Stiles Stilinski had just started to believe that he could handle whatever else life had in store for him. Werewolves? Been there, done that. Banshees? Puh-lease. Nogitsunes? All right that was still an incredibly sore subject but he was trying to move forward.

After all, "If you're going through hell, Keep going".

Even after all that the supernatural has thrown at him and his friends he didn't think anything would prepare him for the fact that not only was Kate Argent alive and somehow a were-jaguar, but that she also turned Derek into his teenage self. It would have been laughable, like something out of a fan fiction, if he didn't really hate the Argent woman. It didn't help that having Kate back brought the still very fresh thoughts of her niece back to the forefront of Stiles' mind. Allison whom they all loved and who should have still been with them to deal with all this craziness. But she wasn't. She died protecting her friends and trying to save him. Stiles doesn't think he will ever get over her death, he feels so guilty about it because although people like Scott have said it wasn't his fault, it still feels like it is. And why should Kate be alive and kicking, a woman who burned down a house full of innocent people, while Allison is dead.

The world sucked.

To add the cherry on top of this spectacular sundae of suck Stiles was on his way to Derek's loft to seek out help from actual Bond villain Peter Hale. Lydia texted him as she was the only one to have his number and he told her that he was at the loft. The others found excuses,some were legitimate and others were not, as to why they couldn't be the ones to deal with zombie wolf. And so Stiles was left to the task of telling the maybe-but-more-likely-not reformed psychopath that his nephew was once again a teenager and that the crazy chick who killed his family and whom he thought he killed is still alive and has supernatural abilities curtesy of him.

If Stiles was being completely honest with himself he would admit that he didn't mind having Peter around as much as he used to. He would never be dumb enough to trust Peter but the man had helped on a few occasions (though he almost always benefited from all those incidents) and he pretty much has accepted Peter as "that guy who once tried to kill us all and actually did kill a lot of people, was killed himself, resurrected himself using a teenage girl and his nephew, and who now spends most of his time sitting on some stairs in his nephew's loft giving most of the time unwanted commentary". A lengthy title but one that Stiles' thinks suits the man perfectly. Although there will always be a small part of Stiles that is sort of glad that the older man decided to help separate Stiles from the nogitsune, something that may have saved Stiles' life and a lot of others.

"Except for Allison" The unwelcome thought entered Stiles' mind but he pushed it away as he pulled his ever faithful jeep into the parking space outside of Derek's loft. As he got out of his vehicle he vaguely wondered if he should bring the baseball bat for if things go the way he thought they were going to go: horrifically wrong. He decided to leave the bat where it was for if Peter tries to kill him he will probably succeed bat or no bat. Or Stiles will turn into a were-bunny. So far Peter's track record has indicated that the were-bunny would be a very real possibility.

Derek's loft hasn't changed much since his last visit, but Stiles supposed that's what happens when the occupant disappears for two months. Stiles pulled open the door to the loft and looked around the empty room for any sign of Peter. There wasn't any.

"Hellooooo? Creeper wolf? Come out, come out wherever you are!" Stiles called out. He didn't have time for this, he had to get back to his dad and possibly more importantly they needed to get this Derek situation fixed. Peter was one of their only options since he usually proved a great source of supernatural knowledge.

Stiles was just about to leave when he heard a smooth voice speak behind him causing Stiles to flail in the spastastic way of his. "Creeper wolf? I hope you aren't referring to me. I'm almost offended."

Once Stiles composed himself he have the owner of the voice a look over. There standing before him was a teenage boy, maybe a few years older than Stiles himself. He had dark hair and the most brilliant icy blue eyes Stiles has ever seen.

"Who the hell are you?" Stiles asked, he had an inkling if the black v-neck shirt the other teen was wearing was any indication but Stiles didn't want to believe it.

"Shouldnt I be asking you that? You have my nephew's scent on you but you're human. Whatever, you're clearly not a threat. I'm Peter Hale." He said with a very smug smile plastered on his face. He held out his hand for Stiles to shake but Stiles was too surprised to take it so Peter let it drop to his side. "I know, being de-aged surprised me too."

This revelation took Stiles by surprised too. Peter knew he was de-aged? But it really shouldn't have surprised him too much. Peter was smart, no matter how old he was it seemed. "You know?"

Peter shrugged, "I woke up here, found a newspaper that informed me that it is 2014 and I figured I either time-traveled or something supernatural was involved. I'm more inclined to believe the supernatural option especially after I did some research on the computer."

Well at least Stiles didn't have to explain too much to the Hale. He seemed to everything figured out for himself. Thank god for the power of Google.

For the second time in the span of ten minutes Stiles had to compose himself. "All right cool so I don't have to fill you in on too much. Do you have any idea of how to fix this?"

Peter gave a small smile and just walked over to the couch and flopped down on it. "I might but I'd like to know some things first like your name."

Sighing Stiles sat himself down next to Peter, of course with Peter nothing ever comes without him wanting something in return. "My name Stiles. Now can you help or not. "

"Someone is eager! Will you relax? Personally I'm enjoying being a teenager once again." Peter said with laugh reminding Stiles just how annoying Peter could be.

"I don't care about you. I care that your nephew Derek was also de-aged by the crazy woman who burned your house down killing most of your family." Stiles blurted out. He probably should have said it with little more tact but that wasn't really his thing. Besides, this was Peter Hale, Stiles really shouldn't have to worry about his feelings.

Then Peter did something unexpected. He quickly grabbed Stiles' wrists and pinned him down. His blue eyes were glowing brighter signaling his werewolfness.

Maybe Stiles should have cared about his feelings.

"What did you say?" Peter growled.

"Dude why do you think you are suddenly reenacting Seventeen Again? Psychopath Kate decided to turn Derek back into a teenager, probably to manipulate him, it must have effected you as well somehow." Stiles replied as Peter's grip on him loosened. Peter's face changed from rage to completely passive-Stiles didn't know if he should be in awe or terrified.

"Kate as in Kate Argent?" Peter said slowly, completely letting go of Stiles and sitting up straight.

"The one and only." Stiles said as he sat up as well while rubbing his wrists.

"That bitch. I never did trust her."

"You don't trust anyone." Stiles replied.

"And you're not stupid as you look." Peter smirked as he leaned back on the couch. Stiles just rolled his eyes. There was a brief moment of silence before Peter spoke again, "So okay I guess I'm obligated to help. I already did some research on how to reverse whatever this is and we will need some things. Things that aren't easy to find."

"Sounds about right. If it were easy everyone would do it. What is some of the things we need?"

"Well first of all I need a pack of Reese cups." Peter said with a completely straight face.

"I'm going to kill you. Again." Stiles said.


"Never mind. Let's just try to be serious. The faster you and Derek are back to your actual ages the faster I'm happy."

Peter pouted, "Don't you like me just the way I am?"

"No I actually really hate you. Like really ha—" But Stiles didn't get a chance to finish his sentence and to tell Peter just how much he hated him because the young Peter grabbed Stiles and kissed him.

Stiles knew that he should have pushed Peter away but he couldn't help doing the opposite. He leaned further into the kiss and he felt Peter's tongue sneak into his mouth. Stiles's hands seemed to move by themselves as he grabbed Peter's shirt which caused Peter smirk in the kiss. Stiles allowed himself a few more seconds of enjoyment before pulling away.

Neither boy said anything but Peter's expression said it all. Stiles was surprised to see it was even possible to look so smug. He looked like just won the lottery or became an Alpha again. Stiles knew he should have brought his baseball bat.

Stiles cleared his throat, "Uh all right. Now how do we get you back to your normal old self?"

Though truthfully he didn't know if he wanted Peter to turn back. That was one of Hale of a kiss.