Chapter One

The rain fell heavily outside the taxi window, fat raindrops falling down like confetti. Sephoria Komori didn't mind the rain, in fact she loved it, but this rain seemed to be reflecting the mood of the two girls in the car. Seph turned to look at the petite girl sitting next to her. The girl was Yui Komori, Seph's sister. She was a pretty girl with short almost strawberry blond hair and pink eyes. Seph always thought her sister was the prettier one of them. She felt like her dark brown hair and gray eyes made her seem like a shadow next to the sun. Seph sighed looking back out the window. Their father had sent them to stay with some supposed distant relatives of theirs, but she felt like there was something he wasn't telling them. Seph felt suspicious and weary; their father had left so suddenly and dumped them into the care of people they had never met. Yeah, she felt more than suspicious, she felt dread.

Yui turned to her, eyes wide, as the taxi pulled to a stop in front of the place they were to stay.

"We'll be staying there?!" Seph could understand Yui's suprise. The place was huge; calling it house was not the proper word for it, it was a mansion. This particular mansion though looked more like the spot ghost and other horrors inhabited. The sprawling colonial styled mansion had a circular driveway in the front with a fountain placed in the center; the place was intimidating.

Seph sighed slightly, "I suppose we are." The two girls slid out of the taxi, pulling their bags out of the trunk. The taxi driver sped off leaving the sisters in front of the gate.

"Welcome to Hell, enjoy your stay and remember, don't have too much fun." Seph said with a grim smile on her face. Yui looked over at her sister, obviously scared out of her mind. Seph looked at her giving a small smile of encouragement. "Don't listen to me, I'm sure we'll be just fine." But Seph didn't believe that and she could tell Yui didn't quite believe it either. Seph tightened her hold on her bag "Let's go Yui, we have some people to meet and we've been standing in the rain for awhile." Seph led the way to the front door jogging across the driveway, Yui at her back. Seph pulled on the knocker and let it go letting it bang against the wooden door.

"Is anyone home?" Yui called out. After a little bit, the door creaked open revealing a massive entryway. Seph pushed the door open a bit further with her pointer finger.

"Hello?" She called, "is anyone home?" Her sneakers squeaked slightly as she walked through the door. Yui's slight heels clicked as she walked in behind Seph. The door banged shut behind them. As Seph was looking around and admiring the inside of the mansion, Yui had wondered off.

"Um, excuse me?" Seph turned her head when she heard Yui's voice. There laying on a bench in front of Yui was a boy about there age with red hair. He was wearing what looked like a school uniform with the fie messily undone and the first few buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned. The boy also appeared to be asleep. Yui reached out and touched his hand softly to get his attention. She jerked back suddenly.

"He's cold!" Yui looked up towards Seph with wide, fearful eyes.

"Yui, get back." Seph hissed but of course her sister didn't listen laying her head down on the boy's chest.

"He has no pulse! I didn't hear his heartbeat! What do we do? Call an ambulance! " Yui looked at her sister with wide eyes and dug in her pockets for her phone. Seph started feeling apprehensive and slowly walked over.

"Damn, you're noisy." a cool voice said as a hand snatched Yui's phone out of her hand. Seph watched as the boy sat up on the bench and glared at Yui with piercing green eyes, seemingly oblivious to the other girl in the room.

"This isn't your house, so be quiet." Yui stared in shock at him and Seph could understand why, the girl had just convinced herself he was dead and now here he was awake and definitely alive.

"Y-you're alive. " Yui stuttered. Seph slowly started walking forward.

"Why wouldn't I be?" he asked

"But your heart stopped..." Yui started to step back towards Seph buy didn't quite make it. In a flash the boy reached out and grabbed Yui's arm and pulled her to the bench and pinned her there. Yui struggled as Seph raced forward.

"Hey! Get your hands off her!" Seph pulled on the boy struggling to get him off her sister. He looked at the not-so-new newcomer obviously annoyed at being interrupted.

"Who are you?" he growled "You're interrupting Ore-sama." He flung Seph off of him, still retaining his hold on Yui, and she landed with a hard thump. Now it was her turn to glare. The boy grinned evilly as he bent down and locked Yui's neck as the girl struggled in vain. Seph felt her anger flare up to new levels and was about to strangle the boy when a new voice suddenly spoke up.

"Ayato, what's all the commotion?" Seph turned to look at the person who had entered the room. He had black hair and pinkish red eyes framed by black glasses. He to had on what appeared to be a school uniform, but it was all perfectly tailored and he had adorned his ensemble with a pair of white gloves. Clean freak, Seph's mind screamed, perfectionist.

"Damn, not you Reiji." the boy, presumably named Ayato, glared at the newcomer.

"This is the entrance hall." Seph sighed when he said that. They had barely stepped into this place.

"This is a place to greet guests not a place for you to indulge yourself; such activities can be taken to your room where you would have privacy and not bother others." the other boy, Reiji, pushed up his glasses slightly with the tips of his fingers. Stiff, Seph thought adding to the list.

"Hmph, this is dull." Ayato said letting Yui go. Yui hastily ran over to her sister. Reiji looked, no, examined the both of them.

"Who are you?" he said coldly.

"I'm Sephoria Komori and this is my sister Yui Komori. Our Father told us that we were to stay here while he was away." Seph spoke up unconsciously standing protectively in front of Yui.

"I heard of no such thing." he turned to Ayato, "Ayato, explain this."

"Tsk, how the hell should I know. They just came in while I was napping, Pancake never said anything."

"Um.." Yui looked at Ayato "Whose Pancake?"

"You obviously. " he said nonchalantly then he looked at Seph "But you probably could be as well but I think I'll just call you Chichinashi." he said with a sly grin. Seph instantly crossed her arms over her chest feeling self conscious.

"It's still strange that I was not informed of your arrival." Reiji had his chin in his hand contemplating what to do with the girls. Yui tugged on Seph's sleeve.

"It's fine. We must have the wrong address or there's been some mix-up. We'll just leave you." Yui pulled Seph to the door. She was confused; she had checked the address herself before they had entered to make sure they had the right place.

"You will not be leaving. You will stay till I get to the bottom of this." Reiji said, the look in his eyes almost dared them to challenge him.

"I would like to get to the bottom of this also." Seph sighed. "I know we're in the right place, I checked the address myself. The circumstances seem to be strange, but you should've been informed of our arrival." Seph looked down at Yui.

"It'll be fine." Seph said patting Yui's head even though she felt as though they were going to meet their doom.