Remember, that was the prologue. This, is now the first chapter.

I own nothing, just the blender that made this plot bunny.

Something New

To say the small city in the middle of nowhere changed would be a half true statement. The people that lived there were quite happy about it being a place that most people would drive past, and only a few would stop at one of the brand name hotels that only had three floors (and were forbidden by city planning to build higher). It was big enough that not everyone knew each other by name, or even by sight, but still small enough that no large companies or plants had ever bothered moving in.

There was a low crime rate, and to be quite frank, though it was a thriving place, it was still boring. They did have some brand name stores that thrived, but it was not, and never would be, a popular destination.

Of course, the problem with small cities in the middle of nowhere, when things do eventually start happening, it isn't long before everyone gets dragged into it.

It had been two years since Alfred had started turning into a werewolf on full moon nights, and he had, after the first few months of cycling through panic, hope and despair, mostly come to terms with it, and what it would mean for the rest of his life.

Namely, he could never let anyone come over on days of the full moon, or the day after when he suffered the residual pain from bones and organs changing. In order to make sure no one came on those days, he had to make sure they wouldn't want to come to his house.

Someone once told him that the louder and more obnoxious someone was, the less people would listen to them. So, he started being louder than he normally preferred (his hearing, now supersensitive, did not appreciate this) and started breaking promises to the few friends he did have. (Heroes should never break their promises, unless it was life and death. Turning into a rampaging monster once a month qualified, he decided.)

It worked, perhaps too well, as now, at age 21, he was staring at Arthur Kirkland, who he'd once looked up to, and ignoring the Brit's (sorry, Englishman's) long list of why he was a 'selfish git' (whatever 'git' meant) that had to face reality and try to mend broken fences.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." Alfred finally said, and winced as Arthur yelled.

"That does it! I give up on you!" Arthur stormed away, and Alfred watched him go, easily ignoring the other people on the sidewalk who had stopped to stare.

At first, it had been fun, riling everyone up, especially while he was 19 and 20, but now Alfred was wishing he hadn't burned as many bridges as he had. He guessed it was better than accidentally killing someone, though.

Besides, with Arthur angry, he wouldn't come over to talk to him for at least 2 days, cooling off and potentially getting drunk with Francis. Kiku would also not talk to him for at least a day, having been taking Arthur's side more and more often lately, and his brother wasn't going to be stopping by anytime soon.

Alfred started to head home, trying to figure out what type of meat he wanted to eat before he ended up trying to tear apart his basement again.

The small bar was a little too dark for Feliciano's liking, but Ludwig liked it, so he wasn't going to complain.

"When do you start your shift? How long is it going to be?" Feliciano asked, wondering what he should make for their dinner. (Lovino would fuss about having Ludwig over, but Antonio said he'd handle it.)

"In an hour, I have to leave in 15 minutes to go change, I'll be working all night." Ludwig said, missing the dismayed look on his friend's face. The door slammed open, and a fuming Arthur entered, sitting down at the bar. "Arthur, you're not planning on drinking tonight are you?"

"After the conversation I just had with that arrogant twit, yes." Arthur yelled his order to the young man behind the counter, before pausing. "Are you on shift tonight?" Ludwig nodded. "Sorry. Make it a double!"

"Just make sure I don't have to arrest you for indecent exposure again." Ludwig sighed. "What did Alfred do this time?"

"He refused to seriously consider apologizing to Yao for insulting him, or mend any of the bridges he's broken in the past few years! You'd think he'd realize that no one wants to talk to him anymore!" Arthur drank half of the drink in one gulp.

"Ve, why would no one want to talk to Alfred?" Feliciano tilted his head, more than a little confused by the conversation. He hadn't noticed anything different about how Alfred interacted with people.

"He used to be so polite and only a little annoying, now he's just rude and obnoxious." Arthur moaned, and Ludwig sighed, recognizing the beginning of a long drunken rant.

"Let's go, Feliciano, I should walk you home."

"Ludwig, why would no one want to talk to Alfred?" Feliciano asked again as they walked away from the bar.

"You haven't noticed?" Ludwig looked down at the shorter man.

"Noticed what?" Feliciano tilted his head.

"… It's nothing." I guess his inability to read the atmosphere is worse than I thought. Ludwig left Feliciano outside his home, and headed off to get ready for work.

Feliciano found a note on his door from Antonio, saying he had decided to take Lovino out for dinner, and he hoped Feliciano had fun with Ludwig.

"Ve~" Feliciano stared at the note, and then at the street. He didn't want to be alone tonight, and Gino and Roma were probably wandering the neighborhood. "I know! I'll go ask Alfred why no one wants to talk to him!"

Now that he thought of it, he didn't really know Alfred all that well, save he was a friend of Kiku's that liked the games and manga the other had. Well, he'd fix that, and maybe Alfred would talk to him about why Arthur and Ludwig were talking about him.

It was a very pale looking Alfred that opened his door. "Uh, Feliciano?"

"I came to make you dinner!" Feliciano beamed, holding up a bag of ingredients he'd brought from home. "No one's home and I realized I'd cooked for almost everyone we know except you!" He explained, entering when Alfred took a half-step back in surprise. "I heard from Francis you didn't cook much, which explains the burgers you always eat, I always thought you just liked them." Feliciano found the kitchen and promptly took over it. "Ve~ that's a lot of meat in your fridge, alright if I use it?" He glanced back at Alfred, who gave a odd laugh which Feliciano took as a 'yes'. "Alfred, what do you do for work? I don't remember."

"I run an internet business, mostly selling kits for people that like making things." Alfred had sat down, watching him. "You paint, right?"

"Yes, and help cook at Antonio's café. Have you been?"

"Once or twice, Antonio and I don't see eye to eye."

"Ve~ You are taller than him. I think you're about as tall as Ludwig, now that I think about it." Feliciano picked up a plate of proscuito and put it down on the table. "Here's an appetizer! You'll like it since you like meat!" It went like that for a while, Feliciano happily chattering and given Alfred different plates to try, and Alfred slowly started talking back.

Neither paid attention to the time, so when Feliciano looked out the window, he was surprised the sun had completely set. "Ve~ it's supposed to be a full moon tonight," He turned back to the table with the final pot and froze.

It happened quickly, not slowly as the movies made it, but just as brutal. Bones cracked and shifted, fur grew, and Alfred gave a short strangled scream that turned into a howl as he dropped to the ground on four paws.

"Alfred …" Feliciano managed, and the wolf looked at him with impassive gold eyes before growling. Feliciano dropped the pot, spilling the food. He couldn't run, his legs had frozen. The unnaturally large wolf sniffed the spilled food, and promptly started eating it. It reminded him of the stray dog Lovino had caught him feeding. "Oh, you're hungry …" Feliciano realized, and grabbed most of the meat he could reach to slide over to the wolf. It was a lot, and Alfred had eaten just as much prior to the transformation.

The wolf ignored him as it devoured the food, even crunching on the bones. Feliciano completely forgot about being terrified as he fed the wolf that was Alfred. Eventually, the wolf yawned, licking up the last, and then turning to lay down on the mat in the kitchen next to the warm oven.

"Ve, you were really hungry." Feliciano noted, the wolf just looked at him, before laying its head down and ignoring him.

Most of the food was gone, Feliciano noticed as he cleaned up, and he gasped as he realized something. "I'll have to bring you breakfast! I forgot to ask you why no one wants to talk to you!"

Alfred groaned as he woke up. Sun streaming into his kitchen, he blinked and sat up, knocking the blanket that was covering him off. "What the-!" There was food on his table.

"You're awake!" Feliciano smiled at him.

"Feli, what- did you- did I hurt you?" Alfred blinked.

"Nope, you just ate and fell asleep. Ve- you gave me a fright, though, turning into a wolf like that! It wasn't anything like the movies!"

"You, like monster movies?" Alfred blinked, keeping the blanket around him as he moved to the table. He didn't ache nearly as bad as other times, maybe because Feliciano had fed him? He'd have to look that up.

"It's fun! Oh, have you heard about this one?" Feliciano described the newest movie he'd seen, and Alfred laughed they started listing things that all characters in horror movies shouldn't do.

After two years, it was nice to be making a friend instead of pushing them away. All too soon, though, Feliciano had to leave.

"I'll bring some movies- oh! I need to keep this a secret, right?"

"Yeah, if you wouldn't mind, I'm … I think we're in the beginning of the movie, where the characters don't tell the others just yet."

"You can count on me!" Feliciano waved and rushed home. Alfred waved back, and decided he was going to get some sleep, before going to the library.

So, recently, a note on Italy says that even Germany is disturbed by the horror movies he watches. This completely changed the direction I was going with Italy. Mainly, watching horror movies with America and not realizing that there's something seriously wrong about the situation. He'll be his cowardly self later when things really get shaken up, but right now, he's enjoying cooking for America and talking Horror Movies.

In Sweden, one way to keep a werewolf from attacking you is to feed it ;) Italy had no idea, and accidentally did the one thing that saved his life. (Had he run, the wolf would have chased him.)