I believe Ms Brown has not done a blackwater for a very long time. I think I forgot how to do it, well you be the judge of that.


Today, I have to admit I was very proud of myself. Today was the moment of truth, the happiest and saddest day of my life.

Today was the day that my imprint, Nessie, would be going away. I know, I know, how could I bear it huh? Some wolves are completely off kilter when their imprints are away from them for more than a week, let alone a year, but let me explain. Most wolves loved their imprints as I do mine, but my realtionship with Ness is way different than what most wolves experience.

I thought something was wrong with me when I began to realize that Nessie was beginning to grow into a beatifful young woman at an alaming rate. I mean shit, she was mentally and physically eighteen at five instead of seven, now she looks about twenty-one ish. But I realized imprinting wasn't about mating per se, it was what that particular girl wanted you to be. And for me and Ness, I was her protector, her older brother, and to much urging of my Beta Leah, the one who kept her from being the spoiled brat she was doomed to be if someone didn't keep her straight.

And I watched her grow, and boy did she grow! I watched her go from a little baby genius, to a quiet,observant tyke, to a crurious child, angsty (sigh) teenager with a panicked sense of direction, to a beautiful young woman. And through it all, she asked me for guideance, a shoulder, and sometimes an aliabi to get out of that damn house! And never once did I ever feel to need to mark her, or even mate with her. We tried, through weirdly enough Bella's urging, to date. It didn't work, she went to (much to my distaste) Nahuel, and I...well I was again left alone watching the happiness unfold for everyone else.

And today, she was leaving for California brightfaced and full of hope. I was happy for her, wolf and all. Our Nessie would finally get away from all this supernatrual crap and the bullshit that came with it. Alice of course, had to throw a party for her on her last night in Forks, before she boarded her plane at midnight. My pack was there, half for Nessie and food, other half watching me to see if I was going to be okay or cause a scene.

Leah sat next to me in silence, her raven hair brushing against my shoulder and her lovely,thick and inviting scent assaulting my nose. I cleared my throat, I hated thinking of my loyal Beta like that, but truth be told she awakened the more carnal side of my wolf than Nessie and Bella combined couldn't do. Maybe he was just responding to her like that because she was another wolf. Yeah, that's it.

"You going to be alright?" She asked quietly as looked up at me with those almond shaped, hazel eyes and those juicy, lips parted. I'd like to think its my wolf puting these inappropriate, dirty ways of what I wanted to do to her in my mind, but I wasn't so sure.

"Huh? What?" Nice, jackass. "Oh, yeah of course, you know how much she's been wanting to be lawyer. She's persuing her dream,becoming her own woman."

Leah raised her eyebrow sarcasticly, "Who knew those words would ever come out of your mouth. "

"Oh? And what's that supposed to mean?"

"No,no I'm just saying I find it kind of ironic that you, the damsel in distress worshipper himself, managed to help bring up an independent, free thinking young woman into this world? It blows my mind!" She dramatically mimiced an explosion on her head. I laughed, she could be a sarcastic ass when she wanted to be.

"I had help, of course I had to make sure she had plenty of influence."

"Oh you flatter me Alpha." She threw her head back with a laugh.

"What the hell makes you think I meant you?" I gave her a stern look.

She frowned, "Who the hell else?"

"You're so full of yourself Clearwater, there's Esme,Alice,Blondie,Bella-"

"Woah,woah," she put her hands up with an amused smile. "I'll give you Alice,Esme,and even Blondie, they all have their moments in their own right,as much as I hate to admit it." She curled her lips in disgust. "But Bella?"

"Did someone call me?" Bella came up to us with a bright smile. She came so close I thought I was going to pass out, best friend or not, that smell was NOT pleasant, especially when it was all up in my face.

"Bella! We were just talking about..erm" What was I supposed to say? We were discussing how you are too much of a punkass to be a strong,indepent, female figure for your daughter?

"Damn, Bella potent much?" Leah gave her a back up gesture, she pouted and took a step back with an embarassed smile. "We were talking about how Nessie has grown up to be a fine, young lady. Even if she's half bloodsucker."

Bella smiled,despite Leah's comment. She turned to her daughter and grabbed her oval face affectionately. "You're so perfect,so beautiful. I can't believe you're leaving!"

"Thanks Mom, and its not like I won't come back," Nessie hugged her mother.

Leah folded her arms across her bountiful chest and leaned against a table. "Yo, Ness!" She called, Nessie's head snapped up. "Why don't you tell your mother what I told you. Nessie nodded, and full of pride she looked at her emotional mother.

"Pretty don't buy shit except dinner and movie. Brains, brains can you get you everwhere all by yourself."

The room was silent, but I knew what she meant. I looked at my Beta and beamed, I was glad I chose her to be my right arm. Who knows what I would've been, Nessie would've been,or even she would've been.

After sending Nessie off, I hoped into my bed expecting to be punished by excrutiating pain of loss. But to my dismay I only felt a dull emptiness like how you feel when a friend moves away but you can still talk to them like you used to, and when I closed my eyes I was greeted by a strange,vivid dream of my Beta.

A/N Yay or nay. I don't know, leave a review.