Daryl and Shawn had followed the nurse out to another floor. She opened the door and there lying in bed, asleep, was Beth. Even with the cuts on her face and the massive cast on her arm she was still the most beautiful thing Daryl had laid his eyes on. His heart clenched when he realized his earlier conversation with Shawn. He hadn't quite dropped the "I love you" bomb, but after this he wasn't sure he had enough time. He wasn't going to wait to tell her. His breathe caught in his throat when Beth shifted and opened her eyes. All he could see was blue and the only thing he could hear was the thud of his heart as it beat against his chest.

Beth blinked her eyes and stared up in confusion at both Daryl and Shawn. Daryl had thought seeing Beth injured was still one of the most beautiful sights, but that was nothing compared to seeing her conscious and coherent. Albeit confused, but Daryl would rather her be confused than dead any day of the week.

Daryl was beside her in a second helping her sit up. He barely paid any attention to Shawn who had taken the empty seat beside of him.

"Hey Beth, how are you feeling?" Daryl asked.

"Ugh, sore but I guess I should count myself lucky. You should have seen my car the picture is around here somewhere" Beth took her uninjured arm and messing around the nightstand beside her bed. She found the photo and handed it to Shawn.

Shawn showed Daryl the little Polaroid photo. Daryl felt his blood chill. Beth's car was completely unrecognizable and it was a damn miracle she only had a broken arm and scattered cuts and bruises.

"Holy shit Beth, I'm just glad you're alright. I know I'm the last person you want to see now. I just wanted you to know how sorry I am and how much I love you," Shawn told her. His tears from earlier had started again. The photo had been a confirmation to him just how close he was to losing his baby sister.

Beth looked at her hands when Shawn announced his apology, "I was pissed when you said the things you did Shawn. I forgive you because life is clearly too short to hold grudges."

Shawn sagged in relief and Daryl looked on with pride. Beth would forever be the best person he had ever met. The girl had every right to hold a grudge or demand something crazy from her brother, but she just forgave him. Daryl knew the world would be such a brighter place if more people had acted with Beth's grace and had her heart.

All of this cemented how much he loved Beth. Today was the day; he was going to tell her.

"I'm so glad you are willing to forgive me Bethy, I'm gonna do whatever it takes to prove it to you," Shawn promised eagerly.

"You don't gotta prove anything. Just accept my relationship with Daryl and we're good. I miss having my big brother around." Beth gave Shawn a small smile while she squeezed Daryl's hand lightly as if she were drawing strength from him. Which, in Daryl's opinion, was silly because Beth was hands down one of the strongest people he had ever met.

"Daryl and I had a talk. I should have listened before. If I had maybe I could have saved us all from this mess" Shawn's exuberance at Beth's forgiveness seemed to deflate as he blamed himself for his sister's condition.

"I'm glad y'all talked. But you can't prevent every bad thing from happening. This happened and I'm fine. Let's not worry about the details or place blame on something that none of us had control over," Beth looked pointedly at both guys.

Shawn got up and kissed Beth's forehead, "I'm gonna step out and call Amy and Tara. Want any thing other than the stupid hospital food? I'll get it for ya,"

Beth chewed on her lip, "If you don't mind getting me cheese fries and a burger. That sounds so good right about now."

Shawn nodded and exited the room. Daryl was grateful Shawn was giving them some space. After their talk Shawn probably figured Daryl wanted to have a moment to just talk with Beth.

"I'm so glad you're all right Beth. They sent us to the wrong room and we thought you were dead," Daryl was glad he kept it together especially when he said the word dead. He thought about how he had felt when he thought she was dead. He wouldn't make it. One time Beth had joked if there ever was an apocalypse that Daryl would be the last man standing. At the time he had laughed it off. Now he knew he couldn't be the last man standing. Especially not if something had happened to Beth. If she were gone he would be ruined.

Beth put her hand on Daryl's face and stared into his eye's breaking him out of his train of thought.

"I'm right here and I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon." Beth made sure Daryl was staring directly into her eyes as she emphasized she didn't plan on going anywhere.

Daryl felt his heart tighten with her words. He grabbed her face and kissed her, mindful of the cuts on her face. The kiss hadn't lasted long, but it was filled with desperate need and passion.

Daryl put everything he wanted to say into the kiss. He pulled away and leaned his forehead against Beth's forehead. He wasn't even sure how to string the words together. He had never told anyone he loved them. He hadn't ever considered he'd be in this position.

He tried to think back on the stories Merle had told about love confessions, but none of those seemed to fit or apply to this situation.

"What's wrong Daryl?" Beth looked concerned.

"Nothing is wrong, why'd ya ask?" Daryl didn't understand. Didn't he just kiss her? Shouldn't that be an indicator in how he was feeling?

"You just got real thoughtful and then you started frowning. What's on your mind?" Beth quirked her head to the side as she spoke.

"I, fuck, I want to tell you something but I ain't sure how to word it and it's gonna probably come out all wrong but I need ya to bear with me," Daryl looked at Beth.

When she nodded her understanding Daryl decided to suck it up and just tell her.

"I love you Beth. I wanted to tell you the other day and I fucking chickened out. Then I was gonna tell you at the party tonight when Tara played your favorite song. I'm not good at this, but you, Beth Greene, you are my forever and I fucking love you so much."

Author's note: Firstly, I want to apologize for my lack of updates. Life has gotten a little out of hand recently, but it's starting to become organized again. Anyways, as per usual I cannot thank jazznsmoke for truly being the greatest beta and best friend possible. Without her putting up with me I fear this chapter would of never been written. Let me know what you thought of this chapter in a review! And thank you to everyone who has favorited, reviewed, and followed.

Disclaimer: I do not own the walking dead or any of its characters portrayed in my story