I know that some scenes are slow, but character development is also important guys! And don't worry, this chapter is where the story picks up its pace.

*-The Fight for the Stars-*

A small box was levitating in front of my very eyes, caused by no one other than me. The feeling of the ezo gave me a head rush, but I cleared my mind and focused. The box lifted up and up, until it hit the ceiling before it floated down onto the ground.

I was doing quite well, that is until I heard a voice sound from behind me. "Wow. That's amazing…" Immediately, I felt my biotics weaken. The box lost the hue surrounding it and it fell to the ground with a plop.

I gasped; the feeling was too much, too unfamiliar at suddenly losing control but luckily, I managed to catch myself on my knees when I felt them buckle. My throat started to constrict the same as my chest; I couldn't breath.

I saw a Quarian from the corner of my eye wave her hands around like a headless chicken. She then crouched down to my level, hands still shaking as if she didn't know what to do with them.

She was expressing her panicked expression in a very exaggerated manner; I couldn't decipher what she was saying, but it was probably a few colorful curse words.

I tried to vocalize my thoughts, but it hurt too much to even try.

"Oh Keelah, Ms. Walker are you alright? Are you hurt? Do you need water? Bosh'tet, this is all my fault" I didn't want to speak, but I forced myself through the pain.

"Water. Please." She immediately perked up. She handed me a bottle of water and I grabbed it from her outstretched hand.

Sweet relief. This water was of holy transcendence heritage. It has already done more for me than whatever 'help' I've received from Angel Gabriel.

I finished chugging the water down with a relieved sigh. "Thank you. So much." I placed my hands on my hips. "And don't apologize, please. Its not your fault."

"W-What? No, no…its all my fault. I shouldn't have said anything! You nearly…nearly…"

"…died?" I couldn't help but fill in for her. Her silver eyes widened almost comically inside her helmet.

"Died?!" Lola looked liked she was about to pass out from how much she was hyperventilating, that I felt a bit guilty for adding to it.

I took arm and squeezed just enough to grab her attention. "I wasn't really serious about dying Lola, I was just kidding."

She was silent for a moment, as if she had to process what just happened and when she did, her eyes widened once more before she dropped her head, unceremoniously, and held it between her hands.

"Oh Keelah, this is so embarrassing…" I know that Quarians have to be visually expressive, more so than most species, but seeing it in person was quite surprising.

Awkward encounters like this only happens in high school, for goodness sakes. But I guess I was wrong, since pretty much the same thing happened when I first met Eli.

"Lola? Lola, look at me." I grabbed her by the shoulders and made her face me. I understood exactly how Lola was feeling. She just needs someone to knock some truths into her and she should be fine after.

"Its not your fault. Stop thinking that it is, please. Yes, you caught me off guard, but at least we both know to be more careful next time, alright?"

When I felt that she fully understood, I released her shoulders. I used to be exactly like her back in the day, and the only thing that would calm me down is whenever Jenny would do the exact same thing.


Just as the thought came, I immediately pushed it away. I know exactly what happens if I allow myself to dwell on that thought.

"So, are we good? Are you good?" She wasn't as fidgety anymore this time. I was quite relieved at that. The only people that I've managed to talk to have been either the most dramatic, absurd or apprehensive ones I've ever met. Crazy.

"Yeah, sorry." She winced as the apology came out. "I'm just not very…social."

"But you're a receptionist. How does that work?"

"We don't really have a lot of customers…" I raised an eyebrow at her. It wasn't a valid reason and she and I both knew it.

"I'm just new to the Citadel, is all." Content with her reword, she continued. "I just need a bit more time to get used to talking with other species."

"Wait, your new?" I noticed that she started to curl a bit into herself, a defensive mechanism probably, so I explained. "I'm new to the Citadel as well. This is actually my first week here." I smiled at her to ease her nerves, which –thankfully- seemed to work.

"Really?" Lola started to ease down in a matter of seconds. "Oh Keelah, don't say anything to Eli but, the aliens here as so weird!" I couldn't contain my grin. "I can't - I just don't understand how some of them are so…so…"

"…Confusing? Complicated?"

"Yes! So much So, so much." She sighed, which didn't fog up her headpiece for some reason. "But, no offense though." Lola quickly added.

"Ah, that's fine. Trust me, Humans are confusing." We shared a laugh. Despite that we just met, I could already tell that she wasn't the type of person to let loose around someone that she's just met and knowing that I was able to do that to her was uplifting.

"How about we take a seat first?" I suggested, filling in the silence.

"But how about your training?"

"I think I'll just wait for Eli. I don't really want a repeat of what just happened." She winced.

"I'm still really sorry about that by the way. There aren't really a lot of Quarian biotics back at the fleet. So I don't know a whole lot about them." She spoke once we got comfortable on our seats.

"Oh? There are Quarian biotics?"

"Of course. Pretty much any sentient species is capable of biotics." That's interesting. I'll have to do research on that later.

"So how does a Quarian end up as a receptionist for a gym anyway?"

"By luck really." She chuckled. "I was passing by this gym when I saw that they had an open job. So, I took it."

"Enough about me. How about you? How you end up on the Citadel?"

I thought for a moment. If I was going to make acquaintances, then my story would have to stay the same if they ever ask more questions like these.

"Well, I wanted to have a change of pace from back home. Something new, you know?"

"Oh, I know how that feels." I smiled at her response.

"There wasn't really a lot for me back home. So I said, 'Screw it. Im moving to the Citadel and I'll just deal with whatever happens from there."

"Aren't you afraid of what might happen?"

"Of course I am." I chuckled. "But you won't get anywhere in life if you don't take risks."

I sighed internally. Admirable advice John. If only you had the balls to actually follow them.

Lola groaned. "I've heard of that so many times."

"Its only because it's true."

"Doesn't make it any less annoying..." She muttered under her breath. I shook my head at her, surpressing a grin.

"So," Lola began as she leaned in closer. "How's Ms. T'Berya?"

It took me a moment to realize that she was actually teasing Eli. Only Eli's younger students were allowed to call her Ms. T'Berya, and that enough was 'pushing it'. We continued to exchange pleasantries after that, the both of us conversing about things we've noticed about Eli when I spotted said person of interest.

"Speak of the devil." Lola looked confused. "Here she comes now."

Eli then came bursting through the door, rambling a million different apologies as she paced to us. "I'm so sorry about that. A friend of mind was having troubles and that I had to help him…it was just a mess." She breathed out.

"Why aren't you training?"Lola ducked her head sheepishly, attempting to squirm away but I held her in place with an arm around her shoulders.

"I nearly died. But our friend here saved me. My hero." Eli's eyes nearly popped out her socket and Lola looked like she wanted the ground to just swallow her up.

As I looked towards the two people next to me, my mind just did a little happy dance. Despite everything, I was already starting to form small friendships with people. Check one.

*The Fight for the Stars*

I emerged from the locker room with a sigh.

Once Eli had returned from what I had officially dubbed as her office, for some reason, she felt the need to push me (as if she hasn't been before) as if I had no boundaries whatsoever.

So that was fun.

I made my way to the main room, passing by the picture of a Krogan with a freakin' battle axe placed on the wall, when Lola and Eli came into view.

Their conversation must have ended because Eli started to head towards me, or a least her office.

She reminded me once more to make sure that I ate enough to be able to properly sustain my body - the reasoning behind my near death experience - before biding me farewell.

But it wasn't Eli that caught my attention, it was how Lola reacted once Eli was out of sight: crestfallen.

I wasn't to usually pay attention to ones body language, but with the way Quarians were, it was difficult not to notice.

With the little knowledge I had of Lola, I made sure to come off as genuine as I could.

"Lola - hey."

She turned to me, hands (talons?) clasped together neatly. "Oh, hi Lucy. How was your session?" As if a switch has been flicked, all previous traces of what I saw disappeared;I could immediately tell what she was trying to do.

"Its tiring, but I'm sure it'll be worth it in the end." I was also avoiding, I knew that, but I didn't know how to approach her without coming off as intrusive, especially since we've just met. Hopefully she won't see it that way.

"I know we just met and I understand if you refuse to do so, but if you ever need anything: a friend, an ear to talk to-" I shrugged. "I'm just a call away." I squeezed her shoulder with a small smile before walking away.

When I was younger, Jenny did the same thing with me, though she wasn't as…tactful.

I could be misinterpreting something so trivial, maybe it could be something significant, either way, there was something about Lola that pulled me towards her, a feeling that compelled me to help.

"Lucy, wait!" My lip pulsed; I was gnawing at it incessantly and I didn't even notice.

"Yeah?" I replied as I turned back to her.

She hesitated; her feet were shuffling beneath her and she kept wringing her hands together - nervous habits which I made sure to remember.

"You said that I could tell you anything?" Her voice was soft, a stark contrast to how she was earlier.

"Of course, anything." I made sure my voice was firm. If she was taking this risk, then I have to make sure that I could be the hypothetical wall that she could lean on for support.

Lola took a deep breath, before looking up to me with a steady gaze. "Its about Eli - don't tell her okay? - " My muscles tensed up involuntarily. Does this have anything to do with the fact that I saw her in the alleyway? "but, she seemed so down lately and-and I just wanted to do something for her."

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. I was just over-estimating things. Good. That's good. I can work with that. "That's great! - "

She continued to ramble, as if I didn't say anything. "Its just - I feel like, she deserves more what than I'm already doing for her, you know? She's been like a sister to me ever since I came here and I've been wanting to do something nice for her."

I tried to cut in, but she seemed to ignore my very presence, lost in her worry-filled world. "Lola." I grabbed her shoulders before forcibly shaking her to gather her attention. "She's going to love what ever it is you're doing, alright? So just stop stressing."

She shuffled once more and I realized that she was blushing. "Sorry. I tend to ramble when I'm nervous."

"I noticed. What are you doing for her anyway that's making you so worried?"

Lola looked around for a moment, making sure that Eli was out of sight. "A few days ago, I saw Eli holding a small, broken pin and I had the brilliant idea of taking in to have it repaired at Mr. Quickes." Wait, I think I remember passing by a shop earlier with that unique name...

"And now, she's going around, asking if I had seen it anywhere! If I just didn't touch anything - "

"Lola!" It didn't sit well with me that I had to shout at her, but she just had to stop rambling.

Startled, she looked up at me before dropped her head. "Sorry, I - It's a habit… "

"That's fine." I took a breath. "But if you had it repaired, why can't you just retrieve it? Imean, it' wont kill you or anything." I chuckled.

"I'm so busy with work and other things. I just can't find any spare time for myself." I nodded understandably.

I honestly had no idea why I was going out of my way to help her, but I'm sure Angel Gabriel won't mind if I played nice with the locals.

"You know, I actually pass through that store on my way here. I could get that pin for you if you really want it that badly."

I bit the inside of my cheek. I literally just met her a few hours ago, how could she trust a stranger?

"No, please. I don't want to impose-"

"I mean, it would take a load off of your back, plus, I'll be back tomorrow anyway. I could hand you the pin then." I insisted even further.

"Lola, I told you that it's fine." I emphasized my point by giving her a look. "It won't make a difference at all if I made a quick stop on my way home."

Finally relenting, she sighed. "Alright. Only If you're sure."

"I'm sure." She finally looked at ease now. I'd consider that a win.

"So what time will this pin be ready?"

She glanced at her omni-tool. "Oh about…5:30, just before the shop closes."

I noted the information in my omni-tool, setting an alarm to make sure I didn't forget. "Okay, is there anything else?" I made it a point that my new acquaintances saw me in a good light.

"Nothing right now. But Lucy, wait." She placed a hand on my shoulder, staring straight at me. "Thank you. It means a lot."

I smiled at the gesture. "No problem, Lola. Don't mention it." With that, we bid each other our farewell's before I made my way out, chuckling at the small wave Lola did.

*—The Fight for the Stars —*

So this next right should lead me directly in front of...not Mr. Quickies. Of course it wouldn't. I'm fucking lost despite my map.

Stupid buildings. Why do they have to all look alike? At least I was certain that Mr. Quickies is on this avenue, I knew that much.

I placed my hands on my hips with a frown, ignoring the lingering looks of the passersby.

From my peripherals, I could see a rather...thinks-he's-charming-but-actually-not young fellow approach me and I could already tell what his intentions were.

"Excuse me ma'am, you look like you'd need some help." I rolled my eyes internally. I faced him with a sheepish smile.

"Yeah, I do actually. Do you know where Mr. Quickies is?" I asked politely.

I didn't miss the way his eyes roamed over my body, and just the feel of it alone made me want to take another shower.

"That's just down the block. I could lead you to it." You could of just told me where it was, instead of trying to get into my pants.

"Uh...sure. Lead the way." He sent me a crooked smile before he started walking, with me following behind shortly.

"So, are you new to the area?" Blondie asked while I was wondering why he even had a right to ask.

"New to the Citadal actually. I'm visiting my boyfriend." This time, I actually let out a smirk, but disguised it as a fond smile.

I could immediately see blondie's face fall and seeing it also brought me a small sense of satisfaction.

Blondie gave me a charming smile, and I was impressed by how quickly he managed to pick himself up. "Really? May I suggest that you visit the presidium then? The vids don't do it any justice."

"Oh, I'm excited for that one. I can't wait." I clapped a little just for good measure.

After that, Mr. Quickies came into view, blondie pointing towards it. "Well, it's right over there like I said. Good luck on the Citadel. Don't be a stranger."

"Aw, thank you." I smiled brightly. "And I won't. Bye!" I waved towards him with enthusiasm that rivaled one of a cheerleader.

Once blondie-get-in-my-pants was out of sight, I dropped all pretenses and flipped him off. He was so damn obvious, I could see and tell what he wanted, clear as day.

Whatever. At least I'm here now and I could get that pin Lola was freaking out over.

The store itself was yellow in color with a small elf as its logo; it was a stark contrast to the grayish-white buildings in the surrounding area. There was also an alleyway that happened to be right next to it and-and...

I didn't know when my breath had suddenly became dry. I couldn't breath. The boot was pressing down on me, the pavement was digging into my skin. A knife - oh God, the knife - my vision whitened and then there was a card falling into view -

There was a card falling into view.

I fingered the small of my back, there was no wound. I felt around my throat, air could circulate again. I looked around me, the Citadel was still there, and so was the small card.

Empty your mind, banish all thought.

It wasn't my fathers word's, but I could hear his voice all the same. A moment later, my face was void of emotion, an empty canvas for me to shape into whatever i wanted.

I pocketed the card and finally entered the store. I frowned at what I saw. The shop was entirely empty. No customers nor a cashier. I checked my omni-tool, there was still 5 minutes left before the store closed.

There wasn't a lot for me to explore but when I rounded a corner, a door that read 'Authorized Personnel only' came into view. A door that was also slightly ajar.

Immediately, I could feel an a alarm start to ring in my head. No! Jesus Christ, all I'm doing is retrieving a pin for Lola, not infiltrating a military compound.

I paused. I didn't know where that thought came from. That troubled me. A lot.

I opened the door and the first thing that greeted me was the coolness of the room. There was a grayish tint that colored the walls yet the black wall-pole-thing?- that separated the room stuck out like a sore thumb. Kinda like a gun.

A gun that was also pointed straight at my face.

I didn't exactly know what had happened next. I just...reacted. That was all I was able to describe it as. I was fully conscious of the decisions I was making, yet at the same time I wasn't.

I deflected her arm with the back of my forearm and gave a jab towards her neck with the other. I heard the gun clatter somewhere towards my left. Her reaction was instantaneous; a gargled cry escaped past the asari's lips while my hand started to throb from the hit.

I scrambled to get the nearest object to my right, a smooth and metallic object, and swung it with both hands across her face, causing the Asari to collapse near the doorway. The metallic object in my hands - a tray now that I had identified it- started to ring, my hands following suit.

Just then, a movement to my right had caught my eye and I nearly hit him with the tray before I somehow managed to identify him as the shopkeeper. I released a sigh of relief.

"C-sec. Now." My heart was pounding a mile a minute.I had to force myself to take deep breaths.

He nodded dumbly and opened his omni-tool, fingers gliding across the orange hologram with practiced ease. I released the tray, letting it hang off loosely.

But that was a mistake. The Asari was still there. Her gun hasn't been kicked away from her reach. I heard a gunshot. I tried to lift the tray, to block what I could. My reaction was quick, but it was too late.

She had the gun once more, and I let her take it.

*—The Fight for the Stars—*

Hi. This hasn't been checked by my co-author yet. So if there are any mistakes, they will be fixed soon. This was also my first action scene, lol.

Tell me what you think.