Crime Spree

Weaken Me!

The doors to the Fairy Tail guild opened up.

The members in the guild were all doing their own thing looked over at the doors to see who was coming in. Cana putted down her barrel of booze and smiled. "Well, look who's finally back."

Standing at the doors of the kingdom's strongest guild were two blondes. The girl was nineteen with a well curve body, long wavy hair placed in a pony tail that went down her back along with a lock of hair covering her right eye which was partly parted to reveal her gray pupil behind it.

Basically she was a badass version of Lucy with gray eyes. She wore a purple sleeveless top with fur trimmings around the V neck, a short gray mini skirt both of which showed off her curvy form, matching heels, a belt that held her gate keys, whip, and her sound pod with her DJ headphones connected to it on the back, and a purple and blue gauntlet on her right hand.

The boy beside her was the same age and about a half a head taller than she was. He had a well define body with messy blond hair that spiked in several directions, brown eyes, a handsome face that had a slight sense of superiority.

He resembled a slightly kinder looking teenage Laxus with a different haircut and without the lightning bolt scar. He was dressed in black sneakers, purple pants, black belt, a white wife beater, an unbutton liquid blue shirt to show off his upper body in a discreet way, a golden chain, and had his DJ headphones around his neck connected to his own sound pod connected to his belt, and a blue and purple gauntlet on his left hand.

The girl had her hand rested on her hip while the boy had his arms folded across his chest. They looked at the members of the guild before they entered inside and went over to the bar where Mira was finishing wiping dry some mugs.

"So how did the mission go?" the bar maiden asked.

The two sat down at the stools directly in front of the takeover wizard. They placed their arms down on the table. Mira placed a beer in front of the boy. "It was pretty uneventful," the boy known as Blot answered.

His partner also known as his sister named Layla looked over at him. "You're the one who wanted to go on a regular mission instead of an S Class one."

Blot looked over at his sister. "I thought the job would lead us to some information on Crime Spree." He took a sip of his beer before slamming it on the counter. He rested his cheek in his hand. "But there wasn't so much as a rumor about those bastards."

"They've been much too quiet as of late," Mirajane said. "It is a troubling thought that they haven't made any noise in the last couple of months."

"Even all their bases we've raided haven't had a single member in them," Layla stated. "There's no paper trail either."

"So it could be said they're planning something bigger than anything they've done before," the Master of Fairy Tail's voice captured everyone's attention. The Dreyar man came down the steps from the second floor with his arms folded across his chest.

Mirajane looked over at the man and putted on her signature smile. "Oh, hello Master."

"Yo, Pops," Blot said.

"Father, good to see you," Layla spoke.

"What did I tell you two about calling me that here," Laxus scolded the two blondes at the bar. He stood at the bottom of the steps. Laxus Dreyar had long been the master of the Fairy Tail guild for well over ten years now since his grandfather aging body prevented him to continuing on as such. The blond man now in his forties also held the title as one of the ten wizard saints.

"Sorry," they said in unison. They both sweat drop. Despite being the master's actually children they were treated like everyone else in the guild. Still he made sure they both grew up strong as they both held the rank of S Class in the guild.

Blot then looked around the guild hall. "Anyway where's mom at? I'm sure she wants to hear about our mission."

"She's out on a mission with her team," Laxus answered.

Blot focused back on his father with his arms folded across the bar counter. "Hmm, I haven't seen her in awhile since we've been so busy. I was hoping that we get to see her before we headed out again."

"Aww, does someone miss their mommy," the aged Wakaba teased.

Blot turned around the stool he was sitting in. He glared at the said man and raised his hands up to his chest as if he was about to clap them together.

The smoke wizard freaked out at the sight, waving his arms around frankly. "I was just kidding. There's no need for that."

Layla let out a sighed. "I suppose we'll just have to catch her the next time we come back."

"Are you guys going to leave already?" Romeo asked. He sat at one of the tables with his wife Wendy and their baby son.

"We still need to know what Crime Spree is up to," Blot answered. "That is our main mission after all." Blot was now leaning back against the bar counter.

"I think I can answer that." The guild's attention turned toward the doors to see a man that was clearly worse for wear wearing basically rags for clothes. He leaned on one of the doors for support and was catching his breath.

Blot raised an eyebrow. "Who are you?"

The man raised his head. "The person responsible for Crime Spree's latest plan."


Everyone looked at the man in shock as he explained what Fiore's strongest dark guild had forced him to do. The man sat on top of one of the many tables in the guild as the members of Fairy Tail had surrounded him to listen.

"Now that, that device is gone I'm afraid I can't send enough people back in time to stop them or their plans," the man stated. "At best maybe one or two people max in my condition."

"Are you sure you can even do that?" Wendy questioned. "You seem really low on magical energy."

The man looked over at the female dragon slayer. "I'm willing to risk it if it means stopping Crime Spree. I was force to do what they wanted, but it doesn't mean I want them to change the course of history in their favor."

"Then send me back." Laxus stepped forward. He narrowed his eyes. "I have the best chance of taking them down."

"I'm afraid sending such a high level of magic that far back would be impossible for me right now," the man stated. "Even if I generated your magic to help you travel back in my current position I might over shoot you too far into the past."

"Then send us." Blot and Layla stepped forward. "You're magic works base on the conditions and exchanges a person makes, correct?" Layla said. She placed her hand on her chest. "I'll exchange only being allowed to summon two kings a day."

Blot looked over at his sister like she was insane. "Have you gone nuts, Layla? Why don't you limit the amount of Celestial gates you can open instead?"

Layla looked at her brother. "We don't have time to hesitate. We have to stop them. I'll be fine with two kings a day."

"That's ridiculous," her brother yelled. "You're basically cutting your power by fifty percent."

"Are you coming or not?"

Blot groaned and placed his hand on the side of his head. "I'm not exactly excited about weakening myself, but fine." He looked at the man. "Cut my magical energy by twenty five percent. That should be enough to send me back right?"

The man nodded.

"Hold on, you two," Laxus interrupted. "I didn't agree to this."

The siblings looked over at their father who seemed completely opposed to the idea. "We'll the only ones who can do it, dad," Blot said. "No one knows Crime Spree better than us. We don't have time to hesitate." He balled up his fist. "Don't start treating us like kids now."

Laxus clenched his teeth.

Mirajane looked over at Laxus. "Master, they're right? If Fairy Tail is wiped out in the past then…"

Laxus growled. "Alright, listen up you two. If you're going to go back there then they're a few things you need to know. This will be the biggest mission you two ever get so be sure not to screw it up."

The two teens nodded. The two never went half cock on a mission, but they knew the very fate of not only Fairy Tail, but the entire kingdom of Fiore and even their own lives rested on this mission which made it understandable for their father's outburst.

Back twenty years earlier, Team Natsu stood in a grass field. All of them stood in a battle stance ready for battle. Natsu glared at what was in front of them. "Who the heck are you guys?"

Twenty wizards stood in front of the group all with dark smiles on their faces, chuckling. The only things they all had in common was a guild mark of a lock with two keys crossing behind it and a jaded arm bracelet.

"What do you guys want with us?" Lucy questioned.

"Time to hunt some fairies?" one of the wizards said.