"There's a party tonight," Kol says waving a flyer around when she gets home, placing her messenger bag on the floor close to the door and toeing off the slip on shoes she was wearing on her feet.
"Oh, fun." Bonnie says, giving the flyer a once over and pulling out her phone "You're taking me, my Lord?" She teases leaning over the back of the couch to press a kiss to the side of his head. Kol rolls his eyes fondly at her and wonders why in heavens he told her about his family's previous noble titles.
"Of course, my Lady" She quirked her eyebrows at him and shoots Elena, Caroline and Tyler a text with the details of the party incase they hadn't decided on going already.
Caroline's text was instant. 'S&I will be there. See u Bon,'
Bonnie rests her phone down and pads barefooted to the kitchen. She could use a sandwich, she makes a few, layering them with all the necessities and gets glasses of sweet tea to go with them.
"What are we watching?" Bonnie says as she joins him in front of the tv. He takes a sandwich mumbling 'thanks babe' as he's distracted by the gruesome deaths on the screen.
"Catching up with Game of Thrones," Bonnie smirks, she and Rebekah had caught up already.
Bonnie watches in silence with him, chewing thoughtfully and checking her phone for messages. She scowls at the now dark screen until it lights up with a text from Tyler 'I'm there. Bringing a date."
Bonnie is tempted to ask for details but she's interrupted from her curiousity by another message from Elena 'Don't know if I can make it. I've been trying to work things out with Damon & it might be good 4 us to spend tonight alone, re-evaluating our relationship.'
The blonde haired witch is caught between rolling her eyes and sighing so she settles for neither, just propping her chin on her knee and closing her eyes. Delena was doomed from the beginning and the fact that they're holding on to each other so hard is making them both unhappy.
But then again, Elena and Damon both ruined their relationships with Stefan so Bonnie guesses making things work between them is how they prove to themselves and to everyone else that they didn't make a colossal mistake in betraying Stefan.
When Bonnie opens her eyes, Kol is looking at her curiously, his head tilted a bit and his lips slightly parted.
"I have something for you," He says, getting up and pulling her with him. He leads her to their bedroom and stands her in front of the wall opposite their bed that is floor to ceiling, wall to wall mirror. Rebekah had liked it because it was better to model outfits in front of and Kol liked it because he liked watching them have sex in it.
He stands her in front of it and speeds over to the dresser and procures something. When he is behind her again, he settles something around around her neck, the cool pendants settles just below her collarbone and another not far below it. The first is an evil eye pendant and the next is a hamsa pendant. Both used to ward off evil. They're beautiful in their simplicity and Bonnie smiles at the gesture, she likes protection charms from all different cultures.
"These are beautiful. Thank you"
"I'm hoping these are enough to keep Damon away from you,"
Bonnie starts howling with laughter despite herself and tears well in her eyes. When she settles down, Kol is tucking his phone back in his pocket and looking exasperated with her. "I know you don't like the fact that Damon and I are friends but he's not as villainous as he wants everyone to believe. The whole 'bad brother' thing, totally contrived."
Kol gives her a look that says he still doesn't like it and when her phone lights up, blasting a very inappropriate Nine Inch Nail song that Damon had -she wasn't sure when- put as his personal caller ringtone; Bonnie panics, tapping the screen frantically to silence the song.
"Uhhh-" She starts as Kol looks murderously at her phone.
"I wonder how Stefan would like being an only child," Is the only thing Kol says before he leaves the room.
"When do you find time to change my ringtone? First it was that Beyonce song now it's Nine Inch Nails." She answers when he calls back.
"I have my ways witchy," Is all he says and she forgoes making the joke she wants to because his tone is calm and doesn't hold the usual tone of smugness and dark amusement it usually does when they speak.
"You know, actually sitting and having a conversation with her is going to benefit you a lot more than falling into bed with her. Sex doesn't make your problems go away." Is what she says because it's always about Elena. Bonnie and Damon had been through a lot of shit together but it was only Damon's guilt and insecurity when it came to Elena that made him ...vulnerable.
She lies on their huge, custom made bed and plays with the ends of her blonde hair.
"I don't want to talk about that,"
"Elena will talk to me about it and I don't like being in the middle of you two,"
"But I thought that was your thing. You generally like being in the middle right? Or do you play the outfield and just watch?"
"Careful Damon, you're gonna make Stefan an only child,"
She can hear a bit of amusement coming back as he says "I bet he'll like that,"
Bonnie doesn't bother refuting his claim because even though she knows they're had their differences Stefan loves Damon and vice versa and they don't wish each other dead.
"I have to go," She says as she hears Rebekah calling out for her "If you sleep with Elena without having a meaningful discussion, I'm gonna hex your little soldier off,"
She hangs up before Damon makes an inappropriate joke and both Originals in the house put him on the very tippy top of their shit list.
The green eyed witch almost giggles as a mental image of a handwritten list of people who pissed off her partners come to mind, Rebekah's artful calligraphy and Kol's neat albeit small print taking up several lines and horizontal lines crossing off people's names.
She didn't even notice it at first but they had started dressing similarly. Her and Rebekah even more so than her and Kol. Bonnie had first noticed it after she had dyed and cut her hair and she and Rebekah had been out for drinks while Kol had an errand to run in Rome. What kind of errand? To this day, Bonnie doesn't know because both of them are incensingly vague and very distracting.
"Oh wow, you ladies must be really close friends to dress to match," Says a voice next to Bonnie, which was in fact too close.
Bonnie had checked out their outfits and found that they had indeed worn the same colours; Rebekah was wearing white jeans, a black top, black boots, whereas Bonnie wore a white top with black jeans and boots and hanging off the back of both of their chairs were expensive black leather jackets custom made to fit.
Rebekah gave a quirk of her lips before drinking out of her glass of imported German beer.
"Yes," Bonnie said, not correcting him because they had done too much explaining during their relationship. When she and Rebekah were alone, people assumed they were friends and tried to hit on on one of them or both when they realized they were together or when Kol was with them, guys assumed that he was only dating one of them so they hit on the other girl.
It was a bit annoying she's admit.
"I'm Felix. Can I buy you ladies a drink?" Bonnie glances at him, he isn't bad looking but the witch knows Rebekah will find his eyes are too close and his nose ill-fitted for his face.
She smirks and raises her glass while Rebekah glances at her phone, willfully ignoring the human because both Bonnie and Kol had spoken to her about her supposed temper. "I'm Bonnie, this is Rebekah. Thanks, but we're good,"
His eyes keep travelling to Rebekah so Bonnie can already tell who he's far more interested in. She's actually relieved. If anyone tries to hit on Rebekah, her Ice Queen persona is enough to ward them off. If they hit on Bonnie; she gets defensive, if they persist; she gets murderous.
The guy shifts his weight, she can tell it took him all of his courage - and from the nervous glancing he does to the group of guys on the opposite end of the bar, who are not even trying to pretend like they're not watching- apparently all the encouragement of his friends too.
Rebekah finally looks up from her phone and notices he's still there "Yes?" Her accent thick with annoyance.
"Y-You see my friends dared me to come over her and get your number…" He trails off and she raises a perfect eyebrow at him for a moment before deciding to toy with him. She sits up, her body language changing and a seemingly genuine smile on her face appears. Bonnie takes a deep sip of her wine to avoid sighing.
"And you think you had a shot?" Her words at odds with her seemingly interested body language.
His eyes widen at her words and he's about to step away from her, his pale skin already flushing with embarrassment. Rebekah's hand reaches out to stop him and she digs around in his purse to procure a piece of paper and pen.
"I'm not giving you my number but my instagram will do right? I'll even follow back…"
"...Yes, Felix." She hands him the piece of paper with her username and smiles a saccharine smile in his friends' direction. "Run along to your friends now."
She watches him walk away.
"What was that?" Bonnie asks when they're alone
"I'm not allowing my temper to get the best of me," She rolls her eyes.
Bonnie can't control the laughter that escapes her and when she's done she reaches for Bekah's hand, twining their finger together. "Good job babe,"
She had been looking for it a while, not in earnest but tentatively, ever since she realized she loved them. Bonnie didn't expect to find anything so quickly but apparently it was more common than she thought; witches slowing down their aging or stopping it completely. It wasn't permanent from what she deciphered from Lucy's scrawl; the ritual having to be renewed every forty years or so.
She figured she had time to make a decision or she had the opportunity to be rash if she wanted. All her close family relations were deceased and Lucy, whom Bonnie had started reconnecting with, was actually older than she looked. If she decided to go through with stopping her aging, she didn't have to worry about outliving her family - or friends for that matter with ¾ of them being undead and forever young.
Bonnie turns to her huge windows in the library and watches the city go by, her feet tucked beneath her and her fingers absently playing with the vacuum packed herb Lucy had enclosed in the package she sent. One of the harder to find ingredients. She takes the ingredient and stores in along the shelf that held the rest of her herbs. Out of sight, out of mind.
A/N: It's been a while.