Author's Note: I do not own Lost Girl or any of the characters.
This is a weird little idea and i am not sure where i am going with it but i certainly am enjoying writing it and hope that you enjoy reading it as well.
Lauren passed a hand over her immaculately set blonde hair with a weary sigh of dissatisfaction and out of the corner of her eye saw the mighty fae shift from foot to foot, their gazes turned downwards with a guilty expression.
"You lost her again," she stated, her voice mellow but her brown eyes cold, "the valkyrie slipped through the net again, she who has managed to do us so much damage and keep me from what I desire is free to wreak havoc again. I'll let you know your Queen is very upset by this blatant incompetence."
"We are crushed by your disdain," Bruce, the giant fae, piped up, his handsome, if a bit vacant, face truly reflecting the desperation of his words.
"But at least, we have caught her dog," Vex the Mesmer chimed in, "He's in the cage in the basement, awaiting your justice."
"Wow!" Lauren allowed herself to sound pleasantly surprised, recognizing the necessity of the carrot as well as the stick, "That should be quite a feat! You whined so many times he was impossible to capture. Last time you met, I believe, he nearly bit your tool hand off."
The Brit's eyes flicked down to his still bandaged limb and his dark eyes lit up with hatred. "I can't control the animal in him the way I can control fae and people whenever my Queen orders me to," he said smoothly, "But this time we trapped him – he chose to stay behind to cover the valkyrie's retreat and we managed to overpower him bodily."
"I managed to overpower the wolf," Bruce interjected, eager to show off his strength to his ruler, "You were keeping your precious self at a safe distance."
"That's because I can use my loaf as well as my muscle and operate a remotely-controlled bear trap when I can't remotely control the prey," the Mesmer returned haughtily and Lauren raised a hand when she saw Bruce open his mouth to respond.
"Enough with your childish bickering," she said, "I've got the picture. It's still great news and I'll see the wolf asap, time for him to pay for his disobedience."
"Can I play with him a little first, my Queen?" Vex jumped in, unable, even under a blood compulsion, to restrain his sadistic streak.
"You have ten minutes," the blonde woman sighed indulgently, like a mother allowing an extra candy to placate a rambunctious child, and noticed a pair of huge silver-grey eyes look up straight at her with laser intensity of disapproval.
"Go, Vex, get my new, precious prisoner ready," Lauren waved a dismissal, "I'll join you soon in the basement. And you, Bruce, get me Bo, tell her I need her right now."
While the two fae shuffled out of the door, the woman crossed the room, her high heels noiseless on the deep-pile carpet, and stopped in front of a huge plush arm-chair that practically drowned a tiny figure of a young dark-haired girl slouching in it.
"You don't like it, Kenzi," she stated without asking, "But you know better than anyone that's our only way to survive and to be free of them, of the leeching supernaturally powered creatures that have been shamelessly exploiting and preying on us for so many centuries."
"Yeah, I've heard that pitch before," the girl shot back bluntly, her expression unreadable.
"And you've experienced it first-hand, my little sister," Lauren mildly reminded, "Remember Hale? The fae who turned your pretty head, treated you like a servant and then discarded you like a used tissue?"
"The one who wasn't able to overcome the centuries-old prejudice that was bred into him and who you turned into a robot-like, senseless, emotionless dork?" Kenzi looked up defiantly at her all-powerful sister, "I don't know which version of him I prefer."
For the first time in a very long while Lauren's armor gave a tiny crack as her brown eyes filled with hurt.
"I did it for you," her voice dropped to whisper, "So that he could never hurt you again. The way he hurt you and my niece or nephew."
"Yep, your sacred mission is to prevent people getting hurt," the girl dropped her eyes into her lap again, her face deadening into an anguish-covering mask, "And that's why you've just sanctioned your pet psycho to torture a living being."
"This living being, as you've termed him, is a werewolf who has killed a lot of people without thinking twice, just because he could," the older woman said defensively, "I bet he has never been shy of using his strength to hurt those are weaker, which is essentially any human. Why should I show him mercy?"
"Maybe because you don't care so much about who he might've hurt as about him rebelling against your rule," Kenzi replied reasonably, "Sensible but cold – just the way you've always been. Always after Nadia, that is."
"They took her from me," Lauren bent to grab her sister's wrist in a white-knuckle grip, "If they had just left us alone …"
But her thought remained unfinished as the door creaked open and a woman burst in, long dark hair fanning behind her – as ever full of life, eager to love and slightly sweaty from the work-out she had obviously been busy with before she got her summons.
"Lauren," Bo beamed a smile that never failed to tug at the blonde's heartstrings, "Bruce said you called me, something urgent and I didn't bother with a shower."
"It's OK," Lauren felt her heart melt into her stomach and had to remind herself that she was the master here and the succubus was her fae-toy, "I need your blood, Bo, and if you stick around I am ready to make it up to you afterwards."
"And that's my cue out," Kenzi shot out of the arm-chair with a too-much-information grimace, "I'll leave you to the blood-spilling and liquid-exchanging, ladies." And with a mocking half-bow the girl was out of the door, while her older sister rolled her eyes ceiling-wards.
"This girl is giving me an early case of grey hair," she smiled at her succubus.
"But you still love her," Bo returned with affection, "And she loves you back – you know, I can read these things off people."
"Oh, yes, you can do that, among all the other things," Lauren's smile took on a naughty edge, "And what can you read off me?"
For a few second's the smooth brow of the lovely succubus was furrowed in concentration before she offered a careful assessment of her ruler and her lover, "I think you're a passionate creature who is uncannily in control of her emotions but you have feelings for me, your aura is so much brighter when I am around, actually as bright as it ever gets. And that makes me so happy!"
In a rare unchecked move the blonde lunged forward and captured Bo's full mouth with hers but after a deep kiss released her heating-up lover and drew back, panting a little. "I'd so much rather take it to the bedroom but we need to draw your blood first," she said almost apologetically and motioned the other woman to a chair, crossing over to the medical kit on her desk.
Like a well-behaved child Bo took the offered seat and rolled up the sleeve of her top, exposing the veins in the crook of her elbow.
"You know it's not gonna hurt, just a tiny mosquito bite," Lauren cheered the brunette, leaning over her with a syringe in one hand and a cotton swab in the other. She examined the barely distinguishable pinpricks on the porcelain skin and sighed, "We need to juice you up right after – the traces from the previous procedure are still not completely healed."
"It doesn't matter so long as it makes you happy," Bo's smile didn't lose any of its wattage as the needle buried itself deep into her flesh and a thick dark red liquid ran up to fill the plastic container.
"While I am gone, you can slake your hunger with any of the guards and I'll see to you myself as soon as I am back," the doctor promised with a heavy promise in her tone extracting the needle and proceeding to mix up the blood with the other ingredients in a pre-prepared vial for her unconditional loyalty elixir.
"I need it to overcome a nasty enemy who has been barking at me for far too long," Lauren gave the explanation which was not demanded, driven by a sudden irrational compulsion to make herself understood, "You, my love, are my perfect weapon against all my enemies!"