Oh my StarClan I need to stop writing new stories before I finish my other ones! So story update, I am continuing my Cops n Robbers story, Brutal Betrayal will most likely not be getting a new chapter anytime soon, Minetuber Survival Guide is still going, Stories of Lapis Lake and Dark Summer will be updated soon. So yeah...


50 Ways to Annoy Minecrafters: Awesomestar

1. Whenever she mentions StarClan, slap her and scream "STARCLAN ISN'T REAL!"

2. Steal her TNT sword and blame it on Betty.

3. Give her cat-based nicknames like Kit-Kat, Kitty, Fuzzy, Etc.

4. Meow at her for five minutes, then ask her to translate what you just said.

5. When she walks into a room scream "INSOMNIA!" Then cower in a corner.

6. Constantly ask her why she hates Herobrine

7. Give her a squeaky mouse toy for her birthday/Christmas

8. Ask her if she's dating Deadlox. Scream "LIES!" Regardless of her answer.

9. Spray her with water every time she swears/does something bad.

10. Kidnap Atlantis and demand something stupid in return.

11. Tell her that you like her brother more than her.

12. Ask for his number.

13. When she tells you he's dead run away screaming that Awesomestar is a murderer.

14. If she just started reading a book, rip it out of her hands and read the ending out loud. (Bonus points if it's the final book in a series)

15. Borrow her car, crash it, then blame it on Coloredstrike.

16. Ask her if she wants catnip.

17. Don't take no for an answer.

18. Tell her that you thought Insomnia was an amazing person.

19. Scold her for no reason, then scream when she opens her mouth.

20. When she's in cat form, try to pet her.

21. Ask stupid questions about cats, don't stop until she punches you.

22. Tell her that Spongebob is an annoying show.

23. 'Accidentally' smash her favorite guitar.

24. Yank her cat ears when she is sleeping.

25. Cover yourself in fake blood and run into an important Sky Army meeting. Claim that Awesomestar tried to kill you.

26. Give her a flea collar. Make sure that it has a name tag. If she refuses to wear it, start crying until she does.

27. Sing the most annoying songs you know at the top of your lungs, when she yells at you to shut up, scream that everyone heard what she and Deadlox did last night.

28. Break her game systems, all of them.

29. If she's mad at someone, (other than you) yell 'CAT FIGHT!'

30. 'Accidentally' break her other guitars

31. Elbow her in the stomach really hard whenever Deadlox is in the room

32. Offer to take Atlantis for a walk during hunting season.

33. Comment about her terrible parkour skills.

34. Let a dog loose in the Mineshaft.

35. Steal her phone and change her contacts.

36. When she speaks, look around wildly and ask 'Do you guys see the cat girl?"

37. Spatter the walls and ceiling with red paint. Go inside, then run out screaming bloody murder.

38. Get a black cat as a pet, name it The Better Awesomestar. Carry it everywhere.

39. Team up with her for Survival Games, confront Mitch and Jerome, leave her to die.

40. Rip up her books and use them as confetti.

41. Ask her if she took her medication.

42. Delete her recordings of Supernatural.

43. Steal her Red Bull.

44. Tag along on her dates with Deadlox, claim that your bringing your own date. Bring your imaginary friend.

45. Ask her for favors, all the time.

46. Demand that she attend your tea party. Make sure she has something important to do. Threaten her until she does.

47. When she's in cat form, throw her off your roof, claim that you wanted to see if cats really land on their feet.

48. Play Arrow Roulette, but shoot her on purpose

49. Make stupid cat puns all the time. For example: 'Meow are you today?'

50. Do the things on this list and actually survive. (She hates that)