I found myself in a small meadow, with a 360 view of the night sky all around.

I'm dreaming again, I realized.

Movement caught my eye, and I looked to see what it was. In the dim starlight, I could faintly see a deer-like creature with antlers flying toward the floating island meadow, its hooves pawing at the air. I stepped back and it landed directly in front of me. There was a red scarf-like thing around its neck. It bowed its head, its antlers brushing my shirt. It was enveloped in in bright white light. I closed my eyes against the light, and when it faded I saw a green and white hedgehog standing where the deer had once been. It had pink blossoms where its ears would have been. It looked up at me, black eyes twinkling kindly.

"You're... You're Shaymin," I whispered, astounded.

"Indeed I am," Shaymin said, voice powerful yet soft, and disembodied.

"Why am I turning into a Pokemon?" I asked.

"You inadvertently wished for it."

"No, Griffin and I wished to be healed, mot to be turned into Pokemon!" I exclaimed.

"It was the only way to heal you," Shaymin said calmly. "The disease you had was an incurable human blood mutation. There is nothing your... doctors can do to cure it, but since it's a human ailment..."

"So turning into Pokemon would rid Griffin and I of it," I finished, sitting down. "So why are you here?"

"To explain what's happening, and to make sure that you are grateful. I am the gratitude Pokemon after all."

"What do I have to be grateful for?! Besides not dying?"

"One would thank Jirachi first. Without Jirachi, you would due quite soon. You should also thank luck that your wish -out of millions made- was granted."

"That may be true, but know my life in over in a completely different way than that disease!"

"Don't act like you have never dreamed of being a Pokemon before. Almost everyone human child does at some point."

"That... That is true," I sighed. Shaymin smiled.

"Being a Pokemon isn't as bad as you think. All of the things you can see and hear, the adventures to have, the thrill of battling, the joy of having friends. That's to list only a few."

"How's it going to happen? The transformation?"

"In stages, everyday, and it will hurt."

"Goodie goodie."

"There there," it said, patting my leg with one of its paws. A deep humming resonated through the air, and Shaymin sighed.

"Lord Arceus requires that I return," Shaymin explained glumly. "Farewell, Nanobelle, and good luck to you and your cousin. May you be protected." Shaymin turned and leapt off of the floating meadow, traces of white light appearing below the cliff. Shaymin's sky form pranced off into the distance, fading into nothingness.

I got to my feet, then looked down to see a pink six-petaled flower sitting where Shaymin had once been. I picked up, and the world began to fade as a whisper filled the air.

"May you be protected..."

"Thank you," I whispered back as I woke up.

I bolted upright, breathing heavily. I calmed my breathing down, noticed a delicate pink blossom sitting on my lap; proof that the dream wasn't just a dream, and that I had seen Shaymin.

"Why..." I asked, laying back down. "Why me?"

"Because you're special," Cupcake said, jumping into my bed. She sniffed. "You smell like a Pokemon already. It's much better than human. And you were talking in Pokemon just a second ago. "

"Cupcake, I had a dream about Shaymin. It said that I would become fully Pokemon, and that it would hurt."

"Really? That's great!" Cupcake beamed, tail waving wildly. "Now you can be a Pokemon, like me!" She started chasing her tail, whacking me repeatedly in the face.

"Stop it!" I growled, pinning her tail down. "It's not great. My person life is over!" Then I recalled what Shaymin had said; that life as a Pokemon was nice, and that I would most likely enjoy it.

"But I do have the opportunity to have a good life as a Pokemon..." I whispered, half to myself.

"Will you stay here or go live in the woods?" Cupcake asked, licking a paw and drawing it over her ear.

"I don't know. I'd have to think about it."

"And where'd the flower come from?"

"Shaymin gave it to me, for some reason."

"Come and get it!" My mom called from downstairs.

I hopped out of bed, placing the flower on my dresser and changing into a blue T-shirt and shorts, then went downstairs to eat.

I knocked on the door to Griffin's house. I could hear squabbling on the inside; Alder, Aspen and Griffin. The door jerked open, revealing Griffin exasperated face, her eyes chips of ice. She relaxed visibly when she saw me, eyes melting into blue-green pearls. She had three wisps of hair curled on her forehead, possibly the reason why Aspen and Alder were snickering in the background.

"Come on," Griffin said, brushing passed me. "To the tree fort. I have something to tell you."

"I bet it's the same thing," I replied, following.

We say in the treehouse, facing eachother.

"You first," I said.

"Well, I can understand and talk to Pokemon." Griffin wrought her hands in her lap. "After dinner lsat night, I went into my room, and Tao followed. Once we were inside, he told me that I could talk to him now; he was really excited about it. He also said that I sounded like a Vulpix. "

"I talked to Cupcake, and she said that I could communicate with her because of the headache and lost voice. She also told me that I made Eevee noises, and commented this morning on how I smell like a Pokemon.

"I also had a dream that I was on a floating island, with stars all around. Then Shaymin came and said that you and I are going to turn into Pokemon, and that it would hurt." Griffin's eyes widened.

"How did this happen?" She asked.

"Jirachi. The disease we had was a human ailment, therefore if we were Pokemon, the disease would go away. Shaymin also said to be grateful. It may not be exactly what we had in mind, but we'll live. "

"Wow," Griffin breathed. "How fast will the changes happen?"

"Shaymin said everyday until we're full Pokemon."

Griffin scooted to sit beside me, rubbing her hand on my arm.

"Last night I had a dream that I was kidnapped by a group of Vulpix; they took me to their leader, a shiny Ninetales. The Ninetales told me that I needed to stay with them, so I could be with my kind, just like your dream with the Eevee. They all got mad when I said no, that I was a person, not a Vulpix. The Ninetales said to 'Just wait,' then I woke up."


Suddenly a wave of heat washed over me, and I heard Griffin gasp in surprise. I leaned back against the wall as my ears erupted in pain.

"What manner of-" I stammered as I felt and heard muscles rip and stretch and lightning shoot down my spine. I clenched my teeth as a scream rose in my throat, and I grasped my ears, just to feel them warp and change, every distortion burning. They grew longer and wider, until I could no longer cup the in my hands. I let out a dull wail that I couldn't suppress and curled up against the wall. My ears felt like they were being pricked and poked by scorching needles as thin fur sprouted along the elongated lengths of the ears that were mine yet not.

I closed my eyes, red dancing where the darkness should reside. The pain faded from my head, only to reappear in my lower back. My spine was laced with fire as it burst through the skin between my pants and my shirt. Muscle distorted and burned as I writhed on the wooden floor. I peeled my eyes open and looked down my back to see a cord of bone and flesh extending from me, thrashing around as bushy fur grew from it with pinpricks of pain. I took a shuddering breath as my vision swam. I could hazily see Griffin collapse beside me before I passed out.

"Nanobelle! Griffin!" An unfamiliar voice called. I groggily opened my eyes, wincing at the light.

"Griffin!" The voice called again. "Griffin? Are you up there? Griffin!"

I sat up slowly, looking out the window and down the tree. Sitting at the bottom is Griffin's Growlithe, Tao.

"Nanobelle!" he exclaimed, getting to his paws. "Is Griffin up there with you?"

"I'm right here, my cousin moans from right beside me. I look over at her and gasped. Right where her ears would have been are red, cat-like ears instead.

"What is..." she asked, turning her head, jaw dropping in mid sentence. I reach up an grab my ears. My long, fuzzy...

"Oh, Arceus," I cursed, dropping my hands and turning my head. A light brown tail extended from the top of my shorts, the fur bushy and cream at the tip. It was about six inches long, and despite the bushiness the fur was sleek and shiny. I experimented, think if waving the tail, and it obeyed, side to side to side. I sucked in a breath, grabbing it and pulling it around my waist to show Griffin.

"Look! Look at it!" I yelled. She turned her head and pulled a short, snowy white tail into my sight, her face aghast.

"This is both totally awesome and totally not awesome."

"What are we going to do? If we go back home, we'll become full Pokemon in front of our families, forcing them to watch us change from their family members into pets, after undoubtedly having someone find out and have to appear in TV or something." Griffin's face clenched, and I knew she was thinking of being seen by people. It was one of her greatest fears, as well as mine. I nodded in understanding.

"What do you suggest we do?" I asked. "Cupcake did ask if we were going to stay or go live in the forest; maybe she was onto something. We could bring good and water and stuff, and then live with the other Pokemon. But we'd have to leave our family..."

"I think we'd be better off alone while we... change then having people we've known our whole live be around to watch." Griffin sighed

"I can't believe this is happening," she said softly.

"Like you said, it's both awesome and not awesome."

"I... I think we should leave," she whispered.

"Unfortunately, I think so too. It would be better to just disappear."

"Let's go pack up stuff," Griffin said, moving toward the trapdoor.

"Yeah," I sighed, sliding over to the hatch as she started to climb down.

Tao waited for us at the bottom.

"You're leaving?" he whimpered, brown eyes sad.

"Yes, The Awesome One," Griffin said, ruffling the fur on his head. "We're leaving. We don't want to cause our families trouble and stress."

"I don't like that name, and I don't want you to go. Who will take me on walks or scratch my ears right? And no one else takes care of me like you do."

"I'm sorry," Griffin whispered, hugging him.

"Maybe you can come into the woods when we're . . . full Pokemon," I suggested. "We don't want anyone to see us while we're changing, to see people they love in pain."

"But won't you need someone to protect you while you're asleep?" Tao asked.

"What do you mean, asleep?" Griffin looked at Tao critically.

"You've been passed out up there for a few hours," Tao explained. I checked my watch. It read 3:38.

"Griff, what time did we leave your house?" I asked.

"About 9:25-ish. What time is it now?"

"3:30. We've been up there, knocked out, for six hours."

Griffin pursed her lips. "Six? As in more than five and less than seven?"

I nodded.

"Are you sure you don't need anyone to protect you, or help you find food?" Tao asked.

"We'll be fine," Griffin said, rather doubtfully. "We're going to bring plenty of food and find as safe place to stay."

"And, after Griffin and I are full Pokemon, you and Cupcake can join us in the woods," I pitched in. "Maybe we could form a little Pokemon society to keep us company and find you a nice girl."

"How about you and Cupcake wait here at the treehouse everyday, and when Nanobelle and I are done we'll meet you."

Tao drooped his ears. "Okay. Are you absolutely, positively sure that you don't need anything?"

"Yep," I lied, putting a fake smile on my face. "C'mon, Griff. Let's go pack up." I began walking toward our houses, Griffin following with a sulking Growlithe behind her.

"So, we need to grab some food that won't spoil, a blanket, small pillow, and anything else you think that we'll need," Griffin planned.

"Should we leave a note or something, for our families?" I asked her. She was silent for a moment.

"No. How would you feel if Sage and Alder disappeared, leaving a note that they had to leave for an unexplainable reasons a few days after they were discovered to die and then saved? It may be better to just vanish."

"Yeah, that makes since," I sighed.

I jogged into the forest, a large backpack slung over my shoulder and Cupcake following me on her short legs. I had managed to sneak inside of my house- it wasn't hard, since my siblings were playing video games and my parents were sleeping- and I had nabbed the blanket and pillow from my bottom bunk, some apples, bread, crackers, bananas and a few bottled waters. I had also taken a notebook and two full mechanical pencils, and my special necklace. It had a silver moon hanging in the middle, flanked by two gray clumps of rock that my dad claimed to be chunks of Moonstone, and the clumps had silver stars on either sides. The string was laden by circular white beads.

Griffin was waiting for me at the base of a tree, Tao and a duffle bag at her feet. Her new cat-like ears were horizontal, and I guess that she was anxious.

"What did you bring?" I asked as I reached them.

"A mirror, some clothes, carrots, potatoes, some lint and matches, some blank paper and pencils, and a few water bottles. I also got my necklace," my cousin stated, holing up her own adornment.

Hers had five charms like mine, the center supposedly a shard of Fire Stone, then two small square garnets, and two pieces of granite shaped like plumes of smoke.

Cupcake plodded in a circle, happily carrying Shaymin's flower, which she had insisted on bringing, and being her optimistic self.

Tao was quite the opposite. He kept casting worried glances at Griffin, his ears low and tail touching the ground listlessly.

"That's good. There's probably some apple trees somewhere in the forest, and some wild strawberries too, so if our initial food supply runs out, we should be able to survive for quite a bit," I said. Griffin nodded, kneeling and petting Tao.

"You be good, okay?" she told him, a sob in her voice. "I'll see you in a few days. Explain to Cupcake what's happening." I knelt as well and grabbed my Skitty, holding her to my chest and stroking her.

"Don't forget your flower!" she mewed brightly.

"I won't," I promised, rolling my eyes. "I'm leaving, and I'll see you in a few days, Everyday, you are to come here with Tao. When Griffin and I are ready, we'll meet you here; then you can join us."

"Okay!" Cupcake chirped. "When I see you again, you'll be an Eevee."

I smiled darkly. "That's right,"

"And then we'll have fun and I'll evolve into a Delcatty and you'll evolve into something, and Tao will evolve into Arcanine and Griffin will evolve into Ninetales and we'll all battle eachother for fun and be friends!"

That was one sentence... And she didn't even breathe.

I took the pink flower from her and carefully placed in my back pack, then turned to Griffin.

"Ready to go?" I asked her, trying to keep a cheerful tone but failing.

"Yeah," Griffin sadly agreed. She hugged Tao, then straightened and grabbed her duffle bag. I squeezed cupcake tight, then set her down, tears brimming in my eyes. I stood up, starting towards the woods, turning at the edge to wave. Griffin followed me, sobbing as she did.

"Take good care of our families," I told them.

"See you in a few days," Griffin promised. Cupcake waved her tail happily, while Tao just sat with is ears at their lowest and eyes miserable.

Together Griffin and I turned, both crying softly as we walked into the woods.

We walked for a long time, in silence. Our tears had since stopped, but our hearts will still heavy. We continued until we reached a small clearing. It had a squat tree with widespread roots and branches. The roots created a fair-sized cavity shallow in the ground, big enough for Griffin and I to sleep in.

The rest of the clearing was sandy and featureless, with clumps of grass at the edges.

We set up camp, Griffin digging a fire pit and lighting a fire with the lint and matches, and I hanging the baggie-held food on the tree branches, and placing the blankets, pillows and other such things in the cavity.

For dinner we stabbed potatoes and carrots with sticks and held them over the fire for a bit. They didn't taste bad, but certainly not great. They would have to do, though.

After dinner, I looked in the mirror that Griffin had brought. I marveled at my new ears, flopping them around to see what they could do. They weren't very tall and stuck out where my other ears had once been.

Next I inspected my tail. It too wasn't very long, only about six inches with bushy, soft brown fur tipped with cream. I practiced waving it, finding its range of movement amusing.

I looked over at Griffin. She was sitting in the dirt a ways away, facing me with a stack of paper and a pencil in hand. The utensil flew with soft, quick strokes and her face bore a look of concentration.

"What are you doing?" I asked her. She looked up briefly.

"Drawing a picture of you, just for fun," she answered, still drawing. "But it's starting to get too dark."

I nodded, looking up at the sky and walking over to her, peering over her shoulder.

The picture was a rough sketch, with no face or hands, but everything else.

"It looks great," I commented with a yawn. "I'm going to bed."

"Okay," Griffin replied.

I straightened, walking to our cavity house and stooping to get in. I took off my shoes and socks, climbing into my covers and closing my eyes as sleep took me.

Thanks to Sky of Stars, Winter's Flight, and hawkflight of riverclan for reviewing to that last chapter, to Sky of Stars, creeperkit, Winter's Flight, and hawkflight of riverclan for favoriting, and to dragons790, Sky of Stars, Winter's Flight and creeperkit for following. Also, thanks to the 173 people who have viewed the story!

If you found any errors, please let me know so I can fix them, and let me know what you thought! Expect the next chapter sometime soon.

Thanks for reading!