Here is the last Chapter of Yugure.

I do not own Naruto nor do I make any money off of this.



Chapter 20:

It had been twenty years since the Akatsuki's downfall. The Council Elders fled from Konoha that night. They were afraid that Kyu was really going to kill them. When Kyu found out, he didn't stop laughing even as Cain pulled him into their room. The Yugure stayed at the Uchiha Compound. Sasuke had workers come in and rebuild some houses, giving one to each member, though Aki and Dai stayed together. At first, Cain and Kyu stayed with Sasuke and Hisoka, but Sasuke kicked them out after they kept him up. Now they live in the house next to Sasuke's. Rina and Kaya stayed together until they got boyfriends which cause them to separate. Masaki and Mitsuo were still together, though there were rumors that Mitsuo was going to move into a different house with his fiancé and their unborn child. Masaki was enoying the single life.

Gaara and his siblings came to visit a month after the downfall. They were upset that Konoha hadn't called on them. Tsunade just brushed them off saying it was all a way to get Hisoka to return home. Neji and Tenten ended up going back with Gaara and Kankuro. Temari stayed behind as a new Konoha Jonin. She later married Shikamaru (a bit forcefully) and gave birth to three girls (poor Shika). Tenten sent Lee a letter stating she gave birth to a boy. Neji and Gaara adopted a son of their own.

Sakura started dating Lee. When Lee proposed, everyone was shocked that Sakura said yes. Choji proposed to a pregnant Ino, three days after this. They ended up having a double wedding. Kurenai had her son that day. Asuma was so shocked that he tripped over Gai. Gai just kept chatting about youthful lives. Kurenai never had a second child, since she was unable to get pregnant again. Sakura and Ino were now pregnant with their second child. Lee and Choji were scared of their wives.

Shino finally asked out Kiba after his (Kiba's) sister got married. Kiba didn't say yes, nor did he say no. They went on a couple of dates. Kiba soon moved in with the bug-boy. Hinata shyly asked out Sai, who happily agreed. Hinata was now a stay-at-home mother of four. Sai had to go on several missions to feed and cloth everyone, but a generous donation from Sasuke (with a promise he, Sai would stop talking about Naruto's penis) helped them grately.

Kakashi and Iruka were the first gay couple to get married in Konoha (Neji and Gaara being the first in Suna). Aki and Dai were next followed by Kyu and Cain. Cain threw away the Uchiha name (and the name Itachi) and took on the last name, Uzumaki. Tsunade had made birth records for Kyu as Naruto's older brother. It worked out since Kyu had the red hair the Uzumakis usually had.

Five years after the downfall, Jiriya went out to do some research, but never came back. A month later, Konoha was informed that he had died while saving a child from bandits. It seems that they were ninja. Tsunade, Kakashi, and Hisoka, however, didn't believe this. The next day, Tsunade asked Naruto to become the next Hokage, but Naruto turned it down saying (through Kyu) that someone else would make a better Sixth. Once Kakashi was given the title, Tsunade mysteriously vanished. Hisoka and Kakashi were the only ones that knew that Tsunade had left to go looking for Jiriya.

Five year after Tsunade left, Kakashi got a letter stating that Tsunade had found Jiriya, but the two weren't coming back to Konoha. They were going to live out the remainder of their lives together in peace and quiet. A letter arrived a little over two years later giving the sad news that Tsunade had passed away due to overusing her healing jutsu. Jiriya had died the next day in his sleep, following Tsunade to the afterlife. Their names were put on the memorial tablet and the were buried next to each other in Konoha's Hero Cemetery.

Sasuke, now thirty-nine year old, stood in this very cemetery. Every year for the last four years, Sasuke came here. He wasn't the only. Kyu, Cain, Aki, Dai, Rina, Kaya, Mitsuo, Masaki, the Konoha 12 (minus Naruto, plus Sai), their Senseis, Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, Yamato, and Iruka also came today, just at different times. Sasuke always waiting until it was dark before coming. He didn't like others seeing him cry.

"Sasuke," Kakashi called. The man was now fifty-three and he looked it. "Isn't it about time you accept my offer."

"No!" Sasuke yelled. "I don't deserve it." He looked away. "Besides, only he has that right."

"Someone needs to become the Seventh, Sasuke," Kakashi said. "And I want it to be you."

"Why not Itachi?" Sasuke asked. He still didn't like calling his brother Cain.

"Cain is blind," Kakashi said. "You know he can't be Hokage. Only you can."

"But that's..." Tears rolled down Sasuke's face.

"Naruto would want you to," Kakashi said. He knew that those words would hit Sasuke hard. And that they did.

"I know," Sasuke said sadly. "We promised each other that we would protect our home." He looked up at the night sky. "I'll do it. I'll become Hokage. For Naruto and for Hisoka."

Kakashi smiled behind his mask. "Then lets go toast to the future." He pulled Sasuke along, leaving the graves.

A mysterious person appeared between the two graves. He placed flowers on them. One grave read: Naruto Uzumaki. The other read: Hisoka Uchiha. Their dates of birth were the same but there was twenty-one years between their death dates. The man touched Hisoka's name with his tanned fingers. Then he moved his other hand to Naruto's name. With a sigh, the man stood back up. "I'm sorry, Sasuke." The moon shinned down on the man, showing off his black cloak with blue flames licking the bottom. On his face was a black with blue flames on them. Through the mask, you could see his eyes. One was blue with red around the pupil. The other was red with blue around the pupil. "I broke our promise." Suddenly, the man disappeared in a burst of fog.


I bet some of you want to kill me right now. I know that most of you wanted a SasuNaru lemon scene, but this story didn't need one.

Now there is some stuff I need to clarify. When Naruto became a Leaf Shinobi again, he gave up his original name and kept Hisoka as his name. He married Sasuke a year before Jiriya left, becoming Hisoka Uchiha. Hisoka died at 34, six days before his 35th birthday. Naruto died at 13, a month after his birthday. The reason there are two graves for the same person, is because Hisoka asked that he be buried next to his other grave as Hisoka when he died. He wanted Naruto to be his past and Hisoka to be his present and future. To Hisoka, Naruto was dead, and he wanted it to stay that way. Kakashi agreed to this.

The second thing is how Hisoka died. He used his Demonic Sage Mode too much, shortening his life. If he had stopped using it after killing Pein, he would have outlived the Third.

Did Sasuke and Naruto have any children? Yes. They adopted a daughter and a son. But the daughter died of an illness that even Tsunade couldn't cure. The son is still alive, but he no longer lives with Sasuke. He found out his real mother was still alive and moved in with her. He still visits Sasuke at least two to three times a month (as long as Sasuke isn't on a mission). The girl was Hinamori and the boy is Rin.

The last thing you probably want to know is who the mysterious man is. If you guessed Naruto, you are correct. If you guess Hisoka, you are also correct. I'm leaving it up to you reader to decide if it was Hisoka/Naruto's ghost or if the blonde was still alive somewhere.