Each winter, when the Moors had frozen over in glittering icy sheets of bright snow and the chill of the wind crystallized her breath, Maleficent visited the Despond, a small lake deep in the heart of the Moors fed by the always-running east river. Throughout the year, it served as a quaint rendezvous place for couples, magic or not, a picnic park, and a lovely place to sit quietly and enjoy the sounds of the forest. The lake was the piercing, icy blue of eyes that Maleficent knew once, long ago. The barren trees drooped with December, frost lacing their brown branches like gloves, dusting Maleficent with faint snowy powder as she walked regally past. The bleak sky was void of sun, but the cold didn't bother the faerie queen. She stopped at the frozen bank of the Despond, eyes fixed to a melted point in the center of the otherwise glassy lake.

A beautiful black swan rested on the surface, her glossy feathers shining with frost, neck stretched in an elegant curve. She swam peacefully in small circles, majestic in a quiet, mysterious way.

High above the lake, a raven black as pitch flew in circles, his hoarse caws echoing despondently across the lake. He swooped down to the surface of the Despond, fluttering gently to perch beside the swan on the ice. The raven caught Maleficent's gaze, but his dark eyes were absent of any spark, any light. Maleficent did not try to hide her sorrow.

She gave them wings, but took their hearts.


a/n: Thank you so much, readers, for following this story until its end. This concludes the tale of the Raven Man, and hopefully you enjoyed it. All feedback, positive or negative, is welcome (despite my username). Have a lovely day!