Hey guys XD im so, so, so ,so ,so, so ,so ,so, so ,so ,so, so ,so ,so, so ,so ,so, so ,so ,so, so ,so ,so, so ,so ,so, so ,so ,so, so ,so ,so, so ,so ,so, so ,so SORRY for not updating for, like, seven months :( ok I know you guys are probably sick of my excuses by now, but please hear me out.

Ok, so first I had to do mock exams which is why I took a few months off to revise. And second, which is the main reason: I've lost my memory stick which has all of my stories on it and surprise, surprise! Me being me (AKA: being idiotic) I forgot to back them up so the only copies in existence… are on that BLOODY MEMORY STICK! (*calming breath*) sorry, I can't tell you how annoyed I am with myself, but the upside is I wrote all of my stories down in my notebook!

… Except the beginning of this chapter...I'M SUCH A BAD WRITER! :'( so now because of my stupidity I have to re write the beginning and I have completely forgotten what I wrote originally -.- typical.

But I'm going to try my best to re write all of it, (and find that stupid memory stick -.-) but if some of it is crap or doesn't make sense I'm sorry but this is the second time I've had to write it XDXDXD please enjoy this chapter and thank you all for being patient XD I love you all to bits XD.



That is an ideal word to describe my state of being at the moment.

Three weeks have passed since I was last able to leave base. I've been on house arrest, by order of Optimus Prime, since I came back from that energon scouting mission and as soon as I crossed that ground bridge I was practically attacked by ratchet, as he dragged me to the med bay for a complete check-up.

I, of course, was completely baffled as to why, but, with a little poking and prodding, a certain Japanese high schooler let it slip that Bumblebee had spilled my little nightmare/'working until I drop', secret.

I didn't speak to him for three days after that… and yes I know that isn't a very long time but I like being around him, so sue me.

I forgave him eventually though...after he grovelled and begged for forgiveness a bit.

I was never really angry at him in the first place, I can see why he did it, and he wanted to keep me safe. But what can I say? I'm slightly sadistic.

Anyway, after that Ratchet gave me some sedatives to help me recharge at night without nightmares, and that's great!...or at least it would be if he hadn't asked boss bot to ban me from the training room until the old medic deemed me well enough to train properly again.

And that leads us right back to the present, with me bored out of my mind, hanging upside down from the rafters by my knee joints, with Miko lying on the sofa underneath me.

The human girl sighed heavily "I'm bored."

I sighed as well "yeah, me too."

She sat up suddenly, "how's about we sneak out?"

I flipped right side up and stared at her "I can't I've been banned from leaving base."

She gave me a blank look. "Well duh! That's the point of sneaking out, no one knows we're gone."

"But what if we get caught?" I protested.

She grinned "we won't! We'll go for a ride round the country for an hour and be back before anyone notices! It's perfect!"

I admit, it didn't sound like the best plan in the world, there were too many chances for us to be found out, and it wasn't very well thought out, but then again...i was pretty desperate to go outside.

I shook my helm, Optimus gave me a direct order not to leave base.

"I don't know Miko, Optimus said-"

She cut me off with a groan.

"Ugh! Honestly Angel, you seriously need to get over this stupid hero worship you have for Optimus, you're starting to sound just like Smokescreen! Come on! You're meant to be my partner in crime! Just an hour outside is all i ask, please?"

And that was when she pulled out the puppy dog eyes...my only weakness.

I sighed with defeat.

"Fine, we'll sneak out for an hour."

She cheered, jumped off the sofa and ran towards the door.

"Come on Angel, what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

I laughed, flipped off the rafters and landed in a crouch.

Taking after Miko at a run, I jumped, transformed in mid-air and pulled up next to the little Japanese girl whom I had come to see as a sister.

"Come on then! Hop in and let's go!" I giggled.

She clambered in and I floored it out of the base.

The door opened up and we raced through, kicking up dust clouds as we sped over the gravelly road.

Miko whooped with joy as I drifted around a corner.

"For someone who wanted to stay at base, you're certainly going all out!" she shouted in excitement.

I laughed, "Hey, this might be the only bit of freedom I'll get for a while, I intend to make the most of it!"

I sped up, as if to emphasise my point and Miko squealed in response.

I spent about half an hour doing wheelies, donuts and drifts, all the while laughing and giggling with my partner in crime.

It may seem reckless to be pulling all these stunts with a human, but i wouldn't be doing any of them if I wasn't absolutely 100% certain that i could pull them off safely.

As i pulled out of my fifth donut, I noticed a giant rock that looked like it would make a very nice ramp for me to jump.

"Hey Miko?" I grinned, even though she couldn't see it.

"Yah?" she replied with a Cheshire smile on her face.

"Have you ever wanted to fly?"

She giggled "yeah, why?"

I sped up and turned to face the boulder. "Hold on tight and you'll find out!"

With that I put pedal to the metal, pushing my tires to go as fast as they could.

We flew off the boulder at tremendous speed, I was vaguely aware of Miko giggling up a storm, but with the wind rushing past my audios, I couldn't really hear anything.

I transformed around Miko so that she landed in my servo, and spread my wings.

The view was spectacular.

The sun was beginning to set over the treetops, casting an orange glow on the land below. It flickered like fire, but at the same time, glimmered like the ocean.

The sense of peace that I felt then was overwhelming. It had been ages since I had flown, just for the sake of flying, and longer still since I had seen a view this beautiful.

I looked down at the human in my servo to see that she looked just as awed as I did. She turned to me and gave me a blinding smile.

"Thank you for showing me this Angel," she said calmly. (A/N Miko? Calm? WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THE WORLD!?)

I smile gently "no problem, it's nice to have someone to share a view like this with. It's not very often that I get to fly with a friend and that's usually because they're either too heavy for me to carry or they can't fly."

We flew in silence for a while before I landed near a forest that we passed about fifteen minutes ago.

After putting Miko down I checked my internal clock.

Slag. We've been gone for two hours. Someone back at base was bound to have noticed our absence by now.

Great...now I'll be in even more trouble.

I sighed "come on, we had better start heading back."

My companion groaned "Awwwwwwww, fine..., ok let's go…"

I was about to transform when I heard something that turned my energon cold.

A blaster charging.

I dove for Miko and rolled behind the tree line, just as a plasma blast obliterated the ground where we were standing seconds before.

I barely managed to get to my feet before I dove again so as to avoid another gunshot.

Slag it! I couldn't fight back with Miko here, she would be killed for sure.

Fighting to get to my pedes again I took off at full pelt.

The treetops were too close together for me to fly out of there and blasting an opening would only attract our assailant's attention. So I ran, I ran like our lives depended upon it...because they did.

I couldn't hear anyone following behind us, but I thought it best to get out of the forest before I let my guard down.

Wait, the groundbridge! How could I be so thick?! Lifting my servo to my audio, I activated my comm link.

"Ratchet! I need a groundbridge back to base now!"

I heard nothing but static.

No! Nononono, not now! Please not now!

I tried again.

"Come on, Hatchet I need a groundbridge! I don't even care if I get pelted with wrenches when I get back, just please respond!"

Still no dice. Damn. Cursing every single swear I could think of (including human swears) I sped up.

After running for primus knows how long I finally, finally burst through the tree line. For miles there was the rugged, desert like landscape in which the autobot base resided. I knew my way from here, but I couldn't risk leading whoever was chasing us, to the giant rock that kept the Autobots hidden.

Kneeling down, I opened my servos so that Miko could scramble out.

"Ok, Miko listen to me. You need to run. Run and don't stop, when you get far enough away, call the others, tell them what's going on. But don't. Stop. Running. Do you understand me?" the urgency in my voice seemed to scare her.

"B-but what about you? I'm not just gonna' leave you here!" she said, stamping her foot.

Pedesteps. They were nearly here.

"This isn't a game Miko! For once, please do as I say!" I roared.

I scared her pretty badly, I could tell. She had jumped at my raised voice, and her eyes turned glassy with tears. I immediately felt guilty, but I didn't have time to apologise, if upsetting her meant that she would run away to safety, then that's what I would do.

"What are you waiting for? Go!"

She hesitated for a second, before nodding and taking off. I breathed a sigh of relief when she disappeared behind the sand dunes, she was safe.

"Oh, how touching" sneered a hauntingly, familiar voice.

"Risking it all to save your little pet, honestly, you're still just as pathetic as you were back then AngelWings."

I rose from my crouched position, with my back to the owner of the voice.

"It's been a long time, Angel."

I turned to face the insane femme, who had been tormenting me for the past four earth years.

"Not long enough, Bloodlust."

The red and black femme behind me was all jagged edges and cracked armour. Which was testament to how many battles she had won in her life.

Her name was Bloodlust. She was a hired assassin, but she didn't get paid, oh no, for her, the thrill of the kill was payment enough. She enjoyed killing, her kill quota was 100%. She has never failed to kill a quarry before.

And something tells me that I am her next victim.


Finally it's done XD took me two weeks to finish this XD I'll get started on the next chappie straight away so that I'm not tempted to procrastinate XDXDXD btw I managed to find my memory stick last week! XD my mom took it by accident :P:P:P

Love you all so much! Thank you for waiting so long, you don't know how much it means to me! 333