"How you expect to run with the wolves come night when you spend all day sparring with the puppies?"

- Omar Little, Baltimore gangster.


Everyone was already up and about at the house, making breakfast, drinking coffee, exercising, showering, using the bathroom, or watching the morning news. Sora was up in his room doing pull ups, he had a pull up bar attached to the door frame and was currently on his final set of 10. The young mans strong body flexed and and strained as he struggled to do the last one.

"64...ugh...65...nhm...66!" Sora pushed out the last one and dropped to the floor, his breath a little short and sweat rolling down his forehead, he had already done his push ups, sit ups and crunch's. The silver haired man entered into the bedrooms bathroom and took his clothes off, he briefly admired himself in the action that made him feel like a teenager getting exited over his first abs but still...he looked good, his muscles were lean and very tight like springs waiting to lash out.

Sora turned the water on and prepared to take a shower.


"Yes?" Sora called out.

"Sora-sama?" Yumes distinct voice called from behind the door.

Sora opened the door and let Yume in, she had seen his naked body enough times to know every mark and defect so he felt no need to cover up or anything, they were completely comfortable around each other. "Breakfast is ready, so when your done showering you may eat" Yume informed him, her face in a small barely noticeable blush at the sight of her Ashikabis naked form.

Sora smiled softly, "Thank you very much Yume" Sora gave his sekirei a little kiss and turned to enter the shower, Yume turned to leave when suddenly Sora stopped her. "Wait...Yume..."

Yume turned, questioning on her mature face. "Yes Sora-sama"

"Would you like to join me? we don't have to have sex or anything...just enjoy the hot water together" Sora smiled gently and took a little step forward towards his light sekirei.

"very well Sora-sama" Yume said with a smile, she closed the door and took off her clothes before entering into the shower with her love.

The two partners got the washing out of the way early so they could simply sit under the hot water and relax, Sora sat down in the tub and allowed the water to rain over him, Yume decided to do the same and sat down behind Sora to pull him into her loving embrace, she pressed his head in between her ample bosom for added comfort. After a few minutes the two lovers melted into one another, Sora could have easily fallen asleep in Yumes hold if it wasn't for them running out of hot water, the sudden change from a steaming hot jet to a freezing cold jet forced the pair to exit their relaxing shower...someone must have been using the dish washer or the washing machine. It didn't matter though because they got a nice half hour together, times like that were always cherished memories for Yume, and she found herself seeing this to be a good start to a hopefully good day.

Sora and Yume came down into the living room to find Homura and Yahan playing video games and Karasuba and Akitsu sparring in the back yard.

Homura looked to be in a particularly good mood, which made sense considering the session he had with Sora a few hours ago, good sex always put people in a better mood. Yahan looked to be taking the death of Shiina a littler harder than everyone else but the positive mood of Homura seemed to be rubbing off on her a little as Sora was catching her smiling and laughing more and more as she lightened up with her comrade.

"Sora-sama...would you like to eat together?" Yume asked as she brought Sora his plate of food, an egg sandwich.

"Sure Yume...come on" Sora lead his sekirei into the kitchen where they sat down at the dining table.

"So...a toasted beagle with a little bit of cream cheese, tomato, over hard egg and of course salt and Yume you know me inside and out" Sora teased as he examined the perfect breakfast sandwich. "Of course Sora-sama, just how you like it!" Yume had her own food, same thing as Soras but more on account of her sekirei body needing ALOT more food than a human body.

"Yume...could you stop adding 'sama' to my name, i don't deserve the title and don't have to be so formal with me baby" Sora asked with a sheepish smile as he bit into the amazing food.

"As you wish Sora-san-"

"How about no honorifics, just 'Sora' is fine Yume...really haha" Sora added with a little laugh, amused with his sekireis constant attempts to please him.

"Yes Sora, anything you want my MASTER" Yume got in a nice little revenge dig. Sora rolled his eyes and chuckled, despite the casual appearances everyone was putting up Sora knew his sekirei were feeling very conflicted right now, they had just lost one of their own and the escape had brought to light new information vital too their success at the sekirei plan.

So Sora resolved to answer everyone's doubts and concerns this morning to then move on to other problems.


All of Soras sekirei were gathered in the living room at their Ashikabis command, they knew it was time to address the issues regarding last nights escape and some of the other problems regarding the house and its occupants.

"Alright, to start things off id like to address the loss of Shiina, our little Shiina, what happened to him was tragic...but...this is what the sekirei plan is, its important we all remember that and keep his sacrifice in our hearts, he choose to give his life in order to protect Akitsu...without his sacrifice we would have lost TWO of our family last night, because of him our beloved ice sister is still with us. So to Shiina i have no words of sorrow or regret...only words of happiness and rejoice at his memory as a loved member of this FAMILY. Its important to remember that that's what we are...a FAMILY...and as a family we take are of our own, Shiina proved this time and time again. Let him be an example to all of us of what it means to truly love your family. Goodbye Shiina, you will be missed but do not worry, we will hold the memory of you in our hearts FOREVER, i love you buddy...see you on the other side." Sora said his loving words with conviction and truth, honoring the memory of his beloved sekirei.

The other sekirei nodded in solemn understanding at Soras strong words, their Ashikabi was right...they were a family, there was no feelings of regret or sadness among the family, only the happy memory's of the boy who brought so many smiles and laughs to the household.

Sora sat back down and let his words sink in before moving on to the next topic. "Now as for the escape last night, we all need to pool our intelligence of last nights events and determine what MBIs capabilities are and what were going to do moving forward."

Karasuba raised her hand. "Yes Karasuba, go ahead...all of you can speak freely, no need for turns"

Karasuba nodded and began "Its clear that Hayato Mikogami is now a part of the disciplinary squad, this makes sense as when me and Yume left the squad to become your sekirei we severely weakened MBIs most powerful asset and with MBI aware that our group does NOT approve of the sekirei plan it would only make sense that they would beef up their security"

"Yes, the question that's been weighing on my mind is where does the former two members and their Ashikabi stand in the squad now that Mikogami and his sekirei army are in charge?" Homura chimed in.

"I wonder if they approve, i could see some kind of in fighting or rivalry taking place over who's top dog, that could be VERY helpful too us" Yahan added, she brought up a very interesting point...if Natsuo and his two sekirei could be swayed they would have a man on the inside.

"I see where your going you two, i should try and meet with Natsuo and work out some kind of alliance...a man on the inside would give us a HUGE advantage in this war." Sora said as he rubbed his chin in contemplation.

"Yume...what about that sniper you and Yahan encountered, normal MBI commando or something more?" Sora turned to Yume with his question.

"Defiantly not your run of the mill MBI goon, he could keep up with Yume even when she was running full speed...just a few inches short of a kill shot EVERY time he fired" Yahan chimed in, recalling their interaction with the sniper.

"Did you kill him?" Sora asked

"No, he escaped out of his position just in time to avoid my light blast...again, something no ordinary human can do" Yume informed her Ashikabi.

"I wonder if it was a reaper, the last thing i need right now is reapers on my tail...i did betray THEM, so it was only a matter of time..." Sora thought to himself.

"Sora? is everything okay?" Yume asked when she noticed her Ashikabis discomfort. Sora turned and smiled " as for the last problem"

"Last problem Master?" Yahan chirped. " a little more down to, my savings are low and if i don't start doing something to bring in some green soon were gonna be in a bad spot" Sora said with his head down, obviously ashamed that he couldn't provide for his sekirei. His family noticed this and all smiled gently to themselves, so proud of their little Sora for always being such a good Ashikabi.

"Master...if we have to get jobs to support-"

"NO, absolutely sekirei wont be working some bum job when they have a perfectly strong Ashikabi, i WILL provide for all of you" Sora stated with conviction. Homura added to Yahans point, "Sora-san...i could always get my old job as a host back, i could make more than enough with that job"

"I wont have one of my sekirei whoring himself, your mine Homura" Homura blushed at Soras possessiveness. Sora stood up and paced around the living room, "I was thinking of becoming a fighter, i mean i know none of you want me to go back to killing people...that's why i wasn't even considering becoming an assassin again, but fighting is the only thing im good at. Becoming a fighter would allow me to put my skills to good use without killing anyone, and it pays well "

"I think that's an excellent idea Master, though i do see one problem..." Karasuba chimed in. Sora turned with question plastered on his handsome face. "The sekirei plan you know...a 'game' that can spring up ANY second. Meaning you never know when your going to have too defend yourself from other Ashikabis, and with Mikogami constantly coming after us it will be hard for you to maintain a steady job."

"I see your point Karasuba, but i wasn't referring too a mainstream fighting talking about UNDERGROUND fighting, this way i can pick and choose when i fight, Sanada knows a manager so i can get set up TODAY if we agree that's what ill be doing" Sora stated as he sat back down. The family looked to each other with silent understanding, sekirei could communicate without words with just there eyes and from what Sora could tell they were all in favor of his idea.

"I think that's a good idea Sora, though is that all you were thinking of doing?" Yume inquired.

"No actually, im going to talk to Sanada today and see what work he has for me, with his connections i can do quick high paying one shot jobs"

"Sora...whatever you do just remember who you are and that we love you no matter what" Yume reminded her love, bringing her hands up to her chest to give Sora the loving connection she was feeling in her chest. Sora felt the heat from Yumes connection and also held his chest, his face turned a deep shade of red as he felt the love of his sekirei.

"Thanks guys are the best" Sora smiled at his sekirei and stood up to get the day rolling. "Alright before i jump off do any of you have anything you need to say?" Sora asked while he got his clothes on and prepared to go out.

"Yes Master, i am going to Mason Izumo to visit with Kazehana, she wanted to see me about some...girl stuff" Karasuba informed her Ashikabi, standing up to join her master. "Girl stuff? anything i should know about Karasuba?" Sora asked with concern, he took the ashen wolfs hands in his own and leaned in close to the taller women. "No master, everything's okay...i promise" Karasuba reassured her love.

"Alright, just promise me you'll get yourself checked out for the plumbing problem you've been having, i don't want you in pain down there anymore...okay?"

"Yes Master, i promise as soon as im done at Mason izumo ill go straight to the MBI sekirei hospital"

"Good girl, ill see you this afternoon...i LOVE you Karasuba"

"I love you too Master Sora"

Karasuba leaned down to give her shorter Ashikabi a nice kiss on the lips, their lips met and the two lovers engaged in a brief make out session, Karasuba added a little tongue too tease her little Sora before leaning in close to whisper in his ear. "We'll do the REST when i get back" Karasuba wrapped her hands around Soras feminine ass and gave it a little squeeze so he understood the meaning of her teasing, Sora smirked and did the same with Karasubas plump behind, he taped his middle finger against her anus to tease her further. "Yeah, get yourself fixed up so we can have some REAL fun, i miss being inside you love" Sora teased back to his horny sekirei.

Karasuba chuckled at her Ashikabis teasing and gave him one last little peck on the cheek before turning towards an open window to jump through, her long disciplinary coat swinging wildly behind her as she jumped off into the world, her long elegant frame danced across the rooftops of Shinto Teito before finally Sora lost sight of her.

Sora turned and headed to the armory to load up before going out, "Yahan, can you help me out for a sec?" Yahan hoped up and eagerly rushed to her Ashikabis side. Sora opened the the vault and entered into the mini armory, Yahan went ahead too pull down the items that Sora wanted. "Alright lets see lets see...uhm...the AMT 45. Hardballer Longslide...two actually...TWO hardballer longslides please Yahan"

"Two 45. Hardballer Longslides coming up, cross draw holster too Master?"

"haha, Of course"

Yahan pulled out the two 45. handguns, they had a silver finish with black grips. Sora took the two weapons and checked the chamber for any problems or jams, the weapons were perfect in every way with their long barrels and heavy frames. The Hardballer Longslide was an absolute classic, they were basically normal colt 45s accept with a barrel 2x as long for added accuracy and weight plus a slim laser scope on top for pin point accuracy. Yahan handed her love the shoulder holster and a few extra magazines filled with armor piercing ammunition.

Sora loaded the 45s and pulled the slide back to hear that sexy CLICK CLACK of the slide being racked back. Sora holstered the long barreled 45s and resumed examining the weapon racks for more firepower. Soras eyes were drawn to the Beretta 93r machine pistol, a good back up to the 45.

"A Beretta 93r machine pistol, and a few extra extended magazines...these things eat through ammo like a fat kid through cake."

"One Beretta 93r machine pistol, extended magazine and High velocity you want the folding stock Master?"

"Yes please, without it you cant hit the broad side of a barn, machine pistols tend to not be very accurate but they have a ridiculous rate of fire..."

Yahan handed the beretta 93r to Sora with an extra clip and the folding stock, Sora placed the extra clip into his pocket and tucked the machine pistol into the small of his back in his waste band, he then put the stock into the inside jacket pocket of the jacket he was gonna wear out.

"Anything else master?"

"Yeah...the walther ppk and that smith and wesson 32. revolver, plus a good knife and a grenade or two...with all these sekirei and MBI troops running around it'd be better to be safe than sorry"

"I agree Master, wouldn't want anything happening to that pretty face of yours" Yahan teased with a wink before getting the last of Soras requested weapons.

Sora took the walther ppk and placed it in his jacket pocket as a back up weapon, he then took the small revolver and placed it in a ankle holster along side a trench knife on the other ankle as back up weapons. The trench knife had a 8 inch blade and the grip were brass knuckles making it two weapon in one. The grenades also went into Soras pocket along with the machine pistol stock and the walther ppk.

The last weapon was the jacket itself, this was no ordinary was a cloaking jacket, meaning it could turn Sora invisible for extended periods of time. The jacket was more of a trench coat in that it came down just below the back of the knees and had a hood, when the hood was on it activated the cloak and turned the wearer invisible by bending the light around the user.

Two 45. Longslides, a Beretta machine pistol, a walther ppk, a back up revolver and trench knife plus the cloaking jacket would be more than enough to fight off and escape any threat, plus Sora had a SPAS-12 shotgun on his motorcycle.

Sora was wearing a pair of comfortable running sneakers and long military grade camouflage pants, a long sleeve compression shirt with a short sleeve shirt over it and finally the long grey cloaking jacket. With the long jacket he could conceal all his weapons no problem. The 45s went in two shoulder holsters under the armpits, the machine pistol in his back waist band, the walther in his pocket and the revolver in an ankle holster.

"Alright, im gonna be gone for a little bit, tell Yume and Homura to take the day off and relax, you guys have defiantly earned it"

"Yes Master, thank you"

Yahan gave Sora a nice kiss before the young man went out the apartment, he gave Homura and Yume a nice kiss too before leaving.

Sora went around the block and opened a small garage door to reveal his custom bike.

"Wolf on" Sora commanded, the Motorcycles A.I. responded and the bike started with a load roar.

"Wolf, status of on board weapons"

"Spas-12 select fire shotgun, two M-67 frag grenades"

"Very well, lets get going Wolf"

Sora mounted the bike and took off down the street towards Sanadas part of the city, the west.


Hirito Minaka paced back and forth in aggravation, his sekirei-plan had taken some unforeseen turns recently and if there was one thing Minaka couldn't was unforeseen events.

"You look nervous sir. why don't you sit down and try to relax a little" Natsuo advised his boss as he watched his nervous antics.

"How can i relax at a time like this?! After everything that's happened i now have these Reapers coming to MY city looking to KILL one of MY players in MY game, This is unacceptable, i even had too bring in one of the prime players as back up because you couldn't do your fucking job!"

"Sir...i understand your upset but you have to understand-"

"NO...YOU have to understand, this is MY plan and MY future, i WILL see that the age of gods comes just as i have so carefully planned...nothing can change that...nothing"

Minaka appeared to calm down as he went to sit at his enormous onyx desk. He clasped his hands together and leaned in to what appeared to be a thinking position, contemplating his options and responses. Natsuo agreed with his boss, he didn't like the way the sekirei-plan was progressing either, but he knew Minaka always had a plan and he trusted him to make the smart decision...still...being second rate wasn't too flattering, that BRAT Mikogami was a real pain in the class or charm, just a loud mouth demanding little shit. Mikogami was all too happy to rub his new position as number 1 in Natsuos face, an action that almost started a civil war in MBI tower itself, Benitsubasa wasn't too happy about taking orders from anybody accept Natsuo...especially Mikogami.

Just before Natsuo was about to see himself out the buzzer on Minakas desk rang and the secretary came on the line. "Mr. Minaka, four mercenaries are here to see you, they said you were expecting them, should i let them up?" A young female voice said through the machine.

"Yes Maki, please send them up" Minaka stood up and straightened his suit out before twirling around in happiness, it appeared his signature energy had returned to him. Natsuo decided to bug out before he was sucked into any unnecessary chit chat, he took the executive elevator back down to his floor.

Minaka chuckled at his loyal Natsuos sudden departure before focusing his attention on his new guests. The large double doors of the office opened and in came four men dressed in black leather armor, the leader in a blue ONI mask and his two subordinates in a yellow and red mask, a taller skinnier man hung back at the double doors with a pearl white oni mask, his presence being a disturbing one.

"Ah! welcome to my humble shelter, it seems we haven't had the opportunity to make each others acquaintance, im Hirito Minaka...though im sure you already knew that, and you gentlemen are?"

"The Reapers sent to aid you with this little plan of yours" The blue masked man spook up, confirming Minakas suspicions that he was the leader.

" seems one of my players is a"Reaper"...was it?"

"Yes that's correct,Sora Indigo, we've heard that he doesn't exactly play along with your..."Game" The blue masked man stopped a few feet from the front of Minakas desk, the yellow and red masked men standing a few feet to his left and right shoulders in a sort of bodyguard position.

"Well i wouldn't exactly say that, ive had a few problems here and there with him but in all truth hes only made this game all the more interesting!" Minaka shouted like an exited child, displaying his legendary personality to his new arrivals.

"Yes well...regardless we need him DEAD, is that a problem?" The blue masked man asked in a deep experienced voice.

"Yes it is" Minaka declared while moving back around his desk to pour a drink, from the looks of it pure Russian Vodka.

"Oh? we were told you'd be an ally in our hunt for Sora"

"Whoever told you that isn't filled in on the situation as properly as they should be" Minaka took a long sip from the glass, he downed the drink in one go and went to pour another.

"Well then maybe YOU can fill us in on the situation"

" see Sora is a valuable player in a Game that will undoubtedly CHANGE THE WORLD, so i cant just have you picking off whoever you choose from MY Game, it would throw my plans in chaos...and we CANT have that"

"I what do you purpose we do"

"I know your bosses have some interest in my Sekirei-plan, so here's what i work for me from now on, help me secure this city and ensure that everything goes according to my plans and when the sekirei plan i complete i will hand you Sora ON A SILVER PLATTER, i know your bosses approve of what im doing, we can waste time by checking with them but i think you already know don't you...your not stupid, you know you couldn't take Sora with all those sekirei guarding him, but by the end of the sekirei plan he'll only have ONE left to guard him. What do you say?"

The blue masked Reaper turned to his charges before nodding in acceptance. "You got yourself a deal, we'll act as your personal enforcers until the end of the sekirei plan, but i warn you Minaka...and ill only tell you this ONCE...don't try and fuck me, don't you EVER try and fuck me...i work for the most powerful organization on earth, one that makes your MBI look like child s play."

"But of course" Minaka smiled with an insane grin. He poured three drinks and handed them too the men in front of him. "Too new friends and a better tomorrow. Salude!"



Sora pulled his bike up in front of the large building, he dismounted. "Wolf, protection mode"

"Roger" The bikes mechanical voice replied back.

Sora took his helmet off and strapped it to Wolf before making his way to Sanadas headquarters. This was the part of shinto teito that had the most crime and corruption, everyone from low level thugs to the baddest gangsters on earth resided in this area, despite its rather violent inhabitants the area wasn't as seedy as one might expect. The top dogs ruled this area through fear and made sure everyone was kept in line, that included keeping the area looking sharp.

Sora entered into a dark ally before coming to a giant metal door, he wrapped on the door three times and a thin metal slide popped open to reveal the eyes of a guard.

"Who is it?" a deep intimidating voice said over the other side.

"Sora Indigo, ive come to make right by Sanada"

"Come in"

The large locks on the door were dis engaged and the old door swung open with a hiss, standing there ready to lead Sora to Sanada was the biggest black man Sora had ever seen, he had both size and bulk...and if that wasn't enough he had an M-60 machine gun strapped around with shoulder with belts of ammo wrapped around his chest plus several dozen grenades on a bandoleer, with all the violence in the city turning up it made sense for the guard to be carrying all that firepower. This man might have been taller than Karasuba, which was REALLY saying something.

Sora followed the heavily armed guard through the dark corridors of the gangsters hideout before coming too the open room in the center. The guard simply pointed to the back office, Sora nodded and proceeded to the back room. The usually crowded building was completely empty, no one in sight...not even Sanadas usually energetic sekirei.

Sora saw Sanada sitting at his desk counting money, stacks of 100 dollar bills covered his desk. Sora gently tapped against the open door to get his friends attention.

Sanada looked up in surprise. "Oh hey, heard about the escape...nice job, even though you got all my guys killed"

"Yeah, sorr-"

"Don't worry about it, death is a risk everyone in this line of work accepts, so why have you come back?"

"I figure i owe you, i know you cant pull off that bank robbery now that your people are gone, so im here to do anything you want me too...think of me as your new head breaker for the time being"

"Thats awfully honorable of you my friend, and as a matter of fact i have a job that needs doing ASAP, i WAS gonna go with Mammoth...the big guy guarding the door...but since your here..."

"Whats the job?" Sora asked as he took a seat on the big coach on the left of Sanadas desk.

Sanadas face took on a grim expression, he put down the stack of money he was carrying and got up out of his chair to come over and sit next to Sora.

"There's a pedophile selling little children he kidnaps to slavers in MY territory" Sanada said with deadpan seriousness.

"Jesus...let me guess...the cops aren't interested in a bunch of illegal kids"

"Exactly...lets get this straight Sora...i may be a gangster...but kids are off limits, EVERY gangster knows that"

"I understand, so me and you are gonna show this guy a little pain"

"Yes...i know your trying to turn over a new leaf, but these guys are-"

"There fucking pedophiles and slave traffickers...i wont have a problem icing these freaks Sanada, trust me"

"My man...there's a 30,000 dollar reward on the pedophile and ill pay you 2,000 for every one of those slaver assholes you kill...DEAL? "


Sanada and Sora fist bumped. "When do we hit these assholes?"

Sanada got out a bottle of top shelf Whiskey and poured two glasses. "Today, right now...i have there and you go in, Mammoth covers the outside, we kill them all and lead the kids to safety, ill make sure those kids get the help and treatment they need"

"Sounds good..." Sora took the glass of Whiskey and took a big sip. "You come heavy?" Sanada asked, making a gun sign with his hand.

"Someone once told me to come heavy or don't come at all" Sora said with a wink a he took off his cloaking jacket to show Sanada his weapons. Sanada put his drink down when he saw the two 45. Hardballer Longslides, he rushed over like a little kid. "No shit! can i see?!"

"Hell yeah, check it out..." Sora pulled one of the Longslides from his shoulder holster and handed it to Sanada. The fellow Ashikabi admired the beautiful weapon before unloading it and racking the slide to hear that sexy CLICK CLACK.

"Fucking aye, always wanted one of these..."

"Got a Beretta 93r and a walther ppk too, all original models"

"Get the fuck outta here! you serious?!"

Sora pulled the machine pistol from his back waste band and handed it Sanada. "Fuck me that beautiful, Italian craftsmanship eh..."

"Damn right. So you wanna get tooled up and go bust some heads?" Sora asked as he placed his weapons back into their holsters. He could do this kind of gun talk with Sanada because they could connect that way, he could never do that kind of thing with Minato, and that wasn't Minatos fault he just wasn't from the kind of environment Sora and Sanada were from. To them guns were the most important thing growing up because it meant life or death, they grew up in places where the people LIVED by the gun. So it only made sense that they would carry that old respect for guns into their adult lives.

"Hell yeah. You got anything a little bigger? or you need some of my heat?"

"Nah...i got a SPAS-12 on my bike, a few grenades too"

"sweet, since you got the shotgun ill go with an automatic."

Sanada opened his own weapon armory and went inside. Sora waited about three minutes before Sanada came out again with a bullet proof vest, a cloaking jacket just like Soras accept in black, A browning hi power handgun, a sawed off double barreled shotgun, two MAC-10 sub machine guns, and an M-4 assault rifle with a laser scope and fore grip.

"can you help me strap up?"

"No prob"

Sora put the bullet proof vest on Sanada and strapped it on tight, he didn't have a healing factor so he would have to stay behind Sora, who could absorb most of the bullets. Sora then strapped on the tactical pouches for extra clips and grenades plus a back up knife, he then handed Sanada his weapons, the Hi power pistol in his back waste band, The two MAC-10s slung under each shoulder, they were light weight little spray guns that could be deployed quickly so under the arms was the best place. The double barrel shotgun in a thigh holster with a bandoleer for a few extra shells, and finally the M-4 in his hands.

Sanada pulled the cloaking jacket over his weapons just like Sora did. They would do a surprise attack while they were invisible to get the jump on the slavers, then open up with every thing they had before clearing the area room by room.

Sora and Sanada put on ski masks so nobody would see their faces, the masks had a skull pattern on them for extra intimidation. "Alright, ill take my bike and meet you at the location, i sent it too your phones GPS, once we get there we'll recon the area before getting the jump on them with the cloaking jackets, after that kill anyone who fights back"

"Got it, be safe"

"You too man"


Sora and Sanada met around the corner from the slavers compound, the entire area was abandoned making it the perfect spot for the evil scumbags business practices. There were a few guards here and there patrolling around but it didn't seem like they were on high alert, because of the remote location it would make sense if the guards were lazy, probably used to the quiet, didn't think anyone would attack them...well they were in for a big surprise.

Sora had the close range weapons and healing factor so he would be the first one in and with Sanadas long and mid range weapons he would cover the sides and rear, Mammoth was standing by in backup and in lookout for any reinforcements or cops.

"Alright, lets take out the guards silently, activate cloak in 3...2...1"

Sora and Sanada turned on their cloaking jackets and within a few seconds they were completely invisible, the only trace was a shimmer of light barley detectable to the human eye. Sora and Sanada pulled their knives, Sora with his trench knife and Sanada with two small switch blades.

Sora easily came up behind the first guard and slit his throat, he was a young thug around 18-19, Sora stuck the knife threw the kids neck and pulled across...opening up the thugs throat from ear to ear. It was a quick and painless death...much better than he deserved. Sanada stuck his two blades into the second Gaurds temples, the blades did their job and went right threw his skull and into his brain. Sora and Sanada took out the last two guards just as easily, Sanada did his in the same way while Sora stuck his in the guards heart and dragged him into the shadows, the thug kicked and moaned as the blade pierced into his delicate heart.

"Shhhhhh, its okay now, just close your eyes" Sora lulled the young guard down into death, gently dropping his body before rejoining his comrade at the main gate.

"Nice work, the door looks to be bolted and you can bet your ass there's a big ass dude on the other end of this door with a big gun."

"Yeah, blow the hinges off with your double barrel and ill throw in a couple grenades, then we take out the guards at the door and storm the place, remember there's kids Sanada so watch your fire"

"Got it, here we go..."

Sanada pulled out his double barreled shotgun from his thigh holster and proceeded to blow the hinges off the door, Sora delivered a hard kick to the base of the door and kicked it in before following up with a few grenades, Sora pulled the pin on two M-67s and threw them in, Sanada did the same.

They could hear screaming and confusion inside, clearly the men inside weren't expecting an attack, They heard four loud explosions and more screaming. Sora got his SPAS-12 ready and Sanada prepared his M-4. Sora gave his comrade a nod and rushed around the corner, blasting away two wounded guards within the first few seconds of rounding the corner, the first man was missing an arm and the second was holding his ears and screaming to himself, they were obviously wounded in the explosion.

Sora blew away the big guy that was guarding the door, he DID have a big gun...a grenade launcher...Sora chuckled to himself, so typical of these types of scum. Sora and Sanada entered into a long hallway with a few side rooms, a man with an AK-47 came out into the hallway to see what was going on, Sora turned off his invisibility and surprised the man before shooting him square in the chest with a blast of buck shot, the pellets slammed into his chest and sent the man too the ground, his chest now looking like old meat loaf from the brutal close range shotgun work.

Sora pulled back into cover and allowed Sanada to peak around, several more men with shotguns and pistols came out of the side rooms in confusion, some of them looked like they were strung out on drugs...probably heroin, Sanada opened up with his M-4 and dropped three men quickly, a fourth ran back down the hallway and rounded the corner at the end of said hallway.

Sora reloaded his SPAS-12 and proceeded down the hallways in a staggering motion, hallways were tough because there was no cover but with a shotgun Sora could cover a wide space with a single shot. Sora cleared the side rooms, checking them for the children, they looked like guard rooms...Sora was right, these men were doped up on Heroin, so not only were they child selling slavers but also drug dealers...great.

Sora threw a grenade around the corner at the end of the hallway, it went off and he heard some moans of pain. Sora quickly rounded the corner and fired three shots to clear out the space, he didn't even see what he was shooting at...he just sprayed the hallways with his SPAS-12, after he did this he peaked around and saw four dead bodies in the next room. Sora dropped back to reload and Sanada came up, he threw another grenade before charging in M-4 in hand. A guard came out of a closet with a machete and knocked Sanadas M-4 out of his hands, Sanada drew one of his MAC-10s and sprayed the man down with a whole clip of 45. bullets, Sanada then turned and drew his other MAC-10, he fired at two men who were coming up some stairs across the room, he hit one of them and the man fell back with his friend back down the stairs.

Sanada retreated back around the corner with Sora. "You reloaded!?"

"Yeah! here we go!"

Sora rushed around the corner with Sanada behind him. He bum rushed the stairs and caught at LEAST 10 guys coming up with FN FALs, AK-47s, and UZI sub machine guns. Sora fired off the last of his SPAS-12 rounds down the stairs, killing at least three guys and wounding another two. Sora dropped his SPAS-12 and pulled his Beretta 93r machine pistol to spray the stairs down with automatic fire, the 93r fired at least 1000 rounds a minute on full auto so Sora cleared another three guys from the stairs. The machine pistol ran out FAST and Sora was forced back into cover to reload, by now the remaining men on the stairs were firing with everything they had at the stair well.

Sanada reloaded his double barrel shotgun and blind fired around the corner to suppress the intense fire, it worked and the big blast from the shotgun blinded the closest gunmen. Sora tucked away his machine pistol and pulled one of his Hardballer Longslides, he took careful aim and picked off another two men before the last one ran back down the steps. Sora and Sanada reloaded what they had and went down the stairs, stepping over dead bodies on their way down.

When they got to the bottom of the steps Sora could hear Gunmen getting into position to fire on the stair well as soon as they came out. At this point the slavers knew they were under attack and were prepared, the first three levels were pretty easy on account of the surprise attack...but surprise only works so long.

"There gonna light us up the second we come out, ill draw there fire and you go invisible, they will shoot at me and while they do you sneak in there with these..."

Sora handed Sanada the last of his grenades. Sanada smirked under his skull ski mask and activated his cloak, Sora tapped his shoulder and rounded the corner...just as predicted about 15 guns opened up on the stair well, Sora was hit about 6 times in the upper chest and stomach. Sora quickly ducked back in and activated his healing ability, the bullet wounds quickly healed up and soon Sora was back in action. Sanada sneaked into the open room, it appeared to be where they stored the drugs and guns and a sign on the wall showed that the holding area was just one level below...they were almost there.

Sanada threw the last two grenades at the biggest clusters of gunmen. The grenades went off and scattered the slavers, just then Sanada de-cloaked and began spraying with his duel MAC-10s into the confused slavers, the 45. bullets ripped threw their flesh with ease and dropped about four of them with the first burst.

Sora rushed out with his two 45. Longslides in hand and fired in twos, with two pistols he could shoot two guys at once. Sora calmly and coldly took aim and fired a single round into either the head or heart of the slavers, mercilessly gunning down the confused and dazed gunmen with pin point accuracy from his expert pistol play. Sanada ran dry on his MACs and dropped them while pulling out his Browning Hi power, he fired the 9mm pistol at the surviving slavers, executing the injured ones and putting one in the dead ones just to be sure.

The last shot rang out. Sora and his comrade looked around to see all 15 gunmen dead, Sora reloaded his 45s and tucked them away in their shoulder holsters before pulling out his beretta 93r and attaching the butt stock for added accuracy. Sora saw that Sanada was out for his MAC-10s and handed his partner the Beretta with an extra magazine, Sanada gladly took the classic weapon and holstered his Hi power. Sora heard some whimpering and turned to see a little girl standing in the door way to a side room...a fat man with a revolver held the little girl and pointed the gun at her head.

"DROP YOUR WEAPONS OR I KILL THIS LITTLE BRAT!" The fat pedophile yelled in fear, he was pissing himself at the sight of all the dead slavers.

"That's him Sora...that's the guy who's been selling the kids to these fucking slavers!"

Sora nodded and slowly moved his hand towards his pocket where he had the walther ppk. "DON'T DO IT YOU BASTARD! I-I S-SWEAR ILL K-KILL HER!"

"Sanada, drop your weapons..." Sora said coldly, Sanada was about to protest when he remembered Sora had that small revolver in an ankle holster. Sanada smirked at his partners sly nature and dropped his beretta, he also pulled out his Hi power and dropped that too.


"Alright, im doing it...just relax"

Sora pulled his Hardballer Longslides and gently placed them on the ground, he then pulled the walther ppk from his pocket and dropped it too. "G-GOOD BOY, NOW ON YOUR KNEES! BOTH OF YOU!"

Sora slowly dropped to his kne-.

IN the blink of an eye Sora ripped the revolver from his ankle holster, the pedophile was too busy focusing on Sanada.


Sora shot the fat fuck right between the eyes.

His fat body fell to the ground with a hard thud. The little girl ran to Sora and wrapped her arms around his leg, she was crying her little eyes out. She looked sick and starved...dehydrated too. Sora picked the girl up in his strong arms, "Heyy now, everything's okay baby...your safe, Shhhhh...Shhhhh...its okay baby, your safe now" Sora rocked the little girl and signaled for Sanada to take her. He was going to the lower levels to get the rest of the kids. Sanada took the girl and resumed Soras soothing talk, he radioed for Mammoth to pull the car around front and prepare to get the rest of the kids out.

Sora picked up his weapons and continued down the last short set of stairs to find a large locked door. He could hear some whispering on the other side and knew the last of slavers was behind the door with the rest of the kids. Sora got his two Longslides out and went back to the top of the stairs where he got a running start...Sora put his entire body weight into it and hit the door as hard as he could. The door came off its old rusty hinges and Sora came crashing threw into a darkly lit room.

Two men flanked Soras left and right, one with a sub machine gun and the other with a pistol. Sora fired at both men at the same time with his two 45s and dropped them immediately. Sora leaped to his feet and came face to face with the slavers leader...the man had a red beret on his head and was wearing old military issue camouflage clothes with a light tactical vest, he had a desert eagle in his hand...a big 50. caliber handgun that could do serious damage even too a man with a healing ability like Sora.

Sora and the slaver leader locked guns on each other in a draw. Sora with his two Hardballer Longslides and the slaver with his big Desert eagle.

Sora looked around...all around the two deadlocked men were CAGES filled with children. Japanese, American, Russian, African, South american...all these kids looked starved and sick, they all had tear stains on their eyes and they all looked to Sora with hope...

When Sora saw the kids...he LOST it.


Sora dropped his two 45s and rushed the slaver leader, the man fired all seven rounds from his desert eagle into Soras chest, the huge bullets would have normally stopped Sora but in his rage and anger he simply charged threw them like they weren't even there. Sora tackled the slaver to the ground and pulled his trench knife, he stuck the knife in the mans arm to hold him down, the slaver pulled his own combat knife and stabbed Sora in the chest, Sora simply laughed and pulled the knife out before sticking it in the mans other arm to pin him to the ground.

Sora then started beating the slaver with his fists, slamming the man in the nose over and over again until his face was like a piece of hamburger.

All the memories of Soas childhood...of all the times he was beaten...all the time he was raped...all the times he suffered...all that anger poured threw his fists into an un restrained rage. Sora hit the man until he broke every bone in his hands, by the time he stopped he was hitting skull, he had actually broken threw the skull and was just pounding chunks of brain matter into the floor.

"s-sora..." Sora heard a voice behind him and turned to see Sanada standing there with a look of horror AND understanding on his face. The gangster Ashikabi slowly approached his friend and steadily placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Its okay Mate...its over Sora...its over"