This is my first time writing, so please give me any feedback!

Trigger warning!

**Note: I originally planned this differently, so I've gone back and changed the first few chapters with names, but nothing else changed, to make it a human AU.***

The screaming had started the second Francis came into the door. Arthur was mad because he was late coming home. Francis walked to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of wine, ignoring Arthur's demanding screams.

Matthew huddled in the corner crying, hugging his bear as tears fell down his cheeks. He was so tired of the yelling, fighting and screaming. He jumped as the sound of breaking glass rang through the house. Arthur had thrown the glass out of Francis's hand. Alfred appeared next to his brother and hugged him. "It'll be okay, Mattie." He nudged him. Matthew looked at him through tear filled eyes.

"Why won't they stop?" He whispered.

"Parents fight." He said.

"Why do I even try with you?" Francis shouted throwing his hands up.

"Oh yes, because it's soooo easy to live with you! You are such a bloody twat!"

"What is your problem?" Francis demanded.

"My problem? Where have you been? You were supposed to be home an hour ago! How dare you come in with no explanation? Plus you're always drinking wine!"

"I can't handle you sober!" Francis screamed.

"They always fight though." Matthew whimpered into his twin's shoulder.

"Come on, Mattie. Let's go for a walk." Alfred pulled his brother to his feet and let him to the front door. As he opened it, he heard Arthur yell at them.

"Where are you two going?" He screamed, pushing Francis out of his way. "Get back in this house."

"They want to get away from you, obviously." Francis sneered.

"Shut up! Alfred, Matthew, get back in this house!" Alfred glared at him and threw him the bird as he slammed the door shut.

Once outside, the yelling was muffled. The air was lighter. Alfred took a deep breath and the familiar smile, only he knew to be faked, was on his face. He glanced at Matthew who was sitting on the grass.

"Mattie, let's go get food." Alfred suggested. Matthew followed silently. "It will be okay. They do love each other."

Alfred wasn't sure if he was trying to convince himself or his brother more. Francis and Arthur had loved each other at one point. Some days the fighting wasn't bad and the family felt better, closer. There was laughter. On those days, Francis and Arthur would cuddle with each other while they listened to Matthew and Alfred talk about things. Those days were good days, but they were getting rarer.

The two brothers reached McDonalds and Alfred rushed inside. He had already ordered 8 burgers and a large coke before Matthew reached his side. "You want anything?" He asked. Matthew looked at the menu.

"Pancakes!" He smiled.

"I'm sorry, we aren't serving breakfast right now." The cashier informed him.

"I want…I wanted pancakes." Matthew mumbled, tears forming in his eyes. His stomach grumbled. Francis and Arthur had both forgotten about giving the two boys food.

"Look, dude, my brother wants pancakes. I'll slip you an extra twenty if you just give him pancakes."

"We don't have pancakes at this time."

"That's a load of crap and you know it. Just go get them in the back freezer, okay?" Alfred handed the cashier a fifty and told him to keep the change.

"Right away, sir!" He ran off to the back and Alfred smiled at his twin.

"Where do you want to sit?" Matthew looked around the restaurant.

"Over there looks nice." The walked over to a secluded booth by the window in the corner. Alfred was happy to see Matthew more relaxed. Home was terrible. It made him want to punch a wall, but that would lead to more yelling. He sipped his drink and thought about when they were kids. Arthur had been so good with him then. Now he was rude and harsh with him. Matthew had been extra close with Francis, but now he was often ignored. It seemed that both boys had lost the place in their fathers' hearts they once held.

"Alfred?" Matthew said softly.


"Do you think Papa will be home tonight?" Arthur had a habit of throwing Francis out the front door. Those nights were worse for the two boys than when Francis stayed. At least when Francis was there, Alfred and Matthew were being ignored rather than spat at for everything. Poor Matthew had spilled his cup of juice the day before and Arthur blew up. When Francis was there, he was the one who took the verbal beating from Arthur.

"I don't know." Alfred said. "I hope so. Just wait and see. Don't worry about that right now. How was school?" Matthew shrugged.

"It was okay. I got sat on…again." Alfred rolled his eyes.

"Man, people need to watch it." Their order number was called and Alfred jumped up. "Wahoo! Wait here, I'll go get that!" He ran to counter and brought the food back, a burger already placed in his mouth.

Matthew watched his brother scarf down the burgers. He knew it was how Alfred dealt with the stress of their home life. He wished he could get his brother to snap out of it. He knew Alfred was trying to be strong for him, so he plastered a huge smile on his face and shoved food down his throat. He wondered how his brother wasn't obese. The two sat in silence as they ate, the only noise coming from Alfred. Matthew played with the syrup on his plate to make sure he soaked up every bit of maple syrup.

Finally the two were done. Alfred suggested going to the park. Matthew happily agreed. They loved the park. Francis and Arthur used to take them there when they were little kids. Things weren't so bad then. "Last one to the swings is a rotten egg!" Alfred laughed sprinting toward the swing set.

"Hey, no fair! You got a head start!" Matthew called running after his brother.

"Haha, I win!" Alfred said as Matthew got to the swing. He was standing in one of them, swinging back and forth.

"You cheated."

"Uh, no, I didn't." Alfred rolled his eyes with the same huge smile. Matthew sat down in the swing next to him. Alfred jumped out of his swing and sat down on it instead. "Hey, let's see who can swing the highest." Matthew put Kumajirou, the bear Francis had given him as a child, down next to the pole and pushed his feet hard on the ground to catch up to his brother.

In the end, Matthew ended up winning which put Alfred in a slightly down mood. Matthew reminded him he had won the race to the swing set which seemed to cheer him up. The two stayed on the swings until the sun began to set. Alfred sighed.

"It's time." He said sadly. Matthew gripped the bear tightly to his chest and the two walked home. Alfred wished he had taken some burgers to go, but it was okay. He'd raid the kitchen later.

When they opened the door, they saw their parents pushing each other. Matthew dropped Kumajirou and ran to Francis. Alfred grabbed Arthur and they pulled them apart. It was such a common occurrence, the boys knew what to do before even acting. Arthur struggled to get at Francis, but Alfred's grip kept him from getting loose. Francis brushed his hair back and shot daggers at Arthur.

"I cannot believe you!" Francis said as he poised himself and straightened his clothes.

"Alfred, let me go this instant!" Arthur shouted.

"No, Mama!" Alfred yelled. Arthur sent a swift elbow to Alfred's ribs and stomped on his foot. Alfred bit his lip from the pain and Arthur tried to pull Alfred's arms off his waist.

"Stop beating up our son." Francis said coolly.

"Make me, you bloody frog." Francis slapped him. It was the one insult Francis would not tolerate.

"Get a hold of yourself!" Suddenly Arthur had calmed down. Alfred let go slightly and when he was sure Arthur was calm let go. He held his side. Arthur was reduced to sobs in Francis's chest. Francis held him.

"Now, now, mon amour." Francis murmured into his ear. "It's going to be just fine. I'm sorry. I love you."

"I'm sorry too. I just…" Arthur let out one final sob. "I just wish you were here when you say you will. It's no secret you're beautiful and I can't help but realize you could be with anyone."

"But I'm with you." Francis breathed before kissing Arthur gently.

"I'm sorry. I love you so much it hurts." Arthur whispered before locking lips with the Frenchman once more.

Alfred smiled over at Matthew. It seemed that for tonight, there would be peace. For how long, he didn't know. It hurt for him to breathe, but it was okay if it had allowed the two to stop fighting. Now all he needed was to find food.

Okay, so that's the first chapter. Please let me know what you think!