Hi! This is my first fanfic so I hope it is alright. If you don't like it feel free to tell me in the reviews! I am bad with beginning stories and giving background/back stories so I just jumped right in. The back stories will form with the story so as of right now you know just as much as I know. I'll stop rambling now. I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1

Tris POV

Christina perks up letting me know she has an idea forming in her head. She soon confirms my suspicions when she asks the group "Anyone want to go night swimming?"

As I think this through some of the other members of the group answer.

"I'm down." I hear Zeke say and see Shauna nod along.

"Totally!" Uriah and Marlene say together excitedly.

"Sure, why not." Will shrugs casually.

"Tris?" Christina waits for my response hopefully. I always seem to be the one everyone is sure will say no and be the party pooper and I'm not quite sure why they think this about me because I always up for anything.

"Sounds like fun!" I answer finally with a smile to let them know not only am I accepting the offer but I'm doing it happily.

"Yay! If only Four were here to make this a full group outing." Christina pouts the slightest bit. She loves, and well so do the rest of us, when the whole group is together. It never seems quite right even just one person is missing from our eight people pack.

But I get a little confused when she says this because up until now I hadn't noticed Four was missing. I guess a frown has formed on my face because I hear Uriah make a comment towards me.

"Hey, Tris why the long face? Do you loooove him?" the others laugh with him as I feel slight blush start to creep onto my face.

"No, I don't 'loooove' him." I roll my eyes to try and make this sound convincing enough to get them off my back. I guess it is true, though. I don't love Four. How can I love him when I don't even date him? I just have had this huge crush on him for the longest time and I swear he feels the same but I'd never know because every time we'd try to hang out something would get in the way.

"Okay, sure, whatever you say. But seriously you were just smiling and then it was gone just like that." Uriah notices.

"I just didn't realize he wasn't here." I look around to confirm this. When I don't find him I add "where is he anyway?"

"He had to stay late at the gym filling out paperwork because some idiot in his class got himself hurt." Zeke explains shaking at his head at the stupidity of the said idiot.

"How long will that take him? Surely not too long right? So we could wait for him or he could meet us there?" I guess I say this a little too eagerly because all my friends are smirking at me.

"Yeah, I'm sure we could wait a little. We need to let our stomachs rest anyway since we just ate." Zeke says letting me off the hook.

"Alright. I think I'll text him to let him know the plans." I grab my phone from where it's sitting beside me on the couch and pull up my messages with Four.

"Hey I heard ur stuck at work but we are all planning on going night swimming. We r waiting for u though" I press send.

"Thanx for letting me know…A night swim sounds perfect! On my way now. See u soon :)" He replies less than a minute later. I smile a little knowing I won't have to wait much longer to see him.

"He will be here soon. He said he is leaving the gym now." I inform the group.

"So, uh, what exactly is going on between you two? Do not say nothing because we can all tell there is something there." Christina asks curiously and the others nod in agreement.

I sigh a little. I guess it is kind of obvious. We do flirt a little but I never thought it was too much or really noticeable to anyone else, but I guess I was wrong. "I don't know. I guess it is obvious I like him, but every time we try to get together to see how things will work something goes wrong. Most of the time he's the one cancelling so maybe he just isn't interested in me like that." I look down at the floor.

"Awe Tris. I am sure that is not true. He has to like you. He'd be a fool not to. It's just bad timing is all." Marlene tries to comfort me.

"Plus he never shuts up about you when it's just us two. It's actually kind of annoying." Zeke chimes in and I perk up at this.

"Really?" I ask. Before he can answer we hear a car door shut outside and we know it's Four. "No more of this talk." I say quietly even though he hasn't even entered the house yet so I know he can't hear me.

As I hear the door open everyone resumes a typical conversation so that Four doesn't realize what we were just talking about. I turn to Zeke briefly and he just nods as an answer to my question and gives me a small encouraging smile.

"Hey guys I made it." Four says as he strolls into the room. I give him a welcoming smile and he returns it.

"Yeah, bro! Glad you could join us!" Uriah says to him from his spot next to Marlene on the floor.

"I heard a rumor that we are going night swimming. Still true?" He asks with a smile to show he is excited.

"Yeah, it is! Actually we should all get our bathing suits on so we can get going." Christina says as she starts to make her way upstairs to change. All the girls get up and follow after her to get changed in mine and Christina's bedrooms upstairs.

"We'll be down in a few!" I call to them from the top of the stairs.