The names Potter, Harry Potter. Or is it Halliwell
A/N: This is going to be my first Harry Potter/Charmed crossover hopefully it will be good. Please let me know if you find any spelling mistakes (What word/s which chapter and which paragraph it will make it easy on me to find it and sort it out.) with that said please enjoy and don't worry if i haven't posted all the chapters i will post them with the amount of time i have.
Disclaimer: i do not own Harry Potter or Charmed or any songs i put in this fanfiction. They belong to J. , Constance M. Burdge and whoever wrote the songs.
It was finally the end of the year and Harry was not looking forward to he's summer holidays. He thought that with the finding of his godfather and everything else that happened at the end of his third year, he hoped that he would get to leave the Dursley's for good but that went down the drain.
Now here he was walking along side his uncle after saying goodbye too his friends. He loaded up his things in the back of the car and got in the back seat. He spent the whole trip home completely silent and wondering what more important things that his aunt and cousin were doing as they where not in the car with him and his uncle.
A few hours later they were pulling into the driveway of number four Privet Drive. After getting his stuff out of the car he started to walk slowly towards the house, but when he crossed the threshold he was about too take his gear upstairs to his room when he noticed that all three of the Dursley's were standing in the hallway looking into the living room with fear on their faces. Wondering what it could be about Harry quickly took his things up to his room and came back down the stairs and taking a look in the living room he froze.
There sitting in a chair was none other than Sirius Black, Harry's godfather looking all cheerful as if he was invited in for a cup of tea.
"Sirius!" Exclaimed Harry happily glad to see his on the run godfather. "What are you doing here? You could get taken away if they find you!"
"Harry!" Replied Sirius when he heard his name from the doorway. "Don't worry about me I'll be fine and as for what I'm doing here. Well when we last met i noticed something's weren't right so i did some checking and discovered a few things out of place so I've come to explain and sort it all out. Something's that were meant to happen haven't happened as they were suppose to, so why don't you come sit down because this talk has been way over due."
Harry came and sat down in the other chair across from Sirius.
"Could you three give us some privet time to our selves and don't try anything i have locked all windows and doors and disabled all phones in this house as well as any other device that can be used to contact the outside world." Said Sirius to the three Dursley's who just nodded and nearly ran up the stairs.
"Now that they are gone we can start but all i ask is that you don't interrupt me when I start as it is better that I'd just get it all out in one go then you can ask any and all questions when I'm finished ok," Said Sirius. He waited until Harry had nodded that he started on why he was here.
"Right first things first Harry your were adopted by James and Lilly but that does not mean that they or I love you any less than we do. If it helps you are related too the Potters in fact you were even blood adopted by them and from that moment on you were their son, their only son as they were hit with a spell that came from the black family library which in turn made them completely sterile so they could never have children of their own, but they had you and they made you their hair. That's the first thing i wanted to speck of. You see as their hair you were meant too become Lord Potter on the 31st of July last year but i never saw a ring on your finger did you get any letters from Gringgots asking you to go in." Harry just shook his head no and Sirius continued.
"Well you were meant too become Lord Potter but that we will have to sort out later today so hopefully you won't have to come back here. Now the second thing is that after the death of your adopted parents you were meant too come straight to me but as you know that never happened because the Potter will was sealed by Dumbledore and not only that he also was the one to cast the charm that helped hide you from Voldermort and then he completely lied by saying that I was the secret keeper when he knew full well that I wasn't. So it looks like he is trying to keep what's rightfully yours away from you but we can get proof of something at Gringgots. Lastly is that your birth parents had too give you up to protect you, what they did was not only sent you to another country but to a completely different time, they also hid you with the last of the Potter family so you would be safe with other members of the family. After me you were meant too be past down to the next person on the list of people who were meant too take you. After that if none of them could take you, you were meant to go back too your birth parents. However you were always meant to go back if you should choose to, you now have that choice you can go back at anytime you want and they will teach you the magic you were meant too know. Now that's everything of importance what do you say you go pack up anything you have left in your room and we leave for good." Said Sirius when he had finished.
He watched as Harry nodded and went upstairs to pack whatever he had left in his room and come back down with his trunk and cage within 20 minutes which Sirius shrunk and put in his pocket and turning into his dog form he and Harry left the Dursley's too find an alley where Sirius turned back into himself and took hold of Harry's arm and twisted on the spot and vanished leaving nothing but an empty alleyway.
When Sirius and Harry landed in an alley not far from the entrance to Diagon Alley Sirius transformed into his dog form.
"I have got too learn how to do that, remind me too pick up some books on the way back will you." Said Harry looking at his godfather who just gave a bark to show he understood.
So they started walking and within five minutes had got into the magical alley and headed off to the bank. As they walked Harry was trying not to draw to much attention to himself. When they arrived at the goblin run bank they were met just inside the entrance by a goblin who Harry had met before.
"Greetings Griphook may your gold forever flow and your enemies die by your blade." Said Harry using a greeting he got out of a book on goblin etiquette.
Griphook stopped for a moment as no wizard had ever used the goblin greeting any more, but he quickly recovered and replied.
"Greetings Mr Potter may your gold forever increase and enemies die by your blade. No one ever uses that greeting any more as it shows that one has respect for goblin kind and most wizards think they are above us, it is nice to know some do have respect for others. Anyway I'm here to take you to Lord Ragnok he is expecting you so if you would please follow me."
They were lead through a maze of corridors until finally they came to big double doors which Griphook knocked on before turning and walking away. The doors opened and a voice from inside told them to "enter" walking in they saw the room was big and had paintings on the walls of battles long since past. There was also a few plants dotted here and there, there was also a marble desk near the back of the room with two chairs in front of it and a chair behind it. In this chair was the oldest goblin Harry had seen, he was wrinkled but he had no white hair anywhere on his head and he was dressed better than the other goblins as his suit was made out of finer materiel.
When they had entered the goblin looked up to see who it was. He smiled when Sirius transformed back into himself as he had always liked Sirius since he always showed respect to the goblins, he didn't care about that kind of prejudice and always tried to find ways of making Ragnok laugh.
"Welcome Lord Black and Mr Potter I have being expecting you, please come in and take a seat and we will get started. This may take awhile as there are quite a few things we need to go over, including what Dumbledore has kept from you and what is rightfully yours. So lets get straight into it shall we.
With that Sirius and Harry sat down in the two chairs knowing a little of their life's were going to change but not knowing that their life's were going to completely change for the better.