Hello my friends,

I am so sorry for the delay and so sorry I went out of sight for quite some time now. But I had some serious problem with my health ( all better now, I hope for good) , A LOT of work at University and quite frankly I lost inspiration as a consequence... But I am back and now that I am feeling better, I have a lot of things to write ! So I hope you can forgive me, and I hope there are still people here with me !

I love you all and I hope you'll like this epilogue of Sometimes it's all about timing! 3

I also wanted to say thank you all for your love and support during this story, this will remain one of my favourite to write, and I am glad you took this journey with me ! And who knows, maybe one day I'll come back to it... ;) In the mean time, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH.


A year later.

Regina was sat on the porch of her house, thinking.

Thinking about Robin and all of their story.

Thinking about the journey they had made...

They had gone through so much.

Regina had to hurry because she was late for her very important trial. She wasn't really paying attention as to where she was walking until she barely registered someone screaming « Watch out ! » and then she was falling until she was not and strong arms had caught her.

And then Regina looked up and her eyes widened in spite of herself. Tall man, oh-so-blue eyes, dark blond hair and stuble. But then she shook her head and receded from his grasp, glaring at him.

"Can't you look where you walking ?"

"A simple thank you would have sufficed." he only answered and her eyes widened.

"Thank you ?!" she exlaimed, "You almost crush me !"

"I caught you before you fell-"

"Otherwise I'll be dead by now !" she screamed and he chuckled, despite of himself.

"I think you may be overreacting, milady..."

Her eyes widened more. What was wrong with him ? Regina then took a second to study him. He was handsome, she had to give him that. Fit body, blue eyes, light brown hair ... Then, she noticed the badge at his belt and tried to calm herself. The last thing she needed was getting more late by being taken to the police station.

"Anyway, I have to go."

She picked up her files that she had dropped somewhere, and left, without a word more.

Regina chuckled, thinking about their first encounter. If only she had known what this meeting would do to her life… Lost in memories, her eyes got lost on an imaginary point.

Regina saw Gold was not happy about all of it, but after a few minutes, he got up and left the room. Regina waited, patiently, until he came back.

"I'll give you my best man, Regina, but only because you helped my son."

She nodded and he came back again, but not alone.

"Here the best DCI I've ever met, Regina, may I present you-"

But then, the man entered and her heart stopped.


Robin looked surprised to see her there. Gold just frowned.

"Do you know each other ?"

Regina quickly composed herself,

"Not really."

The man just held her his hand for her to shake,

"Robin of Locksley, madam."

"Truly ?" she couldn't help but ask and he rolled his eyes,

"Yes, I know , my parents must have had an odd sense of humour, I've been said that more time than I can count already."

She smiled,

"Regina Mills. Thanks for your help."

And she squeezed his hand and then, something happened. Some kind of ... jolt of electricity between them and her eyes widened to his, only to see he looked confused. Gold was looking at the all scene with a growing interest.

Finally, Robin cleared his throat and let go of her hand before said,

"Well... it seemed like you got yourself a partner !"

"Just ... don't get in my way."

Regina couldn't help it, she liked her independance.

"I wouldn't dream of it." was his answer and she smirked once more.

That moment had only been the beginning of their partnership.

And then Regina laughed to herself, remembering the reaction of her bestfriend a few days later, when Robin came by her office for the first time.

The next morning, Regina was once again looking at the details of the case, when Mary Margaret came in,

"Yes ?"

She came in and closed the door and Regina frowned slightly.

"There is an handsome man outside that want to speak to you."

Regina got up and looked through her window before she sees him. The man saw her and grinned at her, waving slightly. She couldn't help the smile that lighted up her face before she scolded herself. What was all about ? Regina composed herself and turned toward a very curious Mary Margaret,

"We are working together on the case."

The woman's eyes widened,

"But God, he is hot !"

Regina laughed.

"Aren't you engaged anyway ?"

"Well, me not being able to touch doesn't mean I can't watch..." winked Mary Margaret before said in a more professional voice, "I'll make him enter, then."

And she left. Regina watched as Robin smiled again while talking with her friend and assistant.

God she was right.

He was hot.

And that was dangerous.

The brunette shook her head, she had known right away that Robin could be dangerous … She had known right away that first time their eyes locked that he would be able to break through the walls she had desperately trying to build up along the years.

She didn't regret it.

Not one bit.

She checked her watch and then started remembering again.

She remembered the first time they fought because he implied that she had tried to seduce Jefferson, but was just really heartbroken because of his wife… She remembered being so hurt he could think that of her, and she remembered how he showed up at her door, trying to apologize. This was really the moment when she realized he was just as messed up as she was.

This was the moment – now that she was thinking about it, this was the moment she let him in.

"I'm sorry."

And something stopped her anger. Something she knew well enough to recognize.


"I am truly sorry. I don't know what came over me, but I want you to know that I don't think a word I said today."

She sighed and studied him again.

Oh God she couldn't believe she was about to do that.

"Are you alright, Robin ?"

He huffed and looked down. When his blue eyes looked into hers again, she gasped at the pain in it.

"No. No, I'm not alright." She smiled sadly and he asked again, "Are you ?"

She looked at his eyes again, they were daring her to deny the fact that she was as heartbroken as him.

She wouldn't.

"Wanna talk about it ?" she asked softly and saw his eyes widened. Before it softened and she noticed only then they were truly, truly blue.

Robin smiled at her gently and she smiled back before stepping to the side, leaving him room to enter her loft.

"I've made some lasagnas."

He smiled again and brushed her shoulder, entering.

"I love lasagnas." he replied softly and Regina smiled in return, closing the door behind him.

From the very beginning he had been there for her, from the very beginning of their relationship and even before one of them had been aware this could be something huge, or something at all… She remembered well enough that time she had a panic attack in his arms and somehow he had found just the right words to make her come back to him.

She would always come back to him.

She was debating and screaming and crying in his arms and he knew what she was having, she was having a panic attack, so he tried to shake her gently but it didn't work. Robin then cupped her cheeks and shook her more firmly,

"Regina." her wide and frantic eyes laid on his then and tears were running down her cheeks.

"Robin ?" she asked weakly and God, he couldn't bear to see her like this.

"It's me. I'm here, Regina. You're fine. "

She clutched at his wrists,

"Am I ?" and her eyes searched his desperately.

"We're both fine."

She let out a shaken breath and nodded weakly and he brought her back to him, letting out a breath he didn't remember having taken. She nuzzled his neck and he brought her even closer to him, closing his arms protectively around her.

"It will be fine." he breathed.

She remembered the first time she realized there was something between them. She had just ate at Robin's appartment and Roland had just fallen asleep leaving both of the adults alone together…

Robin got even closer, invading her personal space and her mouth opened slightly while her eyes locked onto his. She saw Robin's stare deviated on her lips and felt her heart quicken.

"Robin..." she said and realized her voice is weak and she hated that.

But Regina can think of nothing else but his blue eyes on hers. And how he smell so good, of fresh and nature and this odor that is so him...

"You're so very beautiful..." he breathed, mesmerized and she blushed, but then the teasing light was back in her eyes.

Because teasing was safe.

"I've been told that, yes ... " she smirked and he chuckled, shaking his head playfully.

"You remind me of a Queen." he breathed and her eyes widened a little.

She won't admit, nor show that she was all flustered by his comment.

"A Queen ?"

He nodded and was about to say something else but something cut him.

"Daddy ? "

And Robin receded from Regina and right away, she felt the loss of his warmth.

"Why are you still up, little one ?" he laid his glass and knelt in front of his boy.

"I can't sleep."

"Would you want me to tale you a story ?"

Roland leant into his father's hold and nodded. Robin smiled and turned toward Regina,

"Do you want to-"

She jumped.

"Oh thanks. But I should probably go, it is late and we have a lot of work."

Robin get up and turned toward his son again,

"Roland, wait for me in your bed while I escort Regina to the door."

The boy nodded and after one smile at the woman, he left. Robin and Regina headed toward the door in a comfortable silence and he opened the door for her.

"Well," Regina said and turned around but he was much closer than what she was expected and her eyes widened a little.

He didn't move.

Robin's eyes were once again roaming over her face, to her lips then focused on her eyes.

"Thank you for this good evening, Robin." she said soflty and he smiled,

"Thank you. And please, know you're welcome here at anytime."

"Enjoying my company this much already ?" she teased but his blue eyes shone with a light she refused to see,

"Oh that I do." he whispered.

Regina looked down, before her eyes met his again.

"Goodnight, Robin."

Then, on an impulse only - and when did she became the impulsive type ? - she leant in and kissed his cheek softly, lingering for a few seconds. When she felt Robin's hand on her waist and felt dizzy all around, she knew she had to leave now.

Because really, she couldn't do that.

She couldn't.

"Goodnight, Regina."

She didn't even know how she would have reacted, had he kissed her on that very day.

She wasn't ready yet to trust him with her heart, but it wouldn't take much time…

And their bond had only grown after that …

Until that morning right after she asked him to stay with her for the night…

"Hi." he said softly and she jumped, turning around.

She smiled shyly.

"I hope you like coffee." she said and he smiled,

"I love it."

"Sit." she smiled and poured him some coffee before they sat in front of each other.

They sipped their drinks quietly before Robin spoke.

"The view is amazing."

"It is." answered the woman, then she took a deep breath. "Robin, about last night ..."

"You don't have to" he started,

"Thank you." she breathed and when he looked up, she was looking down. "Thank you for staying with me." she looked up and brown eyes were shinning with uncertainty. "Why did you came back ?"

He hesitated, pondering his next words carefully.

"Because I was worried about you."

A small smile lighted up her face and they got lost in each other for a few seconds, before she looked at her cup again.

"Thank you."


"You can use the bathroom, if you want. I took you out a towel."

She got up and Robin got up too and when she walked toward him, they were suddenly very close and Robin had to swallow before he let her pass, closing his eyes.

Robin followed her, and finally, they were there and Regina turned around but had not realized he was so close behind her and she lost her balance in a small whimper, his hands falling on her waist to secure her, hers on his chest where she could feel his beating heart. Robin's blue eyes darkened and his stare fall on her lips before looking back into her brown eyes. One of his hands rise and put a strand of hair behind her ear, stroking her jaw and Regina swallowed and a small gasp escaped her.

The woman opened the mouth to speak but closed it and Robin took a step closer, so close he could feel her heart beat frantically against his chest.

"What have you done to me ?" he breathed and her heart quickened. "I can't stop thinking about you." he admitted.

"Robin..." she breathed and he smiled that dimple smile that always get her heart to melt.

Robin leant in slowly and paused a few inches from her mouth, letting her time to reject him.

But she didn't.

Instead, she gave in an urge she had for some time now.

And when Robin felt her hand rise and stroke tenderly his cheek, he lost it and groaned, before leaning in and lyaing his lips on hers.

And what feeling could describe what they felt ?

Right. Passion.

Regina moaned slightly when she felt Robin's tongue ask for entrance and she gladly gave him before the kiss deepened, his hands fisting in her hair while she circled his neck. Regina felt herself being backward and the next she knew, she was stucked between the hard wall and his warm chest. She moaned, feeling his hand grip her waist and he leant a bit more into her when her fingers slipped under his shirt to stroke his muscled chest.

God, this felt so right.

But she was not ready yet to admit that she was more in love with him that what she had imagined at first.

Which had led to Robin being jealous of Graham…

(God, even thinking about that psycho was making her shivering, and she checked her watch again, jumpy this time.)

"Were you two together ?"

Her eyes widened.

"I beg your pardon ?"

"I saw the way he looked at you."

"Are you fucking serious ?!" she exclaimed angrily before opening the car door and slamming it behind her.

Robin sighed and took a deep breath before he opened the door and settled by her side.

"It's just that I don't trust him." he tried to exclaim and was surprised to see a smirk on Regina's face.

"Of course you don't." she said before added, matters of factly. "You're jealous."

His eyes widened.

"I'm not-"

But she cut him with a look that clearly said 'whatever you say' and Robin gave up.

But even if she wasn't ready yet for this relationship ( or so she thought) Thank God her Robin was stubborn as hell…

They stopped in front of the car and while Regina was ready to open the door, he stopped her and tugged at her hand so she was facing him. With her heels, their eyes were same level and the intensity in his was breath-taking. Robin tenderly smile and reached out, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and she shivered.

"I'm sure he is so proud of you, Regina. Seeing this amazing, beautiful, smart, funny and sexy woman you've grown out to be ." he smiled brightly, all dimples showing and she felt her heart beat faster. Her eyes got lost on his lips and she remembered how good it felt, tasting them and how she wished he would close the small space between them.

Robin smiled again before his own eyes darkened and he let out a deep breath, fingers skimming along her jaw,

"You're so very beautiful..." he whispered and her breath stopped when he nuzzled her nose with his before leaning in slowly.

But then the magic was gone when a car honked at them and Regina jumped, taking a step away from Robin. Her heart was beating erratically, her mind a mess and she was the effect he had on her.

Damn him.

She tucked her hair behind her ears nervously and walked away quickly.

"I... I'll walk home."

She turned around.

"You know you can't escape this, Regina." And that made her stop. "You can't escape this attraction between us." she closed her eyes, "I know you feel it too." When she turned around, slowly, he is still there, looking at her with tender eyes and for a moment, all she want is run into his arms and never let go. But he said again, "You can't escape us."

She can't help the smile on her face then, small but still. Her eyes suddenly dancing with something that looked a lot like hope and that made Robin's heart missed a beat.

"I suppose I can't." is all she said, soflty, before walking away from him.

And she couldn't.

She really, really couldn't.

Regina had always been his, from the very start.

"Oh." he teased, "Am I troubling you, now, Regina ?"

He was now very close, and she was about to deny it fiercely when his hand laid on the back of her neck and he brought her lips back to his, kissing her passionately. Regina whimpered with the surprise, but soon, her eyes closed and she kissed him back with equal passion, giving just as much as she was receiving. Their tongues were fighting for dominance, her hands was lost in his shoulders, his on her hair and neither seemed to care that everyone could walk in and see them.

Finally, due to breath, they receded. But Robin kept her close to him and breathed, a few inches from her lips.

"Go on a date with me."

Her breath stopped and she opened her eyes, looking deep in his ocean ones, finding them tender and hopeful. And she realized he had never been more handsome than now, with this vulnerable side she did not know he possessed. He nuzzled her nose tenderly with his.

"Please, say yes." she hesitated and her heart was bearing erratically. She felt like she could so easily let him in... But it was dangerous. It required a bravoure she wasn't sure she had. "It's just a harmless date, Regina. I am not asking you in marriage."

She chuckled, then let out a deep breath, fingers fisting his jacket.

"Fine." she breathed and one second later, his lips were on hers again.

She suspected she always had been.


And then that magical night between them happened, all because Robin had been ( once again ) jealous and she was mad but she understood because Marian had messed him up, the way she had been messed up by Daniel's death so she couldn't really be mad for long… She remembered the passion and the feelings. It was so perfect.

Regina felt her back hit the wall and Robin cupped he cheek, deepening the kiss. Her hands which were on his back went to his chest and she felt his heart beat as fast as hers before she pulled him away slightly, panting.

"Robin..." she breathed but it turned into a moan as the man's lips went to her neck and she tilted her head, inconsciously letting him a better access and he groaned into her skin, leaning into her a bit more and she closed her eyes.

"You speak way too much..." he muttered, kissing his way back to her lips and then his mouth crashed back to hers in a languid kiss.

And then, Regina decided that for the first time in her entire life...

Damn the consequences.

So, her hands found the hem of his sweat and she pulled at him, before he chuckled and removed it. His chuckled died when she kissed his neck, then his collarbone, his chest and he grunted again before his hands gripped her hips and brought them where he needed it.

A moan escaped them.

"God," he breathed, kissing every part of her he could reach, "What have you done to me ?"

"To you ?" she asked, breathless while he removed the button of her shirt, "What have you done to me ?"

And that had led to the talk that would really start their relationship.

"So," started Robin and she looked up, "This ..."

She swallowed.

"I..." Regina started but she wasn't strong enough yet to voice her thoughts.

"I would like this to continue." he said then and she let out a relieved breath.

"I do, too."He smiled tenderly and her heart missed a beat.

"Well, then it is settle, m'lady."

She smiled at his use of this nickname that was only her and he leant in, pecking her lips.

"Robin ?"

"What is it ?"

"Can we ..." she looked down a few seconds, fidgeting with her shirt and he stopped her hands by taking them and she looked back up at him, smiling softly. "Can we take this softly ?"

His smile was tender and affectionate and she wondered where she got so lucky when he only answered,

"Whatever my lady wants."

And from that moment their relationship had only got stronger and deeper and before she knew it, she was deeply and madly in love with him, and he was feeling the exact same way.

Regina get up and opened the mouth to speak but she barely had time to say his name before he had her back against the wall and was pressing against her. Regina moaned in surprise and then he was kissing her, all tongues and passion and her fingers gripped his biceps.

They stopped due to need for oxygen and Regina chuckled shyly, before putting a strand of hair behind her ear, slightly out of breath and that rushed another rush of affection in him.

"Well," she said, "Not that I am complaining, but what was that for ?"

He looked at her intensely and said the only words he could think of.

"Because I love you."

She smiled, thinking about that particular memory because it couldn't have been more perfect, even if she was not ready to say it back.

She felt the same.

Regina's heart stopped and her eyes widened.

What did he say ?

Because surely he couldn't have...

Could he ?

They had been dancing around these words for days now, but ...

Oh God.

Robin was smiling so tenderly, stroking her cheeks tenderly before he chuckled slightly.

"You didn't know ?" he murmured and she opened the mouth but the words got stuck in her throat, so she cleared her throat and a teary chuckle escaped her.

"I..." she leant into his hold, "I just can't believe it."

"Well start believe it sweetheart," he leant in until their lips were separated by mere inches, "Because I do love you."

She chuckled once again and drew him to her before kissing him passionately and he laughed into the kiss, leaning a bit more into her and deepening it, and his hands clutched at her waist.

"Robin, I-"

"I know, love. You don't have to say it right now."

She cupped his cheeks once again and brown eyes met blue when she said,

"But I want you to know, that I feel the same."He smiled and pecked her lips once again.

"Then it shall be enough for now, m'lady."

Regina smiled again, her Robin. So tender, so affectionate...

She loved him so much.

And everything was perfect between them...

Until that awful day.

The day that bomb exploded and Robin protected her. She thought he was dead, she thought she had lost him just like she had lost Daniel...

She lost her freaking mind.

Regina opened the eyes, gasping for air. There was smoke everywhere, she could hear screams and people running, and a little away from her...

"ROBIN!" she tried to scream but her voice was hoarse. Regina then tried to walk to him but her legs wouldn't move.

God no.

He had to move.

He had to.

"Robin..." she called again, her voice broke but she couldn't care less. People were around them and she could hear they were talking to her but she couldn't care at the moment.

Robin wasn't moving. She could remember he had wanted to protect her.


Oh God no.


Not crawled by his sides and saw his eyes were closed and there was blood on him but when she checked for major injuries, she found none.

"Robin..." she called again and cupped his cheek only to notice there was blood on her hand... "Come back" she cried. "You can't do that to me... Come back... Don't you dare leave me here alone!" Tears were leaving her eyes. "Don't you dare, Robin Locksley! You have a son waiting for you to come homme!"

He still didn't answer and Regina was starting to feel a dread like she had only knew once in her life settled on her heart. She put her hand on his and felt his pulse, could have died from relief here in his arms as she laid her heavy head on his chest.

"Don't leave me." she breathed, dizziness settling. She heard someone said emergency were coming and finally let her eyes closed as she whispered against his heart "I love you."

Regina could remember that all she could think about was that she had not told him she loved him. That if something happened to him and he died, he would have died without having heard from her how she felt.

And that was something she couldn't accept.

She would not have been able to live with that.

And then...

Then the Universe gave her back her chance at happiness a first time.

But at this moment, loud noises and talks could be heard and they all looked at the door when it opened and Robin appeared. A whimper escaped Regina's mouth and she saw Robin let out a breath. He was pale, still in his hospital gown, cuts all around his face and seemed exhausted but he was there.

He was alive.

"Regina..." he breathed, seeing her and barely even saw the doctor who started to walk toward him.

"Mr Locksley, you know you can't-" but the man sighed when Robin didn't even acknowledge his words and walked around him, to Regina. "Fine." he sighed, "I'll let you two five minutes." then he made sign to Mary Margaret to leave with him, leaving them alone.

Robin walked to Regina before holding her in his arms and she went willingly, sobbing. She felt him squeeze her tightly against him and then he receded and cupped her cheeks, and blue eyes were so intense

She had told him that she loved him to his face, and his reaction… Her heart beat faster at the memory of the joy on his face as he heard her say so for the first time.

"I don't know if you fully realize how in love with you I actually am, Regina." he smiled tenderly and wiped a tear escaping her eyes. "I can't picture my life without you in it."

Regina got lost on the sight of him then, his blue eyes; his dimples; his noble heart... And she knew it was the right time. She knew she had said it before but he was unconscious and she had been terrified. Now they were both alive and she had never meant it more.

"I love you, Robin." she whispered and saw his eyes widened before the brightest smile of all lit up his face and the next second, his lips were on hers, kissing her hungrily.

"Oh God, do you know how much I've been waiting to hear you say this?"

She chuckled once again and stroke his cheek.

"I do. I am sorry it took me so long-"

But after that everything went to hell…

Just like it always did in her life.

Marian came to her and made her realize that she was breaking a family, she was breaking Roland's family and she was putting both Robin and Roland in danger.

And Regina couldn't have that.

Daniel had already died for her.

Robin had almost died for her.

She couldn't take more.

So she made a decision…

The most difficult of her life so far.

"I am sorry, Robin."

"Are you trying to break up with me, now?" he asked and tried to make his voice steady while he could feel his heart make ties in his chest.

"I don't know." she whispered

So Robin walked toward her in hope to make her see reason, but she took the same amount of steps back and it was like he had been slapped.

"Regina..." he whispered and she could see blue eyes were frantic and lost. "I don't understand. We were fine not three days ago..." she looked down a few seconds. "You told me-"

"I know what I told you." she cut him coldly and he ran a hand through his hair and took a deep, shaky breath.

"Then why are you acting like this? Tell me."

Brown eyes locked onto blue for a few seconds and Regina didn't know what to do.

Should she telling him the truth?

Or hiding it?

"I've had time to think." she settled for.



"Oh." he whispered and now she could see he was opening and closing his fists by his sides, looking so utterly lost and hurt.

Watching him from afar after that had been torture. He was so clearly heartbroken and she loved him so, so much… It went on for a week a week where she lived only to catch glimpses of him and then, he was at her door.

Like he always ended up.

Back to her.

"Robin, what is this about?" she asked, confused and a bit angry too, now.

He didn't answer but came into her flat and closed the door behind him, still glaring at her.

"Robin, please I would like to-"

But she couldn't end her sentence because Robin had grabbed her face and was kissing her. A small moan of surprise escaped her, but she couldn't fight her body and she found herself answering his passionate kiss. It wasn't soft at all, he was kissing her fiercely and she was giving back as good as she got.

"Robin..." she breathed but he only nuzzled her nose and kissed her again, softer this time.

Her hands were lost in his shoulders and she didn't know what to think anymore.

She had missed him so much.

"You're so stupid." he murmured and that made her still.

"Excuse me?" she asked and tried to get away from him, but one of his hands were now circling her waist.

"You are so stupid, Regina." he said again. Then, he added, "Roland told me."

"Told you what?" she asked cautiously, having stopped fighting his embrace.

"He told me what Marian did to you, at the hospital."

Regina's heart stopped.

And after that, they were stronger than ever. They fall in love even deeper and Regina knew nothing would ever tore them apart.

It couldn't.

They were too strong.

But she had not realized the ennemy they were fighting ( Graham) was just as strong as they were...

And then Zelena went missing and everything sped up.

They had been so focused on finding the killer that Regina had been blind to what was just in front of her this whole time...

Until that night, at least.

That horrible night.

Regina opened the door, still smiling thinking about the fact that she would soon be in Robin' arms again, she might even put on that sexy red lingerie he liked so much the other night... She switched on the light and then, her eyes widened and her heart stopped.

There was someone in her couch.

But not jusst anyone.

Because her hands were tied, her hair messy and her face pale, but she could still recognize her sister...

"Zelena!" she said and the green eyes of the woman were full of tears as she shook her head,

"Run! Run, Regina! Please run!"

Regina couldn't understand what was going on. But she had no time to, because she heard a noise behind her and suddenly, it was all black…

And then she shivered, thinking about what happened when she woke up and finally opened the eyes on who was behind it all…

"Who are you?" she said, and was glad her voice sounded so regal when she actually was terrified. "Are you so much of a coward that you don't even dare show me your face? Why did you take me here? What do you want?"

"I want what I have always wanted, Regina."

She voice.

She knew that voice...

"I want you."


She must have been mistaken.

Someone must have the same voice.

It was impossible.

" And I am no coward. You should know that better than anyone."

"Who are you?" Regina's voice broke.

She knew who he was.

She just didn't want to believe it.

Her heart stopped.

She knew that voice.

She knew it verywell.

But it couldn't be...

The man started to remove his hood and then, her entire world shattered as she was facing the man in black in person.


Regina shivered again and tried to tug her jacket closer to her, repeating again and again that it was all over and that Graham was dead, he couldn't hurt them anymore. But sometimes at night, nightmares of what she learnt in that room ( that Graham had been the one to kill Daniel) and of what they lived still haunted her… Thankfully, Robin was always there to hold her close until she came through.

But she would always remember the relief she felt when that door opened and Robin came in...

Zelena and Regina were looking at the door with wide eyes, someone was trying to come in, that much was sure.

"Who do you think it is?" breathed Zelena and her sister shook her head.

"I don't know."

But she had a feeling that maybe-

But then her heart stopped in her chest.

Her eyes wideded.

Tears pricked at the back of her eyes as the man she had prayed for was standing in front of them, the man that was occupying every thoughts she had..

"Robin..." she breathed and saw him froze, before his eyes scanned the room and fall on her.

Robin stopped at finally seeing her.

And then he almost ran to her. She was bonded but for now, he cupped her cheeks and crashed his mouth on hers hungrily, he needed to make sure she was alright first of all, and this was his way to know how. She answered his kiss and then he receded, stroking every parts of her he could get his hands on.

"Oh God... Are you hurt? Did he touch you?"

"No." and now, she was sobbing. Because he was there. He was truly there. Robin was there. Everything would be fine from now on.

And what happened next …

Regina would rather not dwell on that.

On the fact that Graham came back in and found them, found Robin there. This horrible fight, and the gunshots at Robin.. The fear that she was losing him again, the blood… She really thought he was dead and that was when she fell unconscious.

She couldn't take it.

She wasn't strong enough to lose him.

"ROBIN!" screamed Regina, sobbing hysterically as the man she loved took the bullet, then another. He took a step back under the shock and gasped, before his eyes found hers again right away and he was holding his side and she saw his hand was covered by blood, he was paled suddenly and his blue eyes found hers for two seconds, she read everything that she needed to know…

He loved her.

He had tried.

He was sorry.

But he loved her."Regina..." he tried, but he fell on his knees and she couldn't breath anymore.


Not again.

Not him.

He had just wanted to make sure she was safe…

"No…" but this time her voice was a whisper and she didn't even hear Graham's laugh, all she could see was Robin, as he tried to crawl to her one last time but instead, crumble on the ground a few steps away from her and she saw he was fighting to stay with her, but she knew it was a lost battle…

Because of her.

She had distracted him.

She had killed the man that she .

Her heart stopped.

And then…


Tears rolled down her cheeks and she hurried to wipe them, before watching her watch again and frowning slightly.

What was he doing ?

She remembered when she woke up and couldn't open her eyes because she couldn't face a world without him in it. But then Gold had spoken and given her hope again, Robin was alive. He was not awake still, but he was alive…

And then after a lot of fears and anxiety, some things she was still not able to explain ( like that blond nurse she saw besides Robin that no one knew) but she couldn't care because finally he was alive and well and awake, by her sides.

And nothing else mattered.

"Oh my love..." he breathed, holding her so tight, until one couldn't even say when one began and one ended. "My darling love."

And then, she couldn't help the sobs taking her.

Because he was there, and alive.

It was his scent, and his arms, and his heartbeat, his voice and his accent, his body, his lips and everything that made Robin Robin.

It was him.

He was hers.

And he was there.

It was too much happiness at once and she couldn't stop the tears.

"I love you..." she whispered and he hold her closer.

"I love you too, so much." then he forced her to look at him, cupping her cheeks. "I am here, Regina."

And that broke her down all over again.

"I thought… When I saw him shot you-""I know…. I thought this was the end, too."

Her eyes widened in horror and one of her hands found his heart, comforted by the strong beating underneath it.


"But I would do it all over again."


"To give my life for you."

"Please don't say that."

"But that's how much I love you."

Brown eyes locked onto blue."I know." she admitted and then she smiled, stroking his cheek tenderly. "And I know now that I would do the same without even thinking twice about it."

He chuckled.

"I know."

They both chuckled at each other.

"We're so stupid, aren't we?"

"Stupidly in love, that is."

She laughed at that and leant in, so close she could feel his breath on her lips.

"And I wouldn't have it any other way."

He smiled that dimple smile she loved so much, before leaning in even closer and God, he wanted to just kiss her already.

"Me neither."

And then he couldn't take it anymore and leant in, crashing their mouths together in one of their most passionate kisses, in which she gripped at him and he hold her so close while they kissed and kissed and kissed.

Regina smiled again, brightly this time as a car drove and stopped in front of her house. She got up as it parked and then a man got out of it and she smiled again, so hard it hurt when their eyes locked and he smiled at her.


While he walked to her, Regina thought about all of the things that changed in the year since that night Graham was killed.

Robin left with Roland for well-deserved father/son holidays and when they came back two weeks later, they moved in with Regina.

Marian and Will had been dated for a few weeks and things seemed to go pretty well. Robin was really happy about that ( something that had surprised Regina actually, but when she had told him so, he had only answered that he just wanted Marian to be as happy and loved as he was, and he thought Will could be that man).

Roland was happy to have so many people to love him.

A few weeks after their return, Regina learnt that Zelena and Gold had had a fling in the past and that was why she had acted weird around him… They were starting to get close again, even if they both denied it. Regina chuckled at the thought. Even Henry wasn't oblivious and was actually happy for his grandpa.

Speaking of Henry, he was finally happy again. He still missed his mom dearly, but Gold was there for him and the two had really bonded. Regina was there for him too, along with Robin and Roland Henry a part of their family too. Of course he still saw Killian a lot and Gold had actually started to warm to him, to the general surprise.

Mary Margaret and David had the cutest of baby named Neal and Regina ( who was his godmother) was absolutely crazy about him.

But that wasn't the only changes that happened in the passing year…

Robin was finally there to her and he smiled that dimple smile she was so in love with.

« My love. »

She smiled back and cupped his cheeks as his hands found her waist.

« My thief. »

He chuckled at the nickname she gave him because he had stolen her heart ( while he had reminded her that you couldn't steal something that's been given to you), and then leant in, kissing her tenderly.

« I've missed you so much. » he breathed against her lips and she hummed, nodding.

« Me too. Don't ever go away so long again. »

He chuckled at that and took her left hand, kissing a ring that wasn't there a few weeks ago.

« Your wish is my command, Mrs Locklsey. »

She smiled brightly once again and brought him closer, kissing him again.

And then…

Then Robin laid his hands on Regina's slightly swollen stomach and stroked it, their eyes meeting again before they smiled lovingly at each other.

« Ready for a new adventure ? » is all that he whispered with a twinkle in these blue eyes she loved so much,

« With you ? Always. »

And he smiled before leaning in to take her breath away.

As he always did.