"Diaval." Was that someone calling his name? Ugh, he wanted to sleep. He swatted his hand in the direction of the voice. Sleep turned into "sleup!" as he attempted to convey his one and only wish.

"Diaval" she pressed harder. "Stappuuh! Sleep!" Diaval rolled back on his side.

"DIAVAL!" Someone was shaking him by his shoulders hard.

"Ugh... Who... What..." It took all the effort in the world to peel his eyelids open.

A pair of familiar eyes looked intently at him, it was Maleficent. "Why did you..." Then only did his sluggish brain process his surroundings. Maleficent's nest.

"Mal...Maleficent!" He immediately shot straight up, body tense and all his weariness gone. "I'm... I... I must have fallen asleep in your nest by accident..."

"Well, then what will you do to express your apology?" Maleficent laid lazily in her nest with arms crossed.

"Wha...what...?" This was not what he expected. There was no anger or resentment in her silver-green eyes, there was only amusement. Did he hear that correctly?

"What, will you do, to express your apology?" Maleficent enunciated each word slowly and clearly. As it registered in Diaval's brain, he went slack-jawed. "I...I..." was all he could manage; earning him a lifted eyebrow and curled lip.

"Yes you?"

"I... I'll..." He could not complete his sentence before a cold and slimy glob hit his face. Mud. A laughter rang through the air, clear and sharp.

"What was that for!" Diaval whimpered as he wiped way the viscous mud that clinched onto his face.

"Well, there, here's your punishment. I saved you the trouble of thinking one up." A smirk spread over her sharp facial features as amusement danced across her now emerald eyes.

Well, if he got to see and hear her laugh ever morning he awoken, he definitely wouldn't mind being punished for accidentally sleeping beside her. But for now a revenge was formulating in his mind and it can all summed up into a word: MUD.

Do leave comments if possible! :D Thank you for taking the time to read! :D