I gotta say. I was impressed when I had saw the move the assassin pulled. I was barely able to take him out after that. Barely. When I was attacked by a 50 year old assassin, I was forced to take him out because in the world of killers and killer's families, it's kill or be killed. Luckily, the assassin had underestimated me.

I had been trained by my father. Keep in mind, for his first child he wanted a son. He got a daughter. That's me. Natalia. For a 19 year old girl trained by her father who had desperately hoped for son, I was pretty damn good at what I do. But back to the original topic. My father had almost given up on the fact that he was going to be able to train his children to follow in his footsteps of being an assassin when he saw I was a girl. His preference was male because they were stronger. After he saw me when I was two years old strangle a rat that had tried to bite me, his hopes we regained. After 15 years of intense training since I was 4 years old, I was a professional, and my father was proud.

But my father is dead. He was killed by an enemy assassin. My mother sent a secret message to the world telling the assassins that her and her two younger children were calling it in. They were moving to Alaska, and never to be heard from again. And they weren't. I wasn't included in those two younger children. I was already trained and on a number of high ranked assassins hit lists. My mother didn't want the blowback of a dead killer daughter on her hands, and wanted out of the life. She had enough of it when my father died four years ago. You must be wondering where I was trained the last four years of my training. I trained myself. My father gave me a list of places to go to if I was ever in trouble, and that included my childhood home. A childhood home located in Starling City.

That home had adapted into a safe house. I drove to it, bags packed. I was immensely happy when I saw my father's training equipment still there. As the years went on, I moved onto his equipment, which included a salmon ladder. Let me tell you, that gives you one hell of a work out.

I still train. That's what the assassin caught me doing. Luckily, I had been doing more intense training ever since my father was murdered, and I was able to surpass the assassin's skills (the douche who tried to kill me) and beat him.

Right now I was pulling the body outside to the backyard. Luckily, my safe house sat on a couple acres of land and I had very few neighbors. But that much land led to some suspicions and I put up various cameras around the property. I bought a WIFI router, hooked it up myself, and bought various computers. My gym and hospital type thing was in my basement. My computers were held in my attic, and my various weapons were hidden around the house and I almost always had a knife on me.

The body I was dragging was lightweight, so I would be able to burn it tonight. I had various smelly bushes planted around the property, and the body would be burned in a pit in my shed. Thankfully, the shed was concrete and steel construction with siding wrapped around it so no one would be too suspicious about its contents. I dragged it into the shed and dropped it into the pit. Ashes flew into the air, and I dropped a wooden board over the pit. Walking out of the shed, I looked to the side and remembered when my Dad and I sparred next to the shed for fun. Often times he would win, but I learned new techniques and was able to use those in fighting the assassin today. Smiling, I jogged into the house and sat on the couch. Putting my feet on the table, I pulled a knife out of the drawer along with the T.V remote and turned the T.V on. Luckily, I was able to get local channels by putting a satellite up. With the local news channel already on, I put down the remote and started twirling around the knife.

"On with more pressing matters. The Starling City Vigilante, who has now been named the Hood, has been declared a criminal. Detective Quinten Lance has taken on the case with McKenna Hale, and if anyone see's the Hood is to report to the SCPD. Now Clinton with the weather…" I turned off the T.V and the annoying woman at the same time. Remembering a paper that had fallen out of the assassin's pocket, I walked into my kitchen and unfolded the two papers. One of them had a sketch of the hood with a grainy picture attached to it, and the other was a sketch of Oliver Queen and a grainy picture of him dashing up a flight of stairs with a bag that was pulled out of a trash can.

"Holy shit. Billionaire playboy is the guy fighting crimes in the Glades? No way." I said to myself. I ran upstairs to my attic and turned on the computers. Instantly I searched for all internet signals at buildings owned by the Queen family besides their house, Queen Consolidated, and Oliver's club, Verdant. "Wait a minute. Verdant was built in the steel factory… A perfect business to cover up a secret lair." I murmured to myself. Smirking, I hacked into the system at Verdant in almost record timing.


"Felicity, what's the status on hacking into the police department for those files?" I asked Felicity. She had a confused face on, and then a startled one. "What happened?" I asked again.

"Someone just hacked into our computer system. What the hell? How did they find us?" Felicity replied. I dropped off the salmon ladder and jogged over there. It was true, and Felicity was tracing the signal already.

"Where are they? Are they looking for something?" Diggle asked. I knew what he was asking for. I might have to go in and make sure that they don't tell anyone where my lair was, even if they weren't a threat point.

"They're looking into your personal information. I'm tracing the signal now. Oliver, they know you're the Hood, if they didn't by now." Felicity said. I sighed, and punched the wall.

"Get the god damn location. What the hell do they need with my personal information?!" I said, practically yelling.

"Got a location. Its 1 mile northwest of your house. The hacker's house rests on two acres of land. I'm pulling up a satellite image now. Okay, no guards, but various cameras. The person must watch the property from the inside." Felicity said. Diggle sighed. He knew where I was going.

"Good job Felicity. You guys can leave now. Felicity, take this earpiece. I'll need to contact you easily. Diggle already has one. I'll be back." I said before grabbing my bag, quiver, and bow and walking away.