A very long time ago...I posted this story , it was made fun of, and people said hurtful things and I pulled it. Well now I'm putting it back on here and going to continue the story,it my only hetero story that I actually like and hope you all now like it to. If you don't like it DON'T READ IT! If you do like it read and review! I won't take anyone's bullshit this time over this work of FICTION. It's my story and I will write it how I like!

Read this carefully PLEASE.

The first two chapters are based off of the hit TV show SCANDAL, I love the show to death and based the first TWO chapters on it, it helped me get it moving along. I am not by any means trying to steal or use this story for profet, it just helped me!

Now if you all read all of that^ and still wish to read it then enter and welcome :)