I am so very sorry. I was so busy lately and I've just finished with my exams. I am really sorry and I know it's been months for me to update but I have valid reasons. I need to get to a good med school and I have to study in order to get there. Hope you all understand and thank you for sticking along.

Love you all!

Chapter 8 :

I washed my face after brushing my teeth and leaned against the sink as I tried to calm myself down. I hate that dirty feeling you get just after throwing up. It's a shock that I've not gotten used to it considering I puked almost every day since the last two months.

I am almost three months pregnant and my stomach is as big as a seven month pregnant woman. The doctor told me that I'll probably deliver the babies next month, keeping their abnormal growth in mind. And I also had this funny feeling that they'll be bigger than normal kids considering how tall their father is. Silly sentiment.

I smiled as Dimitri's thoughts came in my mind. He was the best husband on this planet. Ever since the pregnancy, he's been so happy and caring. He had even taken the job as the court guardian and had temporarily given up Christian's guard. It was really tough for him to abandon his charge and no matter how much I tried to convince him that I can take care of myself, he stayed back with me. A part of me was extremely elated by this. It was amazing to have him next to me. Besides I was a little uncertain if I could take care of myself and our two, too-eager-to-come-into-this-world, babies.

He never gets tired of talking about our babies. How he wishes they get my dark hair and my little nose. How he wants them to have my sense of humour and my strong character. I had a list as well. I wanted them to have Dimitri's soulful eyes and his courage and fierceness. We had spent nights talking like this. The doctor had asked us whether we wanted to know the gender of our kids but we both had declined the offer. We want to wait for the beautiful surprises that are about to come.

I slipped under the covers and saw that it was almost early morning for vampires. Dimitri would soon come back from his shift but I was too tired to stay awake. That is another complication of my pregnancy. The abrupt growth of two babies in my womb was too much for my body to take, as a result, I almost always felt tired. But nothing that can keep Rose Hathaway down for long. I might feel tired mostly but I still had the strength to pull through all of it.

I got up soon after my midnight throwing up session and kissed Dimitri's cheek. He looked so peaceful right now. I couldn't make out when he came back. His light brown hair was messy and soft against my fingers. His perfect lips were slightly parted and his bare chest was amazing to stare at. His arms were tightly wrapped around me and I could not help but fall in love with him each and every time I laid my eyes on him.

I took in my view in the mirror and was satisfied by the way I looked. I had come in terms with my body by now. I wore a yellow sundress which came almost to my mid-thigh due to my overly protruding belly. My hair was tied in a ponytail and the only sign of makeup was the strawberry lip gloss that glistened on my lips. My curves were more defined and my breasts were certainly perkier. But other than that I almost looked like I used to look before getting pregnant. And I sort liked my new curves and boobs.

"Someone is looking beautiful." Dimitri spoke in my ears as his hands wrapped around my waist, or rather tried to wrap around my waist, all thanks to my massive tummy.

"And someone always looks smoking hot." I turned around in his arms and kissed him. He pulled back a little, reached for his jean pockets and took out a bar of dark chocolate. "Forgot to give you these."

"Oh, wow! Did I tell you that you are the best husband ever?" he knew how much I loved dark chocolate. I have loved it since I was a little kid and my pregnancy hormones have only heightened my love for it.

"I guess you did." He chuckled. He leaned down for another kiss. His soft lips touched mine and I was lost. His hands roamed on my sides and his tongue gently stroke mine.

"Rose, we'll be late." He said in between the kisses. "We need to stop."

"We will, in a little while."

After a few minutes we finally broke apart and left the room hand in hand.

It was early morning and the sun was about to rise. After literally begging Dimitri, he had agreed to take me to Lehigh. I wanted to personally meet everyone. Off course they knew about my condition since I've not been attending classes for so long but I wanted to meet my friends there. I never had a problem in mixing up with the humans and I had made a lot of friends over my short stay at the college. And it would be good to see if Lissa was safe and alright without me accompanying her. We were not used to living apart for long and I wanted to make sure she was doing well.

"Hey Rose, you look gorgeous. Your face, it's got this glow which makes you all the more beautiful." Jill smiled at us as we got into the car. She was dressed casually in a white tank top and blue denim shorts but even that made her look like a model about to step on the ramp.

"Thanks, you look amazing yourself."

She wanted to visit the college and we were more than happy to take her with us. As Jill is a moroi, it was mandatory to take two guardians along. No matter how much I tried to explain that Dimitri and I met with the need of the required two guardians, no one listened to me, including my darling husband, as they regarded me unfit for the job. It just pissed me off but I know they are right. I am in no condition to fight strigoi right now. Off course I'll be all lethal and invincible once I am over with the pregnancy thing but right now, I was in a bad shape. So, Eddie was joining us on the trip as Jill's other guardian.

The journey was quite refreshing and I enjoyed the slight breeze. The sun was nowhere to be seen as heavy clouds blocked the warmth of the sun. Jill was just as lively as ever and I could not help but notice her blushing at Eddie's comments. They looked so cute together and I could make out how oblivious they were to each other's feelings.

We finally stopped at a gas station. Dimitri had gone out to buy water leaving me with Jill and Eddie.

"Rose, I need to use the ladies room."

"Okay I'll come with you."

"No Rose, you should not bother yourself in this condition. I'll go with her."

"Eddie, are you really thinking of entering the ladies room?"

"Off course not. But I can guard the her from outside." He said in embarrassment.

"But what if a strigoi is hiding in one of the stalls and pounces over…."

"All right you win, I lose. But I'll still guard her till the door."

"Cool, come on princess." I lead the way to the bathroom. It was all the way behind the station and seemed pretty deserted.

We came out to find Eddie still in the fierce guardian posture. "Lucky the bathroom was clear of any strigois." I joked.

As we were returning to the car, I heard some rustle in the trees which backed the road. I was hit with nausea. Strigoi nausea, the one I felt each time I was near those monsters while I was bonded to Lissa. The lack of the sun made me more suspicious. And then two Strigoi, one male and one female, jumped from the trees.

"Dimitri….." I shouted at the top of my voice. Eddie was in full action and tried to stake one of the strigoi, while he knocked the other one down. I pushed Jill back into the Bathroom and could no longer watch Eddie struggle all alone. I quickly grabbed my stake which I always kept with myself.

I tried to grab the female and pulled her by her long red hair. She turned around and pushed me hard and I stumbled but regained my balance. I hit her arm with the stake and she shrieked as the silver of the stake burned her icy skin. I tried to aim the stake at her stake but she was much stronger than me and my frail self was unable to fight back.

She turned me around and whispered in my ears, "Looks like I can kill more than one feeble Damphir at the same time." Her cruel words stung me and my hands went protectively to my stomach. No, I thought, we'll not get killed by a bitch like her. We'll be fine. We'll live for many happy years together.

Just when I felt her teeth touch my neck, I was startled to find her ripped away from me. Dimitri was looking no less than a Russian god as he pinned her to the ground and struggled to keep her in control. But she was a very strong one, probably hundreds of years old and the fight was equally favoured.

I could not see him struggle like that with me doing nothing. I had to step in. if only I could drive the stake through her heart as Dimitri pinned her to the ground, things would be much better. In the periphery Eddie was facing a similar problem.

I quickly kneeled down next to Dimitri and spoke, "You just hold her tight, and I'll stake her."

"But…all right." He seemed to realize that staking a strigoi was no big job. Even moroi could do it with both hands.

He tightened his grip on her as I raised my stake and pushed it all through her heart. She screamed loud enough to damage my ears. But she didn't die. Instead, blinding white light flooded the area and an unseen force blasted me away from her body.

My confused mind was quickly going through all possibilities but I was too weak to even think clearly. My body was suddenly drained of all its energy and I lay unconscious on the ground.

What do you think just happened?

Nice cliff-hanger?

Tell me what you all think.( ignore the grammatical errors. I am too lazy to edit).

Thank you all for your support and I am once again sorry. I might update in a few days.

Please leave your reviews or just PM me. I really want to know how you feel about the plot.

Have a great day!

X0X0 :)