Olivia sat on the bed, watching Noah sleep with pillows surrounding him. Olivia smiled sweetly at him before looking at her suitcase. She suddenly frowned. Olivia had been in a abusive household with her mother, all those beatings she would get when her mother was drunk. She saw the same tension between Alois and his father and the last thing she wanted was Noah to be exposed to that.

One thing Olivia promised when she got a child: never abuse them or have them in that type of environment. She wanted her child to have a better childhood then she could ever have. Now she was second guessing agreeing with Alois to come here.

Speaking of the angel himself, Alois walked in. Olivia winced at the sight of his bruised cheek. Alois gave her a smile only to have her glare at him in return.

"Is something wrong?" Alois asked her, concerned. He rushed over to her, sitting beside her on the bed. He sat lightly so he wouldn't wake Noah.

"Alois I don't know what's going on but I'm not one for abuse, I think you of all people can understand that,"

Alois looked down , ashamed at having her witness this. " I understand,"

"Dammit Alois look at what he did to you," Olivia hissed. She grabbed Alois chin, forcing him to look at her and she ran her thumb softly against his cheek. She frowned, feeling bad for the handsome man beside her. "I don't like seeing anyone hurt...especially someone so innocent,"

"I may have called him something so maybe I deser-"

"Alois don't give me that shit," she snapped. He looked away again while Olivia took a few seconds to calm down. "Why would he do that,"

"Liv...my brother isn't exactly a good guy. He spent most of his time at the Juvenile detention center while we were younger, the house was peaceful without him. But my father can get...abusive. He went to therapy, and I'm actually surprised all he did was punch me after I called him an asshole,"

"Alois if this is what's going to happen all day then I am leaving," Olivia said. "I don't want my son around this shit," Olivia looked down at her hands. "Plus my mother was also abusive...whenever she was too drunk and...I never want to go through that again and I definitely don't want to see it. I can't handle that,"

Alois looked at Olivia watching a tear run down her cheek. He gently took her left hand in his raising it to his lips. Kissing it softly. "Why don't we get out of here. My mother will be upset but...Why don't we go somewhere else for the weekend. I'm thinking we go to a carnival,"

Olivia smiled at the thought but frowned again. "Alois...does your father hit your mother?"

Alois sighed, shaking slightly with his eyes getting watery."She says he hasn't hit her since I was twelve. We had all seen him hit her because she cheated with a co worker. But...I still...I still...think he may be,"

"Alois...," Olivia sighed. "Please take me home,"

"Yeah...the carnival sounds better,"


"Hey son...where the hell you going?" Jonathan asked as he watched Olivia out a sleeping Noah in his car seat while Alois threw their bags in the trunk.

"I'm leaving dad...they can't see you like this," Alois said. He closed the trunk walking towards his mother, who looked worried. "I'll be back another time," he kissed her cheek and gave her a thin smile.

"Is it this woman your hanging out with?" Jonathan spat, pointing at Olivia who closed the car door softly. Jonathan smiled at Olivia. "Guess you couldn't handle how pathetic my son is, trust Ms you're not the first woman. He needs to grow a pair, maybe I could show you how a real man works,"

Olivia was absolutely shocked at this man. Right in front of his wife he was flirting with her all while degrading his own son. Olivia snapped and like any other asshole she came across on the job, she stomped towards him, standing beside Alois.

"No I just can't stand a pathetic excuse of a father who thinks it's okay to lay his hands on people because he has a fucking attitude problem,"

Everyone froze, causing it to be dead silent, the only sound heard was the wind blowing the trees. Olivia looked dead in Jonathan's furious eyes while his wife had tears coming down her face. Alois stood, glaring at his father as well.

But no one saw it coming when Jonathan's fist landed in Olivia's face. "What the fuck did you just say to me,"

Alois quickly grew furious and for the first time in his life, he decided to fight his father. Alois punched Jonathan, not caring how much his fist hurt he began pounding on his father. Alice cried trying to pry her son off of her husband, but Isabella came running from the house pulling her back.

"Al get off him!" Alice cried, but her pleas went unheard as Alois continued to beat his father , blood coming from Jonathan's mouth and nose.

"No...He needs to do this ," Isabella said, dragging her mother away. Honestly, Isabella had waited for this day to come.

Olivia ran to Alois who was on top of his father and laid a hand on his shoulder. Alois snapped his head towards her, just seeing the bruise forming on her face only made him even more angrier. He looked down at his father who was near unconscious and shoved him away. Alois stood up, rushing to the car, getting in the driver's side, slamming the door.

Isabella looked at Olivia sadly. "Olivia...please leave," she said softly.

Olivia looked at her before getting in the car as well. Before she could even close the door, Alois had quickly pulled out of the driveway.


Olivia was getting more and more uncomfortable with the awkward silence. Music wasn't helping at all trying to divert her attention. With a few glances at Alois, Olivia could see he was still pissed. She was actually surprised Noah was able to sleep through it all.

Suddenly Alois's phone rang making Olivia jump. She watched Alois as he answered it.

"What the hell do you want Isabella?" He spat.

Even Olivia heard what his sister had quickly told him. "Alois...dad's pressed charges against you. The police need you to come back,"