For the first few weeks of knowing each, Emily kept Ali to herself. She mentioned her in passing to her best friends and parents, but mostly spent a huge amount of time with Ali on dates, movie nights, or just talking. It was only the third date when they were established as girlfriends, Ali asking Emily if she would be here's. They were hanging out watching television in Ali's room when Ali said the magic words, "I want to meet your friends." Emily paused the movie, looked at Alison and smiled, "Really?" A nod. "Okay, I would love for you to meet them." Ali knew that Emily's friends were everything to her, and she wanted to be apart of that. She knew that Em and her friends were a package deal and she wasn't prepared to lose Emily or make her chose if she didn't get along with them. Two days later when everyone was free, Emily set up a meet and greet between her girlfriend and best friends at the Cafe. "Alison Dilarentis, these are my best friends, Hanna Marin, Aria Montgomery, and Spencer Hastings. Guys, this is my girlfriend, Ali," says a nervous Emily. Her best friends accepted her whole heartedly and she knew that they just wanted the best for her. So this meeting was a big deal because all these people meant a lot for her and she wanted everything to go well. "It is so nice to finally meet you Alison," says Spencer with her hand extended. "It's Ali and like-wise,"as she accepted the hand. The others fell in line with a handshake and a "Hello, nice to meet you," from Aria and a "Hey, I love your shoes," from Hanna. They all sit and indulge in pleasant conversation like their old friends. They give the ins and outs of Rosewood High with a minor details in their lives such as, family, and how they met. Ali's phone rings. "Oh, sorry babe, that's my mom. I have to go help her repaint the living room because it's an awful color. It was amazing to meet you guys. I have all of your numbers and you have mine so don't hesitate to use it. I'll see you soon," says Ali as she rushes off home. They all call out a bye and Emily turns to her friends, "So, what do you guys think of her? Spencer you go first." Spencer takes a deep breathe,"I like her. She seems sweet and as long as she's good to you, I'm good." The other girls nod in agreement. "Okay Hanna, you're up," says Em. "I love her shows. Great eye for fashion, potentially awesome shopping partner. I'm on board, plus we need another blonde, I'm tired of being the only one," reasons Hanna. The others roll their eyes and giggled at simple but lovable Hanna. "Aria. You were my biggest concern. I really like her and I really want your opinion," says Emily to her longest and closest friend out of the three. Aria takes a look around at everyone's faces, "Honey, my opinion doesn't matter in this situation," Emily face drops, "But as long as you're happy, she treats you right, and she doesn't give me a reason to go all ninja on her, you have not only my approval but my blessing. All any of us want is for you to be as happy as you possibly can be. We love you and want the best for you. Plus you did good, she's really cute," smirks Aria as Emily grins so big and rushes over to give her best friends a hug, "I love you guys! You have no idea." They all laugh and hug back just as fiercely, "We love you too."