps backwards while he continued to gain on her.

"All the lives you've taken, my master, my father, my family. At long last, they will all be avenged."

18's mind had been overworking itself, processing different means of escape, all with horrible outcomes. He was faster than her. She had bared witness to the demonstration of his speed. He was stronger than her, too. She didn't know what to do, her situation had not allowed her the time to grieve over the loss of her brother. At the moment, her survival meant everything.

"Wait!" she blurted out with her hands in front of her.

Trunks briefly paused, assessing the android with a curious gaze. She was going to die anyway, making her beg for it would be all the more sweeter.

"I saw you go blonde, that's how you were able to kill 17." The more she talked, the more it made sense to her. "You're nothing without that power. Right now, all you're trying to do is scare me. I'm not playing around anymore."

Trunks laughed, loud guffaws that echoed around the vicinity. He paused in his laughter and snickered at the android's denial, "My god, in all my years I never expected this. An android with fear? I've seen everything!"

18 glared with unbridled hatred, "Bastard!" She charged with reckless abandon, choosing to lose herself in anger instead of fear.

Trunks lifted his blade into the air and brought it down, intending on cutting the android in half, but 18 narrowly dodged the attack and delivered a hard kick to Trunks' head, sending him reeling for a few feet. She gracefully landed on her feet and smirked. "I knew it."

Trunks shifted his neck, silently testing for any pain. When it was made obvious that there was none, he looked at his opponent with a grin. "That tickled."

18's eyes widened. "Impossible, you shouldn't have a head on your shoulders!"

"Hahahaha! This is really sad. The great and fearful android 18!" He made a show of acting like a terrified victim. "Please don't hurt me! I'm so scared!"

"Ahhhh!" 18 roared as she gathered a gargantuan ball of ki in both hands and fired it, with all her might, to her enemy.

Now, Trunks knew he was stronger than her, but even so, that particular attack would damage him, possibly leaving him handicapped against 18 - he was not taking any chances. He transformed into an Ascended Saiyan and sheathed his sword. He put one hand in front of him and stopped the attack. With little effort, he threw the big ball into the air and watched it disappear into the sky.

18's fears had returned to the forefront of her consciousness. He was blonde again, she really wanted to run.

"I've wasted too much time already. It's over 18." Trunk raced and kneed the girl in the gut.

18 doubled over in pain, only to be met with a hard kick to the face, sending her crashing into several buildings. Before she could get her bearings, she felt searing heat on her abdomen and realized, to her dismay, it was a ki blast. More blasts followed, knocking the wind out of her. The pain was mind numbing. She knew he was holding back, waiting for the right time to finish her, when she was at her lowest. He was hell bent on making her suffer till the end.

"I wish I didn't kill your brother too early. I would have loved to give him the same...courtesy I'm giving you," she heard him say. He sounded like he was proud of himself, the smug bastard.

Trunks stopped his attack and looked down at the battered and bruised android. He really did a number on her. Vegeta would be proud.

"Now, to finish you off once and for all," Trunks said, making hand movements - creating his Burning Attack finisher. Once the ki was gathered, he descended to the ground so as to have a point-blank range to finish off his opponent.

"Say your prayers android, or wait, I bet you don't even know how to," Trunks sneered, then briefly noticed the lack of response, not even a cough? He looked at 18 and realized she had lost consciousness. What a waste of quirky remarks.

"Oh well," Trunks shrugged, then focused on releasing his finisher. Finally, justice...

But the more he looked at it, the more he realized that this was not what 18 deserved. No, she deserved far worse than a quick finish. She had spent her entire life instilling fear before taking her target's lives. This felt more like a hollow victory each second.

"No, I need to finish her now," Trunks said, but he continued to hold his attack. After sometime he stopped his attack altogether and threw his hands up in frustration.

"This is too easy!" It wasn't Saiyan pride that was speaking, but a tormented boy who felt like this would never justify the sins that the androids had caused.

"You need to suffer more!" He snarled at the unconscious girl. He noted something on her face, looking akin to tear stains.

"Pfft! Yeah right, androids don't cry!" It had to be the glare of the sun, it just had to be.

Trunks looked at his watch. He needed to go see his mother, that and then deal with the Cell of now, but so far he was undecided on how to handle the piece of junk laying next to him...

Then an idea struck.

"Piece of junk!" He exclaimed happily. His mother was thorough with technology, perhaps she would know what to do. Oh yes, he knew she would be furious that he didn't destroy 18, but she would understand once he explained himself, right?

He looked scornfully at 18, "I hope you're ready for hell cause I'm sure gonna take you there," Trunks said as he picked up the battered girl and shot into the sky, pacing to Capsule Corp.