Hi everyone! I know it took me a little longer to get this out I was pretty busy over the week doing other things and didn't have much time to write. Pretty much a filler chapter until we get to the funny stuff next time.


"Who are you?"

Gaius turned, the old man who was reaching the end of his fifties spotted a tiny child. She could only be six or seven, with bright red hair in two twin tails. Her large eyes were a stunning emerald green and she wore a light blue cotton dress that reached mid-shin.

"I am Gaius."

"Are you here to heal Merlin?" She asked, stepping closer to the old man.

Gaius nodded, "I am indeed. What is your name?"

"Cassandra, but my father calls me Cassie."

Cassandra approached the bed where her best friend Merlin lay sleeping. His whole body was shaking and his large forehead was slick with sweat. "Is he going to be ok?" Cassandra asked.

Gaius looked down at Merlin and patted his hand. He faced Cassandra, "I believe so. He seemed to have caught an illness that is very rare in these parts."

"I tried to help him, but I don't know much about healing." Cassandra pouted slightly.

Gaius chuckled, "Do you like to help people?"

Cassandra's eyes lit up, "Yes! I love helping Hunith all the time. She said she learnt how to heal from a very special man in Camelot…was that you?"

Gaius nodded again, "Indeed it was. Why do you like healing so much?"

"I don't like seeing people get hurt," Cassandra said sadly. "Especially Merlin. He never gets sick. One day I want to be the best healer in the world and help everyone."

Gaius gave her a pointed look with a coy smile, "That is a very big destiny for one so young."

Cassandra placed her hands on her hips, "I can do it. You can teach me!"

Gaius chuckled, "I am afraid I must return to Camelot now." Cassandra pouted. Gaius smiled at her expression as he reached into his bag and pulled out a small book. "Can you read yet?"

Cassandra nodded excitedly, "Father is teaching me."

Gaius handed her the book, "Then I would like you to have this."

Cassandra held it open, staring at the messy scribbles on the pages. "What is it?"

"It is my first medical journal. Every illness and remedy that I came across when I first started out as a physician I scribed down in here."

Cassandra beamed at him as she held the book tightly to her chest, "I will have my father read it to me every night!" Cassandra hugged Gaius, trying to spread her tiny arms around him. "Thank you, Gaius!"

Gaius smiled down at her, "I hope to see you become the best healer." Cassandra said a final goodbye as she ran out of the home. Running into Hunith as she did so. Cassandra apologised as Hunith laughed her off and watched the little girl run through the chickens to find her father.

Hunith entered her small home to see Gaius packing away his medical instruments, "I see you met Cassandra."

Gaius chortled, "A lovely little girl she is."

Hunith returned his smile, "She is. She's a lot like her mother. You should know her. Tamara."

Gaius faltered for a moment. He turned slowly, "She is the daughter of Tamara?"

Hunith furrowed her brow," You sound surprised."

Gaius sat back down on the chair. "I didn't realise that Tamara had a daughter."

Hunith nodded, "When you got Balinor and Tamara out of Camelot they both ended up here. Alistair and Tamara quickly fell in love and they had Cassandra. It was only a month later that Uther found out where they were."

"And she was killed…" Gaius said sadly.

"She knows nothing of her mother. Alistair has kept it a secret from her, but I fear should Uther ever find out her true lineage…"

Gaius sighed, "He will most likely execute her."


"Keep your guard up."

Cassandra blocked another blow as she stumbled back, her arms shaking from the strength of Arthur's attack. Arthur attacked from the left as Cassandra blocked that one too. He hit her sword again a few more times, watching the sweat build up on her forehead. He came across from the right, their swords clashing as Cassandra's sword went flying out of her hand and skidding across the grass.

Cassandra sighed dramatically and fell onto her back on the grass, throwing an arm over her eyes, "I'm never going to get the hang of this."

Arthur stuck his sword into the ground and approached her, "You've only been at it a few days."

Cassandra removed her arm and pouted, "And yet—every time my sword is the one flying out of my hands."

Arthur chuckled, extending his hand out to her as she groaned and accepted it. Arthur pulled her up as she bounced on the spot. "I've been doing this since before I could walk," Arthur said with a pointed look at her.

Cassandra rolled her eyes at him and fixed her braid and adjusted her moss green tunic. She walked over to her discarded practice sword and picked it up. She faced Arthur again. "Which is why you're teaching me how to defend myself." Cassandra lunged for the prince who had a split second to react; Arthur effortlessly dodged out of the way and plucked his sword out from the dirt.

"I don't see the point of this. It's not like I'm going to let anyone harm you," Arthur said teasingly. Cassandra tried to hit him but he blocked it easily.

Cassandra frowned up at him, "Which is exactly why I want to learn. I don't want to rely on you or Lancelot—or Merlin. Even he can handle a sword better then I can." Arthur chuckled as he parried another blow easily.

After a few seconds of Cassandra trying to disarm the prince, she let out a groan of frustration when her sword went flying out of her hand again. "Can't you just let me win?" She whined, staring at the sword longingly.

Arthur laughed at her pleading face and fetched her sword for her, "And what good would that do you? I say this to all my new Knights. 'If you want to be the best, then you have to earn it.'"

Cassandra took the sword from his hand and gave him a blank look, "But I'm not one of your Knights, and I don't want to be the best. Just good enough so that I don't get my head sliced off."

"What your problem is—is that you lack strength."

"Thanks for pointing that out."

Arthur smirked at her dull reply. "What I mean is, no matter how hard you train you will always be weaker then your opponent."

"If you so much as call me small I will hurt you," Cassandra threatened.

"What? With your expert swordsmanship?" Cassandra swiftly kicked him in the shin. "Ouch!"

"You deserved it."

Arthur shook his head at her in laughter, "What I'm trying to say is that whoever you come up against, you will be smaller but that also means you can be faster."

"What are you talking about?" Cassandra asked.

Arthur walked over to the bag that he had brought out for their training session and took out two white pieces of cloth. He held them up in his hands for her to see.

"Are you going to blindfold me?" Cassandra rolled her eyes at him.

Arthur smirked, "No. It's a game."

"Right…" Cassandra drawled. Arthur approached her and handed her one of the cloths. She watched as the prince tucked it into his belt on his back. She hesitantly did the same.

"It's a speed game that I use with my Knights. The aim is to simply keep your cloth from being stolen from your opponent."

"And this is going to help me how?" Cassandra asked dully.

Arthur gave her a pointed look, "If you'd rather go back to the sword training…"

"Let's see what you've got, Pendragon." Cassandra said without hesitation. Arthur chuckled and then lunged for her. He was pleasantly surprised when Cassandra easily dodged him, weaving her body away from him. She grinned in excitement as she managed to easily avoid his grabs for her back.

"See? Something you excel at," Arthur praised her with a smile.

"For now. I'm sure you're holding back." Cassandra commented. It was her turn to try and take the cloth.

"What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't?" Arthur said with a wink. Cassandra made a pass on the left side to try and snatch the cloth from his back but Arthur turned away. Cassandra waited for this and the second Arthur righted himself Cassandra lunged for him again. Arthur stumbled, falling back as he reached out to brace himself against something. Which turned out to be Cassandra. Arthur latched onto her arm as he fell backwards, and unintentionally pulled her down with him.

They both let out grunts as they hit the ground, Cassandra half on his chest as Arthur had an arm wrapped around her waist.

They both stared at each other for a moment before delving into laughter. "Well, you certainly know how to knock a man off his feet." Arthur commented playfully as Cassandra smirked. She bent her head and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, letting her lips linger there for a second before she pulled back.

"Thank you for doing this with me," she said sincerely.

The intense look Arthur gave her was enough to make her heart skip a beat. One of his hands snaked round the back of her neck as he pulled her head down to meet his lips in a kiss. Cassandra sighed into his mouth, loosing herself in the kiss. That was until she remembered where they were. She pulled away and untangled herself from Arthur and sat up.

"We shouldn't do that," she said with a pointed look.

Arthur rolled his eyes and followed her up, "We're miles away from Camelot." He said, pointing back where Camelot was indeed behind the forest. Far away from any prying eyes.

"You never know who could be around. You said that your father once suspected a relationship between us. I would hate to think what would happen if he realised the truth," Cassandra said with a sigh. Arthur silently agreed with her as he jumped up onto his feet. "We should head back soon. We've been out here for too long." Cassandra added on.

"Alright," Arthur agreed with a sigh. He was slightly disappointed. There was ever any time that he and Cassandra actually spent time together. He was always busy with war councils and Kingdom meetings. Cassandra had her job as the cities physician when Gaius was too busy. Today had been the second day of their secret trainings, Arthur having lied to his father about a hunt to come out here.

Arthur grinned down at her cheekily, pulling his hand out from behind his back and showing her a white cloth. Cassandra frowned as she slowly reached behind her back and felt for the cloth that she had tucked there. She gasped when it wasn't there.

"Arthur!" Cassandra yelled at the prince, as he had cheated and taken it when they had been on the ground. Arthur laughed loudly as Cassandra shot up and lunged for the pratty prince.

Cassandra sat at the table in her chambers, finishing up a tonic for the King. Gaius had seen to an urgent call for one of the courtiers and had intrusted the medicine to her. She waited for her substance to boil underneath the flame as she leaned her head on her hand and reminisced about her day with Arthur. She had never really been a love-struck girl when she was a child, but she guessed it had something to do with the fact that she had Merlin and Will as her childhood friends. And there was just something about Arthur, even though he would always hold onto the arrogant and petty side of him, Cassandra knew that was just him on the outside. When he was alone with her, he was sweet and gentle. It was something she found endearing about him.

The door opened a minute later, Merlin strolling in with a sly grin. "Afternoon. Have fun on your little rendezvous with the prince?"

It took a moment for Cassandra to register what Merlin had said, she glanced over at him, "What?"

Merlin chuckled as he backed up to his room, "Hey, if you and Arthur need anymore time alone for your fornication, that's up to you, don't get him to drag me into his excuses again."

Cassandra's jaw hit the table in absolute horror, "What did you say?" Cassandra demanded, her head reeling over the 'fornication' part.

Merlin chuckled, "I get it. Young love." Merlin swiftly ducked from the vial that had been launched at his head.

The door had opened again the second the vial smashed against the wall as Gaius looked between both of his wards in shock, "That better not have been the King's tonic. What on earth is going on?" Gaius asked.

Cassandra let out an almighty screech, "Merlin!"

The warlock knew that it was time for him to disappear.


Cassandra stood with Gaius in the council chambers, her hands smoothing down the long sleeved green cotton dress she wore. Apparently there was a noble woman in the city who had survived an attack on her home to the north. Gaius and Merlin had found her in the market earlier during the day and she was meeting with the King. The courtiers had all been called in with Gaius dragging her along too.

Cassandra watched as a beautiful woman entered the room; her hair was a few shades different from Cassandra's own red locks. She was draped in a worn green cloak. Cassandra glanced to her left, seeing Merlin practically drooling over the sight of the Lady, "Pick your jaw up off the floor, Merlin." She hissed at him.

Merlin jumped, looking away at being caught staring once again as he watched the interaction between the King and Lady Catrina. Cassandra rolled her eyes at her friend, still annoyed at him from his idiotic comment earlier about her and Arthur. As she thought about Arthur her gaze moved over to the prince standing off to the side of his father.

As if he could sense her staring, Arthur's blue gaze flicked over to her, a smirk pulling at his mouth. Cassandra smiled back, trying not to be too noticeable with her affections. Her attention was drawn back to the Lady Catrina as she suddenly swayed and fell forward. Uther caught her gently and held her up.

"Forgive me, My Lord. I fear my trials have taken a toll," Catrina said breathlessly.

Uther smiled down at her affectionately, something Cassandra had never seen the King do before. "Your sufferings are beyond imagining, My Lady. It would be an honour to help you in any way we can."

"A bed for the night would be most welcome," Catrina asked hopefully.

Uther nodded, "And consider yourself our esteemed guests. It's the least we can do." Catrina gave Uther her thanks as the court was dismissed. Cassandra left with Gaius and Merlin as they walked through the corridor together.

"She's very brave." Merlin commented on the Lady Catrina. Cassandra rolled her eyes as she stood in between Gaius and Merlin.

"Yes." Gaius replied monotonously.

"It's just terrible what she's been through," Merlin continued.

"Seeing your family and Kingdom fall has to be traumatic to anyone," Cassandra added on.

"Terrible, indeed."

Merlin halted, Cassandra following him as the two young sorcerers stared at Gaius with disapproving stares. Gaius was being very distant about the whole situation.

"What's wrong?" Merlin questioned him.

Gaius turned away from his two wards, "Nothing…"

"Gaius…" Cassandra pressed.

"Merlin!" Arthur shouted from behind the trio, "Job for you." Arthur beckoned Merlin over as the warlock sighed.

"Work, work, work," he muttered, hurrying after Arthur.

Arthur caught Cassandra's eyes as she smiled over at him; he subtly returned it before disappearing with Merlin. Cassandra then turned her prying gaze to Gaius.

"Ok, what's wrong with you?"

Gaius gave her an innocent look, "I don't quite know what you mean." He moved off. Cassandra sighed in annoyance; Gaius really didn't know how to be subtle about something that was bothering him.

Later that night Cassandra strolled through the palace, heading to Arthur's chambers. She still wore the same green dress from the day and in her hand she clasped a vial for him. She halted outside of his door and knocked twice.


Cassandra opened the door and stepped inside the dimly lit room. Her eyes scanned the room trying to locate Arthur, as he wasn't at his table. She shut the door behind her as she heard footsteps approaching from the far end of the room.

Arthur saw her as he grinned, "Cassandra. To what do I owe this pleasure?" He asked, coming to a stop a few feet away from her.

Cassandra held up the vial, "I brought this for you." Arthur took it from her and examined it. "I saw you training today and thought you might need it."

Arthur looked away from the blue liquid and to her, "That was very thoughtful of you."

"It also gave me an excuse to come see you." Cassandra said with a smile.

"How very sneaky." Arthur said with a smirk as he drank the tonic and then immediately pulled a face. "Ugh, what was that?"

Cassandra clasped her hands behind her back and gave Arthur an innocent look, "I never said it would taste nice, but it should help you feel better in the morning."

Arthur took a drink from his goblet, "Let's hope so, my shoulder is killing me." Arthur complained.

"You're injured?" Cassandra's mood changed. She was staring at him with a piercing gaze.

Arthur waved his hand in the air, "It's nothing. My shoulder has just—"

"Sit." Cassandra commanded, pushing on his shoulders to make him sit down in the chair. Arthur flopped down.

"Since when did you start ordering me around?" Arthur drawled.

Cassandra leaned around him, "Since a physicians word overrules anything."

Arthur grimaced, "I don't think that's true." Cassandra used to fingers and pressed them into Arthur's shoulder blade, the sudden pain had Arthur yelping. "Ouch! I thought you were supposed to heal people not hurt them!"

"I thought you said it was nothing?" Cassandra asked lightly.

Arthur gave her a bitter look from over his shoulder. He sighed in resignation. "Get on with it then."

Cassandra grinned in satisfaction. She bent her head and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. She heard Arthur huff and rolled her eyes at him. "So tell me what happened?"

It took a moment for Arthur to reply. "I got knocked down. I fell on my shoulder."

Now Cassandra understood the reason why he didn't want help, his pride had been injured also. She bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from laughing at his childish antics. She fell into her physician mode as she lifted up Arthur's arm, "What is your mobility like?"

She raised it level with his shoulder and then tried to go a little higher before the prince hissed in pain. "Not good." He commented. Cassandra tried other positions and got the same response from him.

She lowered his arm gently and then began gently prodding the skin where his arm and shoulder met; she could feel an unusual position that it was currently in. She and Gaius called it a dislocation, but she deduced that his arm hadn't entirely dislocated. The fall he sustained had probably jolted it, and another good jolt would set it back in place.

"This may hurt, Arthur." Cassandra warned him. She picked up Arthur's arm in one hand and placed another over the top of his shoulder.

"When am I never in pain around you?" He muttered.

Cassandra narrowed her eyes at the back of his head. She lowered her voice. "Ge hailige." At the exact same time she felt the spell work she pulled swiftly on Arthur's arm. They both heard a distinct pop as Arthur yelled out.

"Dear Lord!"

"All done." Cassandra said sweetly. "How do you feel?"

"Like I just got…" Arthur paused, suddenly moving his arm around and looking astonished at it. It was like he had suddenly grown a new arm. In addition to her healing spell she had managed to take away all the pain that came with his injury. "That's incredible…" Arthur said in awe. "What on earth did you do?" Arthur turned in his seat to stare up at her as Cassandra placed her hands on her hips.

"What kind of physician do you take me for?"

The door suddenly opened from behind them. Cassandra had a split second to react as she dashed to the changing screen nearby.

"Arthur?" It was Uther. Cassandra felt her heart leap into her throat. If the King caught her in Arthur's chambers at this time of night he would've had her head. She managed to make it behind the screen before Uther had fully entered the room.

Through the gaps she watched as Arthur rose to greet his father. "Father."

"I was hoping to catch you before you retired," Uther said. He left the door open, signalling that he wouldn't be staying for long. Thankfully. "It seems we will have to organise another day for our hunt. I have offered to take the Lady Catrina on a ride tomorrow." Arthur didn't look too fazed at this news. "I think it will do her some good, after everything she has been through."

"Say no more, father. I understand." Arthur said with a smile.

"I am glad." Something caught Uther's gaze on the table. It was the empty vial of tonic that Cassandra had brought over. "What is this?"

Arthur jumped forward, picking up the vial. "Oh, a tonic that Gaius brought over. I requested something for after my training today."

Uther nodded, and then bid Arthur goodnight and left the room as swiftly as he had entered. Once the door shut Cassandra stepped out from behind the screen. "That was close." Arthur agreed with a nod as he slumped back down into the chair. "So…the King and Lady Catrina…"

Arthur sent her a disgusted look; "You should have seen him at dinner. It was horrifying."

"It couldn't have been that bad." Cassandra said reassuringly, leaning against the table.

Arthur gave her a blank look, "I have never seen my father act that way around anyone, and the words that were coming out of his mouth." Arthur fake dry-heaved as Cassandra laughed and smacked his shoulder playfully.

"Come now. It must be nice for the King to have company like Lady Catrina. She's beautiful and kind."

"It's just strange." Arthur said. He leaned his arm on the table and the other rubbed the back of his neck. "I've never seen my father…you know…with another woman."

"Because of your mother?" Cassandra asked.

Arthur nodded, "I always thought that he would never find another. Did your father ever…"

"No." Cassandra said sombrely. "It doesn't mean anything, Arthur. Your father is just being courteous, and he is the King of Camelot."

"You're probably right," Arthur sighed.

There was a silence between them for a moment before Cassandra pushed off the table, "I should head out. It would be terrible if I was caught in the Prince's chambers at this time of night."

Arthur smirked at her. He stood up and took one of her hands in his own, "Thank you for the tonic…and for my shoulder."

"Just doing my civic duty." Cassandra said with a grin. Arthur rolled his eyes lightly, smirking down at her as he bent his head and pressed a soft kiss against her lips. Cassandra was the one to pull away, "Goodnight, Arthur."


"I really don't think it's such a good idea for you to cut your hand intentionally," Morgana said worriedly. She eyed up the red head as Cassandra took a knife and cut across her palm. Morgana winced as a thick red line ran across Cassandra's palm and blood started to trickle down her arm.

"You need incentive. I couldn't exactly throw myself from a window…but it's not a bad idea."

"No, no! I think this is fine!" Morgana said hastily. Cassandra grinned over at her friend as she set the knife down and held out her hand to Morgana as they both perched on the edge of the King's ward bed. It was late at night, and Cassandra was helping Morgana with her healing spells. They did this every other night, but tonight was the first night that Morgana was going to heal an actual wound.

"I don't know what to do." Morgana said. Her gaze nervously flicking between Cassandra's wounded hand and her face.

"That's why I am here." Cassandra said lightly. "Repeat after me: Licsar ge staðol nu."

Morgana repeated the phrase, her determination shining through as she clasped her own hand over Cassandra's. Cassandra watched in satisfaction as Morgana's eyes glowed gold and she could feel a tickling sensation on the palm of her hand.

"Did it work?" Morgana asked hopefully, pulling her hand away.

"See for yourself." Cassandra held up her hand. The injury was gone, no evidence of it ever being there in the first place. Morgana grinned, a laugh bubbling through her lips.

"I find it incredible how you know all of this."

Cassandra wiped her blood of the knife with a dirty rag that she kept in her pocket; she'd be throwing it away afterwards. "When you lived with the Druids for as long as I did. You pick up on certain things."

Morgana looked at her nervously, "Did you ever try magic?" Morgana saw Cassandra's conflicted expression. "I wont say anything."

Cassandra knew it was wrong to lie to Morgana, but she couldn't reveal the truth to her, not yet. "A few times."

"Does Arthur know?" Morgana asked.

Cassandra shook her head quickly, "No, of course not. He doesn't know anything about my connection with the Druids. I fear for what would happen should I tell him."

Morgana gave her a sympathetic look, "I understand. It is best we keep it to ourselves, Arthur is certainly not his father and I doubt he would have you executed but…"

"Trust me, Morgana, I have thought of the many different outcomes that could happen if Arthur ever found out."

"As have I," Morgana whispered sadly.

Cassandra left soon after, it was very late at night and she had a busy day ahead of her tomorrow. Merlin had told her of Gaius' suspicions about the Lady Catrina, but Cassandra was staying out of it. She had enough excitement in her life with keeping her relationship with Arthur secret, training Morgana in secret while tending to the sick and injured in Camelot. She could afford to have Merlin drag her into any more of his ridiculous schemes.

She wrapped her arms tighter around her body, trying to keep herself warm in the chilly castle while she wore her cotton lilac dress. As she rounded the corner she was suddenly hit by an object that sent her reeling back a few steps.

"Cass! Thank God I need your help."

"Ever heard of apologising, Merlin?" Cassandra said grumpily.

Merlin took her hand and started to drag her down the corridor, "There's no time! You need to see this so Gaius thinks I'm not crazy."

"See what?" Cassandra asked in confusion.

Merlin halted suddenly, causing Cassandra to run into his back as she glowered up at him. Merlin spun around; the panic was evident on his face. "The Lady Catrina. I saw her—she was this huge…ugly monster."

"Merlin what are you talking about? Are you drunk?"

"No!" He exclaimed, "I saw her. One second she looked like the Lady Catrina and then when I looked again she had transformed…into something else."

Cassandra gave him a blank look, "You do realise you sound insane, right?"

"Come on!" Merlin said in exasperation as he tugged on her hand and the two of them hurried down the corridor.

The two sorcerers followed a dark cloaked figure as they entered the tunnels under the palace. "See?" Merlin whispered to her, "Who would be going into the tunnels at this time of night."

"Uh, we are…" Cassandra hissed back. Merlin shoved her lightly, trying to get her to be serious as they crept close to the wall. They were silent as they walked, listening out for any sounds from the person whom they were tailing.

It wasn't long before they could see a dim light up ahead and the strangest sound. To Cassandra, it sounded like a boar or similar animal snorting or breathing heavily. Merlin led the pair and as the rounded the final corner a horrible stench hit them both at the same time. Cassandra covered her mouth and nose, her eyes watering. "Merlin, when was the last time you washed your socks?" She whispered sarcastically.

The warlock sent her a glare as he covered his own mouth. They edged closer to the archway where they could hear talking and more snorting and grunting. Merlin saw her first; the creature was huge, with large tusks and greasy, stringy hair. It was covered in mud and faeces and did indeed look like horrendous.

"What is—" Merlin covered her mouth with his hand tightly. Cassandra was staring at the beast with disgust in her eyes as Merlin tugged her back as they both ran out of the tunnels. Not before Jonas, the Troll's faithful servant, spotted them leaving.


Crystal-Wolf-Guardian-967 - Thank you!

Purplestan - Thank you, yeah that chapter was the funnest so far to write for me and it was so nice to see everyone love it too. Well hopefully it'll last a bit longer then last time for them.

LegandsOfTime - I'm so happy too! I love writing cute moments between them, evident from this chapter haha

HPuni101 - Yeah I totally agree with you. Even though I wasn't technically mad at the fact they killed Arthur off (I studied ancient history in school and we touched on the Arthurian legend, so I know how it ended anyway and kind of sussed it that he would die in the series too) I was pretty disappointed that the reveal happened literally that last episode and we never had any follow up. Just a sad and lonely old Merlin waiting for his friend *cries* though I do plan on having magic reveals and whatnot in this story so woohoo!

Tamara - Thank you! Also I found it so interesting that your username is that exact same as Cassandra's mother xD!