Ratchet clamped another mainline as Prowl's vitals continued to plummet. The Praxian SIC was still hemorrhaging somewhere, the energon transfusions spurting out as fast as they went in. "Hoist, patch," Ratchet barked. Sparks ignited from incompatible wires brushing together in Prowl's chest. Wrenching his mangled spark cover off and tossing the useless metal away Ratchet cursed with renewed fury. Energon drowned Prowl's weakly pulsing spark, the mainline leading to the chamber torn open and gushing. His spark wasn't strong enough to even singe the pool of energon. In a healthy spark the Primus awful smell of burning energon would have already permeated the med bay. "Primus fraggit! Wheeljack, where the fragging pit is the fuser?" he snarled. He couldn't clamp the mainline so close to Prowl's spark, but the fuser would allow him to make a hasty patch until the line could be replaced.

"Right here," the scientist said almost-not-quite pushing Ratchet out of the way. The medic didn't have time to be fragged off about the shove, Devastator had come terribly close to literally ripping Prowl apart and he wasn't sure he had the skill or luck needed to patch him back together. Unhelpful alarms rang in his HUD as Prowl's vitals continued to drop, auxiliary systems were already offline and primaries were beginning to crash like dominos at spark wrenching rate. Ratchet's energon coated hands stilled as he watched systems one after the other succumb to trauma. There was only so much a frame could take and only so many miracles a medic could perform.

Wheeljack hesitated with him, the fuser that could buy Prowl another breem of struggle or a few more vorns of life poised over the hemorrhaging spark casing. "That's really close to his spark."

"Now, 'Jack," Ratchet snapped. Despite his frame's unwillingness, Prowl's spark was still fighting and Ratchet had never let anyone go without kicking, screaming, and cursing. The calm hum of the fuser offset the cacophony of alarms going off both in his HUD and from the machines hooked up to Prowl's mangled frame. It wasn't until a dull white glow began creeping over Prowl's frame that Wheeljack's tone registered. Hoist kept his hands buried in Prowl's internals even as the light crawled over the damaged wires and lines.

"'Jack, what the frag have you done now?" the assistant asked mildly. Ratchet turned on him with barely contained fury and the scientist cringed. Before he could launch himself at his oldest friend and slam his pit-fragging-glitching-genius-Primus-forsaken helm against the floor the alarms began to taper off.

The dull glow fully covered Prowl's frame and began to brighten to a scintillating white until not even a shadow of Prowl's frame could be seen. Ratchet's optics attempted to compensate for the glow but it proved too bright. Turning his head away Ratchet listened for Prowl but the machines and alarms were almost all quiet now as vitals stabilized.

After half a breem, the glow began to subside and the alarms were quiet. Prowl was stable. His spark pulse a little fast but regular, his pressure a little lower than his normal parameters but given how many mainlines had been ruptured and torn it was a miracle it wasn't still redlining. The three medics could finally look at the repair table and Ratchet almost smacked Wheeljack again for fragging up his optics.

Optics like pools of molten gold looked out from a tiny head, wings too large for his small frame tucked tight and fearful against his back, a sparkling sat in the pools of energon where Prowl had lay dying. There was no recognition in his golden optics, silver coolant tears shimmered on their surface until they overflowed. The sensors Ratchet still had calibrated to Prowl's vitals began to beep again as the sparkling's spark pulse began to accelerate. Terrified wide optics watched the three medics as soundless tears dripped off his chin to splash in the energon.

"Wheeljack," Ratchet said softly. "What the frag have you done?"

A/N: Well, it has been a hot minute since I posted anything anywhere. Thought I'd come back at ya' with something cutesy. Well, as cutesy as I get. I'm a fan of angst so this will have its fluffy moments but also some darker themes.