Before you read this, I want to give you all a heads up that I'm not the perfect writer. Like everyone else I make mistakes. If I do make a grammar mistake, it would be great if you would message me and let me know so I can immediately fix it before it causes a lot of misperception. If you have a problem with what I'm writing or you don't like it, deal with it! This is my fanfiction story. Leave or suck it up.

Thank you for reading and enjoy the story!

Katherine of Aragon sat motionless in her dumpy wooden stool in the vast Kimbolton Castle. Being an exiled Queen was a pitiless entity, especially when no one longer referred her as Queen. Her husband and the King of England had banished her from Court and gave her the title "Dowager Princess of Wales" to recognize her position as his brother's widow. King Henry had dismissed the very few ladies in waiting who were of Spanish Descent as her punishment for not approving of the wicked divorce. Katherine spent hours deplorable and crying for her only daughter, Mary's cursed and perturbing future. Her sweet darling girl had been declared an illegitimate bastard and was styled "The Lady Mary" rather than Princess, her true inherited title. And it was all thanks to the very existence of that wretched woman, Anne Boleyn.

Anne Boleyn has stolen her life from her while claiming to sire a son and heir for the king, furthering the Tudor line. In god's eyes the marriage was unlawful in every way but that scarcely stopped Henry from marrying the wretched whore. Today Katherine heard the news that Anne Boleyn had been proclaimed Queen of England, the position many noblewoman craved. Her poor health began decline and she knew that death would soon be upon her. Illness befell her and recently it had increased to a rate where Katherine could hardly stand. Anne has won. Anne Boleym, that evil harlot had won Katherine thought bitterly. Abruptly an overwhelming pain swept through her body and the ache in her skull refused to halt while bitterly swelling.

"Maria, come quick!" cried Katherine, cradling her brunet head in hopes to ease the pain.

Immediately an old, hazed looking woman emerged and rushed toward the Queens side.

"Your majesty, what is wrong?" asked the worried woman, her wrinkles creased in concern.

Katherine smiled. Maria was the only one who still referred to her as 'your majesty' the majority had now refused to, calling her marriage to the king invalid because of her incapability in siring a son and heir for the English Kingdom.

"My time has come, Maria. I feel my life slipping away from me" Katherine sighed and with the help of her loyal lady, reached her large canopy bed.

"Your majesty, all you have to do is ask and I'll do anything for you" Maria began to cry, in fear of her Queens life and grasped her Sovereigns petite, frail hands.

"Every marrow when I wake my head feels like its splitting in two. I feel that death would be soon upon me" murmured Katherine, lying down on the white cushions and closing her tired eyes.

"Please, don't say that" cried Maria, refusing to believe what she has heard. "I'll get the physician"

Before Katherine could utter a single no, Maria burst from the room and yelled throughout the halls to quickly summon a doctor for the Queen.

Katherine sighed and closed her eyes in slumber. Her dreams were quiet and peaceful. She had dreamt of her young son with dark brown bobbing curls, running toward her and laughing joyously as he fell onto the soft, lush grass. Her older daughter Mary was also giggling as she tackled the younger boy. Katherine smiled at the scene and to her this was a perfect heaven. Katherine felt relief and in concord peace. All was perfect, but dreams were always bound to end. Unexpectedly, a strong hand pulled her into a sitting position, forcing her awake from her paradise. Katherine blinked in despair and observed her familiar surroundings. In front of her stood a wrinkly, aged man wearing dark black robes, the old man approached her and curtseyed. She quickly observed that it was Maria who was holding her into a sitting position. How long have I slept for? Wondered Katherine and felt a great disappointment at being awoken during an enjoyable and pleasing dream.

"My lady, please let me examine you" croaked the old man, reaching toward her.

Katherine felt an urge to protest to the Doctor and just beg him to let her go in peace but she remained silent and merely nodded, wondering what King Henry's, her ex-husbands response to her death would be and hoped every fiber in his body would regret sending her away in shame and exile.

The physician who she soon learned was Doctor Johnson was the small town's only doctor. The old man called Doctor Johnson began to examine her, his calm expression never wavering until he observed her round, swelling belly. His eyes widened and asked her calmly

"When was the last time you bled?"

Katherine blinked at the absurd question and replied sullenly "Months ago… I'm getting older and barren so I no longer have…" suddenly she stopped talking and it immediately hit her like a wave pool.

There's no way… thought Katherine …Impossible

"My lady, you're pregnant" he said bluntly. That very moment, her loyal servant Maria gasped and her eyes began to run in blissful tears.

"God has finally answered our prayers" she cried, crossing herself feebly and gazing up at the ceiling as if it was the very image of God.

"I don't believe it! I haven't been able to conceive for years. It's…" Katherine wavered and shook her head in consternation and disbelief.

"A miracle" Doctor Johnson finished the sentence for her. "God creates miracles, milady."

Katherine mind was jumbled with excitement and paranoia. She hadn't slept with her former husband, King Henry for months. The final time was during the time she had begged him to reconsider his hopes of marriage to that Witch, Boleyn. Henry had grown very angry and in his wrath, had forcefully taken her to humiliate the little dignity she had. That moment she had realized her loving, devoted Henry was gone and instead was replaced with a vile, angry man.

"You're six months pregnant, your husband must be very proud to receive the news" said Doctor Johnson, flashing a grandfatherly smile. Katherine gazed at Maria's uncomfortable expression and instantly realized that the town's doctor had not realized who she truly was and took comfort in knowing that the only one who knew of her pregnancy was her trusted friend and servant, Maria.

"I believe you to be 5 months in, my lady." The elderly doctor rummaged through his sack to further organize his instruments that he had not needed. "You must take precaution in your health; any small incident may harm your child fatally. I advise you stay in bed until further notice" The physician tipped his hat in a polite routine and retired from the chamber.

"Oh my lord" breathed Maria. "This is god's gift"

Katherine nodded and placed her hands on her swelling belly. That very instant Katherine felt like a fool for not noticing this sooner. She had been pregnant a healthy number of times to realize if she would be expecting. It was most likely due to her heavy grief that Katherine failed to notice the growing child inside her.

"Maria… what should I do?" Katherine asked, a complex emotion burning in her dark eyes.

"Everything will be fine" Maria murmured, kneeling at her Queen's bed side.

"Henry despises me and the Boleyn's won't take this lightly. They will take my child away! Son or not, they'll take my baby away" she cried, growing hysterical at the prospect of her little babe locked away in a tavern.

"Please, your majesty, don't contemplate too extreme" soothed Maria.

"Henry won't believe the child's his! I know him too well" Katherine shook her head in contempt.

"Your majesty, you need rest!" she comforted, in hopes sleep would ease her Queens mind.

Katherine wanted to protest but knew sleep was the out most importance at this point and as she closed her eyes a positive tingle crept through her body. At least for now there was hope for a brighter future.

King Henry laughed loudly as the court fools commissioned with their hysterical acts. King Henry was content, beside him sat his beautiful wife Anne Boleyn who sparkled in her pale blue dress with her dark raven curls covering her virtually uncovered white breasts. His new wife was absolutely ravishing and a portion of the court seemed to agree as they eyed the new, beautiful Queen with love and curiosity but some with disdain, anger and hatred. Many were strong supporters of Katherine but tried to hide it considering many who openly supported Katherine were immediately banished from court and never seen again or sent to the tower. The pope had declared the marriage to Anne Boleyn invalid and evil, many Catholics silently agreed and also the majority of Europe. The way King Henry had disastrously thrown his wife, Katherine away was a tragedy and the Spanish hatred grew so strong for the King that King Henry had to send the majority of Spaniard descendants back to Spain. "Where the filthy Spanish dogs belong" King Henry clearly said to his council.

"Anne" said Henry smiling at the dark beauty before him. "I would like to present you with a gift"

Anne Boleyn turned her attention to the King and beamed. "Your Majesty is generous" she purred, looking at the King behind her long dark eyelashes in a seductive tactic.

"Only to you Anne" respired Henry while looking at Anne's open breasts, he could hardly wait for the moment both of them to be alone.

"Kluwern!" Henry cried the name of his servant who quickly rushed to his side carrying a white, jeweled box in both hands. He curtseyed as he approached the Royal couple and handed the exquisite box to the beautiful maiden. Anne calmly took the chest in her small white palm and opened it, inside lay an incredibly large jeweled ruby necklace with a golden chain. It was exquisite and highly expensive; it was a reminder to Anne that she was doing a pleasing job in seducing the King and in so, becoming the most powerful woman in England, the Queen.

"Your majesty, your kindness is beyond me" flattered Anne Boleyn, entertaining the King.

"Anne… I told you please call my Henry" murmured Henry, teasingly playing with Anne's golden and silver rings on her slim fingers.

"I will" confirmed Anne Boleyn, welcoming at the man who gave her many joys "Tonight" she whispered in his ear so no one could hear.

Henry shivered at her seductive tone and radiated at the thought of spending the night with Anne. It would be a night to remember.

"Anne…" he breathed, staring at her seductive cherry red lips that looked deliciously tempting that moment. Henry inclined toward Anne's face to kiss her luscious mouth. As Henry leaned forward, a voice interrupted him. Henry turned and glared of the man who dared. He was disturbed by Lord Cromwell who was dressed in bellowing dark black robes with white ruffles peeking out of his neck piece and around his shoulder hung a large golden chain symbolizing him as a councilman.

"Your majesty" bowed Thomas Cromwell, interrupting the Royal couple.

Henry turned his attention to the lord and felt rage course through his body.

"What?" snapped King Henry, glowering at Thomas Cromwell. Cromwell gulped in realization he had displeased the king but continued with his speech

"I would like to express my congratulations on your marriage and the council would like to meet with you concerning issues with the… pope"

Anne Boleyn drew in a sharp breath and glared at Cromwell, did he have to remind everyone on such a beautiful day? She thought to herself disgustedly.

King Henry the 8th turned red in rage and hissed "HOW DARE YOU COMMAND ME?" Everyone in court immediately fell silent and gazed at the unfortunate man who managed to enrage the King.

"DOES THE COUNCIL SUMMON ME NOW? AM I NO LONGER KING?" roared his majesty, causing many noblemen in the opposite direction to flinch at his words. Cromwell eyes shone momentarily of fear but he hid it well behind his expressionless façade.

"Your majesty, no one would dare do something so dreadful to their only sovereign" replied Cromwell, easing his way through the complicated situation by complimenting the King.

The Tudor King grunted but otherwise heard Cromwell out as he ineffectively explained the dire request from his councilman. Henry snorted in defiance but knew that this was not an important assembly and it was his duty to attend. Henry irritably strode through the stoned corridors with Cromwell trailing behind him. He hated leaving Anne behind, oh how he craved her vibrant company in his daily life. As he caught sight of the familiar wooden framed doors, the frantic King stormed into the chamber and was greeted with the Councilman's befuddled expressions.

"I don't give an hundred bollocks what the fat Italian man says! He doesn't approve a second marriage then be it" yelled Henry to his advisors, a few nearby cowered at his heated tone. The King continued "I hardly need his approval for a second marriage; this realm of England is an Empire and should not have to answer to Rome's concepts."

"I fully agree with you, your majesty" bowed Thomas Boleyn. A few others voiced their agreements to the King, mostly afraid of the famous Tudor wrath if they hadn't or trying to weed themselves into the Kings good graces. Like the very famous, Earl of Wiltshire. The Earl of Wiltshire, Thomas Boleyn was a palpable suck-up to the king, he did everything in his power to please the King and had managed to succeed. So long were the days when he spent as a diplomat, Thomas Boleyn was an authoritative man in England and his success was all in gratitude to his eldest daughter, Anne Boleyn.

"This is an act against god" silently hissed John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester to his companion Sir Thomas More. "All of Europe will scorn England if this act proceeds"

Sir Thomas More shook his head, swaying the long dark greasy locks "There is nothing that can be done, the king has power most man can only dream of"

The deep-rooted, religious catholic refused to be swayed and crinkled his grey eyebrows in displeasure "This is going against the law of god! Divorce is improper in god's eyes"

Thomas More sighed and looked around the chamber to make note there were no sly ears hearing their treasonous conversation "We are nothing but insects to the words of a King. I am against this procedure as much as you are but there is nothing that can be done"

Bishop Fisher could only shake his head in defeat and rout "You are quite precise, Sir Thomas. We can only sit and watch as the scheme ensues"

That moment Thomas Howard, the prestigious Duke of Norfolk and sister to 'Elizabeth Boleyn nee Howard' advanced his opinion to the King on the pope's impolite refusal to such a delicate and important matter. King Henry impatiently nodded in agreement, straying his eyes through the chamber.

"For here henceforth, I reject the papal authority and brand myself the sole superiority to the Church of England" roared the Tudor King so all could hear.

There were loud murmurs at this phrase, most in agreement and the ones against the action refused to openly express their dislike to the procedure and instead stayed silent, contemplating the consequence.

"That is all, Gentleman. I now take my leave" King Henry turned and marched out of the chamber leaving his exuberant and jumbled councilman alone.

The wife and Queen of King Henry the 8th sat leisurely in the velvet red cushions in her new, eccentric chamber. Anne Boleyn was envisioning a bright and joyous future as England's new sovereign. The very thought of her children sitting upon the English throne made her giddy. There were only a few steps away in becoming the most influential and powerful woman in England. No one could stop her, not even the wretch, Katherine. The woman was a hoary woman whose youth had long left her, the very thought of her still breathing made her squirm. Katherine was one of the few thorns at her side that could possible seize her dream to become a reality.

If only she was dead…

If Katherine no longer lived, her authority would not be questioned. Anne hated to admit that the Spanish bitch had many supporters but that didn't necessarily mean that she could out due Anne's control and influence to the King. Smirking, Anne took a sip of the grape red wine and mutely toasted to her antics. She had already been crowned as Queen of England and the next step was to provide Henry with an heir. Anne was so sure that her child would be a healthy male. She hardly thought of a different approach. Her sister, Mary had provided the King with a baby boy and she could easily do the same. Loud, thunderous stomps were heard in the corridors and Anne immediately recognized those of her Husband, Henry. Anne trailed her eyes away from the opening entry and gazed at canopy overhead her.

"Anne" Henry crooned in his husky voice.

"Henry" Anne called and faced the man that ladies of her status can only dream of having.

Henry lustily smirked and walked towards Anne's welcoming arms.

Thank you for reading and please review!