So, as most of you probably don't know, I'm a huge Hans fan. That being said, I'll keep going with his character till after his death. For some reason I also like Helsa…so we know that this story is gonna eventually turn into something like that.

Anyways, I like the navy. My dad was in the navy as a senior chief and also worked for a three star admiral. So I like the idea of putting Hans' redemption through the Navy of another country. Other than that, enjoy the story, and make sure to leave a review or favorite or subscription, whichever suits your needs.

Creeks from the wood on the ship, the current of the waves rocking the structure back and forth; the common man or woman would generally vomit spontaneously on a prisoner vessel such as the one the red haired prince was riding, but to him it's where he grew used to it, and especially on a Prisoner vessel, for now he believed it's where he belonged. The youngest of a family of nobles, royalty, presiding over the city, and kingdom, of the Southern Isles; and as the titles proclaims, it's one of the southernmost kingdoms in the known world.

His memory flashed through his mind; the fjord, the ice and snow, the princess and her beautiful sister, the Snow Queen of Arendelle as they called her. A woman with such a remarkable supernatural power, and his own words had brought her to her knees, his own lies. He imagined it, all that power that was soon to be his, just a slice of his sword away from it. The throne could have been his…

But it was all a flop, a failure, for him, for his dignity. Now it was left in the hands of its own royal blood line, nearly inexperienced they were, but…so was he. But all of that didn't matter anymore; it will never matter anymore, now that he will face his judgment.

He knew his father, the father that never cared for him, the King of the Southern Isles; just exactly he would do to the young Prince that disgraced his nation. He had to be fair though…hold a trial, yet biased as most of a monarchy's trials. It would be him vs. the Southern Isles on behalf of Arendelle. Even if he did have a fair shot, how would he justify his own selfish actions? He had no answer; he did what he did because he felt like he must, for his own sake of relevance.

His mother was even worse, treating his as though he were a burden in her life…a burden in a nice comfortable life of riches and power. She was usually the one to criticize him, to throw insults at him and taunt him. He remembers those dreadful words he said to the dying princess of Arendelle when she needed him the most.

Oh Anna, if only there was someone out there who loved you. The words he had uttered in a show of complete evil, tearing her precious little heart in two…figuratively of course. Those words originated from the dark past of his; the drive of his character revolves around those words. When he was little, it was something his mother had said to him…

Oh Hans, if only there was someone out there who loved you. His mother said, taking hold of his chin so softly, yet with an evil smirk on her face. The young boy looked up at her, eyes becoming glossy and watery.


With those words, she began his spiral downward to depravity. Everything that everyone knew about him always had something way worse than that. The story he told the sweet, innocent young Princess of Arendelle was watered down fit to suit what she thinks she needs. If he told her the whole truth, she would probably have cried in front of him.

His other twelve brothers, most of which he said ignored him, actually didn't. Most of the time, they would carry out beatings on him, hitting him across the head with sticks, metal plates, batons even. They would usually gang up on him, four or five at a time, and beat him till he was black and blue, or even bleeding. They said it was all out of the fun of it, because he was the youngest, because he was the mistake. The oldest brother, Frederick, named after his father the King, was the heir to the throne of the Southern Isles, and he never worked a day in his life because of that. He felt entitled to everything, and was always the worst snob. Most of the younger brothers always looked up to him and followed his word; and he was the one to commonly order Hans' beatings.

The second oldest brother, Franz, was a different story. He was the only one to show Hans some compassion, and was usually the one to save him from trouble, whether it is from his other brothers or from suicide. It was because of Franz that he went on to do what he did; his brother always encouraged him to reach his goals and take what he needed, and to never let anyone stand in my way. Hans wasn't sure if overthrowing the Queen of Arendelle was Franz's idea of reaching goals.

Franz Westergard was a Southern Isles Naval Rear Admiral, and helped get Hans to walk the path he was going. Of course, his parents never gave him anything but a room and some clothes, but Franz was the one to use their treasury to help put Hans through school, eventually leading him to become a part of the S.I. Navy, sailing for a couple of years with Franz in his early teenage years and eventually attending Naval Officer's school where he came out as the youngest Officer to graduate, qualifying him for Rear Admiral…just like his brother.

Franz was more of a father than the King or Queen ever was…but even that wasn't enough. Even with all the compassion and support that his second oldest brother gave, his family still corrupted him so young; and his mother's words…

If only there was someone out there who loved you…

But to this day none of that will matter, for today he has returned home, as judgment seeks him…as he seeks judgment.