Chi-Chi and the others continued to run through the forest as Super Buu chased them from behind. He threw an energy blast towards them every once in awhile to remind them that he was still behind them. It was all a game to him.

She momentarily took the chance to glance at the rest. 18 hardly looked different from her usual expressions, but Chi-Chi could tell from the faint outlines of worry laced in her features that she was just as concerned of the situation as she was.

Next to 18, she could see Krillin's panicked expression clearly reflecting his inner thoughts about the situation. Before she could get a chance to look at the rest though, she slipped on a fat tree root. She tried to stop herself using both her hands, but instead she scrapped them and landed on the ground with a, "Oof".

This could no be happening to her again! She was never usually this clumsy. It was like she had reverted back to a her child self, who use to trip over the air.

"Chi-Chi!" Bulma shouted, and she stopped running. The commotion caused the rest of the group to stop as well, looking back at the girls to see what had caused them to suddenly stop.

That was when Chi-Chi saw a pink mass, of what looked like, blubber, forming a human body from the front of where the unaware group who were all currently facing the other direction. She tried shouting something to the group, but by then, it was too late. The noise of a large ki blast being released won over the sound of her voice.

She instinctively covered her face with her hands, but the large blast managed to blow her and the rest of the group away.

Dirt covered her body when the noise finally died down. She could hear groans coming from some of her friends, while some stayed completely quiet. She was trying to get herself up, but the little amount of dirt on top of her was enough to keep her down. She didn't even have enough strength to pick herself up anymore.

The pain and exhaustion was making it hard for her to focus on anything, but she faintly realized her body was being picked up by someone. Looking up, she was once again face to face with the pink demon. He was grinning at her, showing off all of his sharp teeth.

She wanted to do something. As a martial artist she was trained to always fight obstacles ahead of her no matter how difficult. It was ingrained in her to always put up some kind of fight and never give up, but she couldn't even bring herself to lift a hand.

She just couldn't! Everything hurt her too much. It was clear even at her best she couldn't even cause a scratch on Super Buu, so what hope did she have now when she was beaten and hurt?

There was always a chance that she would be in a situation like this, and she had went over countless possibilities in her head on how it would happen, but she always thought she would at least go down with a fight. If she was ever going to have her life ended by fighting, she always thought she would die kicking and screaming.

Now that the reality of it was right in front of her though she couldn't find the strength to do anything. In fact, she was welcoming death right now. As long as she got to finally rest.

Super Buu seem to register that she had completely given up, and his creepy smile widen even more. He must be used to seeing his victims with this sort of expression.

Raising his hand, he slowly began to form another energy ball. Chi-Chi realized he probably did this to cause her more fear right before she died, but currently she couldn't bring herself to even care. She had lost all hope.

Faintly, she could hear some of her friends protesting. They were probably as hurt as she was, which meant they were completely out of energy. Without being able to move, they were forced to watch Chi-Chi helplessly.

With her eyes barely opened, Chi-Chi watched as a miracle unfolded right in front of her. One minute Super Buu was holding her while forming a ki blast with his other hand, the next he was on the floor knocked out.

No longer having a hold on her, she also fell on the ground, but she hardly cared. She was alive, and Super Buu was on the floor. Who was her savior? Did one of the guys make it after all?

"Always the troublemaker Super Buu." Someone said from above her. All she could make out was someone with, what looked like, orange shoes.

A green hand picked Super Buu up, and Chi-Chi quickly realized who exactly was in front of her. Lifting her head up, she saw Cell smirking at her. "Long time no see."

From behind her, she could make out sounds of people landing on the ground. "Chi-Chi!" She heard someone who sounded a lot like Goku shout. "Cell!"

Cell took his eyes off her, and looked ahead. "Ah, and hello to you too, Goku."

Almost as soon as he finished talking, an energy blast landed where Cell and Super Buu were, but when the smoke cleared, Chi-Chi could see that Cell had managed to avoid it.

"Now Goku, I don't see no need for such hostile treatment." Cell stated. "I've only come here to retrieve this nuisance, and nothing more."

"And what makes you think we'll just let you walk away from here. Me and you still have a score to settle." Vegeta said.

"I should have known you would also be here Vegeta. I must have missed you among all the normal size people." He mocked. "As for the matter of 'letting us go', I think you'll quickly understand this only benefits you guys. You get to live because of this."

Vegeta growled. "Is that right?"

"Wait!" Goku said as he held his hand up. "He's right, let them go."

Cell smirked. "I knew you'd see it my way." With Super Buu flung across his shoulder, Cell flew away from the scene.

Vegeta turned to Goku accusingly once he was gone. "What the hell was that?"

Instead of answering him though he went towards Chi-Chi's way, and carefully lifted her off the ground. Her hair had fallen out of its bun, and was now draped across his arm.

He smiled her way once she had opened her eyes. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

She probably would have laughed if the possibility of hurting her whole body even more didn't hang over her head. "Not the best." She answered back.

Even though he had been holding her with the lightest of touch, she could still feel the outline of his hard body. If only he had been holding her this way under different circumstances.

When Chi-Chi was hurt, it had felt like a bunch of weights were stacked on her body. Now it felt like the weights grew lesser and lesser. Any pain she had been feeling was slowly clearing out as the warm energy surrounded her.

Chi-Chi got up once Dende was done healing her, and stretched her body. "Thank you, Dende. I feel completely better now."

Dende smiled. "No problem, I'm just happy to help." He said before moving on to the next injured person in the room. They were all currently in Piccolo's house all being treated by Dende.

Goku stood up after Chi-Chi. "Can I talk to you?"

Blinking in surprise, she nodded before following him to the outside of Piccolo's house. "What's wrong?"

He stood in front of her, and pulled her in for a hug, pulling them close enough, so that her face was mostly in his shoulders. Before she could get a chance to question him about it though he was already talking.

"This fight against Frieza is getting more dangerous. You've seen the kind of people he has on his side, and they're getting even stronger than before." Goku said softly into her hair.

Being distracted by the feeling of his hug, it took a little longer for his words to register in her mind clearly. He wasn't trying to tell her, she couldn't fight with them anymore, was he?

He pulled away a little, and placed his hands on her shoulders getting her full attention. "I think it'd be better for everyone if-"

"I can train!" She interrupted him before he could even try to tell her she couldn't be around anymore. She watched him open his mouth again, so she quickly tried again. "I'll take up training again, and I'll catch up with everyone! I don't want to be away from this fight!"

Goku looked back in confusion. "Who said anything about that? I was just going to suggest you let me train you."

"Oh." Chi-Chi breathed out in relief. "I thought you were going to tell me to stay away from you guys, or something stupid like that..."

After she had calmed down though she had fully realized what he had just told her. Snapping her head back up, she looked to see if he was joking. "Wait, are you serious? You're going to train me?"

Goku laughed. "Only if you want me to."

Without warning, Chi-Chi tackled him causing him to automatically wrap his arms around them to keep them from falling. "Of course!"

Chi-Chi excitingly sat on the ground waiting for Goku to start teaching her something. She had been surprised how quickly they had started training. It's not like they had anything else to do though. Thanks to the damage Super Buu had done to their school buildings, they were all off until everything was fixed.

Even with so many witnesses, Chi-Chi hadn't heard anything about the police looking into who had caused it. There wasn't even one news channel reporting about it. It made her wonder just how much power Frieza and his father had in this city.

"Alright, I guess we can start with a quick fight." He suggested.

Chi-Chi was distracted with how great Goku's form had looked in his training outfit that she had almost missed what he said. "You mean between you and me? I won't stand a chance!"

Sure she was a great fighter before, but ever since Frieza had sent his best men after them, she hadn't exactly been the one giving the ass kickings.

"Hm, you seem like you've lost some of your confidence too." Goku stated.

Chi-Chi looked down, ashamed he had noticed. "Can you blame me? Everyone around me knows how to blow up things and destroy anything in their path, and I can't even manage to fly."

Goku crouched down, and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, don't worry about that. You're still one of the best fighters I know. Plus, this fight won't have any ki manipulation in it." He stood up, pulling her along with him. "I promise!"

Chi-Chi put her hands up hesitantly, and got in a fighting stance. "Don't make fun of me if I suck, I'm still a little rusty."

"I'll mostly be playing defense anyways, so I can see what kind of level your in. Feel free to come at me whenever you want." He said.

Thrusting one hand out, she wasn't surprise to see Goku easily dodge it. Pulling back, she tried her other hand, but he also avoided that one. She threw kicks, punches, and any kind of combinations of the two she could, but Goku easily dodged all of them.

"Goku, there's no point to this! I can't even put up a decent fight for you. I suck!" She exclaimed.

Goku crossed his arms and cocked his head slightly to one side. "That really did suck." Ignoring the glare sent his way he continued. "But that's because that wasn't you."

"What do you mean?" She asked him.

"I know you can do better than that. I've seen you do better than that. You're fighting like your scared of something." Goku said.

Chi-Chi looked the other way. He had hit the bulls-eye with that one. She had noticed it herself a long time ago, but was mostly denying it up to this point. These past fights she's been in, have scared her.

The fight against Zangya showed her just what kind of consequences fighting brought. Every time she raised a fist to someone, she was risking injuring them in a serious way that could even result to death. She also learned the backwards of that lesson too. She was always risking her own life when she chose to fight.

Her fight against Super Buu had strengthen that lesson in her mind. It wasn't far off to think someone could kill her in any one of these fights.

"Chi-Chi!" Goku yelled getting her attention. "I can't afford to be worrying about you when I'm fighting someone else. If you still want to be part of this fight you have to be willing to give it your all."

She was surprised to see such a serious expression on Goku's face. He had never yelled at her like that before. Although it did succeed in getting her full attention, and he did have a point. If she was just going to be part of the team just to get in the way, she was better off staying behind.

Breathing out, she got back in a fighting stance. Goku smiled in return before getting in a fighting stance himself. Running up to him, she extended her hand upwards to hit his chin. He moved in time to dodge it, so she brought up a knee which he stopped with both of his hands.

Seeing her opening, she brought her elbow to strike his cheek. Imagine her surprise when she felt skin contact for a second before he fell to the ground. Bringing both her hands to her mouth in horror, she dropped any kind of focus she had, and ran towards him.

"Goku. I-I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed.

Goku sat up and brought a hand to his injured cheek. "This was the whole point to the fight Chi." He reminded her with a laugh.

Getting up, he frowned with a smile. "That was a good hit, but it wasn't enough to stop the fight completely! I still have plenty of energy in me! Come at me again." He ordered.

Running towards him again, she swung her fist out which he ducked to avoid. She tried to kick him, but he guarded his face by using both his hands as a shield.

Standing back up, Goku threw a punch himself which she had to side step to avoid. Growling, she avoided another fist aimed for her. She thought he said he was going to only play defense!

She stretched her arm again, but he caught her wrist. Using her other hand, he quickly got that one two. Frustrated that she couldn't prove herself, Chi-Chi used her foot to swipe under Goku.

"Whoa!" He shouted before falling down. He kept his grip on Chi-Chi though causing her to fall on top of him.

"Dammit!" She shouted in anger. She had thought she would have put up more of a fight after that pep talk, but she hardly managed to hit him.

Goku on the other hand was dealing with a different conflict. He currently had an angry woman on top of him who had just tried to come at him with everything she had. It had surprisingly heated his body in the most pleasing way possible.

She was breathing heavily and her hair was slightly messy. What really made him more excited though was the angry expression on her face. He couldn't help, but switch her position, so that she was the one one the ground.

She sent an angry look his way and he couldn't hold himself back no longer. Slamming his lips towards hers, he felt the surprise in her mouth.

Biting her lower lip, she automatically opened her mouth allowing him access to her tongue. Feeling her return just as much enthusiasm just excited him further.

At one point of time he would have probably have felt embarrassed to engage in such activities, but after everything he had been through he couldn't bring himself to feel that way when it involved Chi-Chi. The way she felt against him felt too right for him to be ashamed of anything.

Her body felt soft from underneath them as his hand caressed her body from the side. Chi-Chi brought a hand to his neck pulling him in even closer before, she pulled apart from their kiss, so she could breath.

She lowered his head, so he could move his lips to her neck though. He had softly placed his lips there first dragging out soft sounds from her until he had finally light bit the skin there.

It was like he had pressed some kind of 'on switch' because after that, they were back to kissing even more furiously than before. Chi-Chi had slipped her hands underneath his shirt feeling out his abs before she was trying to pull his shirt upwards.

Helping her out, he flung his shirt somewhere into the forest before he resumed their make-out session. He untied the sash on her dress before hiking the dress itself upwards. They lost themselves in each other for while after that.

"What's are move now?" Tien asked. All the Z fighters including Raditz and Maron were at Bulma's house discussing their next plans.

"I have no idea, but our fight against the Ginyu force from the other day wasn't enough." Goku stated. "They hit the rest of our group while we were away, so we have to hit back again."

"I agree," Vegeta said. "but what makes you think Frieza won't pull the same kind of crap again?"

"We've learned from our mistake." Goku replied. "We take everyone with us this time, but if anyone feels like they'll just get in the way, they can stay behind somewhere safe. They can either stay with my parents, or Bulma's. Both houses should keep them pretty protected."

There was a moment of silence as they waited for someone to speak up. It wasn't till Maron sighed did the silence break. "I'll probably just cause more trouble if I go, but I still think I can be of some use. I should be your guys eyes and ears from afar."

"That would be great, but we have nothing to make that possible." Yamcha pointed out. "If we used any kind of communication device while fighting, it'll probably get destroyed."

"Well actually!" Bulma said as she threw a capsule onto the ground. Picking up the box that appeared she opened it to reveal a bunch of small ear pieces. "I thought these would come in handy. These are practically indestructible, so even if they get hit, they should still work." She informed as she passed them out to everybody.

"Just press the button on them, and whoever is talking, everybody will be able to hear." Bulma explained. "They're also water proof by the way."

Krillin laughed as he put on his. "Geez Bulma, just how many inventions did you make over the summer?"

"A lot." She responded. "I'm still looking for an excuse to use my bomb!"

Krillin gulped. "Hopefully I won't be anywhere near you if that'll be necessary."

"We still have one problem." Raditz said. "Who exactly do we attack? As much as I'd love to crack some skulls myself, we have no idea where no one is at."

The group got quiet once again. "Well, we do know of one." Piccolo stated interrupting the silence. He then turned to Goku. "But you're not going to like it."

Goku looked back in confusion before he realized what Piccolo meant. "No." He said leaving no room for argument.

Everyone looked at him in shock, surprised that Goku would actually turn down a fight. Raditz angrily stepped in. "What are you talking about? If you guys know the location of one of Frieza's guys, we have to go!"

"Not this one." Goku sharply replied. "I'll deal with him later by myself. Lets just come up with someone else."

"Don't you get it?" Raditz shouted. "There isn't anyone else. Who is this guy anyways, and why do you not want any of us to see him?"

Goku looked back at his brother with a frown. He wasn't trying to keep everyone from him, just a certain someone.

When it was clear Goku wasn't going to speak up, Piccolo stepped in. "We know which school one of Frieza's strong allies go to. His name is Broly."

"That's right. His class was also on that island with us." Vegeta said. "Kakarot, you can stay here for all I care, we will be visiting that school with or without you."

Goku looked conflicted before Chi-Chi spoke up. "Goku if you're worried about me, I'll distance myself most of the time if it makes you feel better. I'll just be there as back up." She assured.

Sighing, he gave up. "Fine, but we're doing things my way." Goku said.

"Alright let's go then!" Bulma shouted.

"You won't be joining us." Vegeta stated. "You can stay with Maron and check everything out instead. You'll just be in the way otherwise."

"I'm the one that saved everyone from being destroyed by Super Buu last time! I might not be as strong as everyone else, but I'm not useless! I have my inventions!"

"She's right Vegeta." Krillin added. "Without Bulma and Maron coming back, we would have been goners."

"Give her a chance." Goku agreed. "We might not even need everyone there. Broly gave us trouble last time, but with all our training, we should be good. The only reason everyone is going is so that we're all safe."

"Let's just go!" Vegeta irritably said.

Goku carried Chi-Chi off of the Flying Nimbus before putting her to the ground. She seem to not have any motion sickness when she was on the Flying Nimbus.

Everyone else landed from behind them. They were currently in front of the school Broly went to. The plan was to split the group until someone spotted Broly somewhere on campus. Then they'll regroup again, and take Broly on.

Before they could split up though, the speakers in their ear pieces spoke. "You guys won't believe this, but he's currently sleeping on one of the bleachers in their PE field." Maron revealed. She was sitting on top of the Flying Nimbus with a pair of special binoculars Bulma had made.

"Makes it easier for us." Vegeta commented.

"Direct us that way Maron." Raditz asked. Following her directions, it wasn't long till they made it to the PE area of the school.

Just like Maron had said, Broly was napping on top of some bleachers. He had look completely different from before. Instead of his blonde hair, he now had it black and much longer. He looked like an easy target just laying on the bleachers with his eyes closed, but before anyone could do anything, two figures stepped out from opposite sides of each other.

Chi-Chi saw Zangya standing on one side, and on the other side she saw the blue-skinned man that had came with Hasky on the first day of school. If she remembered correctly, he had introduced himself as Bojack to the class.

As soon as those two appeared, Broly sat up, and stretched. "He said you guys would probably be coming soon, but I didn't think you guys were that predictable." He said.

He then turned to Chi-Chi. "And you guys brought my favorite piece of ass to look a-" Goku kneed him in the mouth before he could finish his sentence.

A chain reaction was set off after that. Goku and Broly immediately began fighting each other, while Zangya and Bojack went after the rest of the group.

Goku formed an energy ball before shoving it straight in Broly's face. The forced caused Broly to fall off the bleachers. Following him down, Goku prepared for him.

Broly's only injury though was a nose bleed that he wiped away. He laughed, looking at Goku. "You've gotten stronger, but do you really think you could beat me alone?"

"What do you mean?" Goku asked getting a bad feeling about the whole situation.

Meanwhile, both Zangya and Bojack quickly pulled back after their short fights. 18 and Piccolo, who had been fighting them, looked confused at the sudden situation.

"Guess that's all the work we need to do here." Zangya declared with a smirk. "All of you are dead from here on."

Broly suddenly got a concentrated expression. He clenched his teeth as his muscles bulged out, and his veins popped out.

Snapping his head up, he let out a scream. His eyes rolling backwards was the only thing they could see before a strong light blinded everyone.

Goku shielded his eyes by using one of his hands. Just as it died down, and he lowered his hand, he was punch straight in the face sending him flying back.

"Goku!" Chi-Chi shouted as Vegeta and Piccolo flew towards Broly at the same time. She ran towards Goku who had landed on the ground across the field.

Broly stood grinning like a maniac. His eyes were completely white and his hair had turned back to his blonde hair, but it was all spiked up.

As soon as Piccolo reached him, he grabbed him by the head, throwing him like nothing. He stopped Vegeta from moving as he gripped him by his throat.

"You guys have no idea what kind of trouble you just got yourselves into do you?" Broly taunted as he squeezed Vegeta's neck. "Why don't I tell you? Starting with the new power I've achieved."

LuckyLefty77: Thank you! ^-^ Hope you liked it!3

SuperSaiyanKnight: Haha yeah he's a fun character to write, I should give him more scenes. It was touch and go there for her, but she pulled through ;D Also, that was some of the best advice I've ever gotten for writing! I took your advice and looked at some stuff, and it did help a lot. Thanks! And can't wait! c:

MXXXA: Haha my exact feelings! Sorry for the delay! Hope you liked it though! :DD

hayabusa girl: Haha sorry about that! Don't worry I won't! Probably. Lol don't worry, no one died! Although I can't say the same for the next chapter... haha jk! I think its good to be random and weird! Those are the most fun people to hang out with! Haha I always love reading your interesting reviews!