The Legend of Kiara

BOOK 1 - Air

I do not own Legend of Korra or Avatar the Last Airbender. They both belong to Bryan Konietzko and Michael DiMartino. Hope you enjoy!






Long ago the Four Nations lived together in harmony, that is until the Fire Nation attacked. Avatar Aang rose up and stopped the ruthless Fire Lord Ozai and, with the help of his friends, ended the Hundred Year War, bringing balance to the world.

Years later, Amon and his Equalist raged war against the benders of the United Republic of Nations and the world. Avatar Korra and her friends band together and stopped the villain, restoring balance to the benders and their ungifted counterparts.

For many years the world stayed relatively peaceful. The Avatar after Korra, Avatar Tu-Li, kept the balance and the world entered a golden age, free of war and chaos. For over 65 years the world advanced in technology and the world prospered. But, dark times could be seen on the horizon.

A very powerful Earthbender by the name of Tuuk Jar built thousands of new weapons. Tanks, fighter jets, bombers, helicopters, missiles, machine guns, and pistols. He created many naval vessels like aircraft carriers, destroyers, and cruisers.

Tuuk Jar slowly made his way into politics, winning over many supporters all over Republic City. Eventually, he ran for President and won with millions of votes. Immediately after that he integrated his new weapons into the United Forces.

A year after winning the office, Tuuk Jar spread his views of expanding the freedom and prosperity of the United Republic. He expressed the notion that the Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Water Tribes are corrupt and will soon attempt to destroy the Republic because of how powerful they are getting. A lot of people didn't believe this, so to... persuade them he did secret, horrible, unthinkable things.

He and his Elite Troopers, dressed as Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation soldiers, stormed Republic International Airport and killed thousands of innocent men, women, and children. Of course, the people assumed the attacks were ordered by the Earth King and Fire Lord, so Republic citizens all over called for war.

Soon after that, the United Republic of Nations did just that and declared war on the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation. The Water Tribes sided with the two opposing nations and declared war on the Republic.

Avatar Tu-Li tried to calm the United Republic and confronted Tuuk Jar. That was the last time anyone saw the Avatar alive, disappearing when the world needed him most.

Now, 16 years later, the war continues to engulf the world, throwing everything off balance.

There is only one person who can end this war. The most powerful bender of all time.

The Avatar.

The United Republic has pushed towards the east and south into Earth Kingdom territory. They were met with fierce resistance, but nonetheless have gained a lot of ground. They have moved into the Air Temples, but didn't get far because of the Fire Nation's presence. The Northern Water Tribe is nearly impossible to get to, but they have taken small islands. The Southern Water Tribe is much more powerful than what it used to be. They fought back and have halted any more advances to the south poles.

Any invasion attempts into the Fire Nation have failed miserably. Their Navy is too powerful and the blockade is nearly impenetrable. Even on some of the Fire Nation islands, they have set up anti-aircraft cannons and turrets. The further into the Nation you go the more heavy the defences get. The supply routes the Fire Nation uses to get troops and supplies into the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribes is well defended. So far, the Republic Forces have taken only two islands.

Even the Fire Nation Air Force is large and powerful. They have remained air dominant throughout this war. The Earth Kingdom also has an Air Force, just not as powerful as the United Republic and Fire Nation's.

But, the same problems go for the Fire Nation also. Any attempt into United Republic territory ends in complete failure. The entire Republic is completely secure and the navy have set up check points and blockades along the waterways into the country. The many factories around Republic City help fuel the war machine, creating weapons and ammunition, jets and frigates, cargo planes and helicopters.

But, at the same time, the Fire Nation have always been a massive industrial superpower. They have an almost unlimited amount of ammunition and weapons. They have thousands of new tanks and missiles ready to hit anything that comes their way. The Earth Kingdom and Water Tribes get most of their weapons and supplies from the Fire Nation and have made good use of them.

The Air Nomads have not officially entered the war at all. But, that does not at all mean they won't defend themselves. The Fire Nation protects them from the sea and any attempt to take the Air Temples usually fail. The airbenders are almost at their peak numbers since before the Hundred Year War thanks too Harmonic Convergence, which caused a balance in the elements. Many nonbenders became airbenders and, thanks to Avatar Korra and Master Tenzin, many of them became Master Airbenders themselves. Though they're not in the war, they would not hesitate to defend themselves in the case of an invasion.

Back in Republic City, Tuuk Jar ran for President for his two terms, 8 years. Before his final year in office, the Senate voted to keep him in office indefinitely. They ruled that he will stay in power until this war is over, whatever the outcome is. So, basically Tuuk Jar will remain President for many years because the war has no end in sight.

The Beifong Family left Republic City at the start of the war and helped protect their homeland of the Earth Kingdom. Avatar Aang's Air Temple is now abandoned due to his family leaving it behind and moving to one of the other Temples.

President Tuuk Jar has ordered the Fifth and Sixth Naval Fleets return to Republic City for their next assignment. Both of these fleets are very large so whatever the mission is, it must be big and important. United Forces Admiral Chan Ro is in charge of this operation. Right now, he is walking through City Hall towards the War Room to meet with High Command on what his mission is about.

Republic City - City Hall, War Room

President Tuuk Jar stood in front of a large holotable. The holoprojection showed images of multiple warships attacking the Fire Nation. The Secretary of Defense, Eighth Systems Army General and two military strategist all stood around the large table also.

"Do you really think this plan will work, sir." The Defense Secretary asked.

"Of course it will. It has to work." Tuuk Jar said. "I am tired of watching our ships go up in flames every time we get close. So far only the Earth Kingdom has really felt what it's like to be attacked on their own land."

"The Fire Nation has not been directly attacked since the Hundred Year War." The General said nodding.

"Then they have a false sense of security." One of the military strategist said.

Behind them, the door slid open, revealing Admiral Chan Ro. "Sorry I'm late, sir." He said saluting.

"That is quite alright my friend. You didn't miss much." Tuuk Jar said, "Let's explain the plan." The holoprojection changed and showed a massive fleet heading for the Fire Navy blockade. "You will take your fleet and engage the enemy head on, Admiral. While they are distracted our submarines, that are already stationed behind enemy lines, will attack from behind. All you have to do is blast a hole in the blockade, then send in two of our destroyers and troop ships. Our main objective for now is Ember Island, we can't risk going any deeper due to the enemies heavy defences." He said as the holoprojection simulated the attack.

"This is a good strategy, sir. I just hope it works." Admiral Chan said.

"It will work." Tuuk Jar insisted. "But, if not, there's always next time."

"I shall leave immediately, sir." Chan said saluting. He turned on his heel and walked out of the room.

Once the Admiral made it to the harbor, he boarded his command ship. "All ships, set a course to the Fire Nation." He ordered as he stepped onto the bridge.

The hundreds of destroyers, cruisers, and aircraft carriers all exited Yue Bay. They all raised their United Republic flags and were off towards their enemy. This marks the beginning of the Battle of the Fire Nation.

Well, that's that.

Hope you guys like this story so far. It'll get more exciting next chapter, I promise.

A/N : I made a guess that Korra was born it 1910 and died 100 years later (I think Korra could live about 100 years). So the next Avatar, Tu-Li, was born in 2010 and died at age 66 (year 2076). The war has been going on for 16 years now (which is Kiara's age). So, as of now the year is 2092! Wow, so weird.

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