A/N: In this story, Prince Endymion and Princess Serenity are only a few years apart rather than a big age difference.

Also, I created a stand alone story based on this. The stand alone is called The Romance of Endymion and Serenity. It's a one-shot and will have all the detail as in this, plus more added because it will add Serenity's memories as well. So if you enjoy this chapter, check out that story! The only parts of this story that are within that one are the italicized parts, not the regular text because the regular text is present-day, Darien's thoughts. I will expand on everything within the other story, and this will only be a small taste. Once this chapter is out, I'll finish up the other one and post it :-).


Chapter 3: Endymion's Memories

That night Darien didn't get much sleep. Not any real sleep. He'd gone home, taken a shower, laid on his bed and fell into a restless sleep as his mind went over memory after memory, things flooding back into his brain, over exerting him and not giving him a moments peace.

Something about seeing Serenity again triggered all the things from his previous life, most importantly his memories of Serenity. He could clearly remember meeting her, seeing her face for the first time, the way his heart nearly leapt from his chest at the first smile she'd ever given her. How he'd known that he would do anything to see that smile again.


He was at the party to celebrate the peace treaty between Earth and its Moon. So many people were there, guests in the beautiful palace of the White Moon. He was only fifteen at that moment, not quite yet a grown man, but old enough. He would take over the Kingdom of Earth if anything happened to his father, he was old enough for that. But really, he didn't want to. That'd mean marrying some stuck up Princess to make his wife. Though, the princesses were pretty, he'd never met one that he wanted to be with so much.

Sitting at a table in the ballroom, Endymion sighed as he looked around. He was quite bored, there wasn't much to do other than dancing and eating, yet he didn't want to do either. That was, until he lifted his eyes slowly to see someone come down the grand staircase into the ballroom. And, he was transfixed.

It was a young Princess Serenity. He'd heard of the princess of the moon, heard of her beauty that was beyond compare. She was younger than him, around thirteen years old, but she was beautiful.

Watching as she walked down the staircase, one of her hands resting on the railing, her fingers delicately running along the railing as she walked in her long, elegant white dress. Her other hand held the fabric of her dress lightly, holding it so she wouldn't step on it.

And just like that he was mesmerized by her, unable to take his eyes off the young woman. He watched as she stepped down onto the dance floor, her long white dress falling to the floor. Her long blonde hair was almost as long, falling down in the most unique pigtails. He knew it was the princess, her crescent moon was bright golden on her forehead.

Smiling slowly, he stood up and made his way towards the princess, offering her one hand. "Princess Serenity, I presume?" he asked softly.

Her blue eyes raised to meet his, and he saw that blush on her cheeks, just making him smile even more. She was even cuter when she smiled. "I am...and you are?" she asked.

"I am Prince Endymion, the crowned Prince of Earth. Please, Princess, might I have this dance?" he asked smoothly, as smooth as he knew how. He didn't have trouble charming women on Earth, but for some reason this woman was different, this woman was more.

She only smiled and nodded, placing her hand within his. "You may." she said. Her smile was something he wanted to see more often. It was like a shining bright light, she was just as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside, he could tell.

Leading her out onto the dance floor, he held more firmly onto her hand. Bringing her out, gently bringing her against his chest as he rest one hand on her side, his other hand holding onto hers still as he moved slowly with her.

"I'm glad you could make it to the party.." Serenity said as they danced, raising her eyes to meet his once again. He watched the gentle blush that spread across her cheeks each time her eyes met his. It was adorable.

"As am I, Princess. Else I would not have gotten the pleasure to meet you tonight." he said, earning an even deeper blush from the girl in his arms.

"Why, Prince Endymion, am I to presume you are trying to woo me? Charm me perhaps?" Serenity asked.

He merely nodded, glancing down at her. "I am. Is that so wrong?"

Shrugging as she leaned up close to him, resting her head on his shoulder. He took in a breath as he felt her head press against his shoulder, holding her a bit more against him.

"No...no its just perfect." she said, making him smile.

Serenity leaned against him softly until he spun her skillfully, her long white dress flowing out around her as she spun. Smiling, she looked up at his face and returning to his arms. They danced so perfectly together, they looked so perfect. She fit perfectly within his arms, and he loved it. He loved how her cheeks flushed a little each time he pulled her close, the way she laid her head on his shoulder. He felt almost in heaven.

Wow, was he really thinking like this about a young woman in his arms? He'd never thought about how perfectly a woman felt in his arms, never thought about how he wanted to hold her there for the rest of their lives. It almost felt like love at first sight, even though Endymion was not a man who believed in such things.

It almost reminded him of the old, old myth of the Moon Goddess and the Earth Shepard. Shaking his head as he thought of the age-old story of the goddess of the moon falling in love with an Earth Shepard. Selene, the goddess of the Moon had seen the shepherd Endymion at night and went to Zeus to ask for the man to have eternal youth and beauty. Endymion slept for eternity in a happy sleep, dreaming as though he held the moon in his arms.

He, Endymion, had been named after the shepherd in that story. And it truly felt like he was dreaming, holding the very essence of the moon within his arms as he danced with Serenity. Could he be dreaming? Dreaming of holding the beautiful moon in his arms?

No, he wasn't dreaming, this was reality. It felt too real having her close to him.

Blue eyes slowly looked up at his and a curious smile formed on Serenity's gorgeous face as she watched his face. "What are you thinking of?"

Endymion chuckled, shaking his head. "Something stupid."

But, that explanation would not satisfy the princess. "What could be stupid if you're thinking of it? Tell me, please?" she asked sweetly.

And then he knew he could not deny her a single wish. Sighing, he nodded, looking down at her. "Just about a myth from my planet from which I was named. About the Goddess Selene falling in love with the shepherd Endymion."

"Ahh, the story that Selene fell in love...went to Zeus to make Endymion immortal and he slept for eternity. I know the myth of Selene very well." she said, looking up at him with a small smile on her lips. "Seems fitting."

It was his turn to blush at her words, nodding a little. "It is fitting, very fitting."

She giggled at his face, leaning up close to him. "Tell me, Prince Endymion...are you my shepherd from Earth?" she asked sweetly.

He only smiled a little, bringing her up close to his chest and leaning down a little to her. "If you are my goddess from the Moon." he whispered, making her flush a deep shade of red.

When he leaned to kiss her, she leaned back, shaking her head and leaning her head to one side. "Mm, no no, it won't be that easy, Endymion." she said sweetly, looking up at his face.

A smile spread across his lips, realizing she wouldn't be that easy to win over. He would have to work to win this princess's heart. Usually it was so easy for him to get with a woman, they seemed to love his blue eyes, his looks, his status as the next in line for the throne to Earth. But, Serenity seemed like a breath of fresh air in that sense.

Slowly she leaned back from him as the dance ended, reaching to take his hand. "Come. This party is for the adults. Its boring." she suggested. Turning and starting to walk towards a set of double doors.

And, he followed her. "I agree with you there. But where else will we go?"

"You ever been to the moon?" she asked as she walked.

"No. This is my first time."

A smile plastered on her lips as she opened the set of doors, walking outside and into the hallway. "Well, you're in for a surprise then. Our moon is beautiful."

Looking down at her as he followed her, chuckling a little. "Oh, it really is. Just like its princess."

Glancing at him with a blush and a soft smile, she shook her head. Starting to walk along the hallway as she held his hand gently. She just smiled happily, a very carefree smile that he already admired.

Walking with him out to the gardens. Opening the glass double doors as she let his hand go, walking outside just in front of him onto the small patio. A path lead out along the luscious flowers of the garden of the moon kingdom. She continued to smile, closing her eyes and breathing in the air deeply. The smell of the flowers were strong even there, but they were beautiful.

Flowers of all different shades of pinks and yellows spread out along the ground, the pathway leading towards a grand fountain. The sky of the moon kingdom was different than that of Earth. There were no clouds, just clear stars littering the skies with a beautiful view of earth. Soft hews of pinks and purples streaked through the sky as you stared at it, each star twinkling brilliantly amongst the darkness.

It was darker on the moon than it was on Earth, but it was oddly illuminated at the same time. Illuminated by the brightness of the kingdom itself, it seemed.

Serenity turned to look at him and smiled. "Beautiful, isn't it?" she asked sweetly. Picking up her dress and moving along the path towards the fountain. She glanced back at him before playfully allowing herself to fall amongst the flowers, laying her arms out to either side as she smiled, looking up at the sky.

He nodded gently as he watched her. "It truly is..." he whispered. Walking towards her, watching her plop down and chuckling as he looked down at her. "Comfortable?"

Her eyes turned up to his, a sparkle illuminated within her eyes that could rival the very stars in the sky. "Very." she said. Moving to sit up, she reached to take Endymion's hand, playfully pulling on it to tug him down. Tugging him down to lay next to her, she smiled, giggling a bit. "See?"

A small yelp came from his lips when she pulled him down, laughing as he laid there, looking over at her. "Its...different than the Earth, thats for sure."

Looking up at him, smiling a bit as she seemingly tried to search his eyes. "What is Earth like?"

Shrugging a bit, he glanced at her as he leaned to lay on his side, propping himself up on one elbow. "Well, our sky is blue, with fluffy white clouds in it, and the sun. You can see some stars at night, but not a lot...not nearly like this."

"A blue sky?" she asked, blinking curiously as she leaned up on her own elbows, still laying on her back and looking up towards Earth. "Mm, it looks blue. I wonder what its like to be there, on that planet. Or on any of them, really. Some of my friends are princesses of other planets...and I'm just curious. What are the skies and gardens like in other places? Like Mercury? Or Mars? Or Earth?" she asked, closing her eyes halfway, seemingly deep in thought.

"Mmhm, very blue." he answered, watching her. "Well, maybe you'll see them one day."

She shrugged, sighing a little as she kept her eyes glued to the blue planet off in the distance. "Perhaps. I feel like I won't though. I just...I just have this weird feeling that I'm not long for this world. That I'll die here on this planet. I dream about it sometimes...about running towards something that ultimately kills me..." she whispered in a somber tone.

He didn't like her tone at all, and he shook his head. Reaching over, resting one hand on her cheek and bringing her face to look at his. Staring deep in her eyes, he smiled. "Princess Serenity, I promise you that you will see those planets. You will be long for this world. I'll see to it. I vow to protect you with my very life, my princess.." he said.

Seeing her blush as he stated that, he didn't even realize what he was saying until he'd said it. Had those words really come from his lips? Regardless, he meant them, every word of them.

She smiled lightly at him. "You mean that...don't you?"

"Every word.." he whispered.

Slowly she leaned up to meet her lips with his, letting her eyes fall closed as she met him in a very gentle kiss. The first time her lips had ever touched his, and it felt like an explosion of fireworks underneath his skin.

His eyes closed as one hand moved to rest on the side of her neck and he leaned to return her gentle kiss. Her skin felt like silk it was so smooth, and her lips were gentle and wonderful against his own.

Tilting his head to one side to slightly deepen the kiss, his tongue slipping out to lick her lips to seek entrance. But, the entrance he sought was not granted. Slowly she leaned back from the kiss, giving him a sweet smile as she looked up into his eyes. One small hand slid down to rest on his chest overtop of his heart. He was sure she could feel how fast it was beating at the idea of having her lips pressed close to his.

"Serenity..." he said in a soft voice, opening his eyes halfway to look up at her.

"I like you, Endymion...I really do." she said, a blush spreading across her cheeks.

"And I, you, Serenity."

After he spoke, slowly he laid back, bringing his arm around her shoulders and lightly pulling her down into his side so her head lay on his shoulder. Looking up at the sky with a smile on his face. "I could lay here forever..." he whispered. And it was oddly true, he felt content with her snug next to his side, her long blonde hair in its pigtails, strands fallen against him.


Darien tossed in his sleep a little as he remembered this. The first time he'd kissed Serenity had felt like the entire world had been blocked out. For those few moments it'd just been the two of them. He loved her so, so much.

But the thing that haunted him the most was the look in his sweet Serenity's eyes the moment they both died. When they were whisked from that life.

He saw those eyes as he slept. Those eyes haunted his dreams. So much emotion she could show him, from love, to hope, and even pain.

Sitting up in his bed, sweat dripping from his skin as he breathed hard, his heart racing in his chest. His heart raced so much he thought it'd burst as he remembered his princess. No longer did he dream of her begging him to find her, but he dreamt of their life together. Of the small smiles that were solely his, of the look on her face when he brought her to Earth for the first time.

One hand moved up to brush through his hair and he looked towards the clock. It wasn't morning, but it was 2am. Great, he needed to sleep.

Plopping back on the bed, he stared up at the ceiling, closing his eyes halfway. "Serenity..." he whispered, thinking about her face. Not just her face, but Serena's, Sailor Moons. A smile pulled at his lips as he chuckled.

"You've been under my nose the entire time, princess..." he said with a sigh, closing his eyes. Maybe he could actually get some sleep. That was the goal, though he doubted it'd work. If he actually got an hour of real sleep he'd be happy. But every time he closed his eyes, she haunted his dreams.

He could even remember what she smelled like. She smelled like flowers, moon flowers, roses. Her smile was so sweet and soft as she looked at him. Serenity would have made the most amazing Queen of Earth.

People now don't even remember the moon kingdom. People of Earth believe the moon kingdom is from fairy tales, myths. They don't even realize their own history, that their planet would have been forever linked to the moon through their marriage. Human history restarted after the collapse of the moon kingdom, and thats the history the people of Earth knew today.

Shaking his head, it was useless trying to sleep. Moving to stand up, he walked to the balcony, sliding open the door and stepping out into the crisp night air. Stepping up to the railing, he leaned against it and looked up at the shimmering moon in the sky.

"How many times did I look at this same moon and think of you..." he whispered in thought. After he'd met Serenity, he'd spent many nights staring at the moon, knowing the love of his life was safe and sound on that planet, the light in the nights sky.

Running his fingers through his hair, he gripped it slowly as he looked down at the street below. "I'll save you, Serena...I promise." he said softly.


A/N: Short chapter, I know. But, I wanted to get it up for everyone. I hope you enjoy it! :-). Read and review, let me know what you think!