

Maleficent removed her weary gaze from her husband and decided to give her daughter all of her attention. Her daughter was five years old and had her father's dark hair and her mother's eyes. She also had obtained Maleficent's beautiful wings, but did not have her horns. The little girl was the sweetest thing on earth and always wanted everyone to be happy, including her parents, her Aunt Aurora, and her Uncle Phillip. Oh, her cousin Polaris too, the daughter of Aurora and Phillip.

"Yes, little one?" Maleficent asked her daughter, gently petting the girl's hair.

"What is Korbin and father doing?" her daughter, Mae, asked, blinking.

Maleficent turned away from her to put it back on Diaval and her second child, Korbin. Korbin was six years old and had his mother's hair, but failed to gain her wings. He resembled his father greatly, except for his hair.

"It looks like," Maleficent began, tilting her head to the side as she watched Diaval pick up his son and swing him around while their laughter filled the air. "They are having a joyous time together, dear."

Mae smiled. "Can we have fun too?"

"Why don't you two have fun together?" Diaval questioned, coming over with Korbin in his arms. There was a cheerful smile coloring his facial features.

"Yeah! Let's play!" Korbin wiggled out of his father's grasp and rushed over to his sister, taking her hand in his. Mae laughed and the two of them ran off together to go play.

Diaval put his attention on his wife, giving her a loving smile. "Maleficent." He greeted her in a pleased voice.

"Diaval." Maleficent greeted her husband back.

The two of them stared at each other for a moment, both of them remembering the day they had gotten married. It had been so wonderful and it felt like it just happened yesterday. It made them feel so peaceful inside and it made them love each other even more.

Diaval took Maleficent's hand in his own and gently pressed a kiss to her knuckle. When he was done, he kissed each of her fingers. "I love you," he said when he was through.

"I love you, Diaval," Maleficent said back, getting to her feet and moving into his arms. She could feel Diaval's arms around her now and she leaned her head against his chest, shutting her eyes. Maleficent loved this. She loved his embraces.

"So much time has passed," Diaval spoke quietly, softly caressing her hair. "So much time has passed with lovely and cherished memories to bring into the future. Now we have children."

Maleficent kept her eyes closed, but she smiled softly. "Beautiful children."


So, the two of them continued to hold each other close, watching their offspring frolic through the Moors, playing with each other and with all of the creatures who inhabited the area.

All was well, all was at peace.

Author's Note: And that's it. Yes, it was super short, but I hope it was satisfying enough. Let me know what you think in a review, if you decide to review. I thank all of you who has read this story and reviewed, added it to their favorites, and followed. It means a lot. Thank you.