Brandy walked into the Red base, her sniper rifle in one hand, bat hanging in the other dragging along the ground dismally as her shotgun was slung across her shoulders. Silence pervaded the entire building, the Sniper's teammates nowhere in sight.

She sighed miserably, feeling as though they abandoned her, if not ignoring her. Albeit she would understand why, given her comments to her, dare she think it, friends. Family, even. Not just her comments, but her personality. But that did nothing to reduce the pain of it.

Although Brandy rarely, if ever, showed it, she deeply cared about those she'd spend all of her time with. While she knew this, Brandy also knew that they didn't. Nobody on the Red team knew of her attachment to the lot of them. While Brandy preferred it this way, deep down inside she knew they needed to know that she wasn't just the person they knew her to be. No, Brandy grudgingly admitted to herself that they need to see her caring side, as much as she loathed it.

I'm worse than Scout, she thought miserably, although without undue reason. While he was cocky and whatnot, Brandy chose to hurt her friends, something she believed Scout, nor anyone else, would do. Even if the rest of her team fought, they would eventually make up and get over it, while Brandy would continue to instigate things, hurting people left and right, and enjoying it too. To the rest of the Reds, Brandy seemed to enjoy their pain and would do anything to inflict pain onto someone without regret. Most of the time, she didn't regret. But this time she knew she went too far on purpose and greatly reduced the effectiveness of the team.

The sound of quiet, subdued voices snagged her attention away from the thoughts. Her feet had brought her to the conference room, where the rest of the team had gathered to discuss the recent skirmish: what they did right, what they did wrong, what needed improvement, etc. Stopping just outside the door, Brandy listened for a moment, head down, not really paying attention. Swallowing her pride, Brandy gingerly stepped into the room; as soon as she had, Spy lifted his masked head to glance at her. The others soon turned to her, all voices now silenced.

Gulping, Brandy managed, "I...I'm sorry," as she locked eyes with all her team members, pain and regret two of the emotions she felt being reflected in her dark green orbs. Quickly, she turned around out of the conference room and towards hers.

Slipping inside silently, Brandy placed her rifle and shotgun under her bed and went to lean her bat on the wall, where she usually kept it. She took one step before leaning against the wall adjacent to the blunt object and sliding down, her elbows finding their way to her knees, hand tugging her hair, eyes closed. I went too far this time, she thought again, tears forming at the corner of her eyes before silently slipping down her face. I'm sorry. Please forgive me.