A/N: thanks to everyone who has favorited/followed/reviewed. It always makes me smile and feel all great.


Stiles slowly woke up. He was sort of annoyed because he was in the middle of a pretty good dream-he couldn't remember what it was about but it was good. After his eyes adjusted to the sunlight that shone from his window he grabbed his phone to see what time it was. The device blinked 9:04am. This was way too early for a weekend. He also had some messages from Scott, apparently a lot happened last night but long story short Derek fought some creatures and returned to normal. No one is really sure what happened. Stiles laid his head back down and thought maybe he should go back to bed but then he realized two things: a) it smelled like bacon and b) Peter was no where to be seen.

At this thought Stiles jumped out of bed and darted towards the stairs. He ran so fast he almost stumbled down them but remained balanced.

"Graceful as ever I see." A voice greeted him once he reached the bottom of the stairs.

It was Peter. He seemed to have taken it upon himself to make breakfast. Relaxation washed over Stiles, he was having a lot of trouble reminding himself that this Peter was different then the one he knew. This Peter wasn't homicidal. He hoped.

Stile just shrugged, "I never claimed to be anything less than my charmingly awkward self." He sat down at the kitchen table and watched as Peter expertly flipped a pancake. Stiles was surprised to see the Hale could cook, everything smelled delicious. "Why are you up so early? It's a weekend."

Peter placed the pancake on a plate and smiled. "As comfortable as your floor was I couldn't sleep all too well. Besides, I've always been an early bird."

Stiles smirked. Making Peter sleep on the floor (though he was given blankets and pillows) was Stiles' way of not only keeping an eye on him but also small payback for all the trouble future him caused. He then noticed his copy of the first Harry Potter as sitting on the table. "What is this doing here? Never pegged you for a Harry Potter fan." Then again he never really thought about Peter's taste in books.

"Everyone is a Harry Potter fan." Well Stiles couldn't argue with that, the books did have enormous fan base. Peter smirked, "Like I said I couldn't sleep and I read the first two books when they came out so I was happy to see there was a third book. Not to mention several others, another reason I like this time period."

Stiles found himself smiling, if he was in Peter's situation he would be delighted too. Stiles watched Peter put the pancakes and bacon on two plates and walked over to Stiles, handing him one. Stiles took it and was pleased, this food looked great and he didn't even mind that the zombie-wolf made it. Peter took his plate and sat across Stiles and then the both proceeded eat their meal.

It wasn't until Stiles was almost finished that he spoke, "If you keep making food this good I might just keep you like this."

Peter gave one of his signature smirks that made Stiles both want to slap him and make out with him passionately. But not the latter, definitely not. Nope. Not. At. All. Right? He didn't even know anymore. Peter then spoke, "I think I would like that."

"Of course you would." Stiles rolled his eyes and took another bite of his pancake. "Honestly it doesn't sound like we know what will happen. I don't know if whatever happened to you will wear off. Derek just kind of fought some monsters and became an adult again. Plus his eyes changed back to yellow so maybe you have to redeem yourself?"

Peter laughed. It was a pretty nice sound coming from him, Stiles wished he did it more often. "If redemption is the cure than I would -start preparing to see me around in the school hallways. Derek had the Paige ordeal to seek redemption for, at the this point in my life I have nothing." He gave slight shrug and Stiles knew he was right. Even if he was lying about having no reason to be redeemed, Peter Hale and redemption just didn't go together.

"Well then what? We are stuck with teenage you?"

"Is that really such a bad thing?" Peter asked. He sounded genuinely curious and honest. Stiles into his gorgeous blue eyes almost getting lost in them but then he looked down at his plate.

He didn't know how to reply because last night he did some thinking and maybe the teenage Peter wasn't awful to keep around. This Peter wasn't the angry, hell-bent on revenge, murderous Peter he knew. As far as he knew this Peter's life hadn't been that bad. He seemed much more full of life and relaxed. Also, unlike the situation with Derek they didn't have to worry about Kate or anyone else manipulating him. Peter did the manipulating, never the other way around. But did he deserve a second chance? This was all too much for Stiles. He decided to reply as thoughtful as he could manage.

"Honestly? Probably not. It would probably make everyone's life a bit easier. Except Derek I don't know how he would react." Stiles shrugged and almost smile at the thought of sourwolf's opinion on this.

"I don't care about what Derek thinks." Peter said and Stiles knew he was telling the truth because Peter was never one to care about others' opinions of him. That's why the next sentence uttered by him cause such a shock, "I only care about what you think." He said it quietly and with a small smile. It would have sounded cheesy if anyone else said it but Peter managed to say it with such sincerity that it made Stiles' heart race faster.

He finally recovered and cleared his throat, "If you are fucking with me I won't hesitate to shove wolfesbane so far up your-"But he didn't get a chance to tell Peter just where he would put the wolfsbane because the other teen interrupted him.

"I might want to fuck you, but I'm not fucking with your emotions. I really do mean it. I like you. You are smart, fun, and good-looking. We'd be a perfect combination." Putting aside the comment about fucking Stiles felt like he was for once in his life being honest.

That's why he got up and walked over to Peter and kissed him. Unlike the other two kisses Stiles took control. He began to straddle the other teen's hips as they kissed. This was new to Stiles but he felt like he as doing it right judging by the way Peter leaned into kiss and began to use his tongue expertly. Stiles never wanted this to end. He grabbed the end of Peter's signature v-neck and continued the heated kiss.

He didn't know what he was doing or why he was doing it. He knew it was crazy, and stupid, and he would probably end up hurt, and there was about ten thousand other reasons why he shouldn't be doing this, but he couldn't help it. He would worry about the consequences later, for now he just wanted to enjoy this moment.

Peter pulled away and the irrational side of Stiles began to wonder if he did something wrong. "What-?"He trailed off breathlessly knowing that Peter understood what he was asking.

It wasn't until he looked into those beautiful blue eyes and saw that Peter was smirking that he relaxed. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay a teenager?"

Stiles just chuckled and said, "Well you are one Hale of a kisser..."


A/N: And so there's that. Is this the end? I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not. We'll see what happens.