Author's Note: This will be the final chapter in this series. It's obvious to me that the show's take on the characters has gone in a very, very different direction than I envisioned and I don't want to write more Arrow-related stories until I'm comfortable with the characters and where they are going. I wanted to end this story on a hopeful note and I'd like to think that I've managed that.

Thanks for taking the time to read these chapters and thank you in particular to all those readers who were kind enough to leave comments. Like most writers here on FF I live for your comments.

Following this story I am heading back to Rizzoli and Isles to start posting Book Two of Intersecting Lines, a story I've been working on ever since I finished Book One almost a year ago. If you're a Rizzles fan or like my writing, please feel free to drop in and check it out.

Thanks again.

Felicity and Laurel 54

After Laurel and Sara spar, mostly but not always in the latter's favour, they'd headed off to Felicity's place to settle in to watch a Game of Thrones Season 4 marathon, managing to make it through the first four episodes before everyone started falling asleep, so Felicity had offered her spare bedroom to Sara and Nyssa, an offer happily taken up.

Laurel had smiled and offered to sleep on the lounge but Felicity wouldn't hear of it, instead putting her foot down and insisting that they can share her bed, pointing out that it wouldn't be the first time. Felicity hadn't missed Nyssa and Sara's exchanged glance and barely hidden smiles at her comment before they took themselves off to bed, desperately hoping Laurel hadn't seen their all-too-knowing smiles.

When Laurel woke up, it was to a delicious feeling of warmth and comfort, she could feel Felicity wrapped around her as the other woman spooned her. Intellectually Laurel knew she should move but couldn't bring herself to, she'd just enjoyed a full nights deep sleep, something that had become a rarity since joining Oliver's crusade. So instead she lay there, enjoying the snuggly feel of Felicity's soft warm body close up against hers through their pajamas, her arm wrapped around her under her breasts, the gentle tickle of Felicity's breath on her neck as she realised just how dangerous this is, how quickly she could come to crave this feeling, the comfort, the warmth, love, Felicity.

Finally Laurel could feel Felicity start to wake up and, concerned at how Felicity might react to their closeness, went to move, only to still when Felicity's arm pulled her back tight, the other woman's body pressed against her from neck to knee, Felicity's sleep roughened voice in her ear making her smile.

"I never got to thank you properly y'know" Laurel's head turned a fraction, seeing blonde hair in the corner of her eye.

"Oh, for what?" Felicity's voice was soft against her ear.

"That night I stayed over at your place, after I was attacked. I couldn't sleep and you held me, I felt safe and I had a really good night's sleep" Laurel nodded once, she remembered.

"I know, I slept well too, the best I'd had for a long while" They lay there for a while, just snuggled together, Felicity's arm around her waist and her fingers entwined with Laurel's. Laurel didn't know what was happening, but there was no way she was going to complain as they lay there in a warm, comfortable silence. They didn't talk, didn't need to, they just lay there being comfortable with each other, until a low sound, a quiet moan from the other room came to their ears, both women suddenly realising what they were hearing, before they broke into giggles.

"Someone's having fun" Felicity's reply was equally quiet.

"Lucky them" Laurel's eyebrows rose, before she felt Felicity snuggle a little closer as the hacker's body molded against her back and Felicity's head came to rest against hers, her chin resting on Laurel's shoulder as they spooned tightly, so close Laurel could hear her friend's gentle breathing in the quiet room as she struggled to comprehend what was happening. Neither women knew how long they lay there, just enjoying the closeness, the peace; this wasn't a time for words, just a warm, comforting feeling of joy they both shared.

All good things come to an end though and the eventual sound of movement from the kitchen drew a low groan from Felicity before she stirred herself into regretfully disentangling from Laurel and slipping from the bed, leaving Laurel quietly mourning her absence.

Ten minutes later all four women were sitting around the kitchen table in pajamas, drinking coffee while Nyssa drank strong, sweet tea, idly chatting as they demolished the last of yesterday's breakfast pastries with obvious hunger. Neither Felicity nor Laurel missed the disheveled, satisfied look both Nyssa and Sara wore, or the clear happiness enveloping both women.

Finally stirring into action, Nyssa headed off for the shower while Felicity did the washing up as Laurel dried and Sara 'supervised' as she put it, a scene of comfortable domesticity. With Nyssa finished, Felicity headed for the shower, laving the Lance sisters alone in the kitchen for the first time. Sara leaned back against the bench top, the remnants of her coffee cradled in her hands as she glanced out of the corner of her eye at her big sister.

"So sis, how long have you had it bad for Felicity?" Laurel felt her breath catch, hearing her heartbeat thudding in her ears as it started to accelerate, her head turning to look at her sister.

"Excuse me?" Sara tossed her hair and looked straight at her.

"You heard me" Laurel glanced up towards the bathroom, ensuring Felicity was still in the shower.

"I don't, I mean, no, anyway, what makes you think I'm interested in girls?" Sara threw her a 'c'mon, I'm your sister' look that spoke volumes.

"Sis, I know you swing both ways" She shrugged. "Maybe it's a family trait. I heard a few stories about you from people we both know, so I'm not surprised" Laurel opened her mouth and then shut it with a snap. Finally she spoke.

"Felicity's a friend, a really good friend, but there's nothing going on between us"

"I didn't say there was, just asked how long you've been wishing there was"

"She's straight, plus she's hung up on Oliver" Sara rolled her eyes.

"Oliver's too chicken shit to do anything about it; that whole 'I can't be with someone I care about' crap" Sara shook her head slowly. "That's BS and we both know it. He slept with us both since he got back and I know he cares for both of us" She shrugged. "I think he's afraid that if he makes a move on the one person he does truly love, he'll fuck it up and scare her off" She peered into her cup, still speaking. "He's terrified that she'll leave so he won't do anything that might drive her away" She shrugged. "He's a coward like that, but on the other hand I can understand that too, Felicity's too important to everyone"

Laurel nodded, Felicity was the smart, awkward, funny, loving glue that held everything together, the thought of her not being there… Sara lifted her head.

"You still haven't answered my question"

"Like I said, she's straight, so there's nothing going to happen there" Sara smiled softly.

"I'm not so sure, I caught her sneaking more than a few looks when I was getting changed back when I was part of the team, so maybe not as straight as you might think" She glanced up the corridor towards the bathroom where they could hear the sound of running water. "I'd sure as hell thought about it, asking her out, I was pretty sure she wouldn't say no"

"But you have Nyssa?" Sara shrugged again, her eyes trailing up the hall to the second bedroom where her lover was getting dressed.

"I didn't at the time, I'd been released by the League and I thought I'd never see her again, I was lonely and sad and tired and that thing with Oliver was a mistake. I mean the sex was fine, but there wasn't that much emotional there" She pulled a face and then sighed. "On either side if I'm going to be honest about it. Anyway, Felicity was the bright spot in my life and I was drawn to her. I was about to ask her out when the whole Slade thing blew up and I ended up calling Nyssa for help" Sara looked up and smiled. "When I saw her again, I realised I'd been kidding myself, I might be over the League but I'd never be over her"

"Is she good for you sis?"

"She is, she loves me, loves me despite everything I've done, all my scars…" Sara tapped her temple. "Including the ones in here" She suddenly grinned wickedly. "And the sex is sen-sat-ion-al" Sara dragged the word out almost salaciously.

"I hope that is me you are talking about" They both looked up as Nyssa glided into the room and slid up next to the younger Lance, leaning in for a quick kiss that suddenly deepened, before they finally broke apart, both just a little flushed. "Because if it is not I may have to kill someone"

"Of course it's you, you're my other half, what would I want anyone else when I have you" She got a soft smile.

"Excellent, please remember that, the thought of you enjoying sensational anything with anyone else is…unsettling" Sara smiled, a light that lit up her face as Laurel realised she'd rarely seen her sister so happy.

"Thank you Nyssa" The assassin glanced across at her, one eyebrow lifting in a question. "For taking care of her, for loving her, for making her so happy" Nyssa smiled, full of joy, transformed by it into someone much younger and softer as her hand slipped into Sara's.

"Your sister makes it very easy; it is I whom she has made very happy" Laurel smiled even wider.

"Thank you for being there for her, for making my little sister complete" Laurel chuckled softly. "I suppose I should give you the big sister talk about not hurting her, but really, that's stupid, you love her and she loves you and any fool can see that, so welcome to the family" Nyssa's eyes widened for a moment, before she smiled a little sheepishly, as Sara dragged her lover into a hug, then looped the other arm out and pulled Laurel into the hug, they stood there for a moment, just enjoying the sense of belonging, of holding and being held, before an amused voice penetrated their little world.

"Did I interrupt something private, cause that's totally all right, but if it's open to others, can I get some of that hugging action" Looking up they saw Felicity standing in the doorway wrapped in a silk robe, her hair still damp, chewing the corner of her bottom lip adorably. "It's kinda been a while since I've had a snuggle huggle and I could really use one" The three woman grinned at each other, before Nyssa and Laurel moved apart, making space for one more, Felicity practically flying across to join them.

They stood there for a few moments, the four of them, just holding and being held, as Laurel took in the fresh scents, Nyssa's sandalwood and Sara's jasmine and Felicity's apple shampoo, breathing in the scents and smiling to herself. Just for a moment she could let go and admit to herself just how much she needed this herself.

Her baby sister was all grown up, in love with someone very special and she was so happy about that. And who knows, maybe her own happiness wasn't that far away either.

Finally they broke apart and stood there, though Laurel's arm was still around Felicity's waist, something the hacker seemed in no real hurry to change. Sara and Nyssa took in the two blonde's closeness and smiled, before Sara suddenly grinned.

"You know, we had a very late night, I'm thinking we might head back to bed again, enjoy a lazy Sunday morning sleep in" Felicity and Laurel didn't miss the suddenly hooded glance that Nyssa shot her lover, followed by a slow, contented smile.

"That sounds like a splendid idea love" She looked back at them and tipped her head. "If you will excuse us, we will see you later" Sara's grin was practically feral.

"Much, much later" With that Nyssa reached out and took Sara's hand before leading her down the hall and out of sight, before the sound of the door closing echoed up the quiet hall. Felicity turned to Laurel and smiled.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea" She frowned, a trifle uncertainly. "Unless there's something else you'd like to do?" Laurel smiled, before, feeling bold, she leaned in to place a soft kiss to Felicity's forehead.

"Felicity, there's no place I'd rather be, or person I'd rather be with" That got her wide eyed look, before Felicity's face dissolved into a radiant smile then she spoke.

"Now that you mention it, I might need a bit more time in bed" Laurel smiled in return.

"Why, are you tired?" Felicity turned a grin that could only be described as wicked on Laurel before she spoke.

"Not yet"