Back at the field

"Here's the field the portal opened up," said Twilight. The group had walked without making much small talk. Spike had rode on Twilight's back most of the way and tried to keep up with Romania who kept running ahead trying to get to the field faster despite not knowing exactly where it was. Throughout all this, Twilight held up the back surveying the interactions between Romania and England as England yelled for Romania to slow down while Romania would yell back "I can't. My hat needs me!" much to the displeasure of the green stallion. This had made Twilight chuckle.

"The mirror should be around here somewhere," said Twilight, scanning the area.

"Hatty!" yelled out Romania to the heavens. He then stuck his muzzle to the ground like a bloodhound and began sniffing.

"He does know that he can't sniff out his hat, right?" Twilight asked England.

"No, but I think he'll find out soon enough-"

"Found it!" yelled Romania right after England finished talking.

"WHAT!" yelled England and Twilight in surprise.

"Hatty~," said Romania as he rubbed his face against his small hat.

"H-how did you find it with your nose?" asked England with a starstruck voice.

"I didn't, I just looked around and saw it on the ground," said Romania as he began putting his tiny hat back on his head, "The grass isn't that high and the field is flat. Did you really think I sniffed it out? That would be cool but impossible!"

"B-but you just-just you did- UGH! I give up!" exclaimed England before he threw his hooves up to the sky and back down in defeat.

"Anyways, the mirror is here too!" said Spike having had jumped off Twilight and walk over nearby Romania.

Ignoring the sulking stallion next to her, Twilight then declared, "Since we have everything let's head back."

On the way back, England decided to hang back and ask Twilight about this new land. Twilight cheerfully gave a brief explanation of the Kingdom of Equestria. England understood all of it until Twilight got to the part about how the two princesses rule the Kingdom of Equestria to the present day. That's when England got confused.

"But, if it's a kingdom, don't you have a king or queen that rules the land?"

"No, only the two princesses." answered Twilight, "From my research, Equestria has never had a king or queen."

"Then Equestria is not a kingdom," stated England, "It's a principality."

Twilight shook her head, "No, it's a kingdom. Didn't you hear me correctly when I said the 'Kingdom of Equestria'?"

"I heard you fine and clear, but your use of the word kingdom is wrong," said England.

Twilight's eye twitched. "What do you mean wrong?"

"A kingdom, in this context, is a country or land ruled by a king or queen," explained England.

"A principality is a country or land ruled by a prince or princess." he continued.

"Meaning what?," said Twilight. She completely understood what he was saying. She just didn't want to admit she was wrong.

"Meaning that this so called 'Kingdom of Equestria' should be called the 'Principality of Equestria'," deemed England.

"Well, I-"

"He's right you know," said Romania, popping into the conversation.

"But, then again, it doesn't have the same ring to it, does it? 'The Principality of Equestria'? Nope! Just doesn't sound the same."

"See! Romania agrees with me," exclaimed Twilight.

"No, Romania agrees with me. He only pointed out that the 'Kingdom of Equestria' sounds better than the 'Principality of Equestria'. That doesn't make it correct." rebutted England.

Twilight huffed in response.

"Then again you're partly wrong England," said Romania.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You forgot that a principality is also partly ruled by some other country, for example Monaco."

"My god you're right."

"Yep, Monaco, while its own country, if it doesn't produce a male heir will go back to-."

"Back to the dammed frog I know."

"Does this mean I'm right?" asked Twilight hopefully.

"Nope! It just means you're both wrong." said Romania a bit to cheerly.


"So now we have to come up with a new name for this wonderful land of Equestria!"

"Or we could just call it the 'Kingdom of Equestria' like it was in the beginning." offered Twilight.

England scoffed at her, "Yeah and still be politically wrong!"

"Oh, and what would you call it then Mr. I'm-so-smart?" she snarked back.

"I don't know! 'The Land of Equestria' perhaps?"

"Ohhhhh, because that's sooooooo interestinggggg and not lameeeee."

"Like you're being sooooooo helpful. It's not like I've heard any better names coming from you!"

"The 'Kingdom of Equestria' sounds wayyyy better then 'The Land of Equestria'. You make it sound run of the mill and ordinary!"

"Well sorry! Does the 'Country of Equestria' sound better? Or would you prefer the 'Awesomeness Awesome that is the Amazing Equestria' Ms. All-High-And-Mighty!"

The two ponies growled at each other. Suddenly Romania broke the ice by yelling, "We're back!"

The group walked inside, Twilight and England still glared icely at each other, but suddenly stopped when they saw the scene inside.

A conga line with all the ponies and countries spanning around the library as music played in the background. Their argument was long forgotten.

"What the hell happened here?!" exclaimed England.

Pinkie Pie looked at them to excitably yell, "A conga line! Join us!"

"What? No!"

"Come on, it's fun!"

"No! Back me up Romania!" yelled England, looking over to where Romania was to see an empty space, "Romania?"

England looked back at the conga line to see Romania at the end having a blast.

"Figures," he muttered, then looking over to Twilight said, "Okay, Twilight, back me up here!"

Sadly for England, Twilight was in shock, chanting under her breath, "I told you Pinkie, no more unannounced parties in the library. A library is a place for learning, not parties. If you would have asked, I most likely would have said yes. Imagine the mess all those ponies could make. I told you Pinkie, no more unannounced parties in the library. A library…"

"Okkaaay… Um… Still! I'm not joining!" England stated, closing his eyes defiantly.

"Oh yes you are, party pooper!" exclaimed Pinkie as she grabbed him and Twilight and threw them to the end of the line.

"Oh come on!" England yelled to the heavens, unable to get out because of the still in shock Twilight behind him, "How can this get this any worse?"

"Angleterre? What are you doing behind me?" said France as he looked behind at England.

'Crap! I jinxed it!' thought England.

"Oh, I never thought you would be the one feeling me up, not that it's a surprise with how beautiful my new body is," continued France.

"Yeah right frog!" said England, his face turning a tiny bit red, "Even as a unicorn, you still have your ugly face!"

"Ah là là là, but it's not my face that you're looking at."

"Sh-shut up frog!"

A/N: Sorry it took so long to update. School, writer's block and what not. Also, this will probably be the last update for a while since I really need to focus on schoolwork and I still have another story to work on. So don't be too upset if the next update isn't until June.

No translations needed for this chapter, but feel free to correct me on my spelling or grammar or even on the debate of the politically correct name of the "Kingdom of Equestria".

Here's some shout-outs (and answer to one) for the people who reviewed:


Myrna Maeve

Lizinka~ To answer your question, most likely no, there will be no pairings, but you might find character A getting teased by character B, for example England getting teased by France, but I don't mean this as Fruk, instead I mean it to be viewed as France seeing how red he can get England to become and England being p***** off and embarrassed because he's a gentleman- in his mind at least. Sorry if you were looking for pairings, but I don't want to make anybody feel weird or angry because they didn't like the pairings I picked. (There might be fluffy hints of platonic Fluttershy x Canada on the side those since I think those two characters are really cute; together or alone though.)

I'm a Jesus Freak

Queen Elsa the New Snow Queen

Thanks to everyone for sticking with me!