Going All The Way

Rebecca stuck out her hands. "Do it."

Greed raised the chain that was wrapped around Layla's body up before slamming it onto the ground. Fragments of the earth flew up along with dust. Blood dripped from her forehead into her dirty blonde locks. Her body had become limp as she drifted into unconcious.

Lucy stepped forward. "Layla." She pulled another golden key off of her key chain. She struck the key straight out. "Scorpio."


Scorpio appeared in a golden light. Before he could say his signature phase a chain ripped right through the spirit's chest. The chain crashed through the ground in front of Lucy's feet. Lucy's eyes opened wide that trembled at the sight as Scorpio flew back and disappeared.

"Scarficing your spirits as a shield how selfish." Rebecca covered her mouth to giggle.

"No,...I would never." Lucy dropped to her knees. She didn't expect that to happen. She only wanted to help her daughter, but instead she ended up using one of her friends as a shield.

Loke looked back at his distraught master. "No, Lucy. Don't listen to her. She's just trying to mani-" Before he could finish the chain that embedded itself into the ground ripped backward and spun around the lion's neck. The chain pulled and snapped the lead celestial spirit's neck to send him back to the celestial realm.

"Loke!" Lucy screamed.

Rebecca titled her head to look at the blonde celestial wizard. A dark expression covered her face. "You have far bigger problems than those silly little spirits of yours. Greed." Greed once again lifted the unconcious body of Layla and slammed it back onto the ground.

Lucy fell onto all fours. "Stop it!" Tears ran down her face as she stood helpless against the wizard that held her entire guild in her grasp.

"Enough!" Sparks shot off of Laxus' face. His anger was clear across it ready to explode into a lightning storm that would light up the sky. His eyes held a death stare for Greed and his master Rebecca. He would end her.

"You don't really want to use that lightning do you?" Rebecca questioned. "All the chains are connected. In other words you would being hurting all of your little friends."

The sparks around Laxus stopped. He growled, knowing she was right. Still he kept his death stare on the woman.

A small smile graced Rebecca's lips. She giggled inwardly. "This is it...this is the end for Fairy Tail."

Lucy and Laxus stared helpless as their daughter laid motionless in the chain of Greed.

Bolt's eyelids trembled. "Layla," he gasped. A strong cough escaped his throat, waking him up. His eyes that had barely open looked up to the city that was right in front of him. He reached out his trembling hand toward it. "That's it. The final piece." A white glow shined on each of his fingertips.

"Light Write." He dropped his hand on the ground. Glowing white runes spread out from his fingertips toward the city.

Dark aura flared around Rebecca. She stuck her hand up. "Time to break that pretty little skull, Lay-la." A large bolder formed in mid-air over Layla. Rebecca threw her hand down to have the rock drop.

"No!" Laxus shouted.

Natsu filled his cheeks with fire. "Roar of the Fire Dragon!"

"Roar of the Iron Dragon!"

"Roar of the Sky Dragon!"

The three roars fused together and slammed into the rock, scattering it.

Rebecca turned her attention to the three dragon slayers. She clenched her teeth. "You three."

"Roar of the Lightning Dragon!" Lightning shot forward, blasting Greed in the face. Greed stumbled backward almost running into his master. The beast howled in pain.

"You think you can stop Greed." Rebecca leaped on top of Greed's back. "Finish them off!"

An axe swing sliced through the chain that linked Laxus to Greed, freeing him. Laxus landed on his feet with the gash still on his leg bleeding out.

Taurus landed. "All done miss Lucy."

"Great work, Taurus. Now return back to the spirit world." The bull spirit faded away while Lucy still held out his key.

The hungry hound opened his jaws and gathered magical energy into his mouth. A black and white sphere came into focus. Rebecca glared at the members of Fairy Tail. "I'll wipe you off the map." Greed launched off the sphere.

A glowing light shined over the Magnolia.

"There, its finish." The runes had just finished wrapping around the city. A smug smile spread across Bolt's face. "Now to end this." He placed his thumb and finger together to snap when-

A blade thrust into his back.

Bolt's hand dropped.

Myra stood behind the Fairy Tail wizard. "Did you really think I didn't know what you were doing?" The dark wizard looked toward the city. "A large scale spell. Fairy Song prehaps..."

The light from the blast had faded with Laxus standing right in front of Greed. More than half of his body had been burnt over as he had blocked the blast from hitting the other members of his guild. He dropped to his knees. His clothes were mostly burnt away from the monsterous attack.

"Brave, but foolish," Rebecca spoke. "Greed."

A chain wrapped around Laxus' neck, slamming him straight into the ground. Another chian shot around and wrapped around Lucy's leg, pulling her forward.

Layla's eyes slowly opened. "Bolt," she spoke weakly. The armor on her body heated and burned. "Its time." Her Fairy Tail emblem glowed.

Bolt's own Fairy Tail emblem shined through his glove. "I know." The scattered dragon's armor grew and repaired itself with the earth around him. The armor grew over the sword in Bolt's back and launched into spikes that cut into Myra.


The dragon mark that Layla had given him glowed in full azure.

Genbu's seal glowed on Laxus' arm.

Byakko shined brightly in white on Lucy.

Lucy looked over at the sight, bringing her arm in front of her. "What's happening?"

Layla pulled herself out of the melted chains with her body fully ablaze. She stood on all fours. "Its time to use the power of the four kings. Mom, dad...this is our chance to end this once and for all."

Laxus' body was in no shape to fight; however he poured whatever strength he could into the mark of the water king.

Lucy also poured her own magical energy into her own seal.

The symbol of each king appeared in the sky as a dome of runes had appeared over head that covered every inch of the country.

The sight had everyone in Fiore, looking up toward it.

The cities of the other guilds were in ruin and in flames from their own battles with many of the guild members either dead or barely hanging on when they had seen the dome appear over head. The S-class of Crime Spree along with its remaining high class members stared up at the sight.

Myra stepped back. "This...this spell." Her Crime Spree mark glowed.

"Will use all the magic in Fiore to send all of us back," Bolt spoke weakly.

"That's insane. You made a spell to tap into all magic?!"

Bolt barely had his eyes open with a small cockey grin on his face. "Just the magic that is controlled by guild members. I knew this battle would make it next to impossible for everyone to consent so I made some adjustments. Layla's kings and I will act as the catalyst to active the spell."

Myra placed her arms over her wounds. "But... in your condition..."

"You'll die before we even make it back," Rebecca barked.

"Its fine," Layla spoke. "Our mission was to stop you."

"No its not!" Natsu yelled.

"What are you two thinking?" Gray shouted.

"We're twins, its natural for us to be on the same wave length," Layla said. Her body glowed and began to break down into floating golden dust.

"Layla, stop this!" Lucy cried. "You can't expect me to let my own children die." Tears ran down her face.

Laxus looked back at his daughter. He struggled to lift his own head. "She's right. I won't let you."

Layla looked backed at her mother gently in a way that it reminded Lucy of her own mother's kindness. Was that what she saw in Layla when she first gave birth to her? A soft smile graced the girl's lips. She mouthed some words to her mother before she closed her eyes.

The symbols of the four kings shined over the entire country in their proper directions. The Fairy Tail symbol along with every other guild crest appeared directly in the middle over top, finishing the spells framework.

A huge light blasted upward from every corner of the country. Every member of Crime Spree cursed at this. "DAMN IT!"

A river of tears ran down Lucy's face as she collapsed on all fours. Her head was lowered from view in her despair. "I promise, no matter what. I promise I'll do that, Layla. For you, for your brother...for everyone who fought so hard."

The light and runes cleared from Fiore minutes later only leaving behind the destruction and the wounded wizards of present day.

Footsteps traveled up to Lucy. The celestial wizard didn't bother to see who it was still crying her eyes out at the lost of her two children. "Lucy..." it was the voice of her dear friend, Erza. The redhead stared at her friend with compassion. "Layla, told you something at the very end didn't she?"

Natsu and Gray had helped Laxus onto his feet so that he could make it to Lucy.

Lucy stayed slient.

Laxus stared at her. "Lucy..."

"She said, their fates were in our hands." Lucy looked straight up at Laxus with both sadness and determination. "She said it was up to us to change the future. If we don't want to lose them we have to stop Crime Spree before they become too powerful."

Laxus looked back at Lucy with equal determination. "We will," he spoke with a nod.

Twenty years later, Bolt yawned, covering his mouth. He leaned back on the bar while he stared out at the guild hall. "Man, this is boring."

His twin sister, Layla stood next to him. She shifted her eyes toward him. "We could always go on a mission?"

Bolt looked at her bored. "But there all so boring."

"Don't say that," Mirajane spoke from behind the bar. "You're both S Class wizards. So I'm sure one of the S Class missions would tickle your fancy."

Bolt rested his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. "They didn't yesterday."

"Sometimes its better when things are easy, Bolt."

Bolt and Layla looked over to the entrance to see none other than the famous Team Natsu enter into the guild and head toward the bar. "So you finally made it back, mom."

"How did the mission go?" Layla asked.

Lucy sweat dropped. "Well..."

"That idiot Natsu destoryed the whole town again didn't he," Bolt commented.

Natsu's eyes went white with rage. "Who are you calling an idiot?"

"Idiot says what?"

"What?" Natsu yelled.

Bolt laughed.

"Mommy, mommy!" A young ten year old boy with blond hair and gray eyes ran toward Lucy. He held his arms out to be embrace by the celestial mage which she galdly did.

"How's my little man Lux doing?" Lucy said.

"Great, Bolt taught me a new trick wanna see?"


"It was the only to get him to stop bothering me."

Layla elbowed her twin. "Bolt, you shouldn't act that way."

"Why? Its true."

"He looks up to you because your his big brother just like you use to look up to dad."

"Yeah, whatever."

Natsu stomped in front of Bolt. "You want to fight?" Natsu punched his fist into his other hand.

Sparks came off of Bolt's body. "Bring it on."

"That's enough, you two." Laxus came down the stairs. "If you want to fight take it outside. I don't need to repair half the guild again."

"Fine by me," Natsu said.

"Yeah, go dad!" Natsu Jr. cheered.

"This is going to be fun, I'm all fired up now!" Natsu shouted.

Lucy looked at the sight just happy to see Layla and Bolt. A soft smile rested on her lips, thinking about the first time she first met her twins.

-The End-

-Please Review-

Sorry, it took so long to finish this and I'm sorry it wasn't the best ending. I thought of how to end it all day, but this was the best way I could write it. Originally, before I stopped writing I wasn't going to have Layla and Bolt scrafice each other but I got inspired by a game I played (Final Fantasy Type-0) on top of that when I decided to change the ending I had planned to hint at the fact that Laxus and his team had hunted down Crime Spree before they could fully form and as a result Bolt and Layla weren't as strong as they original were; however when it came time to finally write this I ended up with what you see above. Also thought it might be an interesting touch if by the times changing Laxus and Lucy ended up havig another son name Lux who is 10. I hope you enjoyed it and if you want to check out my original manga it is on Tapastic and is called Warriors of Matrimony.