As soon as Kaldur walked into the training room, he felt Bart's eyes leap towards him with a blank, shocked stare. He tried to brush it off and focus but he wouldn't stop. It was starting to become annoying because other people were noticing. Even worse was the fact that the had come to watch them train. Eventually Canary couldn't take it.

"Bart, is something wrong?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because you're staring at Aqualad and it's distracting everyone."

"Oh, that. I'm not sure I should say, it might embarrass him."

"Would you rather people get distracted and get hurt?"

"Okay, Kal, you got- it's just that- ugh how do I say this!?" He was rubbing the side of his neck. "Your neck! It's something on your neck, if you could just-"

"SPIT IT OUT ALREADY!" Wally yelled,

"YOU HAVE A HICKEY ON YOUR NECK! YOU HAVE A HICKEY ON YOUR NECK!" Aqualad's eyes bugged out as his hand flew up to his neck. Aquaman stared, appalled, at his partner. Batman smirked. Everyone else was struggling not to laugh. Aqualad slowly backed out of the room only to run into Roy.

"You okay Kal?"

"I don't-I don't think he-he is R-Roy!" Nightwing sputtered out between laughs. "He just found out he's got a hickey."

"I already knew, Nightwing. I was just hoping no one would notice." This set off more laughter and smirking. In truth, no one did notice it until Bart pointed it out. It was close to his clothing and blent into his skin fairly well. He backed out, again.

"Hey, Bart how'd you notice that? The bats didn't even!"

"I had stayed late last night doing a few things when I walked by his room and heard something. I glanced at him when he walked in and instantly saw the hickey." Everyone nodded. Eventually Aquaman fell out of his stupor.

"Wait, Aqualad isn't foolish enough to bring some random girl into the Watchtower, which means that it was who works here."

"I dunno."

"What do you mean 'I dunno'?" Jaime asked.

"Frankly to me it sounded like two guys." Everyone pondered this while Nightwing noticed that Red Arrow seemed slightly nervous.

"You okay Roy?"

"Fine, why?"

"Oh nothing you just look a little nervous."

"I'm not nervous dude."


"Really, I'm not, why would I be?"

"Oh no reason, just that you may be nervous that someone found out you gave Kal that hickey!"

"Dont be ridiculous." Wally called out.

"Oh really, cause I checked the security cams this morning, and I saw you leaving Kal's room! Explain!"

"Oh, you see what happened was-" He threw something on the ground and smoke started to go everywhere.

"How did-kaffkaffkaff-Roy-kaff-get a-kaff-smoke pellet?" Cassie asked.

Nightwing and Robin shrugged.

"Hey Nightwing, did you really check the cams this morning?" Conner asked.

"Nah, I just wanted to see how Roy reacted."