Author's note: I'm sorry for not updating I've just been in a really deep funk and to be honest I wouldn't even be writing this chapter yet without the encouragement and help from Johnnycakes 11. Also I known this is a really short chapter but, I really needed to get something out

Leo's POV

I really think spanking Mikey was a mistake. We are being hypocrites we keep saying we are going to treat him like his physical age but, I would never let Raph spank a 15 month old or 16 month old. I think I need to have a talk with Raph and Donnie on how to assess this situation.

"Raph, Donnie can I talk to you for a second,"I yell upstairs. They were lying Mikey down for a nap. I hear them clank down the metal stairs trying to be quiet but, not succeeding. They come into the living room and I motion for them to sit down.

After sitting down Raph growls out still aggravated, "What do you want fearless?"

"We need to talk about Mikey. Number 1 NO SPANKING. I was thinking if we absolutely need to punish him we do things like timeouts. We do need to understand what he is going through and respect that he may overreact a little bit," I pause waiting for retaliation. I didn't get any mostly because Raph seems interested so I continue, " The other thing is we need to get back to training. Now Mikey obviously can't train. So I suggest we put something like a playpen in the dojo so we can watch him while training"

"That works well because a few hours ago April dropped off an old playpen that was her cousins. I can set it up next to the tree in the dojo and we can start training again today. I have a feeling that a tantrum is coming on so do you guys want to explain to Mikey when he wakes up what's happening and I'll set it up," Donnie says supporting my idea's.

(Magical Norman Time Skip)

Raph's POV

I hear shuffling from the room Mikey's in. I sigh standing up from the couch. Donnie has had it set up for a while. I shake Leo's shoulder because he decided to take a little nap of his own.

"Hey Fearless get the hell up," I growled out and started towards Mikey upstairs. I slowly creek the door open to find Mikey on his knees with his forehead against the bars. He looks up at me with his freakin puppy eyes.

"Hey Mikey were gonna start training today," I say. I did the first part Leo can break the news to him. His eyes light up I can't tell him that he won't be training. Now I'm not going soft I just think it's Leo's place to tell him right?

"Waph can you take me out now," he pouts looking bored.

"Come on bud, let's get to the dojo," I say as I lift him out. We walk down the metal spiral stairs. I see Don and Leo head into the dojo. I tickle Mikey underneath his arm and he starts to giggle and squirm. We get to the bottom of the stairs and I set him down so he can stretch for a second. We sat there for about a minute then I picked him back up and brought him in. I purposely tried to avoid the playpen so he couldn't see.

"Leo," I said getting his attention, "I didn't tell him yet." I look towards the playpen hoping he gets the idea. Unfortunately Mikey look that way too.

"No, no no Waph said I was twaining. I'm dwawing da line hewe. I will not sit in a cage while you twain," Mikey said while doing everything in his power to get out of my grip. Leo came and grabbed him from me and immediately set him in the playpen giving Mikey his 'No bullcrap' look.

"Mikey we know what's best for you and you can either sit and be quiet or as punishment we will not acknowledge the fact that you are actually a teenager or the fact you can talk," Leo gives him looking defeated slumps over and closes his mouth. I can't help but, feel bad for the little guy. We get started and I completely forget about Mikey. We trained for about 2 hours.

Then I hear Donnie say, "Mikey's gone." We all turn our attention to the playpen and what do you know Don was right this f****** thing is tipped over, the dojo door is open, and the little guy is no where to be seen.

I turn to my remaining brothers and say, "We are supposed to be ninja's and we let a baby sneak past us."

"In our defence he his a ninja," Donnie says trying to be optimistic.

"That's no excuse, if we have any luck he is still in the lair. GO NOW," Leo orders out. We run out and immediately our hopes are crushed as the door is wide open.