Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in a while, but here's a new chapter! I would really appreciate more reviews or else I might stop writing this story all together. I hope you like this chapter!

Chapter 5

Tris POV

After our kiss when I entered the house I went straight to bed with a smile on my face so I could dream of Tobias. I am so honored that he trusted me enough to tell me his real name seeing as it is something very few people know about him. I slept perfectly that night and woke up feeling just as happy as when I went to bed. As I has predicted Christina hounded me with questions wanting to know every little detail, so I told her that we talked a lot and how we danced and of course I had to tell her about the kiss.

The next week went by quick. I didn't get see Tobias personally but everyday he either sent me a few texts throughout the day or called me after dinner time to ask me about my day. When we talked on the phone I listened to his voice. Deep and husky and low so that he wouldn't disturb anyone. His voice alone put butterflies in my stomach and made me smile ear to ear. On Thursday night he called and we talked about our days as normal; me telling him about all the strange tattoos I was asked to give and him telling me about all the fights and injuries he had to witness. As we were wrapping up our phone call he told me that Zeke wanted to get everyone together again so I agreed to have a bonfire at mine and Christina's place on Saturday night.

When I finally got up on Saturday it was already 11:30. I got dressed into light wash skinny jeans and black v-neck t-shirt and made my way downstairs to go talk to Christina about our day. I found her sitting at the island in our sipping on coffee.

"Morning, Chris." I greet her.

"You know it's almost lunchtime right?" she asks watching me pour milk into my cereal.

"Yeah, but it's never too late for breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day."

"Yeah, yeah. So what are we doing today?"

"Well, I was thinking we could go food shopping for some snacks and dinner for the gang tonight." I tell her as I start to flip through the newspaper to see if there are any coupons.

"Good idea! We should get stuff for s'mores." Her eyes light up at the thought of this sweet treat. "What time are they all coming over?"

"Four said around 6 or so." I have had to get used to not calling him Tobias in front of anyone. It's been a little tricky because I have gotten so used to using his real name since I found out. For his sake though I make sure to not let it slip.

"Alright, awesome! So when you're ready to go we can head to the store. I'll check and see what we need and make a list. Do you think we should have hot dogs or hamburgers for tonight?" Christina talks as she searches the cabinets and fridge.

"Hmm. I think I should get the guys' input on this. I'll text Four and have him ask around." I grab my phone and type the message to him.

"Yeah, of course any chance to text your boo thang." She says in a teasing manner.

"Tonight will be the first time we have seen each other since our kiss. I can't exactly call him my boo thang yet." I hear my phone beep indicating a text message so I check it. "The boys all say hot dogs because we can cook them over the fire. He also says plan on another sleepover because Zeke and Uriah both want to get drunk." I can't help but laugh a little at this last part and I hear Christina giggle a little too.

"Not a problem. We have plenty of room." She confirms.

After a while Christina and I head out to the local grocery store and pick up some hot dogs, chips, stuff for s'mores, fruit, soda, and couple bottles of wine just for us because we both drink a glass of wine with dinner every night. We get home and put everything away and go to get ready because it's already 4.

I don't do much to get myself ready because I'm already dressed in an outfit I deemed appropriate for tonight's bonfire. I decide to curl the ends of my hair to just give it a little more personality and put on a touch of eyeliner and mascara. I check myself in the mirror and then go to clean up the downstairs a little before our guests arrive.

I hear a knock at the door and look up from my book at the clock. It just hit 6. Whoever is here already must have been really eager to get here on time. With that thought my stomach does an anxious flip at the thought of seeing Tobias again.

I reach the door and look out through the peep hole to check who it is before opening the door. Sure enough I see Tobias standing on the front porch looking down at his feet. I open the door and his head shoots up and he smiles when he sees it's me opening the door.

"Hey." I greet him matching his smile.

"Hey" he says back as he pulls me into a hug.

"You are very punctual, I must say." I giggle a little at him as we are pulling away from the hug. I lead him inside the house to the kitchen so we can sit and wait for the others.

"Yeah, well I just couldn't wait to see you again." He admits a little shyly.

"Tris! Is someone here?" Christina calls from her bedroom where she is still getting ready.

"Yeah, it's Four. He was right on time." I call back to her.

"I'm still getting dressed so I'll be down in a few!" I hear her inform me before I turn my attention back to Tobias who seems to be looking around the kitchen at nothing in particular.

"You want anything to drink?" I offer deciding to be a good hostess.

"No, thanks I'm good for now." He stops searching the room and his eyes land on me. "You look good tonight" He smiles.

I glance down at my very basic outfit then back up at him. "It's nothing fancy."

He walks around the island to where I was standing across from him so he's now in front of me. "You are beautiful without even trying." He says quietly to me.

I can't help but blush at this. "Thanks." He moves a little closer to me and looks me in the eyes. His are a perfect blue, a little deeper blue than normal. Being this close to him I can smell his intoxicating scent. He doesn't go overboard with cologne; in fact I don't think he wears any. I love that he just smells clean and musky all the time. It fits him and being able to breathe that in drives me crazy.

I see his eyes skim my face and linger on my lips before darting back up to my eyes. I don't realize that I had been doing the same to him. He leans in to me and I tilt up towards him. Our lips are so close that I can breathe in his exhales.

Just before our lips touch I hear a cough from behind Tobias and we pull away instantly. I guess we were so lost in our own little world that we didn't hear the doorbell ring because all of our friends are now standing in a group watching us.

I step away from Tobias and look down at my feet. I can feel the blush on my cheeks from being caught. Tobias speaks up first on our behalf.

"Hey, guys how's it going?" He asks to try and clear the air.

"Mhm." Is all they say before giggling at the two of us and turning towards the backdoor.

I stay behind to sneak into the bathroom and let my nervousness calm down a bit before heading back out. I look in the mirror to make sure I still look alright. I give my hair a small flip and head outside. All the girls are seated with empty spaces between them where their boys would be sitting. All the guys are standing in the center of the circle where the fire pit is to try and get a fire started. I sit down where I assume my spot would be in between Tobias and Zeke. I notice a guitar propped against the back of Zeke's chair.

"Are you treating us with some entertainment tonight, Zeke?" I ask.

He looks back at me looking at the guitar briefly before responding, "Yeah, well I'm just playing. Four is going to be the real entertainment."

I raise my eyebrows at the same time I hear Tobias say "What are you talking about?" to Zeke.

"C'mon dude you have talent and it's always a great time when we are jamming together." Zeke tells him trying to persuade him.

"We haven't done anything in so long though. I am going be rusty from no practice." He makes up an excuse.

"Like you never sing in the shower! That's practice enough" Zeke smiles at him and gives him puppy dog eyes, but he doesn't seem to budge. "Tris, help me out here." Zeke turns to me.

"I would love to hear you. I have never had the pleasure of hearing you and Zeke together. Please do it. For me." I give him puppy dog eyes same as Zeke and bat my eyelashes at him.

He lets out a sigh of defeat. "Fine, I'll do it."

Everyone claps a little and I giggle at the excitement of this event that turned into a big deal.

The boys finally get the fire started and sit down next to us girls. Christina went in to get the food ready while the boys finished the fire so now we are all snacking on chips and cooking hot dogs over the fire. When I deemed my hot dog done cooked enough to eat I lean back into my chair and feel Tobias put his arm around the back.

"So are you two official now? I mean I know you had a date, but that's it. Oh, plus what almost happened in the kitchen…yeah…" Uriah asks me and Tobias. Everyone laughs a little at the last part.

"What do you mean by official?" I ask him.

"Like are you two boyfriend and girlfriend or just going out on dates and kissing in kitchens?" He clarifies.

"Well, first off we didn't kiss in any kitchen because we were so rudely interrupted." I shoot them all playful glares. "And I'm not sure.." I look slightly at Tobias to see what he thinks of this. He never actually asked me to be his girlfriend yet but I'm sure we are more than just dating friends.

"You mean he didn't ask you to be his girlfriend on the date?" Shauna asks appalled.

I shake my head slightly.

"Four! You're supposed to clarify before the end of the night. Don't you know anything?" Marlene butts in.

"Sorry?" He shrugs a little. I can tell he is just as uncomfortable as I am during all this and I just want to tell him not to worry about it because I wasn't reacting like the others.

"Well do you want her to be your girlfriend?" Christina presses.

"I mean yeah I do, but this isn't how I was expecting it to go." Tobias answers a little shyly.

I perk up hearing this. He wants me to be his girlfriend and he had a plan! He is too good.

"How were you expecting it to go?" This time I'm the one questioning him.

He turns to face me now. "I was planning on taking you out on another date. This time to small café at night when they have performances. Then I would drive you home so you're not out too late and right before I kiss you goodnight I would ask you if you would please be my girlfriend because you make me happy and make me laugh and heck! You even got me to say yes to singing in front of people again. I would really love to call myself your boyfriend and have you to myself." He is smiling at me with his perfect million dollar smile and I can tell he is actually asking me now and not just telling the story of how he would have asked. I have to say I love what he had planned but having it happen spontaneously in front of all our closest friends just makes it so much better.

I realize that have just been smiling at him for sometime thinking all this and that I never actually responded. His joyous smile has turned to a nervous one and I jump at the chance to put him out of this. "I would love to be called your girlfriend." We smile together and both lean in not caring our friends are watching us. Our kiss is simple but full of lust.

Okay, that's it for this chapter because I need to get it up! The next chapter has already been started and will pick up right where this one left off. I really wanted to get the whole bonfire in this chapter but it's taking a while so I'm just splitting it into two chapters. Please review so I know people are reading. Reviews will motivate me to write more and upload faster. Hope you enjoyed!

- R