Daniel Tiger gets grounded

Daniel does something bad. That he has to get grounded. See what he does to get grounded. We start with Daniel Tiger at home getting ready for school. He will get in trouble after school. When he does a bad mistake. That is all.

"Have fun, at school Daniel," said Mrs. Tiger, "Here, is Trolley."
"See, you after school mom," said Daniel, "I, will have fun, at school."
"That, is great," said Mrs. Tiger, "I, am glad you do."

Daniel got on Trolley heading to school. As he does every week day unless on holiday's and such. After school he is going back home. Where he gets in trouble at. Not something really bad. But still bad. Something old breaks. See what breaks.

"I, am home," said Daniel, "From, school that, is."
"Welcome, home son," said Daniel Striped Tiger, "How, was school?"
"It, was good," said Daniel, "Thanks, for asking."

Daniel Stripped Tiger and his wife brought in an old mirror. He tripped and broke it. His parents are mad at him. Just an accident not on purpose. He is trying to explain that it is an accident. They are not listening at this time.

"Daniel, Tiger!" said Mom, "You, broke our mirror!"
"It, was just, an accident," said Daniel, "Not, on purpose."
"Your, grounded three, day!" said Mom Tiger, "For, breaking our mirror."

Daniel Tiger is sad. And mad at his parents for it. It was only an accident. He tripped and fell. That is all.

"Look, at this mess," said Mom Tiger, "Daniel, made here."
"Yes, indeed," said Daniel Tiger, "Lets clean, it up."
"Yes, indeed," said Mom Tiger, "Wont, take very long."

Daniel is still mad at his parents still. He didn't mean to make a mess. Just an accident. See what happens next.