A/N: First off, I'd like to thank you guys for the reviews. Like seriously, THANK YOU! Anyways, I know it looks kind of on the negative side for Ezria since they're both sleeping with different people, and they're barely associated, but that will change. Actually, if you're an Ezria shipper, the next chapter is going to be really good for you, and you'll get to see the plot that Aria and Ezra have with each other, and how Jake plays into that. By the way, the 'Jake Penn' guy is the same one from the show.

For people wondering about Hanna and her future with a proper love interest: she's kind of going through a weird time at the moment. She will eventually come to realization that sex isn't everything. I don't want to spoil anything with Haleb (Caleb is in this chapter), but Hanna just feels really lost with him. He broke her heart, and she lost faith in relationships because of him. I'll just say that they have a long road to forgiveness, and it'll take a while to heal and become friends again. BUT FEAR NOT, he is a character in this story that will stick around.

And for Emily, someone picked up that she didn't enjoy sleeping with people, hmm? She's going to go through a lot in this story, and I have plans for her. Right now, she's trying to understand herself, and she's trying to take a chance when a certain somebody wants to go out with her (you'll find out who he is).

Spoby! I think this one is pretty straightforward in the chapter. They're trying to help each other, but Spencer is ultimately scared out of her mind to lose her virginity, and Toby is going through a really rough time. I guess you could say they're finding comfort in each other.

Sex Club

Chapter 2

The young man—Jake Penn—got up from the bed and started to redress himself. Aria, seeing that he was putting his clothes back on, did the exact same thing. This part was always the most awkward part of the Sex Club. The actual sex was easy, good, and sometimes intense, but the part where someone has to leave was always awkward and terrible. She wished she could skip that part every time.

She found it weird that he even joined the club. He was gorgeous. Way too gorgeous... His build was incredible. He was muscular, had a good looking face, and a great looking body. Plus, he seemed to be quite sweet in their short moments together where they actually spoke. What was a guy like him doing at the club?

"Aria," he said in his manly and low voice. She loved the way her name sounded when he said it, "I wanted to thank you for that. My experience with you was a way better experience than many of the matches I've gotten so far."

"You're welcome?" she said, but it sounded like a question. She didn't know if she was supposed to thank him for telling her she was a better fuck than most.

"I don't want this to be the last time I'll ever see you," Jake told her, giving her an extremely adorable smile. "The obvious solution would be to ask Noel to pair us up again, but I'm thinking of more than sex here. You're crazy beautiful, and I wanna get to know you better. I already know you're good at sex, so if I like your personality, we could have something good."

Aria couldn't help but smile.

"You're asking me out?" she asked for confirmation.

"I think I am," he responded, still smiling. "I hope it doesn't sound too crazy or conceited. I really don't want this to be all about sex, I was hoping for more than that. I don't think I could handle today being the last time I'll ever see you again, and I hope you feel the same way."

"I do!" Aria exclaimed, and giggled when she said it. "Of course I do. You're crazy handsome."

Jake took something out of his wallet, and he handed it to Aria. She glanced at the little white card he handed her. It was a business card to a self-defense training dojo. She didn't understand what that was supposed to mean. Was she referral to his kung fu job? He was really cute, but she wasn't willing to pay to go to some class just to see him again.

"I know it's weird, but that's my card," he told her. "It has my cell number on it, actually. Just call and say it's you, and I'll know it's not about business. You didn't think I was trying to sell you lessons, did you?"

"The thought may have occurred..." Aria confessed.

Jake chuckled and said, "Well, if you're in for lessons, I'm quite the teacher. But, I'd much rather have you call me so we can figure something out. I want to take you out for real. Can I count on your call?"

"You'll definitely hear from me again, Mister Penn," Aria said, smiling. He smiled back at her. "I've been looking for self-defense lessons for awhile! I'll see you Monday, Sensei!"

"Very funny," Jake said, unable to stop grinning. "Call me."

Spencer found herself having to practically sneak into the building. She saw Hanna entering. The blonde checked in with Noel before walking up the stairs with a handsome young man. Once all was clear, the brunette made her way inside the lobby of the motel. It seemed Noel had quite a few people on his hands, as their was a line towards his desk.

"Hastings?" Noel asked, grinning at her. "You're back! I won't tell Hanna, I swear."

She rolled her eyes and said, "I know, I know. I feel stupid, but I'm back. What can you do for me?"

"You'll see, and you won't be disappointed," Noel told her. "There's no shame in being here. A lot of people take a liking to this shit. I have some people to match up and deal with first, so why don't you sit down in my waiting area? Newbies gotta go through some sign-up stuff. I'm dealing with returning customers first."

She nodded her head, and Noel pointed to the chairs in the lobby. She assumed that was the waiting area. There were a few seats, but only one other person. It was a male with brown hair similar to her hair color. His hair was wet from the rain, and he looked stressed out. He was running his hand through his hair, staring at the floor, contemplating deeply.

"You okay?" Spencer asked, glancing at him.

He shook his head and answered, "No."

She honestly didn't know how to help him. They were strangers. She didn't know how to help him without invading his privacy! He obviously wouldn't want somebody to ask him all about his personal life. She decided it was best to just stay quiet, so she looked away.

After a few minutes, Noel smiled and called her over. All the other people who were oh the lobby were finally gone. They had made their way upstairs for their own sex, leaving Spencer with Noel to sign up.

"I'm not surprised you came back," he told her.

"Look, Noel, I don't need you to mock me," she said, folding her arms.

"Whoa, don't get all pissy on me, Hastings!" Noel cried, putting his hands up in surrender. "I don't want any trouble, I promise. I just kind of figured that you would want to come back. I don't blame you. With all that happened between you and Alex, I'm sure things are rough."

"I don't need a life lesson. I'm not here to talk about him," Spencer said, sighing. "Can we please get to the part where you work your magic?"

"Right," he said, nodding his head. "You looking for any type of guy specifically?"

"No, I just need somebody who isn't too experienced," she told him. "I'm sure you already know that I have like no experience, so... if it makes sense, I just don't want to be the one who sucks at it. I don't want to be the let-down."

"I get what you're looking for," Noel said with a smile. "You can go sit down in the waiting room again. I'm gonna work with this guy, and then I'll take a look at some potential matches and get back to you. I'll see if there's any room for tonight, but if not, you can come back tomorrow. Sit down and relax. There's a vending machine if you want something to eat or drink."

With that, Spencer made her way back to the waiting room.

"Oh yes, Ezra!" a woman moaned as he kissed down her neck.

He felt weird. Going for round two with a woman he didn't even know the name of? It felt like a very player-ish thing to do, and at his age, he didn't believe he could even be considered a player! He didn't have any feelings for her, and the sex didn't feel special. It wasn't bad or anything, but he felt like he needed some connection to her to actually enjoy it.

"Why'd you stop?" she asked, cupping his cheeks. "Come on, big boy, round one was great, let's play again." She giggled and kissed him hard.

"Um, this doesn't feel right," he answered, pushing her off. "I'm all worn out from round one. I don't even know your name, lady."

"I'm Samantha," she introduced herself happily. "We don't need to know each other well to have a good time, babe. I already know what I need to know... you're really good at this stuff."

"Samantha," he said, sighing, "I can't do this again, I'm sorry."

"Why not?" she asked, folding her arms.

"You're probably a great girl, but... I can't sleep with girls for fun!" Ezra cried, running a hand through his curly dark locks. "I thought a loveless, sex-filled relationship would be everything I've ever wanted, but it's killing me. We don't connect at all. We have nothing in common. Actually, I wouldn't know because I don't even know you!"

Samantha glared at him before grabbing her purse and leaving the room without another word. He knew he upset her, but he was glad that she left. He didn't like her being near him. She was really hot, he had to admit, but he didn't like the fact that he knew nothing about her.

He made his way down to the lobby. He peered to see if Samantha was gone, and luckily, she was. He walked into the lobby for real, and saw Spencer Hastings sitting in the waiting room, her hair slightly damp from the rain. It was pouring hard outside, and he just noticed that.

Ezra walked to the desk, and stood behind the brown haired young man who was talking to Noel. Once they finished talking, the boy went to the waiting room as well, so Ezra had his chance to talk to Noel.

"Fitzy!" Noel exclaimed. "What can I do for you? Was Samantha no fun? I saw her leaving. That's a shame. I've hooked up with her, and she's got a killer body!"

"Yes, she's really good looking, Noel, but I didn't connect with her at all," Ezra explained. "The sex... it was boring. We had no connection. Do you have anyone that's interested in English? In literature? I want somebody I can relate to. That's the only way I can have sex with a connection."

Noel sighed and told him, "That's a risk. Sleeping with somebody you connect with is not good for one-night-stands. Those are supposed to be emotionless. You're not supposed to want to date the person you hook up with."

"I get that, but I can't handle sex where I barely know the person," Ezra told him. "I feel like to have good sex, you need to relate to the person and like the person. I knew nothing about Samantha, therefore out sex was bland and it wasn't passionate at all. I want passionate and crazy good!"

"That may be a bit difficult, but I'll do what I can, my man," Noel said with a grin.

"Thank you," Ezra said with a smile. "I'll drop by tomorrow."

"Sounds like a plan!" Noel exclaimed, and Ezra left the building. He turned towards the waiting area and said, "Yo Hastings, get your ass over here. Let's talk. And bring the boy, too. I've got your matches for you."

It was a really scary moment for Spencer. Who would be taking her virginity? She really hoped it wasn't someone horrible. But, everyone kept saying that Noel made amazing matches, so she had hope. Hope that maybe she would get somebody good...

"I thought about this for a while, and I decided to match the two of you up together," Noel told them, grinning. "You both barely have any experience. It'll be good. I have a good sense, and using that sense, I detect a good kind of thing between you guys. Your sex will be awesome, trust me."

"What?" Spencer choked. "I'm paired up with him?"

He turned to look at her.

Quietly, he introduced himself, "My name's Toby... Cavanaugh."

"Good stuff."

Emily couldn't help but feel weird. He was a really cute guy. He had a great body, a great face, and he seemed experience in the sexual department. So, what was wrong with him? Emily didn't understand why she couldn't enjoy the sex they just had! All her other friends seemed to love the sex they got from the club. The experiences were good, but she just didn't feel anything special. She wanted an amazing feeling. She had seen a lot of TV shows and read so many books where the sex was life-changing. Why didn't her life feel changed?

"I think it's really cool that you're a swimmer," he said. "I'm a swimmer, too. Go Sharks!"

Emily half-smiled and said, "Wow, Ben, that's really cool."

"Yeah, it is," Ben said, biting his lip. "Listen, Emily, I've seen you around school, and I've seen you at your meets. I would be lying if I said I haven't been crushing on you for a while. You're cute, sweet, an awesome swimmer..."

"You like me?" Emily asked, shocked.

She was flattered. She was talking to Ben Coogan, the hot, popular guy. She couldn't believe somebody like him liked her. She didn't even think he noticed her in school, so she obviously didn't think he liked her. She thought their sex was the first time he'd ever noticed her in his life.

"Hell yeah!" Ben exclaimed, grinning. "I would be stupid not to want somebody like you."

"That's sweet," Emily mumbled.

"Despite what you've probably heard about me, I know I'm a good guy," Ben explained to her. "I wouldn't wanna hurt you, and I mean it when I say it. I'd like to go out some time if you'd wanna go out, too. People say some shit about me all the time. I'm not a player, and I'm not a bad guy. I can be pretty decent."

Emily smiled at him and said, "I like you, too. And, I don't believe rumors I hear. People always love to talk false shit."

Ben grinned and said, "Wow, that's amazing. A girl who's so down with it. You're different, Emily. Most girls love to be a part of all the gossiping and rumor making shit. I'm surprised that you're not one of those girls. But, I'm glad you're not. That's what makes me like you."

Her heart was pounding so loud that she almost felt like Toby could hear it, too. She was about to lose her virginity to this guy that she didn't even know! She knew she could stop it, but she didn't know if she wanted to. Well, she certainly didn't want to have her first time be this way, but she really hated getting all those notes making fun of her for being a virgin. She needed to prove something to Alex.

"We're here," he whispered, scratching his head.

She watched carefully, analyzing every move he made. His hand trembled as he slid the key card. He swallowed hard before twisting the door knob slowly, and then started to walk inside. She followed him inside, her whole body feeling heavy. What was she supposed to do? How did they start this thing? Was she supposed to just get in there and do it with him? She had so many questions! She felt like she needed some kind of Sex Ed to help her. Didn't Noel have instructions?

"So..." Toby began, biting his lip, not even bothering to look at her.

"Why were you crying down there?" Spencer suddenly asked, glancing at him quickly. "Did something bad happen to you?"

"Bad things always happen to me," he vaguely answered. "Do you really care, or are you just trying to stall things because you don't want to do this?"

"Both," she answered, and both of them smiled at each other.

"Well, I know a little bit about what's happening to you at school," Toby told her, his eyes locking with hers. "I know what those guys say to you. I saw Alex Santiago taping the note to your locker. I get why you're here. You don't really want to lose your virginity to me, do you?"

"I didn't want to lose my virginity to my longtime boyfriend, so I certainly don't want to lose it to a stranger," she said, sighing. "But, Alex is a jerk, so I'm glad that's over. I would have still been with him if that incident didn't happen."

"You're only here to show everybody that you're not a prude?" Toby asked curiously.

"If you tell me why you were so upset down there, then I'll tell you more about why I'm here," Spencer answered, smirking at him. "Tell me what happened, and why it made you want to come here."

Toby stared at the floor and quietly said, "I don't like to talk about it."

He sat down on the motel room's bed, unable to move as he thought about it again. Spencer sat down next to him.

"I have been getting nonstop torture about what happened with Alex ever since it happened," Spencer explained to him, sighing loudly. "I'm done with it. I don't want to be that girl anymore. I just want to go back to that time when people left me alone. I don't want to be his target any longer. So why are you here?"

"I had a bad experience..." Toby whispered, his eyes getting watery.

"So, you had a bad first time?" Spencer asked, chuckling. "It doesn't matter. I'm sure Noel can find a way to give you better experiences. But trust me, I won't be one of those good experiences. You already know that I'm nothing but a virgin."

"Look, I wish that the bad experience was just because the sex sucked," Toby began slowly, "but it's not."

"Then what happened?" Spencer asked.

Looking up at Spencer with pain in his eyes, Toby answered, "I was molested..."

"What?" Spencer choked. "By who? You should report them to the police! This is a really big dea—"

"By my step sister."

Hanna didn't enjoy it.

She had fun the first few times, but it was getting old. Noel always could make a great match, so she didn't think it was because he started pairing her up with bad people. She just felt like something during the sex was... missing. She had ideas, but it seemed a little scary to try to think of which could be the true answer to her problem.

So, she thought like Spencer. Whenever the slender brunette had a problem, she believed that a cup of coffee and some time to think would solve everything. With that in mind, Hanna left the motel and drove off to the local coffee store... the Brew.

"Thanks, Angie," she mumbled, handing the woman a bill.

Angie nodded her head with a smile before giving Hanna her coffee. The blonde went and sat down at a random available table, and started to drink her coffee. She thought hard. Why did her life feel all complicated and tough all of a sudden? Everything felt like it was going wrong again. She felt like she was going back to that dark place she was in. The last time she was in that dark place was when she and Caleb broke up. The time before that was when her mom and dad got divorced. It didn't happen often, but it was back. And she didn't want that bad feeling to stay...


She nearly choked on her coffee when she looked up and saw the person standing there.

"C-Caleb, hey," she stammered nervously, setting her coffee cup down. She noticed that he had gotten a haircut. He didn't have long hair anymore, and damn, he looked so much hotter than before. "What are you doing here?"

"Uh, getting coffee," he said like it was obvious. "I didn't know I wasn't allowed to come here without having a reason that involves you."

"That's not what I meant," Hanna said, rolling her eyes. "Why are you being so cold?"

"I don't know," he quietly said. "Does it matter?"

"Kind of," she responded, folding her arms. "Do you want something from me?"

"What would I want from you?" Caleb asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"You're supposed to tell me, Shaggy," she responded, rolling her eyes again. "I don't understand you. You came up to my table, said my name, and now you're giving me a bitchy attitude? We haven't spoken in a long time, so what purpose do you have to come over to me? I don't need this! I don't need you to be all snarky! Why the hell did you come over to me?"

"I don't know," he told her, sighing. "I'm sorry." He started to walk away.

"Caleb, wait!" Hanna cried, standing up and grabbing his arm. "I got pissed, I'm sorry for talking like that. I'm just confused."

"I'm confused, too," Caleb said, swallowing hard and frowning. "You don't have to apologize. I was the one being stupid." He paused for a moment before continuing, "I guess I just came to your table because... you know... I was curious. I know we haven't spoken in a long time. I kinda missed having you around."

Hanna almost melted by the way he spoke, but she stopped herself.

"Yeah, well, who's fault is that?" Hanna snapped before getting up and exiting the Brew, leaving a disappointed Caleb alone.

They were just sitting there in silence. Spencer didn't know how to react! She had never been in a situation similar to the one she was in currently. How could she even help him? Comfort him? She barely knew him! They had just met, and she was supposed to be having sex with him, not comforting him about his past experiences.

"I'm sorry."

Toby wiped a tear away and said, "No, Spencer, you're not sorry. You're stuck here with a crying guy, and I know you want to have sex right now, but—"

"This isn't about the sex!" Spencer cried, shaking her head. "I can live with it. To be honest, I didn't really want to... I'm just... I don't know if I can. If I wasn't ready with Alex, I don't know how I can be ready with you."

"I get it," he said, nodding. "You can go if you want to. I don't need any pity."

"You think I'm going to leave you here alone to mope about your despondency?"

Toby laughed through his tears and asked, "What the hell does that even mean?"

"In simple words, it's when somebody is all bummed out when they lose hope," Spencer explained, putting her arm around him. "We may be like strangers, but I think that I'm decent enough to stay here with you."

Toby looked up at her brightly.

"What?" Spencer asked.

"I have an idea!" he exclaimed, his face still all lit up. "I owe you for staying here and trying to cheer me up. I know you want everyone to stop talking crap about how you're a virgin, and you think having sex is the only way to end it, but it's not. You can fake it!"

"Fake it... how?"

"Well, people will see you leaving, and they'll think you had sex with me," Toby told her. "We don't have to really do anything here, but when we leave, we'll just pretend like we did."

Spencer exclaimed, "That's brilliant! I don't know why I didn't think of that."

In the excitement of the moment, she leaned over and pecked his cheek.

"Hey Spencer," he began, "I just wanted to tell you that this has been a much better experience than the one with my step sister."

"...but we didn't even really—" she started.

"I know, but I don't think I've been this happy since before the time it happened," he explained to her. "So... thank you."

"You're welcome," she quietly said, and smiled at him.