Sex Club


Hanna Marin was heartbroken.

She didn't like break ups, but then again, who did? She honestly thought she was happy, and had peace, but after that, everything felt rocky again. Her boyfriend broke up with her. She didn't even understand what happened. They got in this massive fight when Hanna wanted to help him find his birth father. He claimed she was meddling in his life, and it escalated to this argument. Then, Caleb Rivers broke up with her. All she intended to do was help him get something good in his life, but she ended up ruining her relationship.

And that was why she showed up at the Sex Club.

"That was good," Hanna commented, tying her hair into a ponytail. She reached out to the floor to grab her bra, and she hooked it on. "Now, get out."

The guy she slept with, David, gave her a confused look. She didn't know how else to put it. Could she say, 'I just wanted to sleep with you, so get out of my room'? She knew she couldn't, but still! From all her past hook-ups, they got the message that it was one visit per customer. She thought the whole point of the club was to have some good sex when she was single, and that's what she was trying to do, but David was making that hard for her.

"What?" David choked, surprised by her choice of words.

Hanna scratched her head and explained, "Look, David, I'm sure you're a good guy, but we're done here, so leave. This is my motel room, so you need to go. You know what this club is, right? It's not build a relationship club..."

David swallowed hard and said, "I know, but I thought we could—"

"No!" Hanna yelled, pointing at the door. "Whatever you want... it's not going to happen. I joined this club for good sex, and that's what I'm getting. Now that I've gotten it from you, I don't want you here anymore. I didn't want to be rude, but your stubbornness to leave is giving me no choice!"

She was pretty sure she scared the hell out of him, because he practically jumped out of the bed and dressed himself again. Then, he raced out the door, and Hanna knew she probably would never see the poor guy again. But, she didn't care. She got the sex she needed, so she was done with him.

She had been in the Sex Club for quite a while since her break up with Caleb. That failed romance caused her to realize that relationships suck, and sex was what she was truly looking for. It seemed like the sluttiest thing to do, but what did it matter? She needed a way to keep an intense sex life without dealing with the complications of a relationship, and the club was her solution. There was nothing quite like it.

Dressing herself again, she stepped out of her motel room, and went to the lobby, where Noel Kahn stood. He had a smug smile on his face as Hanna approached him.

"I saw David leaving," he said. "You got things done real quick, didn't you, Marin?"

She shrugged her shoulders and responded, "I got what I needed from him. Thanks for the good match. He's a good quickie, but I think I want someone a little more intense."

Noel smiled at her and said, "That can be arranged. I'll find someone who can give you an intense night to remember. Come back tonight and I'll have you all matched up."

"Good to know," Hanna said with a smile. "I'll be here... tonight at seven. My mom should be out. I just need about one to two hours with the guy."

He nodded his head as she walked out the door.

It was true: Noel Kahn ran the club. But man, he knew how to match people up! Coming from a rich family, he was able to own the motel, and rent rooms out to club members at no cost. He owned it, after all. She was a bit surprised to know that he ran it, but once he showed her the magic of his club, she kept coming back for more.

Virgin forever.

Her cheeks started to get red and heated. She grabbed the note and crumpled it up. She didn't understand why other people cared what she did. Ever since the fact that she refused to sleep with her boyfriend Alex Santiago leaked out, people were giving her hell about it. Well, the thing was, she was pretty sure Alex was to blame for it. They were making out and all, and then he wanted to go further, but she didn't, so they got in a little argument. It ended up with Alex calling her a prude, and then breaking up with her, so it wasn't a very good day. By the next week, word had got around that her virgin ways stopped her from having sex with Alex, and she had gotten so many insults taped to her locker.

"Hey, Spence," Hanna greeted, walking up to her locker. "What's that?"

She started chewing her lip nervously. What believable lie could she possibly tell Hanna? She had always been a good liar, but for some reason, making a lie up on the spot for this topic was hard for her. Hanna was the kind of person to get nosy with people's personal lives, and Spencer didn't want that.

"It's just this old sticky note from a while ago," she lied, stuffing it in her pocket.

"Then it would go in the trash, not your pocket," Hanna said, folding her arms. "Let me see it, Spencer." Without hesitating, the blonde snatched the sticky note out of Spencer's jacket pocket.

"Are you happy now?" Spencer snapped, slamming her locker shut. "I've gotten enough of these, so I don't need you to mock me about it!"

Hanna smiled to herself and said, "I know how to make this better. Don't even question it... just meet me after school in the courtyard. I have to take you somewhere special."

And yes, she was going to take Spencer Hastings to the Sex Club.

Spencer was a bit hesitant. Where could Hanna take her that would make her feel better about becoming a joke to many of the students who attended Rosewood High? She didn't think there was really a solution, but Hanna seemed pretty determined that the mystery location would be golden for her.

"We're here," the blonde said cheerfully as she pulled her car up in the parking lot of a motel.

"What is this?" Spencer asked, confused. "Is this a motel? Is this some kind of joke? How is this supposed to make me feel better?"

"No more questions, Spence," Hanna halted her. "Just trust me, okay? I know what I'm doing."

Even though she insisted, Spencer still didn't trust her on it. She didn't understand how some weird motel that she had never seen before could help her get over that damn note! It didn't add up to her—she couldn't make sense of the situation. What good would it even do her?

"Virgin Hastings?"

That was a great start.

"Can it, Noel," Hanna demanded, stepping closer to the dark-haired male. He had a smirk on his face as the girls came closer to him.

"You're early, Marin," Noel said, still smirking at her. "Your appointment isn't until seven. I still haven't made that match for you yet. My list is long, and I've been working on some other ones."

"We're not here for me," Hanna informed him.

"I figured," Noel said, fixing his hair. "Let me guess... You brought Hastings here so that I can help her with that whole situation at school. Alex Santiago— ouch. Well, you've brought her to the right place. Spencer, I am going to make this all better for you." She had a confused look on her face. "Do you even know what this is for?"

She shook her head and answered, "Hanna still hasn't clued me in."

Noel shook his head and cried, "Come on! You know better than to not even tell her what she's getting herself into." He sighed and looked up at Spencer before saying, "This is a Sex Club, Spencer. That's what this is, and that's why she brought you here."

"What?" Spencer choked. "I'm not going to be a part of this crap!"

"Calm down, honey," Hanna coaxed. "This is the best place to get a quickie when you need it. And in your case, help you get rid of that virginal status. Noel can do that for you. He can arrange you with somebody really good!"

"No, I didn't sleep with Alex because I didn't want to!" Spencer yelled. "I'm not some prude... I just have my own feelings. I wanted my first time to be special, not with some high school boyfriend that would probably leave me later on."

"But the thing is, this is one bang, and then you're out," Hanna explained with a grin.

Noel sighed and butted in, "She's not very good at explaining things. I can fix you up with somebody who will give you an unforgettable first time. Then, it's over, and you don't have to worry about it anymore. There's no fear of him leaving you, because you've never been together! It's perfect, really."

Spencer didn't know why, but she was actually considering it for a moment.

She changed the subject and asked, "Is this where you've been disappearing to after your break up with Caleb?"

"Yeah, and I'm not ashamed to say it," Hanna told her. "I get the best part of a relationship whenever I want... without the troubles of a real relationship! It is genius, I swear. I'm so happy here."

Yawning, a tan girl walked down the stairs and towards Noel. Spencer looked back to get a better look at her, and it was not somebody she was expecting to see. It was Emily! Her sweet Emily Fields, followed by Aria, as in Aria Montgomery! She didn't understand what they would be doing at a Sex Club. Having sex?

"Sammy was pretty good," Emily commented, scratching her head. "I just didn't feel much... you think you could give me somebody more intense next time?"

"Sure thing, Emily," Noel said with a smile. "Have a nice day, and say hello to Hanna and Spencer!"

"Spencer?" Aria choked, turning around. "Hanna finally got you into the club? It took her long enough to just ask you."

"I can't believe you two are a part of this stupid club!" Spencer cried, shaking her head. "You're supposed to tell her what she's doing is dumb. She's been hooking up with different guys ever since her break up with Caleb!"

"They know, Spencer," Hanna said, rolling her eyes. "I asked them to join the club, and they love it! It's something they can actually look forward to."

"Look, I was hesitant at first, but when I tried it out, it was amazing," Aria explained, chuckling. "I lost my virginity here to Noel, and I liked it!"

"It was no coincidence that she ended up with me on her first night here," Noel said, laughing as he backed up from the girls.

"Yeah, it's fun," Emily pitched in. "It made me feel... alive. I know about what's going on with that whole Alex rumor, and I know it probably sucks. That's why you should open yourself up to this club. You could find something or someone really good. Noel knows what he's doing when he matches people up."

"I don't... I don't know..." Spencer mumbled, shrugging her shoulders. "I can't!"

"You don't have to do it," Aria told her. "Don't do it because we're telling you to. You should only do it if you want to."

Just then, the door opened. A tall man with dark hair entered, and he had a small smile on his face. He had beautiful blue eyes, and a stubbly face. All of the girls stared at him while he entered the building. He pushed right past them and went to Noel.

"Do you have any women in their twenties?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

Noel grinned and answered, "You must be a first timer. If you know me, you know I can get you any type of woman you want. I've got a whole bunch of college girls in their twenties."

The man smiled and said, "That's what I was hoping for."

"What time?" Noel asked, grabbing a pen from his desk.

"Any time tonight," he answered. "I'm off from work after three PM."

Aria swore she knew that voice. She knew that face. She knew him! It was her English teacher. All of the people in that room knew who he was. He taught their English class! So, why was he at Noel Kahn's Sex Club? It didn't make sense to her. Why would a grown man want a teenager to match him up?

"Mr. Fitz?" Aria curiously said.

He turned around and and warmly greeted her by saying, "Hello, Miss Montgomery. Funny seeing you here. And it must be even more funny seeing me here, huh?"

"It really is," Aria said, scratching her head. "Mr. Fitz, why are you here?"

He scratched his head and answered, "I'm looking for some fun, that's all. And don't call me Mr. Fitz, please. I'm not your teacher anymore, I'm just a man you know. Call me Ezra, all of you."

Ezra? She couldn't wrap her head around the fact that he was even at the Sex Club! She found it weird to see her teachers at places like restaurants, so seeing him at a club for sex was probably the weirdest thing possible.

"Well, I better get going," he said, giving Aria a small smile before starting to walk towards the door. He turned around and said, "Thank you, Noel." After that, he walked right out and towards his car.

"This has been a really weird day," Spencer said, and shook her head. "Hanna, can we leave?"

The blonde asked, "You sure you don't want to have him match you up?"

"I'm good," Spencer responded, rolling her eyes. "You, Aria, and Emiyl can have your fun, but I don't want to be a part of it."

"Suit yourself," Noel said, relaxing back on his chair. "My match could have given you the best first time anyone could ask for. I make magic with these matches, Hastings. Keep that in mind, and come back any time if you change your mind. I'm always open to take you back."

Hanna had dropped Spencer back at school. The brunette got into her car and drove back to her large home. She got out of the car, slowly walking towards her door. Of course, there was something she noticed... the plaque that normally read The Hastings was covered by a piece of poorly torn binder paper that read The Virgin Residence. She felt numb.

Why did it matter to other people? She was sure that plenty of other people were virgins at their school. So, why was she different? Why did she deserve the harassment more than everyone else who was? She was pretty sure it was just because Alex felt rejected, and had all of his friends help him torture her because she didn't want to have sex with him!

Lucky for her, her parents weren't home, so they didn't see the rude paper left behind. She crumpled it up and tossed it into the trash can that was in her bedroom. She fell back on her bed, sighing. Of course she wanted to have sex. She just didn't want to have it with somebody that would judge her and could dump her for a bad experience.

And that was why Noel's Sex Club became really appealing in her head.

She was tempted to go back. The person Noel gave to her would be somebody who couldn't break up with her if she did awfully! He would just have to live with it and request a new partner. That thought made her want to go back. Aria, Hanna, and Emily had no problem doing it with so many different guys. Spencer wasn't going to keep going there frequently. All she wanted was one time.

And that was why she found herself driving back to the motel.