A/N: Welcome to The Certain Dangerous Espers, also known as Codename: Espers.

Before we start, I'll say this. Some of my recent stories sucked so far, including the recently finished story that was terrible. I am so sorry for disappointing some of you, I decided to do a bit better before the fall. To kill some time for RWBY or even my most anticipated story. I decided to give To Aru Majutsu No Index/ To Aru Kagaku No Railgun another shot.

If you're asking, it doesn't relate to TFWOH, this story is set in an AU where those things never happened, but eventually the entire lineage of Espers is gonna be most wanted soon enough. This universe has the main characters in a Judgment school in Tokiwadai

More information of this AU will be explained in the later chapters, So I hope you enjoy this story and have fun while doing so.

Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to To Aru Majutsu No Index or To Aru Kagaku No Railgun, they belong to their respective owners.


Darkness covered the entire room. Her eyes didn't adjust to the entire room, they weren't even closed. She could only hear the sounds of the of her breathing through her lungs, the next thing she could hear was the sound of an alarm. The red emergency lights flickered on, and it caused the whole room to adjust.

Her eyes looked over to the large steel door that could be opened by pulling it, right next to it was two metal benches on each side of the room. right in front of them was three other benches, the middle one was where the girl was sitting.

Her head was covered by a motorcycle-like helmet with dark blue color, and a shining tone. Her body was covered by leather body armor, with the symbol of as mall regular shield, and a white covering on it. the color of the suit was the same as the helmet. Shoulder pads covered the shoulders, of course, and arm guards were on both the left and right. There was also tactical leg guards in her, though half of it was not noticed due to the skirt that was covering it.

The girl looked at the metal door as it slowly opened up and blew wind right in the room.

"Alright Level 5, Remember the mission." The voice on the earpiece said, it nearly startled her, "Rescue the Hostages, take down all Tangos, and secure the perimeter, got it?" All the girl did was nod, and even though the voice couldn't see that, she took that as a yes. The girl walked to the edge of the door, and ran out of it.

She was now floating in midair, and the ground was several feet in the air. she was slowly falling, and preparing to do a nosedive. The wind broke through the helmet anf she could feel the cold air through her gloves. Her location was a school, it was invaded by hostiles, now they needed to get them out. The ground inched towards her every second, then she flipped and had her feet ready to land.

Inside the school, There was an armed enemy with a ski mask and shades there in the lighted classroom, and he aimed his rifle at the young high school students. "Everyone stay down!" He shouted, pointing at the long black-haired girl, "If any of you don't want to die, then don't do anything!" He continued yelling at the children, when he missed a girl outside dive bombing to the school grounds, and then the entire school went dark, the lights brighting the room turned off.

The criminal looked up at the lights and became confused, he turned around to see another ally with a polar bear mask at the door. "Sir, the power's out." He replied.

"Duh, I can see that!" The guy said, "Go fix it then!" The bear guy sighed, and walked out of the room, while the ski mask guy continued threatening the young students.

As the polar bear guy went outside, he felt like he was being watched, he wasn't worrying though, his shotgun didn't had a flashlight, and they didn't expected to use this during a nighttime raid like this. He found a power cable just outside the school grounds. He unlocked it, and it opened up, showing several switches for him to flip. bit there was a plug-in hole fit for a hard drive.

But he wasn't being careful enough, so when he felt the presence of a person, he reacted too late. He was grabbed by the mouth and felt electrified by the hand. Then fell down on the floor after the shock. the person who did that was the girl from the outside, she walked to the power cable, and put in a hard drive. She waited a few seconds before someone else came on the earpiece.

"Good, we got the entire surveillance system in our hands now." A Girl's voice was heard, "We have the hostages located in both the 2nd and 3rd floors, take the third floor, and be advised for any hostiles." The "Level 5" nodded and moved in.

Somewhere inside the 2nd floor, three guards stood around waiting for the lights to come back on. one of them had a top hat and a tuxedo, the second one was wearing a chef uniform, and the other had red hair.

"This is so boring!" the tuxedo guy said, pulling down his shotgun, "I'd rather be watching my favorite tv show than this!"

"Will you just shut up, and focus!" The red haired said. He had a handgun only, because no one could afford anymore guns. He took a step forward and aimed it at the hall, he was trying to test out how well he is at aiming. The chef guy was guarding the hostiles so the other two could just goof off.

The tuxedo guy walked to the the hall as well, "I am focusing, but why did we ever take this job in the first place?"

"Because it's either that or spend the rest of our days playing chess, and I don't want to go back!" The red haired continued his anxious talking until, he turn around to see his partner who had disappeared. He got confused again, and took one step forward, before someone got him from behind and he disappeared, leaving only the gun on the floor.

"Huh?" The chef heard that sound, and took a step forward to fond out what it was. The gun was there, but the guard wasn't, By then someone came behind him, but this time he acted by swinging himself around and using his rifle as a baseball bat, but he hit nothing once he saw what it was, then he got kicked from margins and he fell on the floor, then his hands were glued together from a handcuff on his back. He tried to look around, when a fist punched the day lights out of him.

Standing next to him was a girl, who was in the same uniform as the Level 5, only she was said to have a 'Level 4' sign on her shoulder pads. She had tawny hair with two pigtails that were held up by two small ribbons, it would appear that she was a teleporter, considering the fact that she was knocking down those guards with her ability. She opened up the door, and saw the seven hostiles trapped in there, they turned around and became happy.

"You don't have to worry, I'm here." She responded, then walked over to them, no injuries were sustained, so they were nowhere near critical Condition. She tapped the earpiece and replied to it. "Floor 2 has been secured, the hostages are now liberated."

"Good," said the voice, "Get those guys out of there Koroko, and we'll send your coordinates to the evac zone." The Teleporter nodded and gave The signal for the students to stay quiet and low, she moved out of the door, and the students followed.

"Back at the 3rd floor, the ski mask guy was yelling, "I want you guys to stay quiet and don't move an inch!"

Some student shouted to him, "You already said that!"

"Shut up buddy, you're supposed to be crying!" The criminal aimed his gun at the student, and he went back on the ground, he focused his attention back on the door, expecting someone to come out, "Come on, I want you to come out and do something stupid." He muttered to the door, it was probably because he wanted to shoot something so bad.

"What are you doing now?" The same student asked, standing up from his crouching position.

"Hey, I told you to say down and cry like a little baby!" the ski mask guy aimed his gun at him, and he did the same thing as before. Then there was a knock on the door. The ski mask guy opened it up and there stood another criminal, this one wore a Cat mask.

"Uh sir," he began, "Is it normal if there's two people handcuffed on the roof?"

"No man, it's not, and why did you asked that?"

"Because there's two of our men chained up, plus our popcorn's gone missing."

the ski mask guy shouted, "What, But that was my last bag of Popcorn!" He and the cat guy didn't notice the fact that they were being stalked, "And I was gonna watch a cool movie that just came out!" when he was still talking, someone ran up to him and the cat guy, The Unknown soldier moved in and grabbed his partner, then bashed him with his ally, they fell on the floor, and the girl touched both of them, shocking them with the sudden force of electricity.

They were both completely knocked down and the students got back in their feet, including the black haired girl. The electrifier looked at them and gave them the signal to move, they did so, and after the sound of footsteps, the girl stopped at looked at her, "Thanks." She said, and walked with the rest. The Level 5 moved after them, but was halted when a door opened in front of her, and someone came out of it, He was wearing a knight's helmet and he aimed his shotgun at her.

"Freeze lady." He said, "You're not going anywhere." The level 5 looked behind her to see two more people showing up, they were both wearing a clown suit, and they had rifles aimed at her.

"Looks like you got me cornered." The girl replied, she felt the nudged of the pistol's barrel and took one two back, before another gun aimed at her. her smile was hidden under the helmet. The crook took a step forward at her, and grabbed the handle of the Helmet.

"You're coming wit-" as he took off the helmet, the guy's words were not finished when the girl started to let out some of her electric ability and shocked all three of the criminals, without the helmet, the girl was revealed to have chestnut brown hair, and a small hair clip. She looked down at the criminals and replied, "nice try." Before kicking the guy's head. She was going to move again, when the sound of a girl halted her, she went back for the classroom, and saw another guy, one with a paper bag covering his head, holding a young aged girl hostage. He was dragging her back with A pistol on her head. The girl had brown hair like the Level 5, and had one pigtail at the back.

"Stay back women!" he shouted, taking every step backward as he continued aiming at either the young girl or the Level 5. the guy kept moving down the hall, and as soon as he left through the left hall she moved forward to catch up to him.

Back outside, Koroko and the other students arrived at the designated spot, "This is the place." She said, "We have to wait for our helicopter to arrive." she noticed the teenage boy with black hair coming to her.

He was awfully worried, "Miss." he said, shaking under his breath and looked back at the right before saying something, "There's another hostage back at the school, she's my younger sister."

"What, where is she?" Koroko asked.

The boy, who was at the verge of tears said "Back at the third floor, s-she's hiding from those crooks." another student came to him and tried to make him comfortable.

"I'll get her." The teleporter said, patting the kids head and running off, "Just stay right there!"

Meanwhile, the criminal kept moving the girl at the roof, and The level 5 caught up to him. "Let her go!" she yelled at him, the crook kept his pistol trained at the girl and she was scared. At that moment, a large light blinded all three of them. As the soldier shielded her eyes with her hand, she saw a helicopter moving towards them. This one didn't had any weapons and it moved to the enemy's side. As the level 5 noticed this, she let her hand touch the back pocket and got out a magazine that was still filled with unused bullets.

"You can have her lady!" the criminal said and pushed the girl away from him, at that moment, the level 5 threw the magazine and it perfectly hit the guy on his face, just as he pulled the trigger on his pistol in the air. He tried to get ready to shoot, but the girl was already one step ahead and she punched him right onto the helicopter, it was fortunate as well when the gun he was using slipped off his hands and landed at the girl's feet, she picked that up and unloaded it.

The helicopter closed it's door and hovered over the school. The girl turned her head to face the younger one, "Get downstairs, and quickly." She didn't had to say it twice as the girl nodded and ran to the door and headed down the steps. The level 5 looked at the helicopter as it continued to hover around.

Koroko reached the school grounds and was going to head through the door, when the young hostage came out. She ran to her and hugged her.

"There there, you're safe." she replied, and looked at the school roof, to see a helicopter there. "Run to the checkpoint, go straight and you'll find your brother." The young sister nodded and ran off. The teleporter moved inside to help her partner out.

The level 5 took steps backwards and watched the helicopter go far away from her, it wasn't fleeing just yet. It was perfect for target practice as the girl pulled out a silver coin from her pocket, this one shined through the chopper's light. she held out her right fist at the direction of the helicopter and flipped it, still at the aiming position, and at that moment, the chopper moved for a possible ramming attack. The coin lands on the soldier's fist again and she flickers her thumb just as it lands, causing the coin to go forward at incredible speed, and hit the target at the left side, nearly hitting the pilot. That backfired when the chopper started to lose control and tip sideways and crash on the roof, gaining a bit closer to the level 5.

'Damn, I should've thought his through' her mind spoke to her, as the helicopter gained closer in it's destructive path, she braced for impact as she covered her face with her shoulders and then Koroko appeared grabbing her and falling on the ground, which was a bad move as it gained closer.

Just when things were going to a bitter end, time stopped right in front of them. The soldier opened her eyes to notice the helicopter, and it was frozen in place, it wasn't an ability they had that caused it, it was the entire room. the level 5 girl was still pinned to the ground cause the teleporter was still on her.

"Get off me!" she exclaimed, moving her off her back as she landed right next to her.

The teleporter got off, "Sorry Sissy, but you know that helicopter would've 'killed' you if I haven't came back for that student."

"Yeah, I get that." 'Sissy' replied, even though it wasn't her name, she brushed off half of the dust off her suit and looked at the helicopter, the pilot was okay, but he was unconscious after that crash. She noticed the entire place was completely changing, the background which was the city became replaced with a light blue color, and the entire school was lowering itself, the unconscious criminals came out and appeared on the roof, still not getting up, the entire group of hostages was walking to them as the light blue room finished setting the entire school down to the granite like floor.

"Attention, The Simulation is complete." The announcer said all over the room. 'Really.' Level 5 thought to herself, 'Even if I almost 'died' you say that it's complete.'

"We would like the Students to return to their bunks for the night," the announcement stopped, but only for a good two seconds before it came back on, "Mikoto Misaka, please report to the lounge. Thank you."

"Aw come on." The girl groaned. "Do I have to go talk to someone again?"

"Haven't you got used to it now?" Shiriai said, "I'm sure it'll be better than that last person you met."

"Yeah, and that did not end well." Misaka walked through the white door, and got out of the hologram room with the rest of the attendees. Right before she left, she heard Koroko say, "By the way, I'm not sure you should've used your Railgun ability at that moment." There goes another test at Tokiwadai School for Judgment.

A/N: this is all I got for now, I'll try to continue this story soon, Please review and tell me what you think of it, more Index/Railgun characters will appear soon. Just be in mind that I'm not much of an expert on this series, which is another reason why I'm doing this.

Anyways, have fun and I'll see you guys soon.
